P age B? J une 18, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver Fellowship, the Allen Temple M ale C h o m ^ a ^ M a r a n a th a M ale Fe" ° WSh'P M issionary B a ptist Church, 4 0 0 9 N. M issouri. The sp e cia l w orship fe atured (above) the M ale Choir o f Photos by Mark Washington Portland First Church of the Nazarene will present Rejoice!, a six voice musical ensemble from Northwest NazareneCollege, Nampa, Idaho, in a concert of contem­ porary Christian music on Sunday evening, July 6th at 6 pm. The free concert is part of Rejoice’s 10 week summer tour to churches and youth camps throughout the Pacific Northwest. First Church of the Nazarene is located on the Sunset Highway at the Sylvan exit. I he public is invited. Call 297-6100 for more information. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Juneteenth Celebration Dear Friends; On behalf o f the African American Ancestral Association. The Black American Freedom Trail, Comfort Care Drummers and Dreamers, and the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Sculpture Project, we are writ,ng to request a contribution from your organization fo r an inspiring event, edifying to our community. Tastor appreciation at Atteri Temptt The A lle n Tem ple C hristian Methodist Episcopal Church is spon­ soring an appreciation for our Pas­ tor, Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes on June 22, 1997 at 4.00 p.m. Pastor Haynes come to Allen Tem ple from Tulsa, O klahom a where he was Senior Pastorof Holsey Chapel Christian Methodist Epis­ copal Church. However, he is originally from Beaumont, Texas and has lived and worked professionally in Tyler, Dal­ las, and Ft. worth Texas. He was assigned to this charge in November o f 1996 by our Presiding Bishop E. Lynn Brown. Since that time, Pastor Haynes has had a tremendous impact on the Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Allen Temple Church and commu­ nity with his preaching, teaching and organizational skills. Congregation merger On June 22nd a historic event w ill take place in the Irvington Com­ munity. The Congregations o f Mt. Zion Baptist Church, which is A fr i­ can American and Northwest Bap­ tist Church, which is White w ill merge. Rev. Percy N. Manuel Sr. is pas­ tor o f Mt. Zion Baptist Church, and Rev. Troy L Smith is pastorofNorth- west Baptist Church. Northwest Baptist Church is in­ volved in S A F E, (setting Addicts Free Internally) Ministries, a M inis­ try reaching out to addicts and the emotionally unstable. Mt. Zion Bap­ tist is actively involved in reaching the Irvington Community and is a church were the word is taught, the gospel is preached, and Christ Jesus is the center o f attraction. Mt. Zion Baptist Church is lo­ cated at 831 NE Fremont, and the morning worship service is at 11.00. Please jo in us on June 22nd for this special occasion. Church barbecue Saturday S t Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church, 120 N.E. knott, hosts its annual Men’s ( lub Barbecue Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ribs, chicken and hot link sandwiches will be served. Juneteenth, the African American Emancipation Proclamation holiday, was brought to Portland in the 4 0 's by the .si If-same organizer o f today s event It was first celebrated during an eleven-minute break over the mike at the shipyard, and has continued to grow each year into the neighborhood festival it is today. The Passage Over is a memorial observance o f the passage o f the ancestors (the Middle Passage) from Africa to the many countries and islands o f the New World. His professional experience, hon­ ors and awards, organizations and associations are many, but the one we would like to mention is that He is Founder and Chairperson o f the Resurrection Prevention, Interven­ tion and Support Group Drug Abuse M inistry. A group has been formed at the Allen Temple Church and is available to the community. We are happy to invite you to come to help us celebrate this special time for our Pastor, Rev Dr LeRoy Haynes on June 22, 1997-4:00P M. at the Allen Temple Church, 4236 N.E. 8th Avenue, Portland. Oregon, Phone 287-0261. On Sunday, June 22, 199 at 2 00PM, we will host a celebration encompassing both o f these traditions, beginning at Lutheran Inner-City Ministries and culminating (after a traditional march) at Bethel AME Church Proceeds from this event will go to the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Sculpture project and to the establishment o f our Black Museum . l.s- Juneteenth approaches, we would also like to reiterate our thanks to you, our friends. At a time when we remember our foremothers and forefathers, it is altogether fitting that we do not forget - proper that we do remember - those who have always supported us. Ite also give honor at this time to those who have provided our fiscal agency fo r many years, Fellowship o f ( hristian Believers - f ormerly Faith Tabernacle Council o f Churches - and Bethel AME Church. In the words o f our brother - who shall remain nameless in honor o f our ancestors - as he led the march at the first Passage Over; Cull "What does Juneteenth mean to m e? ” Response: “We survived the Middle Passage!” a b ri Cox Funeral Home Inc. (503) 281-4891 A.A. COX, SR. Mortician & Funeral Director THE LARGEST, M O ST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager J u n e IO t h r o u g h J u n e 2 4 , 1 9 9 7 MAILER SALE! JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director 30% OFF The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can be made easier if you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. Everything in the store* ' B u tterick 6Ó % Ó F F ¡ ■ Patterns • Vo*MBrl06/24»7 L 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 Tickets are $5 per dinner. C om e Sec Q u ilte r. Show b y D oheny PubU cH ons « For more information, contact .lames Walker at 638-8901. Dtaptey 15 SPECIAL SALE Tort band cetebrates worship The Full Gospel Pentecostal As­ sociation is celebrating its 28th A n ­ nual National Convention this week in Portland. Spirit-filled seminars and evening evangelistic services w ill highlight the conference through Sunday. This year’s theme is “ Upholding the Integrity o f the M ission." Key­ note speakers include Bishop Ken­ neth Moales o f Bridgeport, Conn., evangelist Judy Shaw ofSioux Falls. S.D. and Pastor Michael P. W ill­ iams o f Houston, Texas. Activities are held at the Portland Conference Center, 300 N.E M ult- nomah. A wonderful celebration o f w or­ ship and praise, preaching, singing, workshops a luncheon cruise , com- m unity service, hospitality recep- tion and other fine activities are planned. Besides having a good teaching and dynamic powerful preaching, you can also look forward to meeting and networking with new people For m ore in fo rm a tio n c a ll Emmanuel Temple Church 287- 2223. 'a y Jim Kinnerman o f Panama C ity, Florida - born November I0, 1935 passed away in El Salom, Saudi Arabia - June 4, 1997 Mr. Kinnerman was the husband o f Heloyce Johnson Kinnerman - Father o f two sons, Eric Kinnerman, U.S. Arm y, Ft Riley, Kansas and Craig Kinnerman o f Panama C ity Florida, I daughter in law and 2 grandchildren Interment - Willamette National Cemetery. Portland, Oregon - June 17th, 1997. Any remberences should be forwarded to - Boy Scouts o f America, c/o Shirley Whittle, 620 Colonial Drive, Panama C ity Florida, 32404 2 i) \v s o \ n - n \ i ; 20 x 21 40 % OFF ' JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION B L im it e d to s to c k on h a n d ! Saturday June 21st, 1997 Noon to Midnight at 50 OFF • V o g u e • M c C a ll» - S tm p lk try • B u rd a W li o i O u r 7 3 ,0 0 0 so . ft. fa c ility h a a a 4 0 ,0 0 0 aq. ft. r e ta il d e p a r t m e n t a n d 3 3 ,0 0 0 s q . ft. w h o lo a a lq J o p o r tm o n t. ? ur Ó M Blon c a rd o . W . also stock a I b ra n d n a m e mftBW B Including: as so rtm en t of Music - Dancing OWrwy KMbba w W r la t iH t w A trim « A rts & Crafts Food - S oft Drinks BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL! M IN S Batting DMC«. T. * r d > r ^ y i-lÿ y *> l-y».ay.>ay< * * " " pn M o u S , d b couM nl nr m e ted domi I n , 4 d ( H 7 S m M W RETAIL - WHOLESALE 7 0 0 S.E. 122n d Ave. P o rtla n d , O R 252-9530 CLUB. IN C . Visit o u r wrhoite at w w w febrfedepot com l-B O O -392 -53 76 ,<> n . nSv/ I W « w ho lesale a il these Items by th e full box e r b olt a t discounts fro m 46% to 96% •*» *ho suppested ro ta li price. W o h o tte r VISA. «AastorCard, BE SURE TO CHECK OURSTORE TOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" A M IR IC A N I ... . H.,.. 1 c / R c t i l l 1 700 SE 122nd A v » . , Portland, OR 252-6267 (North Vancouver & Skidmore) •f. < H it d o o r \ \ .ii i h o u s i S . llc \ ( >\\ ( ) p c | | O N THESE PATTERNS OAME Cascade Plaza I A ,R IC A N M l. F A B R I C ..T ill i 1 r