Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 26, 1997, Page 15, Image 15

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    I Hl P t )R 11 AM ) OüSI-.RVI R •
P ahi B7
F ebruary 26, 1997
Developer of
Summer Youth
Responsibilities: Work involves
the negotiation and develop­
ment of summer youth pro­
gram contracts to ensure that
effective service delivery oc­
curs and that all programs
conform to TPIC policies and
performance standards. This
is a temporary position through
August 30, 1997.
Requirements: Significant expe­
rience in the management of
m ajor service delivery con­
tracts, graduation form a four
year college or university with
major course work in the so­
cial sciences, business admin­
istration or closely related field,
or equivalent relevant experi­
ence; experience in employ­
ment and training programs
or human services; excellent
written and verbal communi­
cation skills; experience de­
veloping and managing con­
tract budgets Requires travel
in Portland Metro area to loca­
tions which may not be close
to public transportation.
Compensation; $11.12 to $12.60
per hour
Closing date: March 7, 1997
Job Developer
R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : The Job
Developer’s work involves de­
veloping working relationships
with employers to insure suc­
cessful employment of Disas­
ter R elief Program p artici­
pants. This position includes
job development, post place­
ment services and employ­
ment preparation for partici­
pants who have completed di­
saster program subsidized
employment. This is a regu­
lar, limited duration position
through June 30, 1997.
Requirem ents: Requirem ents
include two years experience
in business, marketing, com­
munications, or closely related
field; excellent communication
skills; experience working with
low income or long-term un­
employed adults; background
in public relations desired;
degree in business or social
services; qualifying experi­
ence may be substituted for
education. Requires travel
throughout Multnomah and
Washington Counties.
C o m p e n s a tio n ; $ 2 1 ,2 9 4 to
$31,941 plus excellent em ­
ployer-paid benefits
Closing date: March 7, 1997
TP IC A p p lic a tio n s are re­
quired for all positions and
must be received by 5 pm
on the closing date.
Applications are available at
The Private Industry Council.
720 SW Washington St., Suite
250, Portland,
Oregon 97205
Tel: (503) 241-4600;
Fax: (503) 241-4622
An Affirmative Action,
Equal Opportunity Employer
Washington County
Community Services
(Community Corrections
Community Services
(Community Corrections
Building Engineer
Building Services
$3,889 - $4,727/mo.
Plans Examiner
Building Services
$3,194 - $3,881/mo.
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
6 9 3 -4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n .
C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n and
s u p p le m e n ta l a p p lic a tio n
forms required.
Apply To:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encour­
aged to apply.
Lead Family Resource Coor­
dinator-229 days per year.
Duties: C oordinate, im p le ­
ment, monitor Clark County
Infant Toddler Program. Ne­
gotiate interagency contracts/
agreements with service pro­
viders. Develop child find ac­
tivities. Coordinate activities
of the County Interagency
Com m ittee. Provide fam ily
resource coordination se r­
vices. Requirements: Bach­
elors degree in Human Ser­
vices, Program A dm inistra­
tion, Early Childhood or closely
related field. Three years ex­
perience working with fam i­
lies who have children 0 to 3
years of age Starting w age* *
$14.79 p/hr.
Submit cover letter, resume,
signed child abuse statement,
3 letters of recommendation
and an EOC application by
Wed., March 5. Obtain appli­
ca tions 9am -4pm , M-F at
EOC, 10621 NE Coxley Dr.,
Suite 207, Vancouver, WA
(360) 896-9912.
C ounty C ounsel For M ult­
nomah County - Senior At­
torney with extensive experi­
ence in Oregon law needed to
manage office of attorneys and
p a ra p ro fe s s io n a ls fo r the
State’s most populous County.
Provide legal advice to elected
officials and managers on a
variety of com plex issues.
Conduct litigation as needed.
Multnomah County is commit­
ted to service that is customer-
focused, providing value for
the citizen tax dollar, and be­
ing an exceptional place to
work. The successful candi­
date must be a member of the
Oregon Bar, have at least eight
years of increasingly respon­
sible legal experience, includ­
ing at least two years supervi­
so ry e x p e rie n c e , and be
knowledgeable about quality
management practices. Ex­
c e lle n t sa la ry; $ 7 0 ,0 1 5 -
$98,021 annually, DOE and a
full range of paid benefits.
Submit resume, list of refer­
ences, and cover letter detail­
ing your experience an quali­
fica tion s to Search Team,
Multnomah County Counsel,
c/o Employee Services Divi­
sion, P.O. Box 14700, Port­
land, OR 97293-0700. Re­
sume must be received by
Friday, March 28,1997. Infor­
mation about this position and
a p p lic a tio n m a teria ls also
a v a ila b le
h ttp ://
w w w .m u ltn o m a h .lib .o r.u s /
jobs/ Multnomah County ac­
tively recruits to enhance ser­
vice to our diverse commu­
Need to hear a soft voice???
Ext. 3'557, 3658, 3659, 3660
$3.99 per min. ,
Must be 18 yrs.
Serv-U (619) 645-8434
Good For Starters
$275 for all of the following:
King size mattress & box spring
Kitchen table with 4 chairs
12" TV
glass stand or wall unit
( \n . A ntiionv at 237-5297
$300 for all of the following:
• Dresses
• Coach
• Twin mattress with box spring
• Small wood table
• Two chairs
• Recliner (used)
• Small TV stand
• Coffee table
• Accessories
• Vaccum cleaner
• Head board
( ai i R o v o n n k a i 570-0492
for extremely busy salon in prime
N.E. location. Talented, self­
motivator to join our progres­
sive multi-cultural salon. Con­
tact V iola W a s h in g to n at
W aves H air D esign 232-
City of Beaverton
Office Of The Mayor
$3.233-$4,332/m o. Perform du ­
ties such as budget prepara­
tion and analysis, contract
adm inistration and m anage­
m e n t,
m anage
s p e c ia l
projects, represent the depart­
ment by participating in or co ­
ordinating citizen groups and
task forces; research policy or
le g is la tiv e m a tte rs . R e q .
Bachelor's Degree In B usi­
ness Administration, M anage­
ment, Public Adm inistration or
closely related field with e x­
perience in program or project
monitoring and coordination
including program evaluation.
Apply with City of Beaverton
application form by March 7,
1997 to Human Resources
Department, City of Beaver­
ton, 4755 SW Griffith Drive,
Beaverton, OR 97005. (503)
526-2200. Equal Opportunity
Employer M/F/D
11 <. 111
[ staffino services
I f you have a disability we want to be your employer!
Ability to Lift 50 Lbs
We hire people with disabilities, clinical depression, hearing loss,
diabetes and many other conditions.
To see how you qualify, please ca'I or visit us.
Apply today:
St. Vincent dePauI Staffing Services
Chemeketa Community College
Senior Asset
Salem, Oregon
Chemeketa Community College is currently seeking applications for
the faculty and administrative positions listed below. Full job an­
nouncements can be seen on Chemeketa's WEB Site, http://
The Arcand Company, a na­
tional investment firm special­
izing in Sec 42 low-income
housing tax credits, seeks a
Senior Asset Manager for its
Portland headquarters. Pri­
mary duties will include: an
assigned portfolio requiring
analysis and active interven­
tion; supervision of a team of
asset managers; negotiating
partnership agreements; prop­
erty budget variance analy­
sis; monitoring occupancy and
regulatory compliance; inves­
tor reporting; cash flow moni­
toring; analysis of demograph­
ics, income trends and hous­
ing availability. Bachelors and
MBA (orcomparable) degrees
in Finance or Business re­
quired with a minimum of five
years’ experience in m u lti­
family asset or property man­
agement or investment real
estate. Experience with Sec.
42 or other affordable housing
programs a plus. Proficiency
in MS Office helpful. Excellent
salary and benefits. Send re­
sume with cover letter and
salary requirements to: The
Arcand Co., Attn: Personnel,
16101 SW 72nd Ave., Suite
200, Portland, OR 97224-7764
or fax: (503) 598-9450. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
• Director-Financial Aid: Salary $4,099.50/mo , starts 7/1/97.
Require Bachelor's in related field/equiv., 3 years' financial aid-
related exp. in higher ed; suprvsry, budget mgmt, computerized
financial analysis systems exp
• Director-Social Science/Human Services Dept: Salary $4263/
mo., starts 9/97 Require master’s/equiv. w/course work In a
department-related field; 3 years’ F/T teaching exp in a subject
area in the dept; leadership, management, budget, planning
• Manager-Public Safety: Salary $2817/mo., starts 7/97. Re­
quire Assoc, degree in crlm. justice/related field or completion of
a law enforcement certif. program with trainmg/edcn in jurispru­
dence, interviewing, psych., communication skills, & writing; 3
years' exp. w/security or law enforcement agency Prefer biting./
• History Instructor: Salary competitive, starts 9/97. Require
Master's in history/related field w/24 grad, credits in history;
college teaching exp
• Emergency Medical Technology Instr.: Salary competitive,
starts 9/97. Require RN with belief in paramedic's role in pre­
hospital care Prefer BS In nursing, med.sciences, edcn or other
related field.
Application Process: Please call (503) 399-5009/TDD for applica­
tion and job announcement. Refer to the job announcement for
required application materials, which should be sent to Chemeketa
Community College, Personnel & Affirmative Action, PO Box 14007,
Salem OR 97309. Electronic inquiries accepted, however, to apply
submit orig. application documents by April 1 1 ,1997 or postmarked
by midnight of that date. Chemeketa is an equal opportunity institu­
tion, values diversity in its workforce, and is committed to affirmative
action; we encourage minorities, women, and persons with disabili­
ties to apply.
Power Quality
Position will supervise evalua­
tion of water system facilities
requirements, preparation of
long range facilities plans, and
m anagement of water system
c a p ita l program . P ro vid es
leadership in the planning,
design and construction of
water system improvement
projects. Develops and en­
sures consistent application
of system planning and engi­
neering standards, and pro­
vides assistance in the ad­
ministration of water service
p o lic ie s and p ro c e d u re s .
Q u a lific a tio n s : A minimum
of five (5) years progressively
re sp o n sib le e xpe rie n ce in
water utility engineering at the
s e n io r te c h n ic a l, program
management and supervisory
level. Demonstrated experi­
ence and skills in water facili­
ties planning, project manage­
ment, facilities design and
construction, and supervision.
Requires a Engineering De­
gree and Oregon Professional
Engineer’s License (or ability
to obtain within 12 months) In
Civil/Mechanlcal Engineering
with emphasis in water sys­
tem planning and design. $60-
$78K Annually.
For application packet contact:
E u g e n e W a te r & E le c tric
Board, P O Box 10148, Eu­
gene OR 97440 ATTN: Hu­
man Resources (541) 484-
3 7 6 9 or e -m a il B re n d a .
Wasson ©eweb.eugene.or.us
or v is it o u r web page at
w w w .e w e b .o rg . P o s itio n
closes on Monday March 24,
1997 @ 5:00 p.m.
EWEB values diversity in the
work force and is an equal
opportunity employer.
The Eugene Water & Electric
Board seeks a power quality
engineer to provide power
quality services to customers
and other utility personnel.
Strong emphasis on power
quality diagnostic, monitoring,
and mitigation skills in com bi­
nation with excellent com m u­
nication skills. Training and
experience with mechanical
and electrical equipment and
electrical distribution systems
in residential, commercial, and
m anufacturing facilitie s re ­
quired. Minimum educational
requirements are Bachelor of
Science degree In Electrical
Engineering or related techni­
cal field from an accredited
university. Minimum Electri­
cal E ngineering or related
technical field from an accred­
ited university. Minimum of five
(5) years experience in power
quality engineering, facilities
engineering, or utility opera­
tions. M inim um of four (4)
years experience is accept­
able with EIT Certification.
This is an exempt position and
requires a valid driver’s license
and EIT as noted. $46-60K
For Information and application
packet contact Eugene Water
& E lectric Board, PO Box
10148. Eugene O r97440 Attn:
Human Resources. Call (541)
484-3769 or Fax (541) 334-
4 6 0 8 o r e -m a il B re n d a .
Wasson @ eweb.eugene.or.us.
or v is it o ur w eb page at
w w w .e w e b .o rg . P o s itio n
closes Friday, April 18, 1997
5:00 p.m.
EWEB values diversity In the
work force and is an equal
opportunity employer.
Garlington Center
Jobs Available
500 N.E. M ultn om a h, Suite 240
Water Engineering
Bookkeeper needed to process payroll and employe benefits.
Experience with Cerldian payroll. Peachtree general ledger software
preferred. This position requires 2 years bookkeeping experience or
college level accounting. Ref #FN-BK
Child and Family Therapist FT to provide individual, group and family
therapy parent restraining & skills training to culturally diverse
children and families ages 0-21, In clinic school and home setting.
Masters degree in a mental health related field and 2 years clinical
experience required. QMHP required. Ref # CH-CFT
Salary Range: OP/C 2 QMHP $23,600-$25,489
OP/C 3 QMHP w/Master & Licensure $25,200-$27,217
Case Manager needed to provide supportive therapy and a full range
of case management services to chronically mentally ill clients in
need of intensive services. Minimum 2 years related experience
required. QMHP and a Master degree required. Ref # CM-I
Salary Range: CM4 QMHP $23,600-$25,489
CM5 QMHP w/Master & Licensure $25,200-$27,217
Office Specialist to organize and coordinate office procedures,
supervise & backup support staff, and provide administrative assis­
tance to outpatient program director in fast paced behavioral health
clinic. Word processing & spreadsheet programs, 2 years Increas­
ingly responsible experience office work, 1 yr. office mgmt/supervl-
sion experience, ability to type 65 wpm, strong written and verbal
communication skills required. Ref # CH-OS
Salary Range: $17,000-$18,901
Alcohol and Drug Specialist needed to serve as case manager for
mentally ill and chemically dependent clients. Duties include provid­
ing community outreach, case management and therapy. Minimum
2 years experience dealing with substance abuse in a mental health
setting. QMHP and Masters degree required. Ref # CM-M
Salary Range: CM4 QMHP $23,600-$25,489
CM5 QMHP w/Master & Licensure $25,200-$27,217
Residential Specialist 1 needed to assist mentally ill adults from
multicultural backgrounds in activities of daily living. Minimum 1 year
prior experience preferred. Ref # RS-PLZ
Salary Range: $14,300-$15,445
Finance Director Garlington Center Behavioral Healthcare has
excellent opportunity for an Individual with strong accounting, data
processing, budget, payroll, cash management, tax and business
office experience. Qualified candidate will have a minimum of five
years experience in healthcare financial management, including at
least 2 years at a management or executive level, and a bachelors
degree in business and/or accounting. Working knowledge of capi­
tation and managed care preferred. Competitive salary and benefit
package. Ref #FN-FD
On-Call milieu therapist needed for children's preschool day
treatment program implementing therapeutic activities in conjunc­
tion with treatment team. Bachelors degree in a mental health related
field preferred. Prior experience working with preschool children
Food Service/Production Worker needed to assist cafe manager
in all aspects of cafe operations. Two years experience & one year
experience working with person with mental illness in a restaurant
Salary Range: $14,300-$15,445
Closing Date: March 7, 1997
Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume
to: Garlington Center, 911 N. Skidmore Portland, OR 97217 Att: HR
Fax: 249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone call please
Contact our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job opportunities.