’ ' * - »? (A* * EE • * • «f - . / '• i - i , > * » - et ¿4CSc #*»••• > * ¿ S Á ^ ’ ■ i.’.* P age A 8 . ' • <• F ebruary 12, 1 9 9 7 » T he P or ii and O bserver S.I i f .S STEWART GROUP REALTY 5802 NE Mallory Portland, OR 97211 503-289-4970 Lyda Overton, Broker Home: 503-282-2247 Fax: 5O3-28I-23O9 7 deufO. big city produce 1 R E A & WINE J oe ’ s P lace 460-3830 ON VIDEO IA S S O C IA T IO N ERIC F. SCHNIDRIG Manager 1901 N.E. Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97232 JER O M E E. M O U TO N Sales Associate Res - 254-9089 P ager - 818-5276 “ W orking for You" S m a l l E ng in e R epair S h a r p e n in g 8:30 5:30 M turi F 9:30 to 3:00 S at to 328 NE Shaver St. 5949 North Albina Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97217 2 8 7 -6 6 1 0 Porytland OR. 9 72 12 Birthday Bouquets Grand Openings Corporate Functions / / , fe/ EL J j Stork For Rent We Deliver When You Deliver < » (503) 331-1101 x / P.O.Box 11833 ( Portland, OR 97211 k Q uality V ideo P roduction Services W e S pecialize in W eddings, C orporate Training Tapes, Sem inars, S porting E vents “W e Can C a te r to Y o u r N ee ds” KEVIN W H IT E P. O. Box 11941 Portland, O R 97211 D a r y l L e w is Cut, Perm & Curl Specialist Balloons For All O ccassions & Events -D ecorating Service- D elivery Service Available Helium Rental D e s ig n s b y: Edwina Jones M cC oy & D aren M cCoy Special Events By Appointm ent Music G alore & G alore P aging D A IN J A C K S President Fresh Cuts I61 I NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 9721 I (503) 288-3351 NA'IM’S F U L L S E R V IC E S A LO N 1926 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97232 PO R TLAN D , O R E G O N 97214 (503) 232-6263 Call for Appt. Dad's OU Servies C ongratulations O n A G reat S eason T ech F o o tb a ll !! 4603 N. W illia m s Ave. Saturday Night is Ladies’ Night Dart and Pool Leagues now forming 3324 NE Killingsworth Portland, O R 9 7 2 17 (5 0 3 ) 288-3171 r/l'ifM ¡íbOMUt CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ty/n • 4 •ycf/a/dc ' (5 0 3 ) 3 3 1 -1 6 5 5 Facial Nail Technician 4067 Northeast Mason, #8 (Mason & M.L.King Blvd.) Portland,Oregon 97211 St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR nwgrry S«*vce Qä?a: ASSOCIATES REALTORS* Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote 104 N E Russel P ortland. O R 97212 282-5111 S h o p (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 - 7 5 9 1 HILLIER East M etro A fflia te s, Inc. heating oils Best Cash Prices P a g e r 8 1 7 -7 2 7 1 2M-2786 PLUMBING REPAIRS 2M-2788 Earl's Barber Shop 1724 N E A lb e r ta tiffin PCLK Construction Services, Inc. B e lle vu e, W A 98015-2868 Stylist — Earl ' S ---- * --------- 275 118th A ve nu e S.E., Suite 105 B ellevue, W a sh in gton 98005 Telephone: (2 0 6 )4 5 4 -8 0 2 0 Fax (20 6)45 4-5 90 4 Tropicana Restaurant Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specializing in Barbeque Ribs & Beef All Types of Auto. Plate and Window Glass StOf/n Ooors »nd W mdo*S 4 709 N E M IK Jr Blvd Pnone 335-0263 335-0136 Pager 940-7721 Portland, OR 972.32 ■»•oanwr’ Estimating Assistant Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM :____ <___ r CB 4001 N .E Halsey St , Ste #100 Lynn C. McKinney P o r tla n d , O R > UhUON'AVENbE^ GLAsVcOMPANY J.L.S. L c iu jn S e R o ic e as a buyer or seller Guaranteed Jay Kim m el, R ealtor K & J AUTO REPAIR/FOREIGN & DOMESTIC 625 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 C a ll Today a b o u t exclu sive re p re s e n ta tio n o f y o u r best Interests Pager: 9 2 0 -4 4 66 LIST RIGHT KENNETH JOHNSON 5 03 /23 3 -9 58 8 Family-owned since 1965 UC0CED • KXE) • / 232 S.E. O AK SUITE #107 SUNDAY 6 P.M. PHONE: 503-323-2406 PJeVu Ph/iel JIM SMITH • Owner Licensed Bonded INSURANCE AGENCY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! deJïl^V-i V IS A león D. mckenzie Totem Pole Tavern J ourney 'sCt. J) (503) £40-0557 Beauty & B a rb e r Salon F u ll Service Salon J5? J k Topes Belle's & CDs LIFE INSURANCE & FINANCIAL PLANNING Hair Connection 3213 ML King Jr. Blvd 11516 SE M ill Plain, S uite 2d P ortland, OR 97212 V ancouver, W A 98684 (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -9 1 8 0 (3 6 0 )6 0 4 -0 2 2 1 FAX (503) 288-9452 P ager 1-800-320-9438 FAX (360) 699-0784 Church Phone: (503) 247-9503 Home Phone: (503) 285-8047 1206 North Kllllngsuiorth Street b Portiond. Oregon cP Voice M ail P ager (503) 948-8739 Fax (503) 287-4444 BALLGGHS GALORE! LIFELINE ¿i CHRISTIAN CHURCH Pastor KBW Video Productions V 1801 NE Alberta ’ ortland, Ore 97211 Rev. Robert L. Weaver M echanics You Can Trust” 3204 N.E Broadw ay Portland, O regon 97232 (503) 284-5970 'O ve r 16-Years Experiance JAY’S MOWER & CHAINSAW Owner Joseph Benjamin I Computerized Car C a re . BU Y A N D S E L L The Friendly Tavern GOOD BIBLE TEACHING • GOOD GOSPEL PREACHING • SOUL STIRRING SINGING • OUTSTANDING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP L O ffice - 282-5000 F a x -2 8 2 -3 6 7 6 Phone 288-8768 SERVED HERE ON TAP OR IN BOTTLES 5128 NORTH A LB IN A STREET (A T SUMNER) O R G A N IC PRODUCE A V A IL A B L E HERE WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS Ü I ce C old BEER et. < v e e & ! ! ! LORRAINE HLAVINKA Woman Owned — Portland? Oregon 97211 Phone 249-5886 Tues. - Thurs. 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. L U E PA R K ER (503) 281-8696 Fri. & Sat. 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. 3217 N. W illiam s Ave. Portland, OR 97212