Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 1997, Page 11, Image 11

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P age B5
T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 28, 1997
j ' .
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Employm ent ________________________
0 0 0 T Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY
, / n Oregon, opportunity means
PT & FT positions available!
986-3854 tor the hearing Impaired) for
g r e a t b e n e fits , c o m p e titiv e
required application packet. Completed
s a la rie s , and a large va rie ty o f
PT 20-30 hrs/wk in our
s - • a. O
h •?
application materials must b
rceived by
Perform routine and preventive
c a re e rs a v a ila b le s ta te w ide
: x< • *
June 1 3 ,1 9 9 7 . Announcement »OCDT7261
Rockwood office & FT in our
C urrently, o pe n ing s e x is t In the
» .
maintenance for all warehouse
follow ing agency:
Executive Support Specialist 1
and office equipment, includ­
lom bard office. Must have
OREGON DEPARTMENT (Key C ontact Policy Section)
ing an extensive conveyor sys­
cashieringcash liandling exp.,
We are seeking applicants for position in
tem. Two to four years mini­
Salem. Will act as the Executive Assistant and office manager to the
Oregon Departmmt of Transportation
m a n n e rs of the Policy/Research Section. This involves control of work flow
mum industrial maintenance
(OOOT), is known throughout the
within the section and decisionm aking on budget expenditures and
proven ability to work with the
nation as a progressive govern­ timelines. Requires three yeare of clerical/secretarial
u rte h
Law Student Intern
m ent agency and as a leader in
included one year at a full performance level perform ing typing, word
$1,902 - $2,312/mo.
processing, or other generating of documents; and lead work responsib ty
pairing conveyors with sort Sterling offers a com petitive
m ance
m easures.
or coordination of office procedures. Courses or training In Office
Closes June 9, 1997
responsible for the coordination of
Occupations or Office Technology may be substituted for up to one y e a r t f
systems preferred. Experience
salary & a Hometown Helpful
transportation programs between
the clerical/secretarial expenence. No substitution will be made tor the one
and among all governm ental
year at the full performance level. Salary $ 1,7 04 to * 2 ’2 6 * 8/ n° n,h
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
puterized system s helpful.
benefits. Completed application materials m ust be
693-4898 for inform ation.
have immediate opportunities for
1997. Announcement KOCDT7260 Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6
Must be able to work any shift.
please send resume or com ­
the following positions:
County application and supple­
385 4 ) to request application packet.
plete application at appropriate
mental application forms re­
Transportation Engineer 2
Send resume to: Human Re­
Executive Support Specialist 1
(Highway Needs Coordinator)
-------- v
(Key Contact - Research)
sources, Dept. RVGMM, PO
We are seeking a self-motivated
We are seeking applicants for position In Salem. Will act as the Executive
Apply To:
individual with excellent analytical
sterling !
Box 82339, P o rtla n d OR
Assistant and office manager to the managers of the PollcY /Res®8r" '
Washington County Human Re­
and organizational skills for position
Section. This involves control of work flow w ithin the section and decision­
97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-
in Salem Will manage and coordinate activities dealing with all aspects of the
sources Division
making on budget expenditures and tim elines. Requires three years of
State Highway System Needs; and conduct independent research and
4597. Equal Opportunity Em­
cle ric a l/s e c re ta ria l experience which included one year at a fu ll
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
formulate recommendations for departm ental policies and programs
performance level perform ing typing, word processing, or other ffenerating
________ __
10NE 181st Ave.
regarding the assessment of highway needs. Requires a Bachelor s degree in
Hillsboro, OR 97124
of documents; and lead work responsibility or coordination o 'o f f ic e
ciwl or transportabonrelated engineering AND two years of professionaHeve
procedures Courses or training in Office Occupations or Office Technology
Women, minorities, and people
experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR five years of
may be substituted for up to one year of the cierical/secretaria
e i^ V e x X ™
^ E,T a S /L S IT ' PE a PLS' T" ° ° ±
with disabilities are encouraged
Positions Available
expenence. No substitution will be made for the one year at the ful
five years m ust have been performing professional-level engineering duties.
performance level Salary $1.7 04 to $ 2 .2 6 1 a month plus. benefits.
to apply._________________ _ Crater Lake Company Located
X ^ 2 7 2 4 to $3.725 a month plus benefits. Completed a p » n
Completed application materials m ust be received by June ¿ 0 .
Portland, O r97217-1293
materials m ust be received by June 16. 1997. Announcement!»0CDT725&
Announcement »0C D T7262 Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 3 8 5 4 )
rently taking applications for
to request application packet.
Transportation Engineer 1
For other OOOT opportirities caH our RecnHtment JOBUNE at (503) 9863847.
the following positions:
Columbia Sportswear Company
Em plo ym w t ^opportunity in Salem! Oregon Department of Transportation
has proven for more than 50 Front of the House-Servers &
J /h e s e are lust some of the current openings available w ith the State «
se ekrte am o rien te d individual to design the roadway portion of moderately
Bussers. FT Seasonal - now
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon
years that quality construction,
c X p le x transportation jxoje rts zxid write special ^ ^ R e q u r e s a
Form and more complete announcement listings, caH the State Jofal ne
until mid-October.
10-15 Youth In Community Im­
engineering and innovation in
Bachelor s degree in Civil or Transportatiorwelated engineenng AND one year
(Oregonian Inside Une) (503) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 # 7777, TTY (503) 37a ^ ® 7 2 ' * ** *
experience in the p r^ tic e of tr ^ s ,x x ,a t» r , e^ineenng;
provem ent Projects In A lberta St.
sports apparel is a formula for
your local Employment Departm ent, or log onto our web s r t e a t
OR four years of engineering experience AND have an EIT. LSIT. PLOT PIS.
http://w w w .dashr.state.or.us/iobs/. The State of Oregon and all Its division
Cooks: Line, Prep, Pantry.
success. Our growth has been
Comdor. 6/23-8/8 $5.5O/hr./PartTime.
One of the four years must have been performing p r o f e s s io n a l^
are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
engineenng duties. Salary $2,352 to $3.2 19 a month plus bene fito C on toct
built on a foundation of value,
For Job Desc. Call Sabin CDC 287-
not only in our high quality prod­ 541 -830-4053 or 541 -594-2255. 34%.
ucts, but in our employees as
Employee Services Manager For Multnomah County
Large urban County headed by progressive admin'®tr^
Shipping Clerk/Material Handler
seeks outstanding human resources professional to lead
and manage a diverse team in providing quality services to
We are seeking a team player to
all county departments and employees in the ar^as o
v e rify accu ra cy of item s
Since I9 4 I Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon has re„ed on the efforts o f our exceptional ^ d e fo rc e to d i s ^ r innovative routes to s u p e n o r
personnel, training, and employee benefits. P08'1' ^
health c ^ e Solutions Ike wellness programs. physican-d.reeled care and ass,stance to un,nsurab<e Oregon,an, O u r people understand that while
shipped and ensure correct
responsible for Employee Services Division Department
qtalrty o fte n ^ h ^ ^ p n c e ^ fric ie n c y a re N n te lli^n t strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a
carrier routings of orders. Work
of Support Services, with a staff of 21 and a proposed
flexible hours, cross-train in
annual budget of approximately $20.3 million. The county
w orthw hile pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities:
other areas of distribution cen­
has a total workforce of over 4000 and is moving fromi a
P ro g r a m m e r A n a ly s t
ter, and work overtime in peak
Fin an cial A c c o u n tin g S e c re ta ry
(Job # 137)
seasons. Previous shipping/
(Job # 125)
custom er service organization. Unique opportunity caHs for
You will perform activities to enhance our information processing
You will use your team work skills to perform secretanal and office
w arehouse experience de­
capabilities Specifically, you will conduct problem identification, analysis,
experience, experience, and enthusiasm in creating hu
management duties and to provide organizational and project support
sired. Intermediate math skills
desist program development and implementation functions You must
to our Financial Accounting D epartm ent staff You must have tw o years'
and computer experience a
possess a minimum o f tw o years' demonstrated expenence in OS and
custom ers and quality. Proposed annual sa ary, effective
related w ork expenence. a high school diploma (o r equivalent) and
C O B O L knowledge o f project management practices and the ability to
July 1, $54,106 - $75,748 annually, and a full range of paid
knowledge o f accounting terminology. You must possess PC expenence,
Send resume to: Human Re­
design, develop and test program code. A college degree including courses
effective communication skills and be able-to w ork well with
sources, Dept. SCMH.PO Box
in statistics mathematics accounting o r computer science is preferred
little supervision.
83239, Portland, OR 97283, or
For com plete details interested persons should calK503)
C la im s A nalysts
Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal
306-5881 to request formal application package. Info
M a rk e tin g R e p re s e n ta tiv e
Gob # 114)
Opportunity Employer
Oob # 139)
tion about this position and application ^ t e n a ls L ? s
You will analyze and enter claims information into our automated
You will negotiate new business sales and the retention o f existing
available a thttp://www.m ultnom ah.lib.or.us/jobs/. Clos
Claims Administration System (CAS) for our Claims Training
Retail Opportunities
business within an assigned tem tory.You will also renew and extend
Department. You must have a High School degree (or equivalent),
ing date is 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 20.
benefits and lines o f coverage in present accounts. You must have a
possess a certificate in Medical Terminology and one year o f expenence
Columbia Sportswear Company
college degree o r at least three years' expenence in the health
working in a doctor's office, hospital o r other medical facility.
has proven for more than 50
insurance and/or sales field. Excellent communication and presentation
Gariington Center
years that quality construction,
W e offer competitive salanes and benefits package Pre-employment
skills are required, as are proven sales abilities. You must possess
On-Call Milieu therapist needed for children’s preschool
engineering and innovation in
drug screening is required, and we support a smoke free w ork
knowledge o f the health and life insurance industry.
day treatm ent program implementing therapeutic activities
sports apparel is a formula for
environment For more information about career opportunities, call our
M e m b e r S ervices R e p re s e n ta tiv e
in conjunction with treatment team. Bachelor’s degree in a
success. Our growth has been
jo b In fo r m a t io n U n e : I-8 0 0 -2 J I - 1 6 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t
(Job # 110)
built on a foundation of value,
mental health related field preferred. Prior ®xl^ £ ,e" c a
h ttp ://w w w .b c b s o .c o m . To apply, please indicate job # at the to p of
As p art o f our M em ber Services D ep a rtm e n t you will provide accurate
not only in our high quality prod­
working with preschool children preferred. Ref # OC-MT
your resume o r cover letter and submit to B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld
and timely information to our customers regarding benefits, contract
o f O re g o n H M O , H u m a n R e so u rc e s , P. O . B o x 1 2 7 1 , P o rtla n d ,
ucts, but in our employees as
Proctor Parents needed to provide safe nurturing homes
administration, eligibility, claims payments and denials You must have at
O R 9 7 2 0 7 -1 2 7 0 ,T D D # (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 4 7 8 0 . W e are strongly committed
to culturally diverse preschool children on a temporary but
least one year o f expenence in customer relations (within the last tw o
to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment
lonq-term basis. Parents provide 24-hour supervision and
years) and knowledge o f medical and dental terminology.
We need friendly, retail-experi­
care N/NE residents are encouraged to apply. Proctor
enced people to provide excel­
1 Blue Cross
homes must meet CSD certification requirements. If inter­
lent customer service at our
1 Blue Shield
ested call Margaret @ 249-7990. Ref # CH-PP
of Oregon
Flagship Retail Store in Down­
town Portland.
ment. Duties include heavy data entry for client enrollment
billing information. Reconciles various internal enrollment
Sales Associates
and billing reports; reconciles and researches state and
You will be responsible for sell­
county data reports related to client data processed by
ing, stocking, cashiering, and
Gariington. Interacts with clinicians in verifying billing and
other duties while providing
enrollment data. Prepare various reports to meet billing/
sales assistance and service.
contract requirements for county and state. Previous ac­
You must be self-motivated and
counting and data entry experience a plus.
friendly, with a minimum of two
Salary Range:
$16,400 - $17,713
years retail sales experience
Your local Safeway Store carries a wide variety of items - canned goods, produce,
and the ability to provide the
W ork Location:
Finance Department
e a t^ n d d a k y items, to name ju st a few. Most Safeway Stores also haveone or
highest level of customer ser­
911 N Skidmore
more full service department, such as a Deli Bakery ^
Portland, Oregon 97211
Cuisine and Floral Department. But did you also know you can shop for a career
On-Call Residential specialist needed to assist mentally ill
Please send resume to: Human
Resources, Dept. Flagship, PO
at Safeway? That’s right! there area number o f interesting and regarding careers
clients in activities of daily living and problem solving in a
Box 83239, P o rtlan d OR
residential setting. Minimum 3 years prior experience pre­
97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-
waiting for you at Safeway.
ferred. QMHA required. Ref # OC-RS
4597. (Please specify Full-
is not a newcomer to Oregon or the Pacific Northwest. In ,act 'h e ^
Residential Specialist I needed to assist mentally ill
Tim e or Part-Tim e). Equal
first Safeway to ever open its doors was right here in Portland in the mid 1920s.
clients in activities of daily living and problem solving in a
Opportunity Employer.
residential setting. Minimum 1-year prior experience pre­
S n c e that time, Safeway has grown to include over 1.057 stores ,n the United
States and Canada. In Oregon, Safeway operates 93 stores in virtually every
Washington County
Closes June 9, 1997
Deputy Sheriff
$2,899 - $3,526/mo.
Closes June 9, 1997
Maintenance Mechanic
C _J
W h en it comes to keeping O regon
healthy, we couldn't care more.
ewd Select a ( f a w ! "
Ref # NJ-RS
Salary Range:
$14,300 - $15,445
W ork Location:
New Journey
5529 N Haight
Needed Immediately!
Star Mart is rapidly expanding its
opportunities and is looking for
many dedicated and loyal
people to fill openings now and
in the future.
We Offer:
’ Starting Wage $5.75
’ Medical and Dental Benefits
’ Paid Vacation
’ Sick Leave
Apply In Person At
15 NE Broadway or
Texaco Training Center
7433 N. Interstate Annex
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Portland, Oregon 97217
Closing Date: June 6, 1997
Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume to.
Gariington Center, 911 N. Skidmore, Portland, OR 97217 A ttH RFax
249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone calls please.
Contact our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job opportunities.
The Vancouver Housing Authority is recruiting for a La­
borer/Groundskeeper to perform groundskeeping work and
manual labor on VHA owned and managed ProPert,esn
Requires experience in grounds maintenance, ability to do
small engine repair, and ability to perform heavy manu
labor in 111 types of weather. Competitive wage excellent
benefits. Application materials are available at the VHA
Administrative Office, 500 Omaha W ay Vancouver, WA
98661, or by calling (360) 694-2501. Closes 5.00 p.m.
Friday June 6, 1997.
Equal Opportunity Employer
community and employs over 9,000 Oregonians.
Safeway believes our most valuable asset is our employees and we have
consistently offered a wide variety of jobs paying family wages, and excellent
benefits package, and plenty o f opportunity for career advancement.
retailers? regardless of the goods they sell, Safeway employs a substantial
number of part-time employees and these part-time position can be a direct path
toa full-time career at Safeway. In addition, while working as a part-time employee
at Safeway, individuals can easily pursue their educational dreams.
For more information on how YOU can become a part of the "Safeway Family, ”
please contact your Safeway Store Manager. We look forward to welcoming you
into the Safeway Family soon.