• *0 - ■H B ol ’ »» J ÜWMWMMi P age A 8 J une 11,1997 • T he P ortland O bserver H ealth ©Science Meningitus targets youth Why Do We Use Drugs? Bacterial meningitis is not solely a childhood disease, but a dispro­ portionate number o f its victims are infants and children. The symptoms and the speed of their onset can strike terror in the heart of a parent. It may happen something like this: A child may have been suffer­ ing from a cold or a sore throat or, perhaps, nothing at all. Suddenly, the youngster is irritable, running a high fever, complaining o f head­ ache, and vomiting. Infants develop an eerie, high- pitched cry. Muscles in the neck and elsewhere may stiffen. The child may become delirious, slip into a coma, or have convulsions. An alarmed parent’s first impulse under these circumstances is to seek emergency medical care. It is pre­ cisely the right response. Without treatment, the disease may be lethal, and the danger increases with youth; a very young child could die within hours of the time the first signs of illness appear. Whenever meningitis is suspected — in a child or adult — the patient should be rushed to the nearest hos­ pital. Before the advent of antibiot­ ics, the vast majority of bacterial meningitis cases, in those ofall ages, proved fatal. Now, with prompt diagnosis and treatment, more than 90 percent sur­ vive; among those who receive timely medical care, the relatively few fa­ talities now occur mostly among the extremely young and the extremely old. Multiple Causes Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes sur­ rounding the brain and spinal cord. Sometimes, perhaps even most of the time, the infectious agent is a virus. Those cases, however, are cause for far less concern than the ones resulting from bacterial infec­ tion. According to experts, there are probably more cases of viral menin­ gitis than bacterial, but many mild cases go undiagnosed and unre­ ported. Bacterial meningitis, how­ ever, is a serious infection for which individuals usually seek medical at­ tention. That serious infection may be caused by any of a number of bacte­ ria. Many people would assume, from its name, that the bacterium called Neisseria meningitidis (also known as meningococcus) is the major cause o f the disease. In fact, it ranks sec­ ond to another organism. The leading cause of bacterial meningitis is actually a strain, type b, o f the confusingly nam ed Haemophilus influenzae (Hib), so called because, when it was first iden­ tified, it was erroneously believed to be the cause of influenza or “flu” (which is actually caused by a virus). These two bacteria, together with the pneumococcus Streptococcus pneumoniae, account for four out of five cases o f bacterial meningitis. "Now, with prompt diagnosis and treatment, more than 90 percent survive; among those who receive timely medical care, the relatively few fatalities now occur mostly among the extremely young and the extremely old. " Diagnosis And Treatment Hospital diagnosis of bacterial meningitis begins with a lumbar puncture (“spinal tap”) to obtain a sample o f the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain and flows down through the spinal canal. Normally clear, the fluid is ana­ lyzed for the presence of bacteria and other evidence o f infection. Samples of blood, urine, and respi­ ratory secretions may also be taken. But since the disease can progress so quickly, treatment — with intra­ venous antibiotics — is started even before any test results are available. Among those drugs currently widely used to treat bacterial menin­ gitis are a class of antibiotics called cep h alo sp o rin s, especially cefo tax im e (C lafo ran ) and ceftriaxone (Rocephin), and various members of the penicillin family. At least a week o f treatment, and sometimes more, is needed. When H. influenzae type b or meningococ­ cal meningitis has been diagnosed, household members and other close contacts may be placed on a short course of prophylaxis (prevention) with the antibiotic rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane). The dread of bacterial meningi­ tis, whatever the cause, is based not only on its reputation as a killer but on the possibility o f neurological complications— lingering deficits that can be especially devastating in infants and children, who are still growing and developing. Those complications may include persistent hearing loss, mental re­ tardation, and recurrent convulsions, and they occur in 20 to 30 percent of those who survive a bout of bacterial meningitis. An additional type of therapy has been proposed for children with bac­ terial meningitis, based on the pos­ sibility of staving off one of these neurological aftereffects. One group of researchers has sug­ gested that adding dexamethasone, a corticosteroid hormone, to the an­ tibiotic treatment may help prevent subsequent deafness. This treatment, however, is controversial Corticos­ teroids are powerful medications that can have serious, adverse side ef­ fects. The Special Hib Threat Over the past few years, there have been about 2,400 to 2,900 cases of meningococcal infection reported annually to the national Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. Some 46 percent to 47 percent are in chil­ dren and teens (who compose 27 percent of the population). These figures show that Hib cases outnumber meningococcal menin­ gitis cases by about 3 to 1. Among small children, the comparative at­ tack rate has been far higher. According to CDC, before the introduction of the first vaccine, 1 in 200 children in the United States developed an invasive Hib infection by the age of 5; 60 percent of those children had meningitis, and 3 to 6 percent died. What causes acne? Pimples. Nearly everyone has suffered through them— some more than others. They are an almost uni­ versal affliction o f adolescence. Even one or two “zits” can cause much posturing and worrying in front of a mirror. A handful may cause panic. And a face full can result in permanent scarring — both of the skin and the psyche. Although acne can’t be cured, it can be treated successfully in the vast majority of people. Some cases, especially the mild types, can be cleared up completely. Vigorous treatment o f the more severe types of acne can help prevent facial scar­ ring. Technically called acne vulgaris, this skin disease affects millions of Americans annually. It can vary from quite mild to extremely severe. About 80 percent of all teenagers develop acne, but the disease may also start as late as age 25 or 30, particularly in women. No one knows for sure exactly what causes acne, or why it usually begins in adolescence. But a number of factors, most importantly heredity, play a role. If a parent had acne, there’s a good chance the child will. Acne develops when the seba­ ceous glands and the lining of the skin duct surrounding hair follicles (pilosebaceous units) begin to work overtime, as they do in adolescence. The glands produce more sebum, making the skin more oily. Normally the lining of the duct sheds cells that are carried to the surface of the skin by the sebum. When the duct is blocked, cells and sebum accumulate, forming a plug (comedo). If the plug stays below the surface of the skin, it is called a “closed” comedo or whitehead. If the plug enlarges and pops out o f the duct, it is called an “open” comedo or black­ head because the tip is dark. This is not dirt and will not wash away. The discoloration is due to a buildup of melanin, the dark pig­ ment in the skin. Pilosebaceous units are found all over the body, but there are more on the face, upper chest, and back, which explains why acne usually occurs in these places. Arthritus pain: causes & relief In many diseases of the arthritis family, a malfunctioning and hy­ peractive immune system is to blame. In the development of many of these diseases, the distinction between the body’s own tissues and those o f a foreign invader (such as a virus or a bacteria) is weakened or destroyed, resulting in misguided immune sys­ tem attacks. Sometimes, as in rheu­ matoid arthritis, researchers now believe that a virus or bacterium can trick the body into launching an inappropriate response through “mo­ lecular mimicry.” Certain bacterial proteins, for example, may mimic the shape or amino acid sequence of other proteins involved in a normal immune response. The result is an aberrant attack that leads to progres­ sive joint destruction, and for some individuals, decades of disability. More recently, researchers have theo­ rized that rheumatoid arthritis may arise from a defect in the central nervous system’s response to inflam- % mation and stress. This theory has not been proven in people. Osteoarthritis, which is also sometimes called degenerative joint disease, is primarily associated with the wear and tear on weight-bearing joints (the hips or the spine) as we age. However, in recent years, scien­ tists have identified at least one ge­ netic link to osteoarthritis and other genetic flaws such as a defect in the way joints fit together, are suspect. Also, increasing evidence has shown that obesity places too much stress on the joints, contributing to the development of this disease. Relieving arthritis pain often in­ volves a combination of exercise, medications, rest, and ways to pro­ tect the joints. Much depends on which type of arthritis is causing the pain, how many joints are involved, how se­ vere the disease is, and the age of the patient. What experts stress most, how- t ever, is that relieving arthritis has the best shot if the disease is caught early. When these diseases are diag­ nosed early, modest exercises can delay long-term degenerative changes and move patients closer to normal mobility and function. Exer­ cises are also important to improv­ ing patients’ mental attitudes. Because early intervention is so important, the Arthritis Foundation, a major voluntary organization de­ voted to arthritis in Atlanta, Ga., lists the following warning signs if they persist for more than two weeks; • Swelling in one or more joints • Early morning stiffness • Recurring pain or tenderness in any joint • Inability to move a joint normally. • Obvious redness and warmth in a joint • Unexplained weight loss, fever, or weakness, combined with joint pain. While the disease o f addiction is complicated, a core issue is that the use of most addictive substances is pleasurable for some period o f time. Not only that, but as anyone who has ever experienced relapse can tell you, the initial use o f a drug or alcohol led to the second use, and then the third use, and so on and so on. We refer to this property as reinforcement. Indeed, this is of­ ten the key element in the persis­ tence o f any addictive behavior. Although the range o f addictive substances includes a variety of different chemicals with different biological activities, it seems that reinforcement, leading to contin­ ued use, is the result o f a common physiology which exists for all drugs o f abuse. To understand how this works, you must know a little o f how the brain works. The brain is bunches of individual nerves that communicate with each other and which are ar­ ranged into distinct areas to serve specific functions. When one nerve communicates with a second, it re­ leases a chemical called a neuro-trans­ mitter into the space between them; this space is called a synapse. The second nerve reacts after its receptor binds to this chemical. Depending on which chemical is released, the activ­ ity of the second nerve can either increase or decrease. All drugs act either by affecting how much of a neuro-transmitter is in the synapse, or interacting directly with a receptor. Whole areas of the brain can be ex­ cited or depressed in this fashion. There is an area of the brain in which increased activity will be per­ ceived as pleasurable. We know that lab animals with electrodes planted in this area o f their brains, giving small electric shocks, will continue to seek this stimulation. They will ignore all other bodily needs such as eating. The pleasure they are appar­ ently feeling reinforces whatever behavior is needed to continue the shocks. This area is called the nucleus accumbans and may be thought of as the pleasure center. Nerves origi­ nating from other areas of the brain project to this area. By releasing a neuro-transmitter called dopamine, these nerves will increase the activ­ ity in the nucleus accumbans giv­ ing pleasure. Almost all drugs of abuse have been implicated in in­ creasing activity in this area. Co­ caine and other stimulants directly increase the amount of dopamine in the synapse and quickly increase the activity of this area. Heroin, pills, alcohol and even marijuana have been shown to increase activ­ ity as well. Research needs to be done to find out how the various drugs do this with the hope that treatments may be developed to block the rein­ forcing properties of drugs. This has already begun with the use of a drug called Revia, which affects the way heroin and alcohol work and is useful in preventing con­ tinuing use of these drugs. Yoga as Positive Addiction by L onny J. B rown , P h D The ancient Eastern self-care discipline of yoga sure has come a long way in a short time in America. Not so long ago the word “yoga” automatically evoked images of eccentric gurus or hippies performing bizarre con­ tortions in pursuit of spiritual bliss. But today, world- class athletes, media celebrities, harried housewives and business people are all discovering the many health benefits o f this gentle art in our competitive and stressful society. One very promising development is the use of yoga in therapeutic and recovery settings. Though a rela­ tively new application, rehabilitative yoga is proving to be a highly effective therapy for substance abuse and its related problems. For the recovering addict, yoga offers some distinct advantages: It is low-cost, safe, easy to learn, and requires no special equipment or environ­ ment. Whenever yoga has been utilized regularly in recovery programs, the results achieved have been impressive. For nearly two years, in a class I conducted at Beech Hill — an alcohol rehabilitation hospital in Dublin, New Hampshire — I had the unique opportunity of introducing scores o f recovering alcoholics of all ages and backgrounds to the possibility of a new lease on life through “hatha” yoga, the approach based on stretching, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. Despite the many obstacles that one would expect in such an unlikely setting, the results were most encouraging. The institutionalized alcoholic is a perfect candi­ date for a modified (“E-Z Does It”) beginner’s yoga class. Years of stress and physical deterioration have left his or her body impaired and weak. Muscle tone, concentration and will power are all typically quite diminished. Yoga provides a mild therapeutic move­ ment routine. When performed properly, the benefits can be felt immediately. Upon experiencing the relax­ ation and energy of just one class, patient motivation for self-care often increases. Even minimal effort — a few slow deep breaths, some expansive stretching — creates noticeable corrections, and makes the value of the exercise self-evident. Were this not the case, I’m certain that yoga would quickly prove inaccessible and irrelevant to these over-stressed folks, who often have short attention spans and a conditioned expectation of instant gratification. Magi­ cally, yoga delivers. TRAVEL STOPS 621 S.E. M L K , Blvd. and 620 S.E. 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