Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 05, 1997, Page 15, Image 15

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    l i lt P oh 11 AND O u s t R VI R • M arch
P a i , I B9
5. 1997
—1 P
Welder Trainees
___________ 1
Northwest Natural Gas Com­
pany has an immediate open­
Research Assistant
(503)226-4211, Ext 2434
Membership And
Program Director
Training in Oxy-gas, shielded
arc, hard facing and GMA/
GTA. Full pay and benefits
w hile training. Ages 17-34,
high school diplom a grads
willing to relocate. Call 1-800-
914-8536, Mon-Fri,8am-4pm.
for a project being conducted in
N and NE Portland to promote
success in middle school and
stre ng th en the conn e ction
between families and schools,
a d m in iste r and code te le ­
phone interviews; carry out
other project assignm ents.
Hourly, 5-10 hours/wk, after­
noon, evening, and weekend
work. Must enjoy working with
people and diverse cultural
populations. Must have ac­
cess to a telephone. Good
written and verbal com m uni­
cation skills required. Four
years college OR equivalent
combination of experience &
training in research or related
field. Minorities are encour­
aged to apply. Pay rate, $8.77/
hour. Call 282-3662 to have
application sent or mail letter
of intent and resume by M on­
day, March 10 to Project Alli­
ance, Attn: Mary, 2738 NE
B ro a d w a y , P o rtla n d , O R
97232. EEO/AA
'* * * v *****
ing in our Custom er Account
Services D epartm ent for a
Customer Clerk
For additional job information,
qualifications and application
procedure contact:
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Northwest Natural Gas Com­
pany seeks qualified candi­
dates for a key technical posi­
tion in its Gas Control Center.
This position requires in-depth
knowledge of the NNG and
KB pipeline operating systems
and understanding of appro­
priate regulations Strong ap­
plication of math and science
background/experience is re­
quired; dem onstrated skills in
use of PC/Com puter is es­
sential. For more information
(503) 226-4211, Ext 2434
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Computer Operator
Northwest Natural Gas Com­
pany has an immediate open­
ing in our Information Services
Department for a C o m p u te r
For additional job information,
qualifications and application
procedure contact:
Recruit, support volunteers, de­
(503) 226-4211, Ext 2434
velop program events. Must
have 2 years related experi­
An Equal Opportunity Employer
ence in working with Hispanic
community organizations. Ef­
fective written and oral com ­ Are you versatile in m anage­
munication skills in Spanish
ment, public relations, and
and English; excellent inter­
grant writing. We want your
p e rso n a l s k ills ; B A /B S or
administrative knowledge to
equiv. exp; need own trans­
serve a 42 year old day-care -
portation & able to work flex
up to $25,000 salary call 281 -
hrs; $24,243 + benefits. C los­
ing date March 14th, Send
resume to Personnel, Colum ­
bia River Girl Scout Council,
Firefighter Trainee
P.O. Box 2427, Lake Oswego,
Limited openings. Must pass
OR 97035-0096; (503)620- hysical. 17-34 with HSdiploma.Ex-
llentpay/benefits. Paid training and
Equal Opp. Employer
location expenses. Call 1 -800-914-
dedicated to diversity
536, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.
Membership And
Program Director
Recruit, support volunteers, de­
velop program events. Must
have 2 years related experi­
ence in working with Hispanic
community organizations. Ef­
fective written and oral com ­
munication skills in Spanish
and English; excellent inter­
p e rso n a l skills; B A /B S or
equiv.exp; need own tra ns­
portation & able to work flex
hrs; $24,243 + benefits. C los­
ing date March 14th, Send
resumesto Personnel, Colum ­
bia River Girl Scout Council,
P.O. Box 2427, Lake Oswego,
Or 97035-0096; (503) 620-
Equal Opp. Em ployer
dedicated to d ive rsity
Radio Morning Show Pro­
d uce r... For S&M Show - Not
a coffee maker, gopher or
button pusher. Must be cre­
ative, motivated, super-orga­
nized At least 3 yrs radio ex­
perience Resume and refer­
e n ce s to M ark H a m ilto n ,
KNRK Radio, 4614 SW Kelly.
Portland, OR 97201. Equal
O pp o rtu nity Em ployer. No
phone calls please
Radio A d v e rtis in g Sales - Mini­
mum 3 yrs sales experience,
preferably in broadcast. Ex­
cellent organizational, written
and verbal com m unication
skills. Send resume and refer­
ence to Sales Manager, NRK
Radio, 4614 S.W. Kelly, Port­
land, Oregon 97201. Equal
O pp o rtu nity Em ployer. No
phone calls please
Northwest Natural Gas Çooi-
pany has an immediate open­
ing in our Adm inistrative Ser­
vices Department for a Mail
Group Counselor
Group Counselor (BA In Human
Services Required) Full-time
position available for a day
treatment program and after
school intensive outpatient
program serving SED Ado­
lescents in North Portland.
Prior work with culturally di­
verse population preferred.
Send resume postmarked by
3 /9/97 to: S. R oberts,
Nickerson Treatment Center,
7025 N. Lombard, Portland,
OR 97203
Firefighter Trainee
Limited openings. Must pass
physical. 17-34 with high
school diploma. Excellent pay/
benefits. Paid training and re­
location expenses. Call 1 -800-
914-8536, Mon-Fri, 8 am-4pm.
v tla u d
(I ^h e. evu er
(503) 226-4211, Ext 2434
( all 503-2X8-0033
An Equal Opportunity Employer
E m p lo ym e n t
WTien it com es to
k eep in g O r e g o n healthy,
w e couldn't care more.
Since 19 4 1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional
w orkforce to discover innovative routes to superior health care Solutions like wellness
programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people
understand that while quality often has a pnee. efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep
Executive Director,
project being conducted in N
and NE portland to promote
Portsmouth Community Rede­
in middle school and
v e lo p m e n t
C o rp o ra tio n
strengthen the conn e ction
(PCRC) is a non-profit urban
between families and schools.
housing developer serving the
Afternoon, evening, and week­
North Portland Peninsula. We
end work, half-time to start.
are currently seeking a dedi­
M ust e n jo y w o rk in g w ith
cated professional to lead the
people and diverse cultural
organization. Qualified appli­
populations. Good written and
cants should possess a Busi­
verbal com m unication skills
ness, Public Administration,
required. Interviewing experi­
or related degree, or have
ence preferred. Four years
comparable experience, two
college or equivalent com bi­
years minimum experience in
nation of experience & train­
housing and urban issues,
ing in research or related field.
grant w riting and financial
Must have an open and flex­
m anagem ent. Also helpful
ible schedule 3-9pm w eek­
would be non-profit organiza­
days and all day sat. and sun.
tion experience, Board rela­
Drivers license, car, and proof
tions and volunteer coordina­
of auto insurance required.
tion experience. Salary range
Minorities are encouraged to
is $32,000-$35,000 (depend­
apply. Benefits for half-time
ing on qualifications) includ­
include company-paid health
ing medical benefits. A full job
insurance, retirem ent plan,
description is available by
and vacation. Starting pay
s e n d in g
e -m a il to
S763/mo plus benefits for 1/2
pcrc@ aracnet.com or by call­
time. Possibility tor full-time
ing 503-283-1096. Application
em ploym ent in future. Call
to consist of cover letter and
282-3662 to have application
resume addressed to PCRC,
sent or mail letter of intent and
Executive Director Search,
• resume by Monday, March 10
9025 N. Dana Avenue, Port­
to Project Alliance, Attn: Mary,
land, OR 97203 and received
2738 NE Broadway, Portland,
no later than 5:00 PM, April 1,
Ore. 97232.
costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthw hile pursuit
to you, consider o u r possibilities.
Sr. P ro g ra m m e r Analyst
(Job # 052)
You will gather, analyze and document information fo r developing and directing system
improvements fo r our Membership Liaison Departm ent You w ill also construct test and
troubleshoot applications systems, while fulfilling administrative reporting requirements for
management. You must have a college degree including courses in statistics, mathematics,
accounting o r com puter science (o r equivalent) as well as at least five years o f expenence.
four o f which must have been in data processing.
C o n tra c t Analyst
0ob # 058)
You will research legal issues and prepare all standard group contracts, amendments and
certificates issued by Oregon Pacific States Life in compliance w ith state and federal regulations
You must have a Baccalaureate Degree in a relevant field or equivalent expenence in insurance
related w o rk as well as knowledge o f grammar, business composition and contract terminology
S ecretary to M anager
(Job #5019)
You will perform secretarial support and office management functions to provide efficient
operations fo r o u r Provider Affairs office. You must have tw o years o f secretanal expenence in
an office management position. Personal computer skills including Microsoft W indows. Microsoft
W ord, AmiPro, Lotus Notes and Freelance are necessary, as are skills in business writing.
Exceptional Needs C are C o o rd in ato r
(Job # 5017)
You will ensure access and create linkages to support the delivery o f special medical care by
w orking w ith vanous entities such as: provider affairs representatives, member services
representatives and state agency case managers You must have a degree in the health care
field from an accredited school and an LCSW o r O regon RN license. Also, you must have at
least three years o f expenence in varied social o r medical services
W e offer competitive salanes and benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is
required, and we support a smoke-free w ork environm ent For more information about career
opportunities, call our Job In f o r m a t io n L in e : I -8 0 0 - 2 J I - 16 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t
h ttp ://w w w .b c b s o .c o m . Io apply, please place the position number at the to p o f your
resume o r cover letter and submit to B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f O r e g o n H M O ,
H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , P. O . B o x 1 2 7 1 , P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 7 - 12 7 0 ,T D D # ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -
6 7 8 0 . W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f em ploym ent
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
preparation. The experience must have
Included program evaluation responsibility.
Preference will be given to individuals with
experience in budget development,
monitoring and coordination. Monthly
salary range $2,732 to $3,643 Apply to
Fiscal and Administrative
Officer College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
E ff. June 1,1997. Min. 5 yrs exp.
as a budget/finance adm inis­
trator w/$5 million + budget.
PC -based/m ainfram e co m ­
puter finance & administrative
systems & software. Strong
oral/w ritten com m unication
skills. Significant office admin­
istrator exp., knowledge of
Oregon ARs & university poli-
cies/procedures. BA/BS deg.
or equiv exp w/i PSU Admin,
office. Send cover letter, cur­
rent resume, and 3 employer
refs, to: Search Committee,
CLAS, PO Box 751 Portland,
OR 97207. March 21 applica­
tion deadline Position desc.
available, call (503) 725-5061.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer
IL he
For additional job information,
qualifications and application
procedure contact:
P ortland S tate
U niversity
Advertise In
. 7n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a
announcement number L E 9 7 0 16 9 by
March 1 0 ,1 9 9 7 . Obtain a State of Oregon
application (form RD 1 0 0 ) and any
required supplements from a local Oregon
Employment Department office or most state agency personnel offices. If
you have a disability and need an alternative format in order to complete
the application form, you may call the Exam Unit at (5 0 3 ) 9 4 6 5 8 4 3 or
large variety of careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist in the
following agencies:
TTY (5 03 ) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 . EOE.
• Starting Wage is $9.07 per hour with a 5% minimum progression
• Top rate of $16.49 within 3 years
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), is known throughout the
nation as a progressive government agency and as a leader in team
development and performance measures. ODOT is responsible for the
coordination of transportation programs between and among all
governmental organizations within the state. We have an immediate
opportunity for the following position:
Principal Executive Manager E
(Photogrammetry and Survey Manager)
Now Hiring
Part-Time Bus Operators
Opportunities For Career And Advancement
• Customer Service - 2 years work experience demonstrating strong
customer service skills
• Excellent Driving Record - 5 years of current, valid driver’s license
• Good Work Record - verifiable work experience
If you meet the above requirements we encourage you to come to
Tri-Met's Job Fair on March 10,11,17 or 18 between 9 am and 3:30
pm a, the following garage locations:
Center Street Garage
Merlo Garage
4012 SE 17th Avenue
Portland, OR
16130 SW Merlo Road
Beaverton, OR
Qualified individuals can apply in person at Tri-Met’s Human
Resources Department, located at 4012 SE 17th Ave., 3rd Floor,
Portland, Oregon. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to
5 pm. You may travel to the Human Resources Department via bus
lines #17 or #70. Those requesting application by mall may call
(503) 238-4835.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Fire Sprinkler Apprentices
The Northwests' leading Mechanical Contractor is expanding its
Fire Protection Division. We are currently taking applications for
Fire Srinkler Apprentices. The apprenticeship is a 5 year training
program o, Road Local 669.
Requirements: 18 years of age or older
High School Diploma or G.E.D. Certificate
Pre-Employment Drug Screening
Military Discharge must be other than dishonorable
Must be physically fit to do the work of the trade
including heavy lifting, outdoor and high-story work
Advanced standing and wages may be granted on
the basis of previous training and education.
E.O.E. Women and minorities are encouraged to
Applications will be accepted until April 30, 1997
McKinstry Co.
5400 NE Columbia Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97218
We are seeking an energetic, motivated leader for challenging position
located in Salem, This individual will manage and direct the
Photogrammetry and Survey Unit in the production of aerial mosaics,
topographic and planimetric maps, and computer generated digital terrain
models. This person manages the Department s specialized survey crews
and provides expertise in all matters regarding surveying. Requires three
years of management experience which included responsibility for
development of program rules and policies, long and short-range goals and
plans, program evaluation and budget preparation; OR three years of
professional experience as a project leader, assigning and reviewing work
of objectives, project evaluation and monitoring and controlling or preparing
a budget. Registration as a Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) is required.
Salary $3.365 to $4.742 a month plus benefits. Completed application
materials must be received by March 21, 1997. Announcement
#0CDT7048. Call (503) 9864030 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request
application packet.
^ 4 ); o
Two year limited duration position available in the Labor & Employment
Section of the General Counsel Division. Duties include providing day-to-
day legal advice to state agencies on labor, human resource
management, civil rights and other employment laws and issues.
Applicants should have excellent writing, analytical and oral
communication skills. Litigation and public sector labor law experience is
desirable. Must be OSB member at time of appointment. To apply, call
(5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 5 5 5 5 x 32 1 . Application deadline 3 /1 9 /9 7 .
Heating Plant Manager
For other ODOT opportunities call our R ecnitm ent JOBUNE at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 3 8 4 7 .
Heating Plant Manager, OSU Facilities Services. Major duties include
supervising the operation and maintenance of the central Heating Plant,
and related equipment. Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience,
with at least five years experience required as a boiler operator, and a
minimum of three years experience required in supervision of boiler
operators in a Heat Plant. Experience in a physical plant setting is preferred
Must have knowledge of federal and state guidelines on the operation of
high pressure steam plants; general knowledge of electronic boiler controls,
and automatic combustion control systems. General knowledge of building
automation systems for energy management. Must have demonstrated
significant leadership experience and ability. Proficiency in the use of a
personal computer and relevant software applications is also required
Position is a 12 month, fixed-term, unclassified appointment, renewable at
the discretion of the hiring authority Submit lettei; resume, and at least 3
references to LaRayne DeJulls, 1 0 0 Adams HaK, Corvallis, OR 97331-
2 001, (5 4 1 ) 737-7669. For full consideration, application materials must
The State of Oregon is seeking candidates to fill the position of Director for
the Oregon Department of Revenue. This is an executive level position
reporting to the Governor and requiring Senate confirmation. Major duties
include management of a complex organization with a $100 million biennial
operating budget and responsibility for administering Oregon’s Property and
Income Tax programs, corporate excise taxes, inheritance and gift taxes,
and the assessment and valuation of large Industrial complexes and
extensive forest and timberiand acreage. The Director also serves as the
primary expert and policy advisor to the Governor and the legislature on
Oregon's state and local tax laws. The annual salary is up to $84,000
based on qualifications qnd experience. Other benefits include Oregon
Choices for family health and dental insurance, life and disability insurance,
membership in Oregon Public Employes Retirement System, vacation, and
personal and sick leave Interested parties may obtain an application
packet from Laura Trevlzo, Oregon Department of Administrative
Services, Human Resources Services Division, 155 Cottage St. NE,
Salem. OR 97310. Phone (503) 3763040, fax (503) 3765731. Closing
date of March 19. 1997 Screening of applicants will begin soon after.
Program Technician 2
(Budget/Financial Analysis Coordinator)
The Department of Human Resources, Office of Medical Assistant
Programs (OMAPj in Salem is recruiting for a Budget/Rnancial Analysis
Coordinator. The Budget/Financial Analysis Coordinator position is
responsible for performing the following essential budgeting and complex
fiscal functions for the Medical Assistance program budget: ongoing budget
preparation, program revenue and expenditure monitoring, and developing
fiscal resources for OMAP It is the lead responsibility for developing the
Medical Assistance Program biennial budget at all levels of detail including
the forecast of eligibles. use of per capita costs, preparation of reduction
packages, and coordination of documents. The position analyzes fiscal and
statistical Information, develops reports and determines fiscal and program
integrity of current and proposed programs. The position is also responsible
for Federal fiscal analysis and reporting including Federal block grants,
quarterly utilization and expenditure reports, and budget neutrality reports.
To qualify, you must have two years of experience with responsibility for
program or project monitoring and coordination In the area of budget
be received by March 21, 1997 However, applications will be accepted
until the position has been filled. OSU has a policy of being responsive to
the needs of dual-career couples.
Executive Support Specialist
(Assistant to Chief Medical Officer)
Immediate opening at Oregon State Hospital in Salem. Position plays an
important role in the administrative support team in the Superintendent's
Office. Must nave at least 3 yrs. expenence providing secretarial/
administrative support. Computer proficiency and experience working in a
psychiatric or health care facility is desired. $l,706$2,278/m onthly Contact
Oregon State Hospital; Employee Relations, Building 29: 2 60 0 Center St.,
NE; Salem or call (503) 9 4 6 2 8 2 2 , TTY (5 03 ) 9 4 6 2 9 9 6 , for complete
description of duties and application packet. Closes Monday. March 10.
Disability Analyst 2
(Appellate Review Specialist)
The Workers' Compensation Division's Dispute Resolution Section,
Appellate Review Unit of the Department of Consumer and Business
Services is recruiting to filf a current vacancy in Salem The Appellate Unit
Specialist is responsible for reviewing Reconsideration Requests ot Notice
of Closures and Determination Orders regarding the extent of disability, and
ensuring that timely and appropriate responses to appeals are provided to
interested parties. Monthly salary range: $2,486 to $3,307. For
qualification Information and application material« leave a message on
the Employoo Services fobline at (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 8 9 8 0 . Recruitment closes
March 24 ,199 7. Announcement SLE970187.
J /h e s e are Just some of the current openings available with the State of
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application
Form and more complete announcement listings, c a l the State Jobllne
(Oregonian Inside Une) (503) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 #7777, TTY (503) 3 7 6 4 6 7 2 . visit
your local Employment Department, or log onto our web site at
http://www.dashr.state.or.us/Jobo/. The State of Oregon and ah Its divisions
are proud to be equal opportunity employers.