Anointed Jfolocaust Remembrance (Day to be observed w ith special service On Sunday, May 4 at 7:00 pm Yom Ha-Shoah ( Holocaust Remem­ brance Day) w ill be observed w ith a special service at Temple Beth Is­ rael, 1900 NW Flanders. The ser­ vice w ill commemorate and remem­ ber those who perished under the Nazis. Professor Hubert Locke from the University o f Washington w ill be the featured speaker. A ll are in­ vited to attend. The Yom Ha-Shoah service w ill be led by local rabbis, cantors and other leaders from m ostof Portland's Jewish congregations. Holocaust survivors w ill also participate. M u ­ sic w ill be provided by the cantors, the MJCC Jewish Youth Choir, the Portland Jewish Community Cho­ rus and violinist Andrew Ehrlich. Hubert Locke holds appointments at the University o f Washington on the faculties o f Public affairs. Soci­ ology, Comparative Religion, and Jewish Studies. He is the author or editor o f eight books, including The Care and Feeding o f White Liberals, The Church Confronts the Nazis, and Exile in the Fatherland: The Prison Letters o f Martin Niemoller. Professor Locke is also the Associ­ ate Editor o f Holocaust and Geno­ cide Studies, the premier journal in the subject area. His talk w ill be on "M em ory and M em orialization." Sponsors o f the Yom Ha-Shoah service include: The American Jew­ ish Committee; Congregation Beth Israel; Congregation Kesser Israel; Congregation Neveh Shalom; Con­ gregation Shaarie lorah; Gesher, Havurah Shalom, The Humanistic Jews o f Greater Portland; The Jew­ ish Federation o f Portland; The Mittleman Jewish Community Cen­ ter; The Oregon I lolocaust Resource Center; Oregon Holocaust Survivors, Refugees and Families; P’ nai Or; and The Portland Jewish Academy. Three more special events for Yom H a-Shoah are b e in g planned. Throughout the month o f May the Mittleman Jewish Community Cen­ ter Gallery w ill display a photo- film w ill play at 7:30 pm. For more inform ation on Yom Ha-Shoah a ctivities please call the Oregon Holocaust Resource Cen­ ter at 359-2930 or the M ittlem an Jewish C om m unity Center at 244- 0111. (Holocaust (ERfiibit to be displayed "We have lit an everlasting candle with each tear we ve cried. -Shayna Levine, March of the Living participant The Mittleman Jewish Commu­ nity Center Gallery w ill display a special exhibit o f photographs en­ titled “ Liberating the Ghosts: Pho­ tographs and Text from the March o f the Living” from May 1 - 3 1 , 1997. The photographs depict m ov­ ing scenes from this unique pro­ gram which took approximately 2,000 Jewish high school students from 40 different countries along the 3 k ilo m e te r m arch fro m Auschwitz to Birkenau, retracing the actual route which countless numbers o f Jews were forced to take on their way to the gas cham­ bers. The young people visited other pertinent sites in Poland and under the influence graphic exhibit entitled "Liberating the Ghosts: Photographs and Text from the March o f the L iving.” These photographs depict hun­ dreds o f young people from around the w orld vis itin g concentration camps in Poland and sacred sites in Israel as they participate in this spe­ cial program. Alice Kern, local Ho­ locaust survivor and author w ill speak about her experiences on Tues- day, May 6 from 7:00 - 9.00 pm at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center. The program is specifically geared to youth, but parents and friends are welcome. On thursday, May 8 the Northwest Film Center w ill show “ Long is the Road, a classic film from 1947 Germany and the aftermath o f W orld War II. I hat participated in a memorial service at the gas chambers. They then flew to Israel to join in a joyous celebration o f Yom Ha-atz-ma-ut (Israel Inde­ pendence Day). The photographs in “ Liberating the Ghosts” were taken by photogra­ pher Raphael Shevelev. Shevelev currently teaches photography at Golden Gate University in San Fran­ cisco. His photographs and/or w rit­ ings on photography have been pub­ lished in Image Magazine, A rt o f In 1996, Anointed was honored with four Gospel Music Association Dove Awarded nominations, ultimately taking home three Dove Awards for Contemporary Gospel Album of the Year, Urban Recorded Sound of the Year and Contemporary Gospel Recorded Song of the Year. The mainstream music industry also put its stamp of approval on the fledgling group with a Stellar Award for best Performance by a Group or Duo, Contemporary: a Grammy Award nomination for Best Contemporary Soul Gospel Album; and a Nashville Music Award nomination for Best Rhythm and Blues Album. t / Z i 1 1 taken directly form the March o f the L ivin g participants. “ Through these sensitive pic­ tures, and the w ritings o f the par­ ticipants, you w ill share a glimpse oftheir experience, and have a sense o f what awaits you on such a jo u r­ ney. Raphael Shevlelev’ s stunning photographs, and the deeply ex pressive words o f the youth, docu­ ment a pilgrimage. They are an invitation to make a pilgrimage o f C a lifo rn ia , Photo m etro , South West A rt, The Photographic Journal, Contemporary Photogra­ phy, Artweek, The M onthly, ( on- nections. Lens Work Quarterly and elsewhere. The text for the exhibit is your own.” Michael Berenbaum, The For­ ward The MJCC Gallery is located at 6651 SW Capitol Hwy. in Portland Call 244-0111 for more inform a­ community African Methodist Episcopal Zion church's l l t h Annual Women's Day Celebration “ Women W alking the Walk and Standing Firm in These Last Days, 2nd Thessalonians 2:13-15,” is the theme for this years W omen’ s Day Celebration that w ill begin on Sat­ urday, A p ril 26 1997 w ith a “ Crazy Hat Luncheon” starting at 12:00 at the church, 3605 East 13th Street, Vancouver, WA. i radiance. She has a professional yet down-to-earth receptivity o f each individual that she meets, whether in her daily life or in her seminars, conferences or retreats (which she calls “ renewals” ). Her multifaceted talent is evidenced by her numerous accomplishments, most of which were trail blazers. For more information on the up­ coming “ Know ing God” Tour to Israel, hosted by Joan L ip is of N O V E A M in istrie s, the Annual National Conference in August in A u b u rn , W A , and the reg ula r m onthly prayer meetings, please contact “ Women o f Purpose” , P.O. Box 596, Newberg, Or 97132 or call (503) 537-1907. “ And we know that in all things God works for the good o f those who love him, who have been called ac­ cording tohispurpose’ .Romans 8:28 display. Sunday A p ril 27, 1997 the morn­ ing speaker w ill be local Preacher, Sister Bea Smith. The Afternoon 3:00 pm Close out Service w ill be M issionary Supervisor, Western Episcopal District, Mrs. Barbara S. Carr who w ill be jo in in g us from St. Louis, Missouri. For more information please con­ tact Chair person Ann Smith at (360) 693-4566. J amity Christian Stores form ed tion. to rn e n o f Purpose gathering proves to be inspirational A ll women are invited to jo in us for delicious Salads & Desserts A donation o f $8.00 is being asked for lunch. During lunch there w ill be a hat show and fashion vendors on On Monday, from Family Chris­ tian Store’ s headquarters in Grand Rapids, came the announcement that Lighthouse Christian Book and G ift o f Bend, Oregon has been acquired by Family Christian Stores. Light­ house is the fourth store in 1997 to become part o f Family Christian Stores national retail chain, bring­ ing the total o f stores to 187. Lighthouse Fam ily C hristian Book and G ift was owned by Tom and Nelda Dehm for the past eigh­ teen years. David Baldridge, spokes­ person for Family said o f the new property, “ I believe it is one o f the most well run, organized, "on top o f it” stores we have adopted I am pleased that this opportunity w ill allow Tom and Nelda's store to con­ tinue as a premier Christian retail store. Lighthouse Book and G ift was named store o f the year in 1993 by . the i , „ r Christian u r;,.» :™ nnnL-cplIpr»; A s s o c ia - Booksellers Associa­ tion. Changes to the store w ill be kept at a m inim um . Existing Lighthouse product lines w ill be kept and ex­ panded upon. Special features offered at all Family stores such as Family Perks, Pastor Perks and “ Everyday Pricing” on music w ill be imple­ mented immediately. “ It is not our intention to upset the strong relation­ ship that Lighthouse has already de­ veloped w ith its customers through its pricing and special features. Ideally, our goal is to make the best o f both worlds. Keep what they’ ve got going and add to it.” said Baldridge. A ll employeesofl.ighthouse Book and G ift w ill stay on as employees o f Family Christian Stores. Larry Pitts had been named manager o f the new store. Pitts was the previous manager o f Family Christian Stores in Olym- pia, o ia , WA. Jennie Jennie . Asmussen, previ­ WA. ously the buyer for Lighthouse has been promoted to assistant manager. The store currently has 7,700 square feet and there are no immedi­ ate plans for expansion. The stand­ alone store located at 815 SE Third Street was remodeled one year ago and w ill easily be transformed to carry the look o f a Family Christian Store. New store hours w ill be from 9 am to 9 pm, Monday through Saturday. The store was closed April 14-17, and re-opened on Friday the 19th. Although the store was o ffi­ cially opened as a Family Christian Store this week, a grand opening celebration for the store is scheduled for June 28, 1997. Special musical performances and discounts and give­ away opportunities w ill be offered for several days surrounding the grand opening. Advertise In CL he |Jnvtlanb How should 1 pray?” (Observer Rick Ham lin offers an engaging, Call 503-288-0033 funny, and touching tale o f one man’s lifelong pursuit o f the answer to the question, “ How should 1 pray?" in Finding God loan Lipis from NOVEA m in istrie s Recently “ Women o f Purpose” held a special dessert buffet at Red Lion Lloyd Center. Guest speakers were Dr. O. V irg in ia P h illip s , founder o f“ Women o f Purpose" and Joan Lipis from N O V E A M in is­ tries. Guests arrived with great expec­ tations o f healing and up-liftin g o f the spirit. And that’ s just what they got' "Women o f Purpose" groups and conference include women trom ev­ ery ethnicity, denomination and so­ cial status. Dr O. Virginia Phillips has had a heart to know and has served God for as long as she can remember She founded the international ministry “ Women o f Purpose", an intercon­ necting ministry for the reconcilia­ tion, renewal and restoration o f bro- ken relationships in Christ Jesus. Dr Phillips is a Trail Blazer, Bridge B u ild e r, R e c o n c ile r R estorer, Nurturer, and Facilitator o f the gifts and abilities o f others. She has coor­ dinated, designed, created and de­ livered to all walks ot life, commu­ nities, churches and state programs that inspire and develop the best in people Her primary focus is fam ily, whether it is the church fam ily , one's biological or extended fam ily, or the community. Dr Phillips believes in encouraging and building relation­ ships as a focus for encouragement, motivation and reaching one’ s great­ est potential Her emphasis is on healing and wholeness. Those that are fortunate to be in V irg in ia ’ s presence are captivated and blessed by her enthusiasm and acceptance o f each person in her Cox Funeral Home 2736 N.E. Rodney, Portland, Oregon (503)281 -4891 on the A Train. A fresh and fluent new voice on the Christian w ritin g scene. Ham lin offers the candid story-sure to appeal to the m illions today rediscovering the joy o f prayer-of his “Before You Must Make a Decision” search for an authentic spirituality. Inspect the Beautiful Cox Funeral Chapel “Planning your funeral is our first consideration. Equipped to serve all religions, races, veterans and fraternal organizations. —Jerome Tanner, Funeral Director POWELL’S BOOKS • 1005 W Burnside, downtown Portland 503-2 2 8 -4 6 5 , • 8725 5W Cascade Avenue, Beaverton 503-643-3131