/ i * -5.* I P age A4 J une 18, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver Help us pay our way to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans! Tourney features celebrities Some locally famous names are included in the lineup for players in the 16th annual Retired Senior and volunteer program (R S V P ) Jim Chriss Memorial G o lf Tournament Friday, June 20, at Green Meadows G o lf Course. Sonny Six-Killer, former Univer­ sity o f Washington Husky quarter- ing coffee and doughnuts, refresh­ ments on the course, g ift bag, buffet lunch and a chance to w in prizes. Golfers o f all ages are invited Local business are encouraged to compete against other business teams. The tournament is a benefit for RSVP For more details or to sign up a team call RSVP at 696-8221 back and Michael Thompson, com­ m entator fo r K F X X Raido and former Trail Blazer and l aker bas­ ketball player, w ill participate in the tournament The event is a four-man scramble with a shotgun start at 8 p.m. The fee is $65 per person or $260 per four­ some. Fee includes g o lf cart, morn­ 1 Sturgeon Festival at W ater C enter Start o ff the summer season at Vancouver’ s Sturgeon Festival: A Celebration ofC olum bia River Eco­ systems on Saturday, June 2 1, from 10 a m at Vancouver’s Water Re­ sources Education Center, 4600 SE Columbia Way. Birds o f prey w ill tly, music w ill play, experts w ill share interesting facts about sturgeon, streams and feeding frenzy. This free event, a first in Vancou­ ver, is sponsored by the C ity o f Van­ couver and the Washington Depart­ ment o f Fish and W ildlife. Togettothe Water Center, fo llo w SR 14 to the Columbia Way exit (# I ). Head east on Columbia Way and continue to the end o f the road past Marine Park. w ild life. Families can enjoy the live entertainment, food and activities. Visitors can take home prizes, crafts and memories o f a day o f fun. A c tiv itie s include e xploring the watery w orld o f fish, turtles, in ­ sects and w ater-loving animals; a water-theme T -sh irt contest; fis h ­ painting; face-painting; red worm com positing; and a gum m y-w orm Concert Features Sounds of Summer The free program includes show tune hits from " A C horus L in e ", "T h e W iza rd o f O z” and "H u n ch b a c k o f N otre D am e.” C oncertgoers w ill also enjoy fa v o rite s such as " 7 6 T ro m ­ bones" and some marches. There w ill be refreshm ents at A c o lle c tio n o f liv e ly upbeat songs characterizes the upcom ­ ing V ancouver Pops Orchestra concert. The m usical extravaganza w ill be held Wednesday, June 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Luepke C enter, 1009 E. M c L o u g h lin B lvd . interm ission . The program is sponsored by the V a n c o u v e r-C la rk C o u n ty Parks and R ecrea tio n D e p a rt­ m ent S e nio r E n ric h m e n t P ro ­ gram. me -P ortland B ELL PEPPER S dark green large size ro» S'! ready to use 6 ox. PKO. ready to eat 00 M USHROOM S PICTSWEET BRAND MINI PEELED CARROTS 16 oz. PKO. 0 98 TROPICAL MANGOS Sliced White •we«» and |ulcy with a peach-like flexh 98 $ 2 for 89 GRANNY SMITH APPLES © large size extra fancy good for eating or for pies Sa*ck)n«w