Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 1997, Page 5, Image 5

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Sunday African
“ W hen sp id er w ebs u n ite, th ey
can tie up a lio n .”
In the sp irit o f U m oja, T he
B ridge B uilders and the Y M CA
Black A ch iev ers Program is c a ll­
ing on the en tire c o m m u n ity to
help hono r, re c o g n iz e and u p lift
the A frican A m erican high school
g rad u ates from the P o rtlan d m e t­
ro p o litan area.
A ll area re sid e n ts are in v ited
to atten d The First A nnual B lack
B accalau reate on S u n d ay , Ju n e 1
at 7:30 PM in th e U n iv e rsity o f
P o rtland C h iles C en ter.
D u rin g th is s p iritu a l e v e n t,
each participating senior will have
th eir nam e a n n o u n ced alo n g w ith
th eir acco m p lish m en ts and future
M usical selectio n s w ill be re n ­
dered by the Mt. O liv e t B ap tist
C hurch C hosen G en eratio n C h o ir
and the k ey n o te ad d ress is b ein g
delivered by form er Portland P ub­
lic S choo ls S u p e rin te n d e n t, Dr.
M atthew P rophet.
P lease jo in The B lack A c h ie v ­
ers, T he p ro sp e c tiv e G en ts C lub
o f T he B ridge B u ild ers “ R ites o f
Passage: pro g ram and the C lass
o f 1997 as we m ove to w ard u n ity
and com m unity at The Black B ac­
c alau reate.
Y our p re se n c e w ill be a te s ti­
m ony to the A frican A m erican
g rad u ates th at th e co m m u n ity is
pleased w ith w h at they have a c ­
c o m p lish ed th u s far.
For m ore in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t
Fawn M c D an iel-H u d so n at 221 -
A lexis Uwagbae, Grant High School
A lexis’ zest for student government and
travel has played an important role in her
decision to study econom ics and interna­
tional relations at the University o f Oregon
this fall. Alexis is also student body secre­
Adrian Williams, Lincoln High School
Erin M arshall, M arshall High School
A drian’s various hobbies include art,
photography and cycling. She has been very
active in sports throughout high school, both
in cross-country running and as a nationally
ranked pole-vaulter. Adrian was an exchange
student in Thailand.
A standout volleyball player, Erin also
enjoys writing, stained-glass art and volun­
teering in her leisure time. Both student
body president and National Honor Society
president, Erin plans to enter University o f
Oregon in the fall.
Kerry Lee, S t. M ary's A ca d em y
S ta c e y Thonstad, W ilson High School
D anielle Gritzmacher, Central Catholic
Robyn Brently, C leveland High School
Kerry ’ s love for swimming has had a strong
influence on her interests. She is captain o f the
varsity swim team and St. Joseph’s CY O swim
team coach. Kerry’s love for the water aptly
complements her choice to pursue a career in
marine animal care.
Student Body Treasurer Stacey is also
captain o f the varsity swim team. Model
U nited Nations treasurer and a m ember of
the soccer team. Stacy was the People to
People ambassador to Great Britain and
Danielle likes to spend her free time doing a
variety of activities, such as running, writing
poetry, snowboarding, water-skiing and photog­
raphy. Her scholastic achievements include par­
ticipation in student ministry, peer mediators and
work as a Ram Ambassador
Dance club member for four years, Robyn
has also been a member o f the softball team,
a capella choir and Clevelandaires. This
fall’s student body president, Robyn spends
her free time drawing, painting, hiking,
camping and writing.
H ea th er M arshall, B e n so n High S c h o o l
National Honor society secretary Heather
is an enthusiastic m em ber o f Benson Band,
Clarinet Q uartet and Health Occupations
Students o f America at school. Heather in­
tends on attending a four-year school to
focus on science.
Rose Court Members
The eight Rose Court members above were misidentified in last week's
edition. We most sincerely regret the error. All 14 members o f the court
participate in the Queen's Coronation event on Thursday, the traditional kick­
o ff to the annual Rose Festival.
The Distinguished Youth Program
foil need a mortgage.
You don’t have
a big down payment.
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you should
call us.
You’ve found the home you
want. Now you need the
financing. U.S. Bank can
help with flexible terms and
affordable monthly payments
that make buying your first
Eskender Said
African American Valedictorian o f Jefferso n H igh School
home easier than you might
think. We can qualify you for
a loan with a very small
the following Academic Leaders in Multnomah /Clark County High Schools:
down payment— sometimes
Miss Danica Williams - Jefferson
Miss Amonique Brown - Benson
Miss Kiera Garman - Grant
Miss Humu Kim Jahhie - Roosevelt
Miss Adia Ishelle - Marshall
Miss Adrianne Gunn - Cleveland
Miss Adrea Lawrence - Wilson
Miss Nichole Mills - Franklin
Miss Kumba Yambasu- Lincoln
Miss Marquetta Ivons - Madison
Miss. Camille Walker - Barlow
because home buying can be
as little as 1 percent. And
confusing, we offer Home
Buyer Education ('lasses
through our Community
Lending ('enters to help you
better understand how it all
works. We know you have
the freedom to choose any
bank. We want you to choose
Benson - Mr. Zachary Jones
Grant - Mr. Deanthony Hale
Madison -Mr. Alex Coffee
Lincoln - Mr. Arnon Millner
Marshall- Mr. Peter Clarke
Roosevelt - Mr. Latron Chisley
Cleveland - Mr. Benian Nusser
Franklin - Mr. Jason Ford
Wilson - Mr. Waweru Gatimu
Barlow - Mr. Tracey Chapman
Evergreen - Mr. Jason Martin
us. Because we believe the
dream o f owning a home
should be available to
everyone. Call us to make
your dreams come true.
| lls J e
W ithout you. there's no us*
The students listed above are the highest ranking A frican Am erican Seniors from their local
high schools.
Call 503-731-1077
«31997 U.S flank Member FDIC