P agi B? M arcii 5, 1997 • T he P oru and O bserve r Wife ^ o r tla n h bseruer Grief recovery returned A partnership consisting o f G or­ don Sondland o f Dunson Equities. Joseph W Angel o f Pacific Star Corp and Westin Hotels & Resorts jo in tly announced today the devel­ opment o f The Westin Portland, a 200-room boutique hotel located in ihe heart o f downtown Portland I he hotel, to be developed by the ~ Sondland/Angel/W estin partner­ ship, w ill be managed by Westin Hotels & R esorts.Construction is slated to begin in the next few months and is scheduled for completion in the third quarter o f 1998. Construc­ tion and permanent financing for the project is being provided by U.S. Bank “ The Pacific Northwest region has been Westin’ shome for 67 years and we are committed to maintain­ ing a strong and visible presence here,” remarked Juergen Bartels, chairman and chief executive o f­ ficer for Westin Hotels & Resorts. “ We are extremely prpud to partner with Gordon and Joe on this new hotel development and to have the Westin name back in Portland after a seven-year absence.” W estin’ s presence in Portland dates back to the company’ s first years when it took over manage­ ment o f its 20th property, the M u lt­ nomah Hotel, in 1931 Westin man­ aged the hotel until 1964. just one year prior to the hotel’ s closing. During Westin’ s relationship with the Multnomah Hotel, a second ho­ tel was added to Westin’ s Portland collection with The Westin Benson Westin managed The Vktfstin Benson from 1944 until it was sold in 1990. Currently, Westin has a marketing relationship w ith The G overnor Hotel which began in 1992 This relationship w ill terminate prior to the opening o f the new Westin Port­ land To be b u ilt at an estimated cost o f$ 2 0 m illio n , the 20-story Westin Portland w ill be located at the west end o f the dow ntow n retail core on the corner o f Park Avenue and A ld e r, h a lf a b lo c k from N ordstrom 's and one block from the G alleria Designed by SERA Architects, P C., and Kurt Jensen & Associates, the hotel's European traditional de­ sign compliments the surrounding historic terra cotta buildings in this district. In addition to having all W estin’ s standard amenities and services, the hotel w ill offer the fo l­ lowing facilities: • 200 guest rooms and suites, in clu d in g a num ber o f W estin’s G uest O ffic e (R ) business-class room products • Over 5,000 square fe e t o f desig­ nated meeting space, totaling be­ tween Jive and seven meeting rooms in the fin a l design • A 6,800 square fo o t restaurant and bar • A fu ll-service business center • A complete health and fitness dub “ Joe Angel and I are pleased to have formed this partnership with Westin We believe that the hotel's intimate design and superb location, coupled w ith W estin’ s pow erful brand name, w ill make it an instant success in the Portland market." re­ marked Gordon Sondland, president and chief executive officer o f Dunson Equities. Other Westin properties in the Pacific Northwest region includeThe Westin Seattle and The Westin Bayshore in Vancouver. A d dition­ ally. Westin has future.development projects planned in Seattle as w ell as Vancouver and Whistler B.C. The 360-room Westin Sea-Tac Interna­ tional Airport is scheduled to begin construction later this year and the 207-room Westin Grand in Vancou­ ver, w ill open in January 1999. Gordon Sondland is president and chef executive officer o f Dunson Equities Corp. Dunson's affiliated entities own and/or control s ig n ifi­ cant interests in numerous hotel properties throughout the western United States. Some o f the Pacific Northwest properties include The Benson in Portland; The Alexis, The Paramount and Ih e WestCoast Vance hotels in Seattle: and The Sheraton Hotel and the Ridpath in Spokane. Another Dunson affiliate, Dunson NorthCoast L.L.C., is a sig­ nificant shareholder in NorthCoast Hotels, L.L.C., which, as a primary lessee with Patriot American Hospi­ tality. controls such properties as The Valley River Inn in Eugene and The Roosevelt and Plaza Park Suites in Seattle Joseph W Angel is an investor and property owner who recently sold his interest in Restaurant Man­ agement Northwest Inc. where he was owner and operator of33 Burger K ing restaurants in the Portland metropolitan area. Westin Hotels & Resorts owns, manages, franchises and represents 101 hotels and resorts in 23 coun­ tries worldwide. with four additional projects underconstruction in Malta Jakarta, Indonesia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and San Antonio. Texas. I lie company received the high­ est ranking in the 1997 Frequent Flyer magazine J.D Power and As­ sociates “ Domestic Hotel Guest Sat­ isfaction Study - Upscale Hotel Chains." Additionally, for the third consecutive year Westin has been recognized as the No. I upscale ho­ tel chain by readers o f Business Travel News in its "1996 Survey o f l op Hotel Chains.” Apartment Blue Book Goes Online New Website Provides Compre­ hensive Information On Apartment Homes Portland, OR January 20. 1997 - Network Publications, Inc. has an­ nounced that the Greater Portland/ Vancouver Area Apartment Blue Book is now available on the Internet (www.abbonline.com). The site cur­ rently features more than 1,200 apartment properties (representing over 100,000 units) in 280+ city areas across the United States. The “ A p a rtm e n t B lue B ook Online" is an electronic consumer's guide to apartment communities. The service is an easy-to-use re­ source for consumers, apartment home shoppers begin their search for a community by choosing a state and a city then narrowing it down by choosing number o f bedrooms and price range, a color map is included for each city area and each property listing features a color photograph ofthecom m unity. Information about the community is provided under specific areas: Features/Amenities (washer/dryer, patios, cable TV, pools, exercise fa c ilitie s , etc.), Floorplans& Prices (number o f bed­ rooms available and square footage for the units) and FYI (pet policies, move-in specials, fees/deposits. etc.). I he Apartment Blue Book is pub­ lished periodically by Atlanta-based Network Publications, Inc. More than 1.4 m illion copies are distrib­ uted in 38 markets across the United States every three months. An A ddi­ tional 17,000 are distributed to ma­ jo r corporations and chambers o f commerce through a dedicated Re­ location Resources program pro­ vided by Network Publications, and to consumers who request the book through a toll free number (800- 222-3651 ) Portland Habitat Announces Collegiate Challenge: Spring Break ‘97 Portland Habitat for Humanity is a host affiliate for Habitat for Hu­ manity International's C ollegiate Challenge program D u rin g the weeks o f March 2, 9 and 16, 33 students from Montana State U n i­ versity-Billings, M inot State U n i­ versity and Puget Sound University w ill live and work with Portland Habitat, building decent, affordable homes with families in need. C ollegiate C hallenge: S pring Break '97. an event coordinated by the Campus Chapters and Youth Programs department o f Habitat for Humanity International, offers con­ struction experience to students at Habitat affiliates around the coun­ try This year, more than 6,000 C olle­ giate Challenge participants w ill contribute approximately $500,000 to the work o f Habitat for Humanity at participating affiliates. Habitat for Humanity Interna­ tional is a nonprofit, ecumenical organization dedicated to elim inat­ ing poverty housing w orldw ide Habitat for Humanity works in part- nershipwith people in needthrough- out the world building simple, de­ cent shelter that is sold to them at no profit through no-interest loans. Todate. the organization has built more than 50,000 homes worldwide. The Campus Chapters and Youth Programs department was formed t I in 1987 and has provided thousands o f students opportunities to become a significant part o f Habitat for Hum anity’ s work. For more in fo rm a tio n about Habitat fo r H um anity International or the C ollegiate Challenge pro­ gram. call H FH I at (912) 924- 6935 ext. 448 For more information about Port­ land Habitat call. Doreen Roozee at 287-9529. Housing prices unchanged Housing prices hardly budged last year, according to the latest figures from the Federal Housing Finance Board. The average price o f both new and resale homes in the 3 I markets pol led by the housing finance board was $152,100 at year’ s end. a scant 0.5 percent below the $152,800 recorded at I993’ s close Prices were higher in 16 cities, but they fell in the other 15. The largest increase was re­ corded in Milwaukee, where the average rose 20.5 percent, from $ I 11.400 a year ago to $ 134.200. But that was offset by a 20.6 per­ cent decline in Pittsburgh, where the average fell from $116,600 to $92,600. The o nly other d « ib le -d ig it change in either direction over the past 12-month period was here in the N ation’ s Capital, where the average increased 10.1 percent, from $194,000 to $213.600. I he board’s numbers are based on a survey o f major lenders that are asked to report the terms on all conventional, single-fam ily pur­ chase money mortgages. The data does not include either g o ve rn m e n t-b a cke d loans or refinancings, which would tend to draw the results lower A close look at individual mar­ kets shows a mixed bag. They neither increase or decrease. This, by the way, is indicative o f greater activity in one end o f the price spectrum over another than they are o f actual price inflation. At least over the short-terin were con­ fined to one region. Some coastal cities sported in­ creases, others did not. Likewise, markets in the nation’s bread bas­ ket. Honolulu continues to lead the country as the most expensive place for housing even as prices fell 5.8 percent, from $ 3 1 1 ,2 0 0 to $293,000. The San Francisco Bay Area also maintained its ranking as the nation’ s second costliest market housing-wise. Prices there were ba­ sically flat, rising only 0.2 percent from $253,300 to $253,800. Los Angeles reported a 6 .1 per­ cent decline but still managed to hold on to the No. 3 position at $214,300 vs. $228,200 in 1993 But the next four markets all re­ corded increases. After Washing­ ton. which is now in fourth place, comes San Diego at $205.400, up 4.4 percent from $196.800; New York at $202.300. up 2.6 percent from $197,100. and Boston at $180,400, up 7.3 percent from $168.200. Rounding out the dubious top 10. Seattle-Tacoma is the eighth most expensive city in the country at $166.000, down 0.3 percent from $166,500, follo w ed by Den­ ver at $161,300. up 7.8 percent from $149,600, and Chicago at $160,700, o f f 5.2 percent from $169,600. On the basis o f its 20.6 percent decline, Pittsburgh is at the bottom end o f the house-price totem pole. At $92,600, it also is the only market surveyed where the average price is still quoted in five figures. You still need to think six figures everywhere else. But compared to the high-cost cities, the prices in some markets seem downright rea­ sonable. In ascending order, the nation's least-expensive markets are: Tampa- St. Petersburg at $102,200, up 5.6 percent from $96.800; Louisville at $103,600, up 5.7 percent from $98.000: Efouston at $1 10.500. up 7.9 percent from $102.400. and Rochester, N.Y., at $114.300. down 5.5 percent from $120,900. For most o f us, our homes repre­ sent by far the largest portion o f our wealth, such as it is. But taken to­ gether, the equity all o f us have in our homes is truly staggering. According to the Census Bureau, aggregate home equity in owner- occupied housing totaled some $6.4 trillio n in 1991. the last year for which figures are available. That’s nearly twice the $3.3 tril­ lion we hold in financial assets, which represent the second largest share o f household net worth. And almost every household has some financial assets, even i f its just a passbook savings account. Even after subtracting for o u t-| standing mortgage debt on those properties, net home equity equaled $4.1 trillio n and represented 41 percent o f the total net worth o f all U.S. households (and 45 percent o f I total net worth for the 65 percent o f | the nation's households who own homes) Here's some other food fo r | thought from the Census Bureau: I he typical American can expect to move from one residence to an­ other 11.7 times in a lifetim e. And i f you've moved lately, you know how staggering that statistic can be. Young adults have the highest mov ing rate as the move from apart ment to apartment. But once they become owners, they tend to stay put longer. More than one in three persons age 20 to 24 moves every year Likewise, about a third o f all per sons living in renter-occupied units in March 1993 moved during the previous year. In contrast, only one in 10 owners moved in the same period. About 38 percent o f all the exist­ ing houses which changed hands in Southern California during last year's third quarter were sold for a loss, according to John Karevoll, editor o f the Southern California Real Estate Observer. That’ s down somewhat from 48 percent in September 1993. says K a re v o ll. whose source is Dataquick, a real estate marketing information service. But it’ s still a staggering percentage. More shocking yet is that 53 percent o f the houses sold in Or­ ange County and 48 percent o f those sold in Ventura County went for less than what their owners paid for them. But the median lose was highest $36,750 — in Los An­ geles County. To end on a p ositive note, Karevoll also reports that owners selling at a p rofit “ gain more than losers lose," the length o f owner­ ship being the key element. “ Profit takers typically own their homes longer than loss takers,” he points out. Affordable home ownership opportunities Bank o f America, one o f the nation’ s largest home loan lenders, announced today that it is expand­ ing its affordable lending program by launching a new. low down pay­ ment home loan that w ill help more households in Oregon obtain home ownership The new home loan program - Neighborhood Advantage 1-2-3 — represents a significant expansion o f Bank o f America’s pioneering Neighborhood Advantage program, which has been available since I 990 to low-and moderate-income house­ holds. since the Neighborhood Ad­ vantage program was introduced nearly seven years ago. Bank o f America has originated more than $12 b illion in home loans to low-and moderate-income households. The Neighborhood Advantage I- 2-3 home loan makes ownership more affordable by requiring a total down payment o f only 3 percent, with I percent allowed in the form o f a g ift or grant. This down payment option, combined with other fea­ tures o f the program, significantly reduces a borrower's initial out-of- pocket costs below those associated with many other low down payment mortgages, the new 30-year, fixed- rate program also offers more flex­ ible debt-to-income ratios, resulting in less income required to qualify The new Neighborhood Advan­ taged I -2-3 home loan is now being offered in Oregon and 20 other states where Bank o f America has either a retail branch presence or Bank- America Mortgage retail lending offices. Fannie Mae has agreed to be a purchaser o f this new home loan in the secondary market, allowing Bank o f America to recycle funds into new loans and further extend the reach o f this program to more home buyers. PRIMESTAR IS HERE And It’s The Biggest News In TV Since TV Began. Installation now only $149.00 FOR ABOUT $1 A DAY PRIMESTAR GIVES YOU: • Credit check required • Complete Primestar equipment and value package programming all for $32.99 a month • Great reception and CD- quality d ig ita l sound-your TV never looked or sounded better! ■ More and better programming-up to 92 channels! And 65 more in 4 97 ■ A ll y o u r fa v o rite channels: Cnn.The Discovery Channel. Hie Disney Channel. I BS.USA. and a 15 channel Mega sports package that's action packed •Complete, easy-to-understand sys­ tem that’s simple to use. PRIMES* Iti DISTRIBUTED BY TCI Allen Brooks 503-820-2534 • 800-824-8877 LAST 3 HOUSES LEFT WITH NEHEMIAH SECOND MORTGAGE!!! • Supplemental financing may be available • Family income must be less than $46,300 NECDC N O R T H E A S T C O M M U N IT Y D E V E L O P M E N T C O R P O R A T IO N 4 1 1 4 N V A N C O U V E R A V E N U E - P O R T L A N D O R E G O N 9 7 2 1 7 • 5 0 3 -2 8 2 0 6 5 9 • F A X 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -9 1 5 2 \ • d