> • * , • / ,-’ .‘ Á < »• •*- ' ‘' i - r i n ’.1'’.•".*•♦ V • • P agi B4 • \ ». H M W M I H N N M M M arc h 5, 1997 • Tm P oru and O bserver 4s*ws«< Ä - Guilt by association, nailing culprit genes A relatively unused technique for finding common disease-predispos­ ing genes should ultimately surpass the approaches currently in vogue, according to a statistical study by Neil Risch, professor o f genetics at Stanford University School o f Medi­ cine This method called associa­ tion analysis — will be especially useful in understanding the genetic basis o f complex disorders, if a par­ ticular gene increases disease risk only moderately or else m utiple ge­ netic factors are involved. "Using this technique, it should be feasible in the next decade to test each o f the estimated 100,000 hu­ man genes for possible links with every disease," Risch said. Risch will present his findings on Friday, Feb. 14. at the morning ses­ sion (8:30 to 11:30a in ), “Complex Traits: Where Are the G enes?” at the annual meeting o f the American Association for the Advancement o f Science, held in Seattle. In the study, he created math- ematical models to compare asso­ ciation analysis with linkage analy­ sis — the method used to map most genes until now. Risch compared the num ber o f people who would have to be studied by each method in order to identify disease genes with varying propert ies. "The data showed that linkage analysis requires sam ­ pling far more people to generate the same amount o f information," he said.Scientists have used linkage analysis to find genes for many dis­ orders, including H untington's dis­ ease and A lzheim er's disease. This approach, which is part o f a process called "positional cloning,” identifies disease genes by theirchro- mosomal location, gradually zero­ ing in on them among their neigh­ bors in the genome. Researchers compare the co-in­ heritance o f known landmarks, or genetic markers, in the genome with the disease state o f family members. They locate the disease gene by find­ ing the markers closest to it those most highly correlated with inherit­ ance o f the disease “ The nice thing about linkage analysis is that you can find genes involved in disease by using only a limited number o f genetic markers along the various chrom osom es.” said Risch. “ Even if you’re some distance away, you still detect a sig­ nal that’s strong enough to see where the gene resides. With association studies, you could be at the gene next door and still have no signal.” But the problem with linkage analysis is that it depends on having that strong signal, which occurs only if the gene is the predominant cause o f disease, Risch explained. "If the gene is one o f many factors that lead to the disease, the signal w on’t be loud enough to detect, even if you' re very close,” he said. Association tests are more pow­ erful in such cases because they give clear-cut answers to specific ques­ tions, Risch explained. Scientists ask directly whether affected individu­ als have a certain characteristic, and get a yes or no answer. They find out FDA calls “party drug” deadly A m ericans should avoid a popu­ lar party drug called GHB because the concoction, often prom oted to teen-agers over the Internet as an aphrodisiac or an easy high, can be deadly, the governm ent warned Tuesday. Crim inal investigators from the Food and Drug A dm inistration are track in g dow n laboratories that illeg ally produce the ch em ical, which was banned in 1991 but is experiencing a resurgence par­ ticu larly as a “ date rape" drug that, w hen slipped into a w o m an ’s drink, can render her helpless. GHB is blamed for dozens o f hospitalizations and at least three deaths. A Texas high school stu­ dent died in August after som eone slipped the chem ical into her soft drink at a dance club. A W inches­ ter, Va., woman in her 20s was thought to have been in a drunken- d riv in g crash until an au to p sy show ed she had taken G H B in­ stead o f alcohol. Just a week ago, three M assa­ chusetts college students were hos­ pitalized after trying GHB. Two fell into a com a, but alUeventually recovered. The drug, know n by the street names “cherry m eth,” “ liquid X" and “ liquid ecstasy ," is believed one o f several that sick­ ened dozens o f youths at a New Y ear’s Eve concert in I.os Ange- les. C alifornia doctors last fall reported having to resuscitate H ol­ lyw ood n ig h tclu b p atro n s who stopped breathing after ingesting the drug. “ I he in d iv id u a l c o n s u m e r should not even be thinking about taking this d rug,” said Jim Dahl, assistant director o f the FD A ’s crim inal investigations office. “ It is very bad for you, and it can certainly cause d eath .” GHB, or gam m a hydroxybutyrate, is an odorless, nearly tasteless drug that produces a high But it also can cause vom ­ iting, trem ors and seizures, side effects strong enough to send some people into comas. The drug com m only is distrib­ uted as a w hite pow der or clear liquid that can be mixed into a drink It sells for about $10 a vial. GHB was originally developed as a surgical anesthetic but had so many side effects that it was abandoned. In 1990, the FDA began investigating reports that body builders were abus­ ing GHB as an alternative to ste­ roids The following year, the FDA declared it illegal to manufacture or sell GHB for any purpose. But after an initial lull, the FDA says, GHB is on the rise again. Since 1995, I DA prosecutors have begun 45 investigations o f underground GHB manufacturing or distribution, 12 o f which have resulted in convic­ tions so far. Its inherent danger aside, doctors say GHB is made so haphazardly that people might think the dose that gave them a m i Id buzz once is safe to try again —-only to have the same amount send them into a coma be­ cause the new batch is more potent. “ It's a very narrow margin of error," said Dr. Rossanne Philen of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is preparing to publish a study o f GHB injuries in Texas and New York. “There’s no easy way for an individual who is going to consume this substance to tell the purity o f it.” GHB proponents actually declare it legal to possess because the Drug Enforcement Administration has not yet listed the chemical as a con­ trolled substance like cocaine or marijuana. But two states, Georgia and Rhode Island, have separately declared GHB a controlled sub­ stance, and other states are consid­ ering the move. Meanwhile, the FDA is urging police officers, emergency rooms and coroners to begin aggressively test­ ing for GHB when young people wind up in emergency rooms w ith the chem ical’s symptoms, so the government can get a better sense of how widely it is abused Glaucoma diagnosis key found whether there are relative differ­ ences in the frequency o f a particular genetic variant, or allele, in people with and without disease “This approach gives a loud sig­ nal,” said Risch “ It’s much more powerful You get more information than by try ing to find some attribute that is shared by affected individu­ als A limitation o f association stud­ ies, however, is that you need to be on top o f or very close to the impli­ cated gene to have a signal.” Association studies have already been done when researchers have had an idea o f what causes a particu­ lar condition. For instance, earlier this year scientists in New York used this approach to find a muta­ tion that decreases a person's risk o f HIV infection. They knew that a certain protein interacts with the cellular molecule that allows HI V to enter the I cells o f the immune system So they looked at the gene for this cofactor in different people and found something startling. “ What they saw was that a piece ! t I “The key to this method is that you need a candidate gene,” Risch said “ Instead o f gradually getting closer to the disease gene, you ask, ‘Is this it?” ’ Although linkage analysis has succeeded in identifying genes with a strong influence on disease, “there are a lot more genes with small effects on disease, and those are what we re turning to now,” he ex­ plained The genetic variations that cause complex diseases are widespread “These variations are very common, and they’ve been in the human popu­ lation fo ra long time," said Richard Myers, professor o f genetics and di­ rector of the Stanford Human G e­ nome Center. " They probably con­ tribute to common diseases like au­ toimmune disease, psychiatric dis­ ease and cancer, which often are not thought o f as being genetic. Getting these diseases probably requires the inheritance o f multiple genes and some interactions with the environ­ ment as well.” Researchers who discover maleness gene win prize The Amory Prize for Reproduc­ tive Biology was awarded today by the American Academy o f Arts and Sciences to an American and two Britishers for discovering the single gene men carry that deter­ mines whether a w om an’s fertil­ ized egg develops into a male. According to their studies, in­ structions from the SR Y gene cause a fem ale's fertilized egg to develop testes and become a male. Without th e se g e n e tic in s tru c tio n s , a woman’s (and every mammal’s) fertilized egg develops ovaries and blossoms into a female. While it had been more or less conventional wisdom that sex de­ termination occurs when chromo­ somes o f men and women get to­ gether. the nature o f the gene or genes involved and the mechanism by which this information is trans­ ferred was unknown. For solving “one o f the central problems in biology, namely how the two sexes form,” the Academy bestowed its Amory Prize for the first time in five years. The award ceremony took place at the 1795th Stated Meeting o f the Academy at Academy House here. Presiding at the ceremony were Jaroslav Pelikan, President o f the Academy and Sterling Professor ol History at Yale University, and Paul R Schim m el, C hairm an o f the Academy’s Amory Prize Commit­ tee and Joan D. & Catherine T. Macarthur Professor o f Biochemis­ try and Biophysics at Massachusetts Institute o f Technology. The three prize-winners are David C. Page o f MIT, the Whitehead In­ stitute and the Howard Hughes Medi­ cal Institute; Peter Goodfellow of SmithKline Beecham; and Robin H. Lovell-Badge o f the MRC National Institute for Medical Research. The scientists operated on the assum ption that w hatever gene causes maleness is missing in men with female(XX)chromosomes, and present in women with male (XY) chromosomes They found that mu­ tations o f the SR Y gene causes its instructions to the fertilized egg to go awry so that male development is prevented or incomplete. The inci­ dence of human intersex is estimated at between 2 to 4 per 10,000 births. Dr. Page was recognized for devel­ oping the first map o f the Y chromo­ some that identified the approximate location of the SR Y gene. This map was ultimately expanded into the first detailed map o f a human chromo­ some. In subsequent work, Page’s team has also characterized thé re­ gion o f the Y chromosome that ex- changes with the X chromosome, and has identified regions of the Y chromosome that contain genes for stature and for development o f tes­ ticular tumors and characterized a gene on the long arm o f the Y chro­ mosome responsible for one o f the most common forms o f male infer tility Page has also begun to charac­ terize genes on the X chromosome essential for female development. In 1990, using the gene map de veloped by Page, British teams led by Robin Lovell-Badge and Peter Goodfellow, then at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), used special cloning techniques to isolate what they suspected was the male­ determining gene in both mice and men and then proved that it was responsible for testicular develop­ ment When they introduced the gene, which they named SRY, into newly fertilized mouse eggs, it caused the genetic female mice to develop into males. How the SRY gene causes the sexually indifferent gonad o f the embryo to develop into a testis is not entirely clear, but the subse­ quent work o f Goodfellow and Lovell-Badge indicates that the product o f SRY is a protein that binds to DNA and appears to bend DNA sharply. Advertise In (Tin' U CSFeye researchers say a study ophthalmology. UCSF has filed a The University has exclusively published in the journal Science is series o f patent applications begin­ licensed these patent rights for the J.iovtkiiiii “proof in principle” o f their theory ning in 1994 covering the TIGR development ofdiagnostic products (Obscvbrr from several years ago that a par­ gene for diagnosis ofglaucom a and to InSite Vision Inc. o f Alameda, ( all 503-288-0033 ticular gene — known as the TIGR other uses. California. gene w illb eo n e ofthe keys to glaucom a diag­ nosis and that defects in the gene could account The flu virus is spread by close contact and usually needs help to infect a person. for more than 20 percent GROUND ZERO FIGHTING THE INFECTION o f adult glaucoma. The mouth, nose and eyes contain a type of cell the flu The body gets wise to the invader and The Science article re­ virus prefers. The body uses natural defenses such as creates a hostile environment to kill the ports that m utations o f nose hairs, mucus and cilia to try to i keep I the virus virus. Here is how the body reacts: from reaching the cells. the TIGR gene play a Sore throat: Inflamed respiratory tract. WFECTOH ro le in p rim ary open F e v e r A body's reaction to infection. S hiver Another heat-creating effort. angle glaucoma (POAG) Flu virus attacks and Headaches, m uscle aches ana fatigue: infects a cell. the most common form Caused by cells releasing interleukin - a substance that fights infection and ofglaucom a, affecting an Cell stops normal activates other parts of the immune e stim a te d 3 m illio n function and begins system. CEU producing the flu virus. Americans, and the sec­ New viruses are ond lead in g cau se o f DANGER: released and spread to blindness in the United other cells. Kills or damages States The study was cells in respiratory tract that defend conducted by University against bacteria. o f Iowa researchers, w ho ATTACKMG THE B 00Y More susceptible had been studying a rare The virus incubates in the body for a day or two, to bronchitis and form o f glaucoma called multiplying in the epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract. pneumonia. juvenile glaucoma, and PASSING T « BUG w as c o -a u th o re d by UCSF researchers. Here is an example of how the flu virus can be transmitted: The TIGR gene was Kids: Biggest Acquaintance: At th e office: Parents: Crowded places: transmitter of virus Pick up Handshake originally cloned at the Again, sneeze, Sneeze, cough Using phone because of more kids and passes on v t j s . or touch cough or touch U CSF D ep artm en t o f after infected physical contact j virus. transmits virus. passes virus to person can Ophthalmology by mo­ and less likelihood nearby co- transmit virus. to wash hands, / lecular biologist Thai D. Nguyen, Ph D., using a human cell culture sys­ tem developed by Jon R Polansky, M D , UCSF associate p ro fesso r o f SO U R CE- UnWersity ot Calitomi«, Irvine; research by SUSAN KELLEHER " Battling the flu was missing from this particular gene in some people,” Risch said. “ Individuals who have tw ocopiesof tliis defective gene and as a result lack the cellular protein it encodes are resistant to HIV infection ” In this case, the mutation is ben­ eficial But the same approach can be used to detect genes that cause disease: Researchers can ask whether there is an association between a particular genetic variant and dis­ ease. “The HIV story is a case in which one gene predisposes people to re­ sistance,” said Dr David Cox, pro­ fessor o f genetics and co-director of the Stanford Human Genome Cen­ ter. “ But the same approach can be used for conditions with multifacto­ rial causes. In these cases, certain combinations o f genes predispose people to disease The question is which genes differ between normal and diseased populations. T hat’s how you figure out which alleles and patterns ofalleles are associated with disease.” ANNOUNCING THE Northeast Eye Center A Clinical Care and Teaching Affiliate o f the Pacific University College o f Optometry The Pacific University College o f Optometry is pleased to announce the opening o f its Northeast Eye Center, conveniently located in Northeast Portland at the Multnomah County Health Center—corner o f MLK Jr. Blvd. and Killingsworth Pacific University faculty and staff offer a full range o f affordable state-of-the-art vision services provided in a caring and compassionate manner EYE CARE SERVICES INCLUDE: ■ Examinations for eyeglasses and contact lenses ■ Care for those with diabetes and high blood pressure ■ Treatment o f eye injuries and diseases such as glaucoma ■ Excellent selection o f frames and sunglasses ■ Free vision screenings for children and adults BI Examination o f children with reading problems Some sight-threatening conditions— such as diabetes and high blood pressure- are common in African Americans, Hispanics and other minority populations. Therefore early detection and continued monitoring are important to insure good vision and eye health. To schedule an appointment or free screening and for more information about vision care services, please call 248-3821. Northeast Eye Center, Multnomah County Northeast Health Center 5329 N.E. MLK Jr. B lvd, Portland (Comer o f N.E. MLK and Killingsworth) 2 4 8 -3 8 2 1