P age B7 T he P ortland O bserver • J une 2 5 , 1997 1997 Special Edition R R Colleges put focus on career opportunities Curriculum programs in community development will be expanded at two historically black colleges and universi­ ties, Howard University, Washington, D.C., and Saint Augustine’s College, Ra­ leigh, N.C. The improvements, made possible by grants o f $ 160,000, will improve un- dergraduate education in community de­ velopment, motivate young people to pursue career opportunities in the field, and expand in-service training for current community development practitioners. The grants wereawardedbyNew York- based Seedco and announced during the organization’s lOtli anniversary celebra- tion Thursday evening. Seedco is a pri­ vate, n o n p ro fit c o rp o ra tio n th a t p ro ­ v id e s te c h n ic a l an d fin a n c ia l a s s is ­ ta n ce to c o m m u n ity -b a s e d o rg a n i­ z a tio n s an d lo cal an c h o r in stitu ­ tio n s, su ch as u n iv e rsitie s, c o lle g e s an d h e a lth c a re fa c ilitie s, th a t are w o rk in g in p a rtn e rs h ip w ith their WE’RE EXPANDING BURGER KING communities to revitalize low-asset ar­ eas. “The community development field confronts two related challenges: ex­ panding its focus from improving a community’s physical condition to en­ hancing its asset base; and launching com­ prehensive economic and social revital- îzation programs that can respond to changes created by welfare reform," ex­ plains Tom Seessel, Seedco president. “T he program s developed by these two institutions will help prepare a new generation o f com m unity devel­ opm ent leaders with the knowledge, skills and vision to accom plish these tasks and provide a m odel from which other higher education institutions can create their own program s,” Seessel said. According to a report by the National Congress for Com munity Economic Development, the community develop­ ment field is a growth industry. Oprah jumpstarts careers For 53 years, the Oregon Museum o f Science and Industry has sparked imaginations and created excitement about learning. There is new excitement in the air as we host the A T & T Giants of the Gobi and plan for the next blockbuster exhibits and educational programs We are now hiring for the following positions: IN THE PORTLAND/VANCOUVER AREA O prah W infrey will serve as n a­ tional spokesperson for a program that provides academ ically talented m inority students w ith access to the > Information Scirnc* Hall - Lead Educator. Responsible for staffing and program development for the computer and electronics labs. Facilitates the visitors' science education expenence in the labs and with exhibits. Manage projects and programs pertaining to information science education. Provides workshops for teacher in Internet use in the classroom Req : BA in science, education, communication or related field of study; 2+ yrs supervising volunteers nation's top colleges. . T o underscore her com m itm ent, W infrey contributed $1 m illion to the ongoing w ork o f A Better Chance. V irtu ally all o f th e p ro g ra m ’s graduates go on to college and today nearly 9 ,000 alum ni have careers that range from journalism to law and m edicine, from public service and and/or staff, project management > ( ustodians/Housekeepers; 3 position, night shift. Maintain the building tor staff & visitors. Req.: willingness to learn cleanliness standards at OMSI, pnor • Starting Salary $23,500-$27,000 • Bi-Annual Salary Increases experience a plus ►Traveling Exhibits: The F-T Exhibit Technician provides maintenance, repair and technical support for OMSI's traveling exhibitions, including design/fabncation o f cabinetry, mechanical, electronic, pneumatic, and hydraulic components, maintaining quality presentation standards Req : 4+ yrs exp. in exhibit fabrication, maintenance and repair, warehouse exp. preferred. business to the arts. “This enterprising organization has show n how you can m ake a real d if­ ference in a ch ild ’s life and has sim ­ ply captured m y heart," W infrey said. “A B etter C hance is thoughtful in its approach, im aginative in its pro­ gram m ing and im pressive in its re­ sults. W hile 1 have had a relationship with A Better C hance since 1989, I’m increasing my involvem ent now because o f the grow ing need to ex ­ pand the kind o f services it offers," ► Marketing Promotions/F.vents Coordinator: Develop and coordinate science-oriented special events with Community Events Coordinator. Initiate and implement promotions for all museum attractions. Req.: B S. or B A. in Marketing or Communications. Two years experience in promotions and/or • Quarterly Bonus Plan special events management. Find out more about each opportunity by visiting our web site at http://www.omsi.edu and calling our job hotline at (503) 797-4665 Apply at: 1945 SE Water Ave, Portland. A n EEO employer. • Medical, Dental, Vision • 401K, Retirement she said. • Sunriver Vacation Condo GROCERY • Great Advancement Opportunities Send resume to, or complete an application at: Safeway, Inc. (S) Employment Opportunities For Our Oregon and Southwest Washington Stores SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG THE WESTWIND GROUP Attn: Denny Wilson 1410 SW Jefferson Portland, OR 97201 We are accepting applications for all positions for our various Safeway Stores. Drug Screen is Mandatory For All New Employees Equal Opportunity Employer Customer Service Oriented People Are Encouraged to Apply Employees Can Develop As Rapidly As The Technology. East Portland 1-503-771-5054 West Portland 1-503-692-5829 Salem 1-503-362-4167 Vancouver 1 -503-0287-1550 Please call one of our hiring offices for further information about employment. All positions are part time and require nights, holidays and weekends. Competitive benefits package including: Medical, Dental, and Vision, Vacation, 40IK Program and Retirement. __________ ____________________We did. U S Bank is progressive by nature, and by design It's evidenced by our state-of-the-art Columbia Center, where we house the leading-edge information systems and breakthrough communications networks today's best IS professionals want to get their hands on Couple this with our relaxed, team-onented environment that encourages individual achievement, as well as free parking and an on-site fitness center, and you get an unbeatable environment that delivers rapidly growing technology- and professionals. Currently, our Business Systems D e v e lo p m e n t G ro u p has the following exciting opportunities available IMS DATABASE ANALYST Requires 5 years' experience in an IM S development environment (as a Programmer or Database Analyst), including design, maintenance, operations support, recovery and management o f databases. INTERNET DEVELOPER In this senior position, the selected individual w ill work with a team to support and enhance the U S. Bank Internet Web Site and related Internet, as well as work in the general client development environment Proficiency in Visual Basic, M S S Q L and PowerBuilder is essential, as is 5 years' experience in a client-server and L A N /W A N development/support environment 2 years experience with H T M L , C G I, Java, Pearl, T C L , and SQL Server is required, as is 1 year expenence installing, supporting and administering a Web Server (Microsoft preferred) along with a proven background in designing and developing Intranet appli­ cations. SYSTEMS ENGINEERS Some positions require, but are not limited to, knowledge o f IB M 30XX mainframe; C O B O L ; MVS/JCL; V S A M , C ^ S ; Assembler; P C /L A N systems; and T S O Some positions may also require a thorough understanding o f at least one of the fol­ lowing skills/applications: IRS Checkfree applications; AFS commercial loans; Remote Banking; Access Card applications; exception item processing/check processing; and installing vendor packages Banking experience is a plus We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits. For prompt and confidential consideration, please send your resume to: U S Bank, Hum an Resources, Attn Roy, 17650 N E Sandy Blvd . Portland. O R 97230. D rug screening required We are an equal opportunity employer I BANK. JohLine: (800) 780-14)8 • T D D /T T Y (Í03) 222-1249 • http://www.ushanh.com Without you, there’i no us." M A R R IO T T H O TE L Guest Services * Housekeeping Administrative Assistant * Security Officer Cooks * Housekeeping Please call our 24-hour Job Hotline—499-6334 for an update of our current openings! WE OFFER GREAT BENEFITS, COMPETITIVE WAGES AND AN EXCELLENT WORK ENVIRONMENT! PLEASE APPL Y IN PERSON in the Human Resources Office back side of the hotel: Portland Marriott Hotel 1401 SW Front Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 F o r M o r e M a r r io tt i areer ( o p p o rtu n ities: 1 (888) 4-MARRIOTT Call (503) 288-0(133 To tdrertise In All qualified applicants will be subject to drug screening as part of the hiring process. (The P o rtla n d (Oh 9 er Her EEO/AA M/F/VZD »