Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 1997, Page 22, Image 22

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    © 1996 Ford Motor Company
Car Care Tips
O n e of the most im portant things to
do is to check the coolant in your car’s
engine. It is essential that the proper level
is m aintained at all times, but especiallv
so in hot weather. If your car overheats
because of a lack o f coolant, it may result
in serious (and expensive) engine damage.
T h e assorted rubber belts and hoses
th ro u g h o u t your engine are extrem ely
Your Car
By Marc Battle
For m any people, preparing the car for
sum m er travel merely means giving it a
good wash, wax and vacuum. However, it
is more im portant to make sure your car is
in top mechanical condition to safely make
those trips.
C onsider this: T he hot sun can be just
as cruel to your car as cold temperatures.
So, it you took the time to “winterize’ vour
car, why not “summerize" your vehicle?
Having always been a BMW person, I
enjoyed your piece on the BMW Z3 2.8. I
am the former owner of a BMW 528E and a
320. However, I became turned off from the
high cost of service when BMW began to
introduce new technology. With the Z3.
maintenance is no longer a concern, so I
have come back to BMW. It is a smooth car.
with luxury, and it is affordable. It has a con­
temporary. bold look and is a conversation
piece. I have a Z3 on order packed with all
the power and features I enjoy. I'm looking
forward to top down weather
Antonio Bruton
Accokeek. Md
African Americans On Wheels is long
overdue, much needed in our community
and is receiving rave reviews. You have a
im portant as well. T he tim ing belt m ust
be checked before taking a road trip, be­
cause if it breaks, the car simply will not
Also, the hoses routing fluids through­
out the engine are w orth replacing before
a m ajor drive. At the very least, they
great publication, an impressive, experienced
staff and information that everyone can un­
derstand and use. I wish you much success
and pray that the auto industry understands
that the best African-American consumer is
an informed consumer.
Thank you for a top quality presentation.
Cathy Hughes
Owner & CEO
Radio One
Thank you so much for arranging my par­
ticipation in the ‘For Love of Automobiles" pro­
gram, in which my racing car was taped and
shown on a segment by News Anchor John
Harter, of WJLA-TV News Channel 7 (in Wash­
ington, DC .).
Though I have enjoyed drag racing for
many years, nothing compared with the day
my car was taped at Maryland International
Again, thank you for making this opportu­
nity available to me.
Hilliard Bowman
Quartermasters Racing Team
District Heights. Md.
Editor's note: After WJ LA's John Harter
called us looking for a black race team in the
area to profile in his or,e-hour broadcast, the
Quartermasters were the first automobile lov­
ers that came to mind. The team is doing a lot
of positive things, including involving young
people in motorsports. And. a rem inder —
Don't forget our special issue on blacks in
motorsports will be out this summer1
should be checked tor anv cracks or excess
wear. A weak hose, softened by the sum ­
mer heat and sustaining high pressure, will
leave your engine susceptible to damage
from extremely h ot temperatures.
Finally, your car’s appearance is im por­
tan t and should be m aintained. Besides
normal washing and waxing, it may be wise
to invest in a leather or vinyl protectant.
I hese liquid com pounds will help protect
your seats and dashboard from the harsh
T here are a num ber o f books available
at your local library or bookstore on this
subject. Two popular ones are: “How to
Make Your Car Last Forever” by Jack Gillis,
an d “T h e C o m p le te C o n s u m e r C a r
G uide by M ike Spaniola. Also, check
w ith your local AAA office, inform ation
is often free — even for nonm em bers. But
above all, be consistent in m aintaining
your car. Regular oil changes, lubrications,
and engine inspections are the best way to
make sure your car doesn't spend its sum ­
mer in the repair shop.
W h e re v e r
yo u g o ,
th e r e w e a r e .
With over
5000 dealers
the country,
the help
you need
is never far
Is it R e a l?
To keep your car like new.
our dealerships stock
genuine Ford parts.
Please send your questions or comments
for “4 11 to Jackie Mitchell, 2034 National
Press Building, Washington, D.C., 20045.
I recently went shopping for a new car
and my experiences were quite eye open­
ing. The first dealership I visited was a
Honda. The salesman aggressively tried to
push me into buying a make and model of
car in which I had no interest. He would not
listen to anything I said, and finally got an­
gry when I wouldn't buy a car that day.
While browsing at the Toyota dealership,
a salesman informed me that I would have
to come into the showroom and see his
m anager otherw ise he would get into
trouble. I left dumbfounded.
At Saturn, no one bothered me for 10 to
15 minutes. When a salesman did approach
me. he simply informed me that there were
brochures available, then he gave me his
card. Suffice to say my next car will be a
Kim Frazier
Lanham. Md
Thanks for your wonderful advice on car
care tips for women by Jacqueline Mitchell.
Most of us women drivers know absolutely
nothing about car care. It was very impor­
tant and valuable information. Please tell
me where I can find the book she men­
Jenetta Campbell
Philadelphia, Pa.
Editor's Note: Jenetta. you should find
Everything Women Always W anted to
Know About Cars But Didn 't Know Who To
A sk." at your local book store or library.
Q u a lity C a re
P e o p le .
No one knows
your car better
No one has
a bigger stake
in keeping
you satisfied
Bring your car in
Let us show you.
Start your car with the power
of 250,000 people.
This is Quality Care. All the people at Ford M otor Company and at
Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealers working together to take care of you and
D ro p By.
your vehicle. Just to make sure you feel as good about owning your
Fast Lube
bays at
can change
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Quality Care
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car or truck now as the first day you drove it home.
M a il C a ll.
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In owner surveys, you told
us what you want from a
service department.
Quality Care Standards
were designed to meet
your expectations