Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 12, 1997, Page 11, Image 11

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T he P oru ani ) O bserver • M arch 12. 1997
P ace B5
Washington State University Vancouver
Phase II - Early Childhood/Education Facility
Vancouver, WA
FLIR Systems, Inc. id » » « « .
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and
leudei m the detiyn monutocture ond
m ark e t, ny ol viwal and nlrared |th«m al|
imaging lyitems FSi supokei mlrorea
c a m « « RC-based iy il« n i and softwrxe
widely m ed n cnticot nduilnot opokcaltoni
including » 4 0 procen control quotty
ouurance and pre<*cti»e m anlenonce
Imaging S j
Airtxxne opokcalioni include law enlorce-
Thai Thrill C ustom ««
ment teorcn ond tetcue environmental
moftionng. ond maritime oolial m oddtiton w e at« succeuluSv txntding on our core com petence* m mual
and nlrared imaging Io o a a e » burgeoning opporlunliet in the mochme vuion and ila M r e d broadcail
cornea marten I SI n ertoymg oultlanckng growth luopiyng infrared and broadcail tytlem i both in ihe U S
ond iniernoiionolly
minority and emerging small business enterprises.
The future at FSI la limited only by Imagination, Join ua, and help fulfill itl
Bid Date: 4/3/97 Bid Time: 2:00 P.M.
Shimizu America Corp.
GED Instructor
7100 S. W. Hampton, Suite 231 • Tigard, OR 97223
Responsibilities: Implementation of GED academic program in
TPIC's Youth Employment Institute program including: computer-
assisted instruction; coordination with educational agencies con­
cerning granting of GED diploma; selecting and interpreting tests;
maintaining participant records; providing case management and
preemployment training.
Requirements: Degree in education, computer-assisted instruction
or other relevant field; teaching experience in GED programs;
excellent interpersonal and communication skills; Oregon teaching
credential; experience teaching or training economically disadvan­
taged and culturally diverse youth. Special education certificate
desirable but not required. This is a regular, full time position with
excellent employer-paid benefits. Some evening classroom work
may be required.
Full compensation range; $28,000 to $34,000. This is a regular, full
time position with excellent employer-paid benefits.
TPIC Applications are required for all positions
and must be received by 5 pm on the closing date.
Applications are available at
The Private Industry Council, 720 SW Washington St., Suite 250,
Portland, Oregon 97205
Tel: (503) 241-4600; Fax: (503) 241-4622
An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer
e-mail TPIC's Human Resources Department
...if you would like to receive an application packet for an open
position in the mail. Please indicate
(503) 620-2965
FAX (503) 620-0223
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Sackett Hall Reroof project will be
received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education
until 2:00 PM, local time, April 1, 1997. Bids will be opened
and publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders must be
registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board.
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Structural »rsermoi mechanisms ana opto- mechanic o<
onoiysts optical o « hj «tec'iucK s pockogtng 'ookng
iXmyn solas nvxxHng
test ond cakbro'e analog and dsgilai electronic systems
to component <evei
Electrical Engmeer(s) - 2
Product Enhancement
Specification ana design of etec ironic arcmfs a na sysiem
interconnections withm ewst*sg system architecture
Sr. Electrical Engineer
Analog and Interconnects
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facili­
ties Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-
2001 or telephone 541-737-7694.
Apply onotog circuits used in « detector subsystem* kom
ihe oyout. monufociurotulty none EMI ond agency
approval perspective while provkfrng knowledge m o l
aspects of Pottery technology
Sr. Electrical Engineer(s) 2 Digital
Supporting conceptual design o» msuol and « imaging
systems through design specifications, system busk) ond
mlegoMon («1 HW and requrements for test SW
Product Architect - Embedded
Sealed bids for the Snell Studio Roof Repair project will be
received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education
until 2:00 PM, local time, April 8, 1997. Bids will be publicly
read aloud at that time. All bidders must be registered with
the Construction Contractors Board.
Wot« with ifl detector prototype team to a dopt DSP
software prototypes lo specific appAcolions
Software Engineer(s) 2 - Windows
J e v y r and imptemeniaiion ot tsortiwa9 lest and
evokxjbon software for internal use and software written
lor PC platforms
Product research, pionmng. architecture and design ot
PC Dosed machine vision systems
Residential Advisor
Product Validation Engineer
Working with protect engineering personnel to develop
system vokdohon plans with an emphasis on mechanical
and eectncol designs
Nail Technician
Specializing in Acrylic Nails, Manicures & Pedicures
Phone: (503) 285-5085
Pager: (503) 909-6724
5601 N.E. M .L .K . Jr. Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97211
Mon. Fri. 9-6 • Sal. 8-6
An Equal Opportunity
Employer & Drug Free Work
Fitness Coordinator,
Oregon State
f f l
4(X)I N.E. Halsey St. Ste. #100 Portland. OR 97232
Manage comprehensive and di­
verse fitness program that in­
cludes instructional classes,
clinics, incentive programs,
fitness services, and special
projects. Responsibilities in­
clude training and supervision
of instructional staff, program
development, publicity and
promotion, coordination of in­
dividual consultants, fitness
testing and supervision of in­
terns and practicum students.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s
degree required in Recre­
ational Sports, Fitness Man­
agement, Exercise Science or
a related fitness field. Mini­
mum of two years experience
in the fitness field with demon­
strated experience in training
and supervision of fitness in­
structors, ability to teach and
conduct classes and work­
shops, and administration of
comprehensive instructional
program. Salary: $28,488-
32,724. Starting Date: July
1, 1997. Deadline: April 4,
1997. Contact: Bill Callender,
Department of Recreational
Sports, 204 Dixon Recreation
Center, Oregon State Univer­
sity, Corvallis, OR 97331-
3301. (503) 737-4304. OSU is
an AA/EO employer and has a
policy of being responsive to
the needs of dual career
Often 7 detyi a <vee6! ! !
C om puterized Car Care
"Mechanics You Can Trust”
3204 N.E. Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97232
McCowan’s Plastering Inc.
We Specialize In E. I. F. S. Stucco and Remodels
(503) 281-7178 O ffice
(503) 833 -8848 Pager
Troy McCowan
A ll T y p e s o< A u to . P ia le a n d W in d o w G la s s
Sfor*n Ooors und Windows
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
5802 NE Mallory
Portland, OR 97211
Lyda Overton, Broker
Home: 503-282-2247
Fax: 5O3-28I-23O9
4709 N E MLK
Jr B lv d
Woman Owned
Administrative Assistant
Adminlstrotive support lor departm ent of 4 through report
generation customer proposals, travel ond schedule
to com o to F S !
Corporate Recruiter
16505 S.W 72nd Avenue • Portland. OR 97224
Fax (5O3|684-5452 • email: jjnotan@llir com
Job Information Hotline
257-1599 TDD
Pager; 920-4466
Iroubleihoot and repair systems and participate In
systems mstaHaiionj both on site and m global locations
You w a n t
Jay Kimmel, Realtor
Technical Marketing Engineer
Pre and Post soles support through technical oppkcatron
information, guidance ond solution evoluoiion
Promoting the com pany ond its product technology
through pubfched articles, presentations muiiimecko
m ateria*
Please respond b y referencing position to.
Call Today about exclusive
representation o f your best
interests as a buyer or seller
Marketing and Sales
Yoil want to be at the forefront of
cutting edge technology,
acting as a key innovator within the industry.....
Education Service
East Metro Aftliates, Inc.
Respond lo forecasts soles order and service dem and by
interpreting master scheauio ond converting mto
dem and for production and mat enols requirements
What we offer is a Competitive Compensation Package, Exciting Challenge within a
Progressive Corporate Culture. Cutting Edge Technology. The Latest in Development Tools,
Technical Growth with the opportunity to lead, empower and team with the industries most
talented engineers in the development ot state ot the art products
Shear Perfection Barber-Beauty Salon
Supplier Quality Engineer
Experience with ony of ihe following Focal Plane Array/lnfrared Technology Venbett Tor jchemafic capture
and «mutation. Venbett Veriiog. Venbesl layout for ECB design. FPGAs in Xylnx Exoct Step and Altera
MAX+Plusil DSP s PSPICE Able. C /C ** VxWortcs real-time OS. Assembly. SDRC. 7-Max le t opticol design
For other current positions call our job hotline at (800) 952-0787.
Field Service Engineer
Systems Analysis Engineer - SW
Acting as port of c/oss functional team to wnte functional
specificotions/perform system performance trade off
Manufacturing Engineer
Determination ond specification of test equipment
opero»Son methods process sequences and toolng
requirements. working with new product design teams In
optimizing of new product designs for manufo«.’uroPHty
Embedded SW Engineer
Developing em bedded software for iR imaging systems
•n new product team
The American Diabetes Assoc, Temporary and on-call student
Ore Affiliate, seeks a qualified
dormitory advisors needed for
We’re Different
Executive Director. Respon­
a residential academic/voca-
sibilities include: carrying out
We’re Washington Mutual
tional program. Requires mini­
directive & policies of a
Washington Mutual is a growing, successful bank that's managed
mum of a high-school diploma
board of directors, adminis­
or equivalent and two years
to remain friendly and down-to-earth. This makes us a good place
tration of staff, overseeing fund
experience in counseling, so­
to bank, and a great place to work. W e’re looking for a range of
raising activities & programs,
cial work, rehabilitation or vo­
talented people-with a variety of skills. We offercompetitive salaries
developing & monitoring bud­
cational guidance. Associate’s
exc. benefits, and professional growth. We also treat our employ­
gets & the fiscal integrity of the
or bachelor’s degree in hu­
ees with dignity and respect. But don't worry, you’ll get used to it!
organization. Other duties in­
man services preferred. Valid
That’s different. That’s Washington Mutual.
clude facilitating business &
drivers license with an accept­
strategic plans, participating
Staff Production Appraiser
able driving record required.
in committee meetings & ac­ Send cover letter, resume to:
Position available in Vancouver Appraisal. Individual will appraise &
tive volunteer development.
inspect 1-4 family residential properties and conduct evaluations.
Human Resources
Qualifications include bachelors
2^224 E. Historic Columbia
Pref. 2+ yrs. related work exp. w/local area knowledge, thorough
degree or equivalent in train­
River Hwy.
knowledge of USPAP and governmental lending procedures, and
ing & experience & a min of
strong customer service skills req. Position paid on commission.
OR 97060
5yrs of management exper in
Be received
Applications are available at all bank locations. Please mail applica­
a non-profit organization. Ex­
tions to:
cellent interpersonal skills a
21, 1997
Send resume to: ADA, Oregon As an affirmative action em­
Affiliate, 6915 SW Macadam ployer, we are seeking quali­
fied minority, female, veteran
Av, Suite 130, Ptld, OR 97219
HR Attn. 9602711
and disabled applicants; how­
by April 7. The Oregon Affili­
851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 230
ever, all qualified applicants
ate is an Equal Opportunity
Portland, OR 97204
will be considered.
Optics Engineer
Ueegn of mid w ove ond tong-wove * lens systems ond
assessment of lens-dele«: lor suuobety
Production Planner
Sr. Embedded SW Engineer - DSP
Software Architect - Windows
O ptical Technician(s) - 2
foCncahon. assembly ond Inspection of precision opkcs
Dy performing grtndvsg blocking and policing
QuaMcatton and m aintenance of materials suppten
Posed upon process corteo* and capatulhei ot vendor
Pare board processes ond fobrScalion
System level design of em bedded mrcroprocestor
imaging systems mciudng functional a n d design
specifications, traoe off anofysi* definition of product
architecture and Inlerfoce control.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facili­
ties Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallas, Oregon 97331-
2001 or telephone 541-737-7694.
Executive Director
Sr. Supplier Business Manager
Procurement for ma»ority of capital ond motor service
Items for f $1
PoMland? Oregon 97211
Phone 249-5886
Hair Connection
Full Sefvii e Sulim
4603 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 288-3171
Field S u pervisor Ambulance
Co. seeks field supv for non-
em ergent division. Exp in
SSPM, HR issues (unionized),
customer sve, data analysis
req. Excel oral/written comm
skills a must. Word/excel exp
pref. EMT-P Oregon requ.
Compet salary and benefits.
Send/fax cover Itr & resume
to: HR, One SE 2nd Ave, Ptld,
OR 97214. EOE. Committed
to diversity. Pre-emp drug
screen req. Fax:(503) 736-
P ro m o tio n A ssista n t/S tre e t
Personality - Full-Tim e - Ex­
ecuting prom otions/S treet
Marketing Coordinator. 1-2
years radio e xp e rie n ce .
Knowledge of New Rock for­
mat. Highly familiar with Port­
land area. Energetic/enthusi-
astic personality who will work
with public extensively. Re­
sume and references to Pro­
motion Director, KNRK Ra­
dio, 4614 SW Kelly, Portland,
OR 97201. Equal Opportunity
Employer. No phone calls
P rom otion Event C oordina­
to r - Part-Time - Looking for a
friendly, enthusiastic, hard
working individual with knowl­
edge of New Rock format.
Must have flexible hours eve-
nings/weekends. Must have
clean DMV. Resume and ref­
erences to Event Coordina­
tor, NRK Radio, 4614 S.W.
K elly, P o rtlan d, O regon
97201. Or Fax to 221-0004.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
No phone calls please.
Sales Prom otion A ssistant -
Full-Tim e - Coordinating sta­
tion sales promotions/radio
contests. Executing promo­
tional events. Creating sales
proposals/prom o tional re­
caps. 2 years of radio promo­
tion experience. Familiar with
New Rock format. Send re­
sume and references to Pro­
motion Director, 4614 S.W.
K e lly, P o rtlan d, O regon
97201. Equal O pportunity
Employer. No phone calls