Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 26, 1997, Page 13, Image 13

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I' he P ortland O bserver • M arch 26, 1997
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Washington County
S u b B id s R e q u e s te d
Corrections Officer Trainee
Community Corrections
Closes April 11, 1997
APRIL 9. 1997 2:00 PM
All categories of work with exception of mechanical.
Plans are available at the plan centers
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
693-4898 for inform ation.
C ounty a p p lica tio n and
supp lem ental a p p lica tio n
forms required.
TIGARD, OR 97223
PH (503)624-2090 FAX (503)639-4134
OR License #63111
Minority & women business enterprises,
and emerging small businesses requested to participate.
Center for Community
Mental Health
Van Driver to transport clients
w ith m e n ta l o r su b sta n ce
abuse problems. Must meet
deadlines, have a valid O r­
egon drivers license, and pass
a DM V and background check.
Resume by 3/31/97 to Otis
Clark, CCMH, 6329 NE MLK,
P ortland, OR 97211. EEO
Em ployer
Cleaning Person to clean and
m aintain 4 locations. Prior
cleaning exper., references,
and valid Oregon driver’s li­
cense required. Must be able
to pass a DMV and back­
ground check. Resume by 3/
31/97 to Otis Clark, CCMH
6329 NE MLK, Portland, OR
97211. EEO Employer
Counselor II for A&D program
serving multicultural clients.
Requires 2 yrs exper. or train­
ing, CADC certification, and if
in recovery, 2 yrs sobriety.
Send resume by 3/21/97 to
Diann Hill, PCR, 3525 NE
MLK, Portland, OR 97212.
EEO Employer
Bookkeeper - 3 yrs exper., pay-
a ble/re ce ivab le s, co m p ute r
oriented, accurate, respon­
sible. $10.25/hr + benefits.
Resume by 3/21/97 to Mary
Scott, CCMH, 6329 NE MLK,
P ortland, OR 97211. EEO
Em ployer
Apply to:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Washington County
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encour­
aged to apply.
Trainee position leading toward
commissioned residential re­
modeling design and sales.
Education and/or experience
in some combination of inte­
rior design, interior architec­
ture, or housing; and in board
drafting, CAD experience a
plus. Sales experience a plus.
Waged entry level position with
benefits. Job description avail­
able on request. Send resume
and cover letter to: Julia
Spence, Neil Kelly Designers/
Remodelers, 804 N. Alberta
Street, Portland, OR 97217.
Survey Technician I
(Road Fund)
$2,235 - $2,705/mo.
Closes March 28, 1997
Survey Technician III
(Road Fund)
$2,796 - $3,436/mo.
Closes March 28, 1997
Survey Technician II
(Public Land Corner)
$2,579 - $3,125/mo.
Closes March 28, 1997
Survey Technician III
(Public Land Corner)
$2,796 - $3,436/mo.
Closes March 28, 1997
Inspector l/Building
After a minimum of two weeks
this recruitment may close
without further notice.
Inspector ll/Building
After a minimum of two weeks
this recruitment may close
without further notice.
Plans Examiner II
Building Services
Closes April 4, 1997
Alberta Street Development Opportunity Strategy
Development Feasibility Studies
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is soliciting
proposals for architectural and development feasibility ser­
vices in conjunction with the Alberta Street Development
Opportunity Strategy. The selected consultant will work closely
with the Sabin Community Development Corporation (SCDC)
and PDC staff to prepare development programs, conceptual
designs, construction cost estimates, architectural render­
ings and/or financial pro-forma for up to 10 potential develop­
ment sites along NE Alberta Street between Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd and 33rd Ave.
The scope of work and additional conditions are described in
greater detail in supporting documents available from Michael
McElwee at:
Portland Development
Commission 1900 SW Fourth Ave., Suite #100
Portland, OR 97201
PH# (503)823-3351
Proposals are due at the offices of PDC no later than:
5:00 PM, April 16,1997
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
6 9 3 -4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n .
C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n and
s u p p le m e n ta l a p p lic a tio n
forms required.
Apply To:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
The Portland Development Commission encourages partici­
pation of Minority, W omen and Emerging Small Business
Enterprise contractors in its projects.
The successful contractor must be certified by the City of
Portland as an Equal Opportunity Employer and be licensed
to do business in the City of Portland.
Head Start Of Yamhill County
The Port of Portland is recruit­
ing Police Officer candidates
for Portland International A ir­
¡T h e |J o v t l a t t ò
port. The successful candi­
dates will:
(O h s e r t i e r
• Be responsible for the protec­
tion of life and property at Port-
( all 503-2:sx-no.v
land In te rn a tio n a l A irp o rt
• Ensure public convenience
Fire Fighter & Fire
and well-being while traveling
airport facilities.
to needs of airport
The Port of Portland is recruit­
a prompt and pro­
ing candidates to establish an
eligibility list for Fire Fighters
and one for Fire Fighter/Para- B e g in n in g a n n u a l s a la ry :
medics for Portland Interna­
tional Airport Fire Department.
Candidates may apply for ei­ • Must be a citizen of the United
ther or both positions. Suc­
States of America.
cessful Fire F ig h te r/P a ra ­ • Must be 21 years of age.
medic candidates will also • Must possess high school di­
perform crash, fire, and res­
ploma or GED.
cue duties.
• Must possess or be able to
Fire Fighter/Paramedic candi­
obtain by hire date a valid O r­
dates must have current O r­
egon or W ashington State
egon EMT-P certification and
driver’s license.
must present documentation Applicants must complete a Port
of their certification status with
of Portland employment ap­
application materials.
plication to be eligible for the
Applicants must complete a Port
test which will be administered
of Portland employment ap­
on April 19, 1997 at Portland
plication to be eligible for a
State University. Astudy guide
written test which will be ad­
may be purchased for $5.00
ministered on April 26, 1997
at the time a completed appli­
at Portland State University. A
cation is submitted. There will
study guide may be purchased
be an additional $5.00 fee,
for $5.00 at the time a com ­
payable at the test site, for
pleted application is subm it­
those taking the test. Both the
ted. There will be an addi­
test score and application re­
tional $5.00 fee, payable at
view will determine eligibility
the test site, for those taking
for interviews.
the test.
Applicants who may experience
Applicants who may experience
a hardship by paying fees for
a hardship by paying a fee for
the Study Guide and/or test
the Study Guide and/or test
may request an exemption.
may request an exemption.
If interested and qualified, apply
If interested and qualified, apply
in person at the Port of Port­
in person at the Port of Port­
land Employment Office, 700
land Employment Office, 700
NE Multnomah, 14th floor.
NE Multnomah, 14th floor.
Applicants residing outside the
Applicants residing outside the
Portland m etropolitan area
Portland m etropolitan area
may request application m a­
may request application m a­
terials by calling (503) 731-
terials by calling (503) 731-
7400. Preemployment drug
7400. Preemployment drug
screening is required. Appli­
screening is required. Appli­
cations received after Friday,
cations received after April 11,
April 4,1997, may not be con­
1997, may not be considered.
\ i l \ c iiis c I h
Port of Portland
Equal Oppurtunity Employer
Port of Portland
Equal Oppurtunity Employer
Now accepting applications for the following positions:
EDUCATION COORDINATOR - Insures compliance with Head
Start Performance Standards. Plans/implements staff training and
developmental preschool curriculum. Effectively communicates
both orally and in writing. Must have the demonstrated ability to
supervise. FT $12.88 - $14.69/ HR Aug thru June BA/BS in ECE or
related field and 3 years exp. or equiv. combination. Bilingual (Span-
Eng) desirable. Open until sufficient applications are received.
Oregon Driver’s License and ability to obtain Oregon School Bus
Driver's License. We Will Train. Regular Driver position is PT. Sub
position is on call. $7.17 - $8.54/HR. Closes Monday march 31,5:00
TEACHER ASSISTANT - Assist in planning and providing educa­
tional services to low income families through classroom I home
visits. 35 HRS WK. $7.17 - $ 8.54/HR 2 Yrs Exp. Preferred. Bilingual
(Span-Eng) desirable. Closes Monday March 31, 5.00 P.M.
Informational Advertisement
Department of Transportation
Call For Bids
Sealed bid swill be received until 9 a.m. on April 10,1997 for
the projects listed below:
State Ditch Bridge Section of Ruckman
Road south of Imbler. 3% DBE goal. DBE
subject to Comm ercially Useful Function
(CUF) requirements. Reinforced Concrete
& Structural Steel Bridges & Grade Separa­
tion Structures. This project is to be con­
structed under the 1996 Standard Specifi­
cations for Highway Construction.
Rock Creek Bridge Section of Cascade
Highway South (OR 213). 11% DBE goal.
DBE subject to Com m ercially Useful Func­
tion (CUF) requirements. Reinforced Con­
crete & Structural Steel Bridges. This project
is to be constructed under the 1996 Stan­
dard Specifications for Highway Construc­
Heppner Section of the Heppner Highway
in the city of Heppner. 13% DBE goal. DBE
subject to Com m ercially Useful Function
(CUF) requirements. 1) Earthwork & Drain­
age; 2) Miscellaneous Highway Appurte­
nances; 3) AC Pavement and Oiling. This
project is to be constructed under the 1996
Standard Specifications for Highway Con­
W ilson River Bridge - Dougherty Slough
Bridge Section of the Oregon Coast High­
way (US 101). 12% DBE goal. DBE subject
to Com m ercially Useful Function (CUF)
requirements. Reinforced Concrete & Struc­
tural Steel Bridges & Grade Separation
Structures. This project is to be constructed
under the 1991 Standard Specifications for
Highway Construction.
All positions require the ability to meet basic physical qualifications,
current ODL, and insured Vehicle or acceptable alternative avail­
able for use on the job.
Aps. and info, available at 800 NE Second St. McMinnville. 472-
2000. Include Resume with Application.
Head Start of Yamhill County offers an excellent benefits package
and is an Equal Opportunity Employers.
Notice To Contractors
City of Camas Department of Public Works
Camas, Washington
City Project No. s-347
1997 Citywide Asphalt Concrete Overlays
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Office of
the Finance Department, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, W ash­
ington, until 10:00 a.m., on April 9, 1997 and will then and
there be publicly read for the construction of the improve­
Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are
on file for inspection in the Public W orks Department, Camas,
The im provem ent for which bids will be received follows:
Bid opening on Wednesday, April 9 ,1 9 9 7 at 10:00 A.M.
The work consists of placing approximately 12, 400 tons of
Asphalt Concrete Pavement for Overlays, 21,100 square
yards of G eotextile Fabric Overlays, 3000 square yards of
Planing Bitumious Pavement, Utility Adjustments, Traffic
control, and other related items.
Plans, specifications and bid documents may be obtained
in Room 1, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310.
plans may be ordered by phone at (503) 986-3720, or by
facsimile at (503) 986-3224. There Is a $20.00 non-
refundable charge for plans and specifications per
project. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days
prior to the bid opening day. For additional information
regarding pre-qualification, please contact Fran Neavoll,
Program Section, at (503) 986-3877.
Plans and specifications are available at Camas City Hall for
$25.00 (non-refundable). The City of Camas reserves the
right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than
the estimated cost and to waive any formality or technicality
in any proposal in the interest of the City.
If you business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Busi­
ness Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise
(WBE), please contact the Office of Minority, Women and
Emerging Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR
97310, phone (503) 378-5651.
Joan Durgin - City Clerk
City of Camas Project No. S-347
1997 Citywide Overlays
March 6, 1997