Ford Appoints Goldsberry to Global Position By Jacqueline Mitchell C u s to m e rs across th e globe w ant good service. M cDonald’s knows that. No m atter where you go in the world, a M cD onald’s meal is the same. Ford iMotor Co. w ants the same thing in its cus­ to m e r service division — consistent perform ance by its dealers in custom er han­ dling, technical training, ve­ hicle rep a ir an d service, whatever the geographic lo­ cation. M indful of w hat he calls the “M c D o n a ld ’s ex p eri­ ence Ron Goldsberry, one of tw o A frican-A m erican vice presidents at Ford, has been charged w ith the global responsibility of bringing Ford's custom er service division up to speed. For Goldsbcrry, the prom otion broadens his range of responsibility. H e has worn former hats as vice president and general manager of Ford’s custom er service division for its N orth American operations. And before his recent appointm ent, he was vice president of the Ford C ustom er Service D ivision, the service arm of Ford s Ron Goldsberry, automotive operations. In the new ly created one of two Afri­ position, Goldsberrv is can-American vice responsible for w orld­ presidents at Ford, wide custom er service activities, m erchandis­ has been charged ing, p a rts sales a n d with the global marketing, and a net­ responsibility of w ork of 12,000 e m ­ p lo y e e s s c a t t e r e d bringing Ford’s worldwide. customer service “T he ownership ex­ division up to perience is im portant and w hat auto com pa­ speed. nies do with that expe­ rience is im p o rta n t," 20 AFRK AN AMERICANS O N WHEELS G oldsberry says. O n e of his goals is “to increase the retention of our service custom ers,” he said, ad d ­ ing that roughly 40 percent will com e back for ro u tin e m ain te­ nance. “We w ant to at least double th at.” Goldsberry says he is looking at a num ber o f ways to improve the retention rate of Ford customers. Cost of service is a major issue con­ fronting all manufacturers. It is still less expensive to have a vehicle ser­ viced by an independent mechanic than by a dealer. “W e are working w ith suppliers to drive down our cost so that we can be more com ­ petitive,” he says. G oldsberrv’s association w ith Ford began in 1983 when Ford purchased Parker C hem i­ cal Co., where he was vice president and general manager. He moved to the custom er service division in 1991 as gen­ eral sales and m arketing manager. Goldsberry, 55, brings a wealth o f experience to the position, and reflects w hat it takes to be a glo­ bal executive. He encour­ ages aspiring executives to learn other languages and to become familiar with oth er cultures. “I speak F re n c h , G e rm a n a n d so m e J a p a n e s e ,” Goldsberry explains. He has lived in Europe and spent considerable time in Japan and Brazil, and has a lot o f experience in deal­ ing with different nation­ alities and cultures. Even though African Americans are moving into the ex­ ecutive offices, Goldsberry believes more needs to be done. “T he rate of progression is not where we would like it to be, but it is increasing over tim e.” He encourages aspiring execu­ tives to learn other languages and to become familiar with other cultures. t ACDelcos been hangin’ with you fo r over 75 years. And in tluit time, we’ve learned the ins and outs of the automotive parts scene like nobody else. So much so that people rank ACDelco as the best brand overall We’ve racked up over 30 lines of dependable replacement parts to help make your car run better and last longer. You'll see the experience we have under a car hood translates into a great experience around your hood. For It's like buying time more info, contact I -800-ACDelco or