» • • 1 À T he P ortland O bserver • J une 18, 1997 P age B5 1997 Special Edition R Navy is career launching pad By R.L. Morse Onboard U S S Arctic - A s Ameri­ cans everywhere turn their thoughts to the joys o f summer, many are not fully does the work necessary for damage control, ship stability, fire-fighting and chemical, biological and radiological (C’B R ) warfare defense in the Navy . He also instructs ship personnel in the meth­ ods o f damage control and C B R de­ fense, and repair damage control equip­ ment and systems. “A s the senior damage controlman onboard Arctic, I am responsible for the overalI trainingoftheship's fire-fighting teams," said Fields. “ I love my job." After nearly 20 years o f sea service and innumerable memories and accom­ plishments, the Sailor still holds one particular event close. He said his great­ est ach ievement in the Navy was gett ing promoted to chief petty officer. "After the promotion, m y work be­ came more interesting for me and my responsibility was almost doubled," he said. "Younger and less experienced Teachers of the year Sailors look up to me and respect my knowledge and experience o f seaman­ ship. In the Navy, anchors make people listen and take note.” While a major role o f the N avy is to protect the U . S. from any acts o f aggres­ sion by hostile forces, it also supports U.S. foreign policy during peace-time. Being able to deploy on short notice, fully trained and combat ready, and pre­ pared to operate with joint or combined forces in response to real work contin­ gencies, is the hallmark ofthe Navy and Marine Corps Operational concept "Forward ..from the Sea.” Fields plans to retire in Oregon and work asa state industrial environmental­ ist. Attendance in an alternative high hinh school E n glish class in C a lifo rn ia im proves by 40 percent after the teacher decided to go “ paperless." In W isconsin, a fifth-grade teacher helps her students tutor senior c iti­ zens in word processing sk ills. D e ­ termined to keep her students in school and out o f trouble, an urban m iddle school teacher in W ashin g­ ton voluntarily opens the sch o o l’s computer lab on Saturdays. These talented teachers are am ong 49 K - 12 educators nationwide recognized today as w inners in the 1997 T e c h ­ nology & Learning Teacher o f the Y e a r awards program. The 49 state w inners include six regional finalists who w ill compete for the the national national tirlp nm for title in in th,> the » annual program designed to recogn ize out­ standing K -1 2 teachers and their efforts to create dynam ic learning environm ents for students. This year’s regional winners are: • N o rm a n C o n a r d , U niontow n H igh School, Uniontow n, K a n . • D ian e D oersch , Taft Ele m e n ­ tary School, Neenah, W is. • R o b e rt F ro s tic k , A dam s Ju n io r H igh School, Charleston, W .V a. • G a il L o n g , B la c k fo r d H ig h School, Lo s Gatos, C a lif. • L u c y M ille r, D a v is D rive E l­ ementary School, A p e x, N .C . • p eggy S o o n g -Y a p le e , M ercer M iddle School, Seattle, Wash. w CLEAN RIVERS: Clean rivers and streams begin with each of us. What goes on the ground goes in the water. Here are some easy things you can do to protect your neighborhood stream and our N a vy C h ie f P e tty O ffic e r S t e p h e n F ie ld s d o e s th e w ork n e c e s s a r y fo r s h ip d a m a g e control. aware o f the enormous personal sacri­ fices made by others on their behalf. Gallant men and women step forward from thecitiesandtownsacross America, to carry on a proud tradition o f sentry duty around the world, on land and sea. They stand a steadfast watch, day and night, to assure that the peace and com­ fort o f their families, friends and coun­ trymen on the homefront continue un­ disturbed. N avy C hief Petty Officer Stephen Fields is one o f America’s sons and daughters stand ing vigil over the eastern sea lanes this summer. Die son-in-law o f Anthony Benjamin o f Beaverton, Ore. (97005-07), and Rita Benjamin o f Port­ land, Ore. (97217), he is assigned to the Norfolk, Virginia-based combat sup­ port ship, U S S Arctic, currently operat­ ing in the Mediterranean Sea. A 1977 graduate o f D etro it, Michigan'sMurrayWrightHigh School, Fields chose the N avy as his vehicle to visit countries around the world and experience a variety o f native customs and cultures. “ M y uncle, James Fields, who lives in Detroit, influenced me to join the Navy,” he said. “ I was totally intrigued by h is seastories ofthe 20 years he spent in the Navy.” At Work Personnel Services Scoop up after your pet! Dispose of pet waste in the garbage or flush it down the toilet. □ Properly dispose of used motor oil, paint, and household chemicals. Call Metro for disposal information at 234-3OOO. Don't toss your butts! Cigarette butts and other litter thrown on sidewalks and streets eventually wash to our local rivers and streams. Keep your car tuned and use it less. Oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and heavy metals fall from cars and are washed into our streams and rivers. wwwww XU SXWtMA ‘The service that works for you. ” THE REGIONAL C0ALI1IÜN FOR CLEAN RIVERS ANO STREAMS Portland, OR 97211 Clackamas County Department of Utilities • Gladstone, Happy Valley, Lake Oswego. Milwaukie, Oak Lodge Sanitary District. Oregon City. Rivergrove, West Linn, Wilsonville • City of Gresham. Environmental Services • City of Portland, Environmental Services • Multnomah County, Multnomah Drainage Districts, Port of Portland. Oregon Department of Transportation • Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County (503)282-1511 (503) 282-4032 FAX 823-1266 @W©RK Guest Services * Housekeeping Administrative Assistant * Security Officer Cooks * Housekeeping Please call our 24-hour Job Hotline-499-6334 for an update of our current openings! WE OFFER GREAT BENEFITS, COMPETITIVE WAGES AND AN EXCELLENT WORK ENVIRONMENT! PLEASE APPL YIN PERSON in the Human Resources Office back side ofthe hotel: Portland Marriott Hotel 1401 SW Front Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 INTERVIEWING TIMES: Tuesday 1:00-5:00pm Wednesday l:00-5:00pm Thursday 9:00am-12noon All qualified applicants will be subject to drug screening as part o f the hiring process. EEO/AA M/F/V/D You can help protect your local stream, wetland and rivers by stenciling the message "Dump No Waste, Drains To Stream" at your neighborhood storm drains. To learn more contact: 4749 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. MARRIOTT HOTEL Sweep driveways, patios, and sidewalks clean instead of hosing them off. Is Your Future With Standard? We need people with a wide range o f skills and talents. I f you 're looking fo r an equal-opportunity employer that offers great benefits and competitive wages, take a look at Standard Insurance Company. Call our job hotline at 503-321-6736. 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