Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 05, 1997, Image 1

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    Volume X X V II, Number 10
Committed to cultural diversity
MAX Light rail
access expanding
M a rc h 5, 1997
Rhyme & Reason
Caribbean Jazz
Project Concert
A moving snap-shot o f the
state o f contemporary Hip
Hop and the state o f
contemporary urban life.
Max tracks are spreading
both east and west out o f
See Metro, page BI
A band that has a unique
blend o f Latin. Afro-Cuban
and Caribbean jazz.
See inside, page A6.
See Arts & Entertainment, page BIO.
bri ngs
Ohio River rampages
Evacuations were ordered along the
raging O h io R iver Tuesday and N ational
Guard troops were called in to fill sand­
bags to hold back rising waters from storms
that left about 50 people dead. President
C lin to n issued disaster declarations fo r
parts o f Arkansas, O h io and K entucky.
FBI Faulted in
Unabomber Case
The m other and brother o f Unabom ber
suspect Theodore Kaczynski say the F B I
misrepresented their statements in its re­
quest fo r a warrant to search K a czyn ski’ s
cabin. The declarations from K a czyn ski’ s
relatives are attached to a defense m otion
that asks a federal judge in Sacramento to
throw out ail o f the evidence seized by the
F B I at K a czyn ski's M ontana cabin in
A p ril last year.
* 1
C lub C o c o
Budget amendment
fails in Senate
The R e p u b lic a n -c o n tro lle d Senate
Tuesday rejected a proposed balanced
budget amendment to the U.S. C o n stitu ­
tion that was opposed by President C l inton
and most o f the m in o rity Democrats. It
failed on a 66 to 34 vote, one short o f the
tw o-thirds m a jo rity required.
Clinton bans cloning funds
President C lin to n Tuesday banned fed­
erally funded human c lo n in g and asked
private scientists to enact a voluntary mora­
torium w h ile governm ent advisers review
the e th ica lly troublesome issue. The ban is
broader than the p ro h ib itio n on U .S.-
funded human em bryo research imposed
The Hollywood neighborhood
generally gives a warm reception to
new business Development projects
but they have serious doubts about
Stanley L. Sykes’ Club Coco.
in 1994. and C lin to n said his intent is to
close any loopholes pending the review o f
cloning he has requested from his Na­
tional B ioethics A d viso ry Com m ission.
Fears o f human cloning were spurred last
week when a Scottish scientist introduced
the w o rld to D o lly , a lamb cloned from an
adult sheep.
Pre-teen marijuana use
M arijuana use among U.S. pre-teenage
children doubled in 1996. researchers re- I
ported Tuesday at the k ic k o ff o f a new
media b litz aimed at getting parents in ­
volved in the w ar against drugs. In its
ninth annual study o f U.S. drug use. the
Partnership fo r a Drug-Free A m erica says
marijuana use among pre-teenagers had
increased fro m about 23O.(XX) children in
1995 to 460,(XX) children in 1996.
Extremist groups on rise
V io le n t extrem ist groups have grown
in number and vehemence since the O k la ­
homa C ity bom bing tw o years ago. an
organization that m onitors hate crim e ac­
tiv ity in the U nited States warned Tues­
day. The K lanw atch Project o f the South­
ern Poverty Law Center said at least 858
so-called Patriot groups were active in the
50 U.S. states last year, in clu d in g 380
armed m ilitia s
Photos by M ark Washington
ocated at on Northeast Sandy
V ideo Foundation, w hich is seeking to buy
Boulevard near the intersection
and renovate the H o lly w o o d Theatre, said it
of 41st Avenue, on the site of
is more than ju s t a fa m ily entertainment
the former La Habana restaurant venue,
and o r even the comm u n ity ’ s most visible
two doors down from the Hollywood
landmark Its renovation is seen as a catalyst
Theatre, Sykes Coco Club could attract
to the c o m m u n ity ’ s efforts to upgrade the
Asian street gangs. It will also be next
area, and a key to getting public and private
to a theater that features family films.
help fo r that cause. The club could harm all
“ E xotic dancing is ju s t not in character
w ith H o lly w o o d , and I'm surprised that you
th in k it is,” U eland told Sykes.
H o llyw o o d N eighborhood Association Co-
“ I'v e already had calls from people who
are concerned, w ho have asked i f our project
is now o ff-lin e ,” Cody said
Chairm an N orm S toll added that Northeast
Sandy B oulevard is already “ over saturated’’
w ith nude e n tertainm ent places. One in
H o lly w o o d w o u ld attract others, he feared.
dancing w ill take place deep inside He also
offered to re-arrange the flo o r plan so that the
S to ll, muttered, •'This isn 't really dancing,
i t ’ s s tru ttin g .”
entrance w ould be on Northeast Broadway.
" I ’ d prefer to keep it where it is, but i f it means
Kathleen C ody o f the Orego F ilm and
acceptance from the H ollyw ood Fheatre, I ’ d
Sykes said that the club w ill not have garish
signs or advertising on its front, and that the
be w illin g to do it," he said
Ie rry liked the idea “ II I could have
gotten the Gypsy to turn its entrance so that
it emptied into M ayor K atz's front yard, I ’ d
have done it,” he said.
Ueland says the H o llyw o o d N eighbor­
hood A ssociation's stance on the club w ill he­
put to a vote at its next meeting, 7 p.m.
March 10 at the H o llyw o o d Senior Center,
1820 N.E. 40 Ave
I he same group is also o ffe rin g its sup­
port to H o llyw o o d in any e ffo rt it may under­
take to deal w ith C lub Coco.
In fact, there was a distinct w arm ing
trend in relations between the tw o neighbor­
hoods last month aided by a cup o f coffee
shared by D ick Bogue and Bob Ueland. the
respective presidents o f the Laurelhurst and
H o lly w o o d n e ig h b o rh o o d associations.
Monkeys have been cloned in Oregon
cientists in Oregon have pro­
sive and results in too many abnormal em ­
duced monkeys from cloned
bryos to be practical for humans, n o tw ith ­
embryos, making the first time
standing the public outcry over prospects o f
a species so closely related to humans
human cloning.
has been cloned. The Washington Post
' Y o u 're probably heading down the path
to crim in a l arrest, not the N obel Prize, i f you
plan to produce clones from adult monkeys.
"T h is is really an e ffo rt to see i f we can
create genetically identical monkeys fo r re­
search,” he said He explained that few er
carbon-copy research anim als w o u ld be
try this in people,” said Caplan.
needed in drug experiments, fo r example,
because th e ir sameness w ould e lim in a te
C itin g in te rvie w s Saturday w ith scien­
tists. the paper said in Sunday’ s editions that
the Oregon scientists used a technique s i m i ­
I he Post said tw o Oregon monkeys born
in August were cloned from cells taken from
much o f the genetic differences that con­
found such experiments
lar to the one used by Scottish researchers
last week to clone a sheep.
embryos, not an adult m onkey - a crucial
difference between them and I Jo lly. the sheep
' It w ould allow you to ask questions w ith
fewer anim als.” W o lf said.
It cited experts as saying the Oregon
cloned by Scottish researchers from an adult
success, w hich has not yet been announced,
adds to a g ro w in g body o f ev idence that there
are no insurm ountable b io lo g ica l barriers to
I lie cloned monkey s thus are not geneti­
cally identical to any adult monkey
creating m u ltip le copies o f a human being
“ It demands that we take seriously the
issue o f human c lo s in g ." A rth u r Caplan. a
b ioethicist at the U n ive rsity o f P ennsylva­
nia. told the Post
.i senior scientist at the Oregon Regional
Primate Research Center in Beaverton and
director o f the human in v itro fertilization
laboratory at Oregon Health Sciences U n i­
But he said c lo n in g is s till tar too expen-
versity in Portland, said researchers do not
Ihe Post said lead researcher Don W olf,
l aurelhurst had in itia lly cast a laundiced
eye at H o lly w o o d ’ s plans to spur develop­
ment at increased density and to do so through
the East Portland C om m unity Plan, w hich
deals w ith te rrito ry south o f the Banfteld
Freeway except fo r H o llyw o o d I he tw o
leaders now have pledged to w ork together
and to maintain better com m unication.
Hie Portland Observer would like to
give credit to The Hollywood Star Newspa­
per for this article.
Racial murder
trial nears end
urors should make a former
paratrooper spend the rest of
his life in prison if they really
want to punish him for the murders of
a black couple, said his attorney.
Closing arguments began yesterday in
the sentencing phase o f the trial of James N.
Burmeister, who was convicted last week o f
first-degree murder in the shooting deaths
o f Michael James and Jackie Burden in
downtown Fayetteville on December 1995
Jurors must decide whether to recom ­
mend a death sentence fo r the crimes or
life in prison w ithout parole.
not identical to each other because they were
taken from different embryos
“ I am not here to make excuses for
James Burm eister,' defense attorney C arl
I varsson said today in Cumberland County
Superior Court ’ I am here to tell you that
life in prison w ithout parole is the appro­
But researchers told Ihe Post the tech­
nique could be used to create eight or more
identical monkeys from a single embryo,
priate punishment in this case ’
Prosecutors said Burmeister, w ho was
in the elite 82nd A irborne D ivisio n at Fort
and that further advances could lead to the
a b ility to make clones ot adults as w ell
Bragg, wanted Io earn a spider web tattoo,
a badge o f honor among certain skinhead
I he Oregon w ork has yet to be published
in a scientific journal
groups, indicating the wearer k ille d a
black person
I he tw o monkeys cloned in Oregon are