J une 25, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 BEAVERTON GETS READY TO PARTY! Lou Rawls stars Curtis Salgado brings the b lu es to life Friday, Ju n e 2 7 at 1 0 Safer neighborhoods sought by president Officer next door program offering police 50 percent discounts on housing President Clinton cheered the nation's mayors Monday by declar­ ing "our cities are back" and an­ nouncing modest initiatives to make Americans feel safer in low- and moderate-income urban neighbor­ Legenday voice headlines Taste of Beaverton hoods. The centerpiece was the “officer next door" program, offering police 50 percent discounts on 2,000 gov­ ernment-owned homes, particularly in large cities with high crime rates. The aim is to increase the visibility of police in troubled areas by mov­ ing them into long-vacant homes. "It will be some of the best money the federal government ever spent, Clinton said in a speech to the U S. Conference of Mayors. The president also promised to give first-time home-buyers a $200 COME SEE THE BEEPER MAN AT Tom Grant brings m usical magic to the stage on Sunday at 4 p.m. Stage and the Com m unity N ew s­ papers Fam ily Stage. Dave Mason, form erly of T ra f­ fic and Fleetwood Mac and fresh o ff the Ringo Starr tour, w ill kick o ff the Friday N ight Party Hot newcomers from South­ ern C a lifo rn ia , C e c ilia Noel & the W ild Clam s, w ill rock the park on Saturday night with their high energy funk and salsa mu­ sic. For the younger set, there'll be m agic shows, clow ns, pup­ pets, and other wonders o f the U S W'est Dex C hildren s The­ ater stage. The Taste of Beaverton is held at G riffith Park at H ighw ay 217 and the B e a v e r t o n -H ills d a le H igh w ay. For inform ation call 778-581 I Get ready to party! It s time for the 1997 M ille r G en u in e Draft Taste o f Beaverton! Produced by the Beaverton Area Cham ber o f Com m erce and more than 500 volunteers, the June 27-29 event offers fun and entertainm ent. H eadlining this year’ s extrava­ ganza is Lou Raw ls. W ith a v o ice as “ sweet as sugar, soft as velvet, strong as steel, and smooth as butter, R aw ls has been e xcitin g au d i­ ences for more than three de­ cades. He perform s Sunday at 5 break on closing costs for living in the most-populous cities and to pro­ vide working families the chance to move from renters to owners with the help of federal vouchers Clinton focused on good news: falling crime rates and unemploy­ ment dow n by a third in the 50 larg­ est cities. "What a long way we have come," Clinton said. "I, wasn't so very long ago that huge numbers ot Americans had just simply given up on the prospect ot our cities. However, Secretary Andrew Cuomo of the Housing and Urban Development Department released a report showing that problems con­ tinue. It said middle-class migration to the suburbs is continuing, city poverty rates are rising, and large cities lost jobs. Music Galore & Galore PaSinfi P ager A ctivation S pecial Activate Any Pager for 3 Mos. Unlimited Calls No Credit C heck $24.95 w/coupon ________ W e B uy U sed P agers & C ell P hones Cell Phone No Gimmicks No Credit C heck Activation Included Only $99.00 w/coupon 3213 N E Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, O R 97212 Mon.-Sun 9-7:30 Si Habla Espanol 503-288-9180 T he K orern A merican A ssociition O of Living Color, 5001 N.E. MIK Blvd., Portland, OR 97211; Phone: 287-7788 Bargain Place Meet, 710 N.E. Killlngsworth Portland, 97211; Phone: 287-8082 Alberta St Market, 915 N.E. Rlberta Portland, OR 97211; Phone: 281-6388 Ainsuiorth Market, 5549 N.E. 30th Rve. Portland, OR 97211; Phone: 281-0479 regon Boston Market, 726 N.E. Killlngsworth Portland, OR. 97211; Phone: 282-6776 Dekum Food Market, 800 N.E. Dekum Owner: Sonny Kim; Phone: 283-1240 Knott St. Grocery, 2709 N.E. 7th Portland, OR 97212, Phone: 284-7490 Mid-K Beauty Supply, 5411 N.E. MIK Blvd. Portland, OR 97211; Phone: 335-0271 Superfine Foods, 4803 N. lombard Portland, OR 97203; Phone: 283-3866 LeAho Chateau, L.T.D. DBA King Food Mart 3510 M.l.K. Blvd., Portland, OR 97212 Phone: 281-0357 C.L Inc.; DBA Prescott Corner Moket 1460 N.E. Prescott, Portland, OR Phone: 284-7418 J’s Food Mart, 3275 N.E. Killlngsworth Portland, OR 97211; Phone: 281-8489 W e fìppReciflTe Y our BusiNess find S upport T hank Y ou