M ay 7, 1997 • Tin P ortland O»* i k \ i k P agi B ö Employment Airline Fleet Service An exciting opportunity awaits you @ H orizon A ir, the Northwest’s leading regional airline. Individuals committed to customer svc. & enjoy wkg outdoors in a team enviort are needed to fill current reserve positions w/future opportunity for PT & FT status @ our Portland location. Resp inclu: clean int/ext of aircraft & other duties as assigned. HS dip or GED; ability to lift 50+lbs; valid drivers license; ability to op­ erate manual transmission & comfortable working heights. Ability to work flex shifts (weekends, holidays & grave­ yard) req’d. Starting wage $5.50/hr. We offer a comp ben pkg incl flight ben for ees & their families. Interested in­ dividuals who have not ap­ plied in the last 6 mo may pick up an app @ the Horizon tckt ctr @ the Portland Airport, or @ personnel/svcs office, 5605 NE Transport Way, Portland, OR 97218. No calls please. Horizon Air EOE PR/Community Affairs Public Relations Specialist Northwest Natural Gas Com­ pany seeks to fill a new posi­ tion focusin g on the Company’s Community and Public Relations Plans. This position will develop and co­ ordinate volunteer/community programs, public events and activities as well as liaison w ith m edia, com m unity groups and other Company personnel to best enact com­ munity and public relations strategies. Qualifications: Degree/equiva- lent experience in PR, jour­ nalism, communications or related field. Min. 3 yrs exp. in PR or Community Relations or related work; exp. in en­ ergy industry desirable; PC skills necessary; excellent communication skills essen­ tial. Salary range: $3184/ month - $3980/month with excellent benefits. Please send qualification letter and resume by May 9, 1997, to: Northwest Natural Gas HR; Employment - Req. #97078 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 Fax: 503/721-2506 An Equal Opportunity Employer/ drug-free, smoke-free work­ place Driver Full-Time and part-time bus driver positions open. Re­ quires minimum of a high­ school diploma or equivalent and one year experience as a licensed driver with a valid commercial driver’s license. Send cover letter, resume and proof of CDL license to: Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 As an affirmative action em­ ployer, we are seeking quali­ fied minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; how­ ever, all qualified applicants will be considered. Responses Must Be Received No Later Than Friday, May 16, 1997 Attorney Oregon Department of Justice Attorney vacancy in the Natural Resources section of the Gen­ eral Counsel Division. Half-time position, but may be full-time depending on the needs of the section at the time of hire. Prefer experience with law of natural resources, particularly in areas of endan­ gered species and fisheries regulation. Experience in wa­ ter law, public lands, NEPA desirable. Must be OSB mem­ ber at the time of appoint­ ment. T o apply, call (503) 378- 5555 ext. 321, TTY (503) 378- 5938. Application deadline is 5/12/97. AA/EOE Sergeant, UO Public Safety in Eugene. Position responsible for shift supervision of public safety officers, conducting investiga­ tions, and ensuring safety of campus community. Requires one vpar of police or campus public safety experience which included interpreting and applying laws and regu­ lations; in te rvie w in g w it­ nesses, victims and suspects; and writing investigative re­ ports. Prefer candidates with lead officer experience and those who have completed BPSST Cam pus Public Safety course or equivalent. R equires valid O regon Driver’s License; good driv­ ing record and acceptable criminal history. Annual sal­ ary $22,000-$28,000 based on qualifications/experience; competitive benefits package. Application and supplemen­ tal questionnaire available at Office of Human Resources, 5210 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210 or call (541) 346-3159, TTY Employment (541-346-0852. Application deadline 5/14/97. Affirmative Metro Action/Equal O pportunity/ Elevator Operator Americans with disabilities Act (Portland Center for the Per­ institution committed to cul­ forming Arts) - $6.46 - $7.86/ tural diversity____________ hour, part-time (deadline May Teacher: 4th Grade 19, 1997). Under the direc­ tion of the House Manager or Experienced using an inte­ Event Manager, greets and grated, m u lti-disciplina ry, directs patrons to seat loca­ childcentered approach. Ap­ tions via elevator. Usually plicants should be versed in a scheduled to work at facilities problem-solving, manipula­ of the Portland Center for the tive-based approach to math, Performing Arts which in­ a literature based whole lan­ cludes: the Arlene Schnitzer guage reading and a process Concert Hall, Civic Audito­ approach to writing. An abid­ rium, and the New Theater ing love of children and learn­ Building. ing as well as an ability to Secretary (Metropolitan Expo­ work in a team is essential. sition-Recreation Comm is­ Submit cover letter & resume sion) - $11.12 - $14.21/hour, by May 12th to: HR Manager, full-time (deadline May 16, Catlin Gabel School, 8825 SW 1997). An employee in this Barnes Rd, Portland, OR position performs a wide vari­ 97225 ety of responsible secretarial Equal opportunity employer and clerical duties in support of management, professional Sales/Advertising and technical staff; and to pro­ No Exp Nec! vide general information and Flex Day Hours assistance to the public. Whether you’re new to the ad­ Resumes are not accepted. vertising field or an experi­ Required application materi­ enced pro, you can have a als available at: Metro Hu­ rewarding career with Getting man Resource Division, 600 To Know You, a unique NE Grand Avenue; Oregon women-oriented adverting co. Convention Center, 777 NE Car req’d. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd.; * Earn $20-$75K the Urban League, 10 N * Paid Training Russell; or the Northeast * Excellent Benefits Workforce Center, 4106 N * Growth Potential Vancouver Ave. If you wish * Auto Reimbursement application materials mailed * 401K 7 Stock Ownership Plan to you, call (503) 797-1570. Mrs. Forest W eb add re ss: h ttp :/// 1-800-345-1123 w w w .m u ltnom ah.lib.o r.us/ metro AA/EEO Employer W h e n it com es to k eep in g O r e g o n healthy, w e couldn't care more. O H S U lO H S U Secretary OHSU ‘ Oregon Health Sciences Uni­ versity is accepting applica­ tions for a Secretary in the Clinical Transplant Depart­ ment. This position is an vital part of the Clinical Transplant Department and is respon­ sible for scheduling, order entry, preparation of confer­ ence materials, and data en­ try for the department. The successful candidate will need to have the following skills and experience to be considered for position #96001: one of general office experience or a certificate in office occupations or office technology. Proficiency in m edical term in olo gy, WordPerfect for Windows, computerized scheduling and multi-line phones. Medical office, hospital, or clinic expe­ rience is preferable. To apply: please reference po­ sition #96001 on your OHSU application and resume (re­ sumes will be returned to ap­ plicant if application is not in­ cluded). Applications can be obtained at the OHSU, HR Office located at 2525 SW Third Ave, Portland, OR. or send Resume And OHSU application to OHSU HR, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97201. You can also visit us at are Web Site www.ohsu.edu. Standard EEO. OHSU Since 19 4 1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional “Secretary, Medical” w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care Solutions like wellness OHSU programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people Oregon Health Sciences Uni­ versity is currently accepting applications for a Secretary in the Echo/EKG Department. This position is an important part of the Echocardiography/ Electrocardiography Labora- tory/Cardiovascular Services Department and provides ad­ ministrative and secretary support including correspon­ dence, scheduling, report generation, and purchasing of supplies and equipment. The successful candidate will have the following skills and experience to be considered for position #41008: one year of general office experience or a certificate in office occu­ pations or office technology; good understanding of medi­ care regulations; CPT and ICD-9 coding; medical termi­ nology and transcription. Ex­ cellent office and computer skills. Previous medical of­ fice and billing experience preferred. To apply: Please reference po­ sition #41008 on your OHSU application and resume (re­ sumes will be returned to ap­ plicant if application is not in­ cluded). Applications can be obtained at the OHSU, HR Offices located at 2525 SW Third Ave, Portland, OR. or send Resume And OHSU application to OHSU HR, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97201. You can also visit us at are Web site www.ohsu.edu. Standard EEO understand that while quality often has a pnce. efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthw hile pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities. M e d ic a l M a n a g e m e n t C o o rd in a to r I (Job #5030) You w ill receive and review information relating to requests fo r preauthonzation o f skilled nursing facility, surgical procedures, home health care, home infusion therapy and hospice services. You must have at least three years' active practice expenence in a hospital setting o r have a recent preauthonzation. S e n io r Business A n a ly s t (Job # 9 7 - 1 15) As p art o f o u r Shared Services Center, you will perform system studies on an organization- wide basis. You must have a minimum o f six years o f expenence w ith an emphasis in protect management five o f which must be in data processing. A college degree is desired including course w ork in mathematics and com puter science. Human resources o r payroll processing knowledge is required. C la im s A nalysts (Job # 9 7 - 114) Blue Cross Blue Shield o f O regon H M O has immediate opportunities fo r Claims Analysts. You will analyze and enter claims information into o u r automated Claims Administration System (CAS) fo r o u r Claims Training D epartm ent You must have a High School diploma (or equivalent) and possess a certificate in Medical Terminology. Knowledge o f ICD9 and CPT IV coding is required as is one year o f expenence working in a doctor's office, hospital o r other medical facility M e m b e r S ervices R e p re s e n ta tiv e (Job # 9 7 -1 IO) As part o f our Member Services D epartm ent you will provide accurate and timely information to our customers regarding benefits, contract administration, eligibility, claims payments and denials You must have at least one year o f expenence in customer relations (within the last tw o years) and knowledge o f medical and dental terminology. W e offer competitive salanes and benefits package. Pre employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w o rk environm ent For more information about career opportunities, call our J o b I n f o r m a t io n L in e : I - 8 0 0 - 2 3 1 - 16 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t h t tp ://w w w .b c b s o .c o m . To apply, please indicate |ob # at the to p o f your resume o r cover lette r and submit to: B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f O r e g o n H M O , H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , P. O . B o x 1 2 7 1 , P o r t la n d , O R 9 7 2 0 7 - 1 2 7 0 ,T D D # ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 - 4 7 8 0 . W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Multnomah Education Service District Job Information Hotline 257-1510 257-1599 TDD An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place Moving Sale • New, White Kenmore Stove & Hood • Rocker, love Seat • 5000 BTV. Air Condition • Bar and 3 Chair Back Stools • 57 in Color (Sony) TV • Other Misc. 5118 N.E. Jarrett St. Phone: 282-6390 Employm ent “Production Manager, Printing Department” OHSU Oregon Health Sciences Uni­ versity is currently accepting applications for a production Manager in the Printing De­ partment. This position is an integral part of the Printing Department and oversees the printing and bindery function at OHSU. The successful candidate will have the following skills and experience to be considered for UPAR 7951: a minimum of 5 years printing and 2 years su p e rviso ry and printing equipment repair experience. This position needs to have the knowledge to do all the prepress work from camera, stripping, and plate making through to finish product. Also, they will need to be able to manage production and qual­ ity control of staff in the print­ ing and Bindery Departments. To apply: Please reference UPAR 7951 on your OHSU application and resume (re­ sumes will be returned to ap­ plicant if application is not in­ cluded). Applications can be obtained at the OHSU, HR Offices located at 2525 SW Third Ave, Portland, OR. or send Resume And OHSU, HR Offices located at 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Port­ land, OR 97201. You can also visit us at are W eb site www.ohsu.edu. Standard EEO. . / n Oregon, opportunity means g r e a t b e n e fits , c o m p e titiv e s a la rie s , and a large v a rie ty of c a re e rs a v a ila b le s ta te -w id e . C urrently, ope n ing s e x is t in the follow ing agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Oregon Department of Transportation (OOOT), is known throughout the nation as a progressive govern­ m ent agency and as a leader in team developm ent and perfor­ mance measures. ODOT is respom sible fo r the coordination o f transportation programs between and am ong all governm ental organizations within the state. We have Immediate opportunities for Engineering Specialist 3 (Contract Services Specialist) .- H -’ -k fV : ° O I H Salem. Will assist field engineering crews w ith contract a dm inistration. Perform s a n d /o r provides assistance on change orders, force account subcontracts, contract paym ents, and contract docum entation. Requires an A s so cia te's degree in Engineering Technology from a recognized community college or technical school of engineering and four years of experience directly related to engineering; OR five and o n e tia lf years (66 mos.) of sub-professional engineering experience. A Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Architecture, Geology, Mathematics or Physics may be substituted for the Associate's degree in Engineering Technology. Salary $ 1,9 35 to $2,6 42 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by May 19, 1 997. Announcement #OCDT7151. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 the following positions: Transportation Engineer (Urban Hydraulic Engineer) We are seeking a Professional Engineer for vacancy in Salem. This person will be the Oregon Department of Transportation's expert in urban hydrology and hydraulics and the lead designer for erosion prevention, sediment control and storm water quality. Requires a Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation related Engineenng; and four years o f professional-level experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR seven years o f engineering experience. Three of the seven years m ust have been performing professional-level engineenng duties equivalent to a Transportation Engineer 1. Registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) Is required. Salary $3,1 56 to $4,315 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by May 23, 1997. Announcement #0CDT7251. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 385 4 ) to request application packet. Public Service Representative 4 (Reid Permit Analyst) We are seeking m otivated, experienced individuals w ith strong communication, analytical and computer skills for challenging positions in Portland, Woodburn and Klamath Falls. You will regulate, direct, educate and provide technical assistance to effect compliance with m otor carrier laws, rules and regulations. Requires three years of experience performing public contact/custom er services duties. At least two years of this experience m ust include dealing with the public, in person or by phone, providing Information about services and programs; explaining rules, programs and procedures; or providing assistance, explaining requirements and gaining compliance. Salary $1,8 69 to $2,4 87 a month plus excellent benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by May 22, 1997. Announcement #0CDT7169. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 385 4 ) to request application packet. For other OOOT opportunities c a l our Recruitment XfflUNE at (503) 9863847. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 503-986-3854) to request application packet. Principal Executlve/Manager E (Assistant Administrator) Principal Executlve/Manager C (Technical Signal Services Manager) We are seeking an Individual with strong leadership skills for position in Salem. Will manage the operations and activities of the Traffic Signals Services Unit engaged In complex activities related to the construction and maintenance o f state highways. This position Is accountable for the proper maintenance of traffic control equipment. Requires five years of expenence in supervision, staff-technical or professional-level work related to transportation. This experience m ust have Included at least one year of project leader responsibility involving one or more of the following areas: a) development of program rules and policies; b) development of long- and short-range goals and plans, c) program a nd/or project evaluation, or d) monitoring and controlling, or preparing a budget. A related Bachelor's degree may substitute for up to three years of the required experience, but not the one year o f specialized experience. Registration as a Professional Traffic Engineer Is preferred. Salary $2,7 73 to $3,9 04 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by May 27, 1997. Announcement #OCDT725O. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 The Oregon Department of Justice has immediate openings in Salem for two Principal Executive Manager E positions, with reclassification pending the F level. Each o f these positions is an Assistant Administrator and acts as deputy to the Support Enforcement Division’ s Administrator and participates as a member of the division's executive team. They provide direction for, and manage, respectively the division's operations and the division's policy and program services. Requires three years of upper level management experience. Graduate level courses In management may be substituted for one year of the required experience. Monthly salary range: $3 7 18 to $5,2 32 . Obtain S tate of Oregon application (PO 1 00 ) and recruiting announcement # 11970343 at any Employment Departm ent office, or ca ll (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 5 5 5 5 ext. 322, TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 5 9 3 8 In Salem, or access via th e Internet at h ttp ://w w w .d a s .s ta te .o r.u s /J o b s /. Filing deadline for current vacancies is 5 /2 7 /9 7 . DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Data Base Analyst 3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet. The Office o f Medical Assistance Programs, DHR has a vacancy for an Innovative person w ith experience in designing, im plem enting and Transportation Engineer 1 (Foundation Design Engineer) w e are seekirg an engineer for a vacancy in Salem. Will perform geotechnical P - A/R, Part-Time - Excel/ /licrosoft word skills neces- :ary. Detail oriented. Send re­ sume to Human Resources, intercom , 4614 SW Kelly, ’ ortland, OR 97201. Equal Opportunity Employer, om otion D irector - Coordi- iate and implement on-air pro­ notions, on-site evens, press elations. Strong organiza- :ional and computer skills. 3 /ears prom otion/m arketing experience. College degree areferred. Send resume to Hu­ nan Resources - KGON Ra­ dio, 4614 SW Kelly, Portland, OR 97201. No phone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer. ' H 'f : -I We are seeking applicants for position In engineering of routine projects and prepare foundation design recommendations. Requires a Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation- related engineering AND one year of professionaHevel experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR four years of engineering expenence. One of the four years m ust have been performing professionaHevel engineering duties. A FundamentalsTrvEngineering (FE/EfT) certificate Is required. Salary $2,353 to $3 219 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials must be received by May 2 3 ,1 9 9 7 . Announcement #0CDT7249 C al (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet. maintaining data base systems and resolving operational problems with the system. This position supports ad hoc data analysis for the Oregon Health Plan Budget Unit. This person will implement data base design, use diagnostic programs to monitor performance of the data base and make modifications to m aintain the integrity and efficiency o f the operation. Provides technical assistance and information and establishes guidelines and standards for users. To qualify: you m ust have 1 year o f experience In program m lng/system s, analysls/deslgn, or user support (equivalent to a Systems Analyst, Programmer Analyst, or User Support Analyst) In a large scale system which included a) diagnosing and resolving data base management problems, b) defining user requirements; and c) providing technical advice to programmers and analysts. Salary range Is $2,7 32 to $3,6 43 per month and Includes an excellent benefit package. To apply: obtain S ta te of Oregon announcem ent P L E 9 5 0 4 7 7 C and application from Public Information Representative 1 (Communications Analyst) We are seeking an individual with strong communication and analytical skills for position in Salem. Will research, develop, advocate for and Implement new communications technologies to Improve agency Internal and external communications; and assist the Oregon Transportation C om m ission, C om m unications Branch and Oregon D epartm ent of Transportation (ODOT) in the research, development, planning and implementation o f communications surveys, strategies, technology and tools. Requires three years of experience gathering Information, writing a n d /o r producing materials, presenting Information to the public, and public relations. One year of this experience m ust have included responsibility for press releases or interaction with the news media. Salary $ 2 ,0 6 0 to $ 2 ,7 3 2 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by May 23, 1997. Announcement »0CDT7252 Call ( 5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet. i a local Oregon Em ploym ent D epartm ent office or m oat s ta te agency personnel offices. If you have a disability and need an alternative form at In order to com plete th e application form, you m ay call th e Exam Unit at ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 2 1 3 0 or TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 4 7 6 2 for th e hearing Im paired to leave a m essage about th e alternative form at needed. Applications m ust be received by May 2 3 ,1 9 9 7 . J / h e s e are Just some of the current openings available v/tth the State of Oregon. For additional Ink rmatlon, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement listings, call the S tate Jobllne (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 , TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 4 6 7 2 , visit your local Em ployment D epartm ent, or log onto our w eb site at h ttp ://w w w .d ash r.itate.o t.u s/Jo b s /. The S tate of Oregon and a# Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. 1