I '«r.V ta » i T he P ortland O bserver » F ebruary 26, 1997_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ P age B3 e (Che ^Inrtlaub tObscrucr V/Z) ENTERTAINMENT PICA Presents PureMovement SHAWDON'S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 2731 N KILLINGSWORTH & GREELEY PORTLAND. OREGON 97217 503-2854144 4U. . e v & tfo A NORTH PORTLANDS BEST KEPT SECRET REASON AHI. V PRICED 4 k . . — HOME OF THE DIRTY DOZEN HAMBURGERS SENIOR DISCOUNT NON SMOKING DINING. ^ lid a y (Ac 2%(A ALL l l CAN EAT MONDAY & TUESDAY 5:00 PM TO 3:00 PM S u en o F lam en co : F eaturing quiter. 8 to IGpni. Cale Sol. tree N o rm a n S y lv e ste r a n d the Boogie Cat Jam; 9:30pm, Candle light Room, free. DINING ROOM OPEN I 1:00 AM TO 10:00 PM LOUNGE OFFERS Acid Jazz; lOpm, Saucebox, free HILL SERVICE BAR LOTTERY TREE 1WM. DAILY 1 00PM 4 00PM AMPLE PARKING M l ’SIC & DANCING DIVERSIFIED ATMOSPHERE Mark Simon; 7pm, Marriott, free Tom Grant; 8:30pm, Heathman free. Satccu&uf (Ac /¿ t r -------- — — — — ---------- THIS COUPON GOOD FOR YOl & YOUR GUEST TO ONI S u en o F la m en co , F eaturing quiter, 8 to 10pm, Cafe Sol, free. (.1 ATI R VALUE IS PURCHASED The Portland Institute for Con­ temporary Art (PICA) presents Philadelphia Hip-Hop dance troupe, Rennie Harris PureMovement, Fri­ day and Saturday, March 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. at the Aladdin Theater. A pioneer in the performance, instruc­ tion and evolution ofHip-Hop dance. Rennie Harris has created a dance 10pm, LaLuna, $8. Village Spirit; 9pm, Hawthorne Rhapsody, 3826 SE Hawthorne Blvd., $5. Bobby Torres; 9:30pm, Candle­ light Room, free. style that has emerged from the club scene to find a cogent voice on the concert stage Tickets are $15 and may be ordered in advance by call­ ing PICA at 242-14 19 or purchased at the door. A native o f Philadelphia, Rennie Harris is self-taught and versatile m all forms of Hip-Hop dance. I IE DINING ALONE. ONE ENTREE AT 50% OFF I MF REGULAR PRICE including Stepping, Poppin'. Ani­ m atio n , L o ck in g , E lec tric Boogaloo. Breakdance, Hip-Hop and House He has lead such popu­ lar dance ensembles as Step mas­ ters. Magnificent Force and the Scanner Boys and has received numerous awards and fellowships for choreography \ o t i i/./o ii i i h o i i i i k d m o i \ i .\ ok i / / / - n w l-\r iH I \ \LIH ( H J I I W I i/ j ■ I 8:30pm , In te r a c tiv e C h ild r e n ’s C o n c e rts Leroy Vinnegar & Friends; 9pm, Atwater’s, free. Hosted by Lars Larson of KPTV, Oregon's 12, the Portland Youth. Philharmonic Preparatory Orches­ tra will present two Children’s Con­ certs on March 4, 1997, at 10:00 a m. and 12:00 noon in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland. These concerts will be broadcast live via satellite to thousands of stu­ dents in schools throughout Oregon via Oregon ED-NET, in addition to the 5,000 in attendance. Each con­ cert will include a two-way audio question-and-answer session be- Sctttdaxf (Ac 2nd DJ Gravy; 9pm, Berbati’s Pan, $3. Jaybird Koder and Andy Stokes. 9:30pm, Candlelight Room, free. Dub Debrie; 10pm, Ash Street Saloon, free. T he In stig a to rs; IOpnt, Bel mont’s, cover. Ron Steen Jam; 3pnt, Steen’s Coffeehouse, cover. -I The Captain’s Global Grooves g t 4 tween the performers (Conductor Huw Edwards and members of the Preparatory Orchestra) and students both in the hall and across the state. Questions will come from schools in Jordan Valley, Ukiah, Reedsport, Prineville, and Astoria. This project is a collaborative effort of the PYP. Multnomah Community Television, and Oregon ED-NET. The concerts will introduce chil­ dren to the instruments of the or­ chestra and the young musicians of the Preparatory Orchestra in a pro- ( 4/?/ 1/A s p h o to hy Rick Rose / / M, Wi d/\i sd iy lO p.M . I ABEL "P re lu d t To A Kiss; D ukt EII inqion Albuw" D ee D ee BRidqEWAtER P hilips D ream S ession .................................. "TI ie A II siars PI av M ills D avis C I assk s " M ilt STONE S ara I t V auq I in ..................................................................."I Lovt B razi I" P a W o F ran I< M orqan w ith TI ie R o d N ty K tN dR ick..................... "B o p " Tt I arc N ancy KiNq & S teve CliRisioffERsoN "SiRAiqIn I n io Y our H eart " K evin EubANks............................................... M on "Live A t BRAdltys" TI te P at M et I teny C roup " C uaritt " BI ui Non ................. G e H en "Tbt L atin S idi o l I o I in C o I trant " CoNRAd HERwiq B etty C arter T G erry M ulhqA N ........................................................ m A sior Y ours , Y ou ’ re M ine ’ "L iq A c y " V i rvi N 2 K ENCond I azz JiMMy PoNdER....................................................... "SoMElIlINC, To PoNdER" R amsey E M b ick...................................................... "CETTiNq Y our F eei W e i " N orman HEdMAN & TRopiout 9 6 T racy B U ckM an gram that will include Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." "Hungarian March" o f Berlioz, "Mars" from H o st’s I'he Planets, selections from Prokoviev’s Romeo & Juliet, and Sousa's The Stars and Stripes Forever. These concerts are made possible by grants from U S Bank. Nortel, and the Collins, Irwin. Jackson, Lamb, Sequent, and Oregon Com­ munity Foundations. <,//( VnyA<,i /s/vrnt cw  V ////9 CD ARTIST MAdElEiNE > I COMPI IMENTARY ENTREE WHEN A S K OND ENTREE OF F.Ql Al OP I I)J Spooky, Ben N eill, Jesse J a m es, M estizo , Dr. Zom b; K elly B ro a d w a y , Heathman, free. N "H i. a I in (< HANds" "C ome TAkE M v HANd" P e YROUX ....................................................... "DREAMlANd" Must PlQUANI MoNAd K mowa I in “TWO THUMBS UP!” ArlANtK -SISKEL & EBERT A F un , F ood & Music p o w e r fu l p ie c e o f w o r k .” -Gene Siskel, SISKEL & EBERT T he T ower of P ower “A te r r ific film . I r e c o m m e n d it h ig h ly .” -Roger Ebert, SISKEL & EBERT C oming M arch 22 nd ★ ★ ★ ★ . B r i l l i a n t . D o n ’t m i s s it! J o n V o ig h t a n d V in g R h a m e s a re s u p e r b ." at the C hinook W I nds -Paul Wunder, WBAI RADIO "A n U n fo r g e tta b le film . S u p e r io r p e r f o r m a n c e s .” -Pat Collins. WWOR-TV C a sin o at Lincoln City Join Us M arch 22nd for... • Music, Fun & Games (3:00 p.m. Shuttle) • O r Just Fun & Games (1 1:00 a.m. Shuttle) Leaving from 4747 N.E. M L K Jr. Blvd./The Portland Observer Free Buftet with Paid Tour Ticket Tour Ticket with Concert Included #30.00 Each or Two for $55.00 Tour Ticket without Concert $10.00 Each or Two tor $1 5.00 For more information contact Danny at 288-0033 Sponsored in part by C hinook W inds and (Life JJurtlaub (Obstruer newspaper B a se d o n a tru e story. In s p ire d b y e x tra o rd in a ry p e o p le . T h is film is fo r th e m . : «ne raw ihimìoihh n IIE P M tt in n a f f i ***” M «MK W W«» , , SECOND WEEK