CRR COMPANIES LAUNCH SAFETY CAMPAIGNS I * , y#; In response to growing concerns about the dangers airbags pose to children, the Big Three automakers have initiated pro­ grams to educate consumers on ways to keep their children saler while in the car. General Motors Corporation recently un­ veiled its program entitled “Precious Cargo - Protecting the Children W ho Ride With You, which features a color booklet and a 16-minute videotape. Ford, in a team ellort with Sesame Street producer, the Childrens television Workshop, will en­ courage kids to “Buckle up with Big Bird.’’ Chrysler's partnership with leading medi­ cal and educational associations has pro­ duced “The ABCs of Air Bag Safety,” a campaign that advocates the buckling up of children in the back seat whenever pos­ sible. Plymouth V o y a g e r, D odge C aravan, Chrysler Town & Country The granddaddy o f minivans, having fended off competitors from even’ direction, is still the industry’ bench­ mark. Chrysler was the first to offer the optional fourth, sliding door on the passenger side, and among the first to discover new places to insert cup holders. The Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan still have broad appeal among rhe masses. Says AAOU/editor Paul Eisenstein: [It is ] “An affordable way to get into America’s best minivans.” I hrow in ABS and the optional door, and you get “a perfect package at a bargain basement price tag,” he adds. One drawback: I he sluggish 2.4-liter engine offering 150 horsepower. Buyers would definitely want to purchase the peppy, but optional 3.3-liter V6. BLACK CAB TALK RADIO G M AND DISNCV CACATC TCST TRACK AT CPCOT A utoN etw ork, a V ir­ ginia-based Internet pro­ vider, recently launched a radio talk show designed to help African Americans buy au to m o b iles. T he show which currently airs on WOLB-AM in Balti­ m ore, W O L -A M and WYCB-AM in Washing­ ton, D .C ., discusses the process of buying automo­ biles and directs consum­ ers to a network of dealers who have pledged to pro­ vide fair treatm ent. The host and creator o f the show, Roosevelt Gist, said he plans to expand the pro­ gram nationally through black new spapers and other black radio stations. A u to N e tw o r k can be reached on the Internet at: or bv telephone at: (703) 758- 0119. General M otors and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida have teamed up to open the lat­ est attraction at Epcot. Sched­ uled to bebut this fall. Test Track will offer theme-goers a realistic recreation o f C M ’s M ilford Proving Ground, the company’s testing facility northwest of De­ troit. Among the thrills visitors will experience, are an almost to o -clo se-fo r-co m fo rt h ig h ­ speed barrier test in which rid­ ers seemingly replace crash test dummies. Riders will also expe­ rience the thrill o f a test track and a bchind-the scenes glimpse of how C M incorporates its safety testing into the develop­ ment process of each car and truck. 'eader J dsiar M s ^ito r VK, F bur « fUn . Cornforta(,rCn Br°* n , “I r ’ Mys ^ 't o r pa u / r'.°na' ’ “As goo