Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 12, 1997, Page 17, Image 17

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O bsi rvi r • Fi bri arv 12, 1997
P agi B9
Executive Director
The Oregon Council for the Humani­
ties seeks Executive Director to direct
statewide program; begin April 1997.
Must have strong humanities back­
ground and a vision of the community
role ol the humanities; also mgmt, and
strategic planning expertise and dem­
onstrated fund raising/community
relations skills. For appi, info., contact
OCH@teleport.com. Deadline for ap­
plications: 2/28/97.
Advertisement For Bids
Police Officer
S20.03/HR. City and Borough Oi
Juneau, Alaska.
High school graduation or pos­
session of a GED certificate and not
less than 21 years of age Applicants
must posses or obtain a valid Alaska
Driver’s license by date of appoint­
ment. Must be able to type at a rate of
25 words per minute. Closes Febru­
ary 28, 1997. For packet call 907 586-
5250. EOE.
JTPA Title ll-B Public Notice
The Private Industry Council, Inc., is currently planning a
major modification to its Job Training Plan to include Program
Year 1997 Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Title ll-B
Summer Youth Employment and Training Program Funding.
Final allocation amounts have not been announced by the
US Department of Labor and the State of Oregon, but The
Private Industry Council, Inc., anticipates a funding level of
approximately $1,733,731 to serve approxim ately 680
economically disadvantaged youth participants in Multnomah
and W ashington Counties. Services will include work
experience, basic skills training and other activities during
the summer of 1997. The Private Industry Council, Inc.,
intends to implement the JTPA waivers recently granted by
the Department of Labor, which will include operating summer
youth program activities as part of a year round continuum
of services. Copies of the draft plan are available upon
request; written comments are due by February 21, 1997
addressed to Dennis Cole, President, The Private Industry
Council, Inc., 720 SW Washington, Suite 250, Portland,
Oregon, 97205.
Advertisement for Bids
Sealed bids for Straub Hall Reroofing Project. University of
Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of
Higher Education at University of Oregon Physical Plant
Department, Conference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Blvd.,
1276 University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon 97403-1276.
Until 4:00 PM PST. Thursday, March 6,1997, at which time
they will be publicly opened and read aloud by the
undersigned or designated representative.
High-rise Security Systems
Job No. M 6-9901
Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority
of Portland (HAP), 8910 N. Woolsey Avneue, Portland,
Oregon 97203, until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, March 13,
1997 for labor and materials for eight high-rise bi lildings.
Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly
read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour
set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days
from the bid opening.
Briefly, the work includes reroofing using asphalt roofing
shingles and adhered elastic sheet roofing.
Bidding documents may be examined at the UO Physical
Plant Dept., Eugene builders Exchange, Eugene; Daily
Journal of Commerce Plan Center, Tigard office and
Portland office; Construction Data Plan Center. Portland
and Wilsonville offices; Oregon Contractors Exchange,
Clackamas; Douglas County Plan Center, Roseburg;
Medford Builders Exchange, Medford; Salem Builders
Exchange. Salem; and Dodge/Scan, Wilsonville.
The basic work consists removal of existing intercom
panels at main entries and replacement with new
proximity card access intercom system. Providing
new surveillance camera systems, new access door
alarm system and new monitoring system for above
instaliations. Minor painting and new signage.
Bid decuments are available at the HAP Office noted
above. A $50 (fifty) deposit for one set and $20
(twenty) for each additional set. Deposits are refundable
when documents are returned within 10 days after bid
Prime bidders may obtain up to one set of bidding documents
at the office of Söderström Architects, P.C. 1200 NW Front
Ave. Suite 410. Portland, OR 97209. 503-228-5617, upon
receipt of $25 deposit. Deposits will be refunded for
documents returned in “good condition” within ten days
after the opening of bids.
Attendance of bidders is requested at a pre-bid tour
commencing at Dahlke Manor, 915 N.E. Schuyler St.,
Thursday, February 20,1997. Questions posed during
the tour, not addressed in the documents, will be
answered by addendum.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at UO
Facilities Services at 10:00 AM, Wednesday, February 19,
1997. A tour of the project site will follow the meeting.
All bidders must com ply with ORS 279.348 - 279.365
relating to prevailing wage rates, and ORS 279.029 relating
to resident or non-resident status. All bidders must be
registered with the Construction Contractors Board, as
required by ORS 701.035.
Execution of an Affidavit of MBE participation (HAP
Form 42.1) is required of each bidder in order to qualify
as a qualified bidder for this work.
The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid
not in com pliance w ith the prescribe d bidding
procedures and requirements and may reject any or
all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgm ent of
HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions
regarding this project should be directed to H. David
Walter at 735-4210.
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis for all of the work.
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the
manner provided in the Division B “Instructions to bidders”
upon the Bid Form provided and accompanied by bid
security. Any and all bids may be rejected for good cause
upon finding that it is in the public interest to do so.
Portland International Airport Fire
Department Civil Service Commission
The Port has a civil service system for the Airport Fire
Department with an unpaid board of commissioners. The
c o m m is s io n e rs ’ p rim a ry re s p o n s ib ilitie s in vo lve
administering the civil service system in matters relating
to recruitment, testing and selection of fire fighters and
hearing matters of discipline or appeal brought before
Housing Authority of Portland
Oregon State Board Of Higher Education
H. David Walter
By: Dainel A. Williams, Vice-Pres for Administration Eugene.
Port of Portland Ordinance No. 275 directs that the civil
service commissioners represent the fields of fire fighting,
personnel management and a business not affiliated with
either fire fighting or personnel management. The four-
year term s re p re se n tin g the fie ld s of personnel
management and general business are open. In filling
these positions the Port wishes to demonstrate its
continuing com m itm ent to diversity and welcom es
response from qualified women and minorities. Interested
individuals with personnel m anagement or general
business experience are invited to submit a letter of
interest to Kenneth Cook, Operations and Fire Department
Manager, Portland International Airport, 7000 N.E. Airport
Way, Portland, Oregon 97218 by February 19, 1997.
Assistant Director of Housing Operations
ADA Transition Plan
available for public review
Copies of Washington
County’s Draft Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) Transition Plan are available for public review and comment. The plan can be
Advertisement For Bids
reviewed at all Washington County Cooperative Libraries; the Public Services Building (suites 210
and 320); and at all city halls in Washington County. Copies may also be obtained at no charge by
calling (503) 648-8661 or (503) 693-4598 (TTY).
Sealed bids for Straub Hall Reroofing Project. University of
Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of
Higher Education at University of Oregon Physical Plant
Department, Conference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Blvd.,
1276 University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon 97403-1276.
Until 4:00 PM PST. Thursday, March 6,1997, at which time
they will be publicly opened and read aloud by the
undersigned or designated representative.
Public Hearing : The Washington County Accessibility Advisory Committee
will hold two public hearings, as noted below, for the purpose of taking testimony from all interested
individuals on the County’s Draft ADA Transition Plan.
Briefly, the work includes reroofing using asphalt roofing
shingles and adhered elastic sheet roofing.
Bidding documents may be examined at the UO Physical
Plant Dept., Eugene builders Exchange, Eugene; Daily
Journal of Commerce Plan Center, Tigard office and
Portland office; Construction Data Plan Center. Portland
and Wilsonville offices; Oregon Contractors Exchange,
Clackamas; Douglas County Plan Center, Roseburg;
Medford Builders Exchange, Medford; Salem Builders
Exchange. Salem; and Dodge/Scan, W ilsonville.
Prime bidders may obtain up to one set of bidding documents
at the office of Söderström Architects, P.C. 1200 NW Front
Ave. Suite 410. Portland, OR 97209. 503-228-5617, upon
receipt of $25 deposit. Deposits will be refunded for
documents returned in “good condition” within ten days
after the opening of bids.
•■z •
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at UO
Facilities Services at 10:00 AM, W ednesday, February 19,
1997. A tour of the project site will follow the meeting.
February 20, 1997
February 27, 1997
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm,
Beaverton City Hall
City Council Chambers
4755 SW Griffith Dr, Beaverton
The Beaverton City Hall is located approxi­
mately two blocks west of Highway 217 and
one block south of Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Public Services Building
Shirley Huffman Auditorium
155 N First Ave, Hillsboro
The Public Services Building is located at
the corner of First Ave and Main St in
downtown I lillsboro.
The Beaverton City Hall is served by Tri-Met
bus #57, with a stop at the corner of Griffith
Drive and Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Take 1 lighway 26 west to the Shutc Road
exit. Go south to Cornell Rd. Right on
Cornell to Main St, and Right on Main St
to downtown 1 lillsboro. The Public
Services Building is served by Tri-Met bus
#57, with a stop at the corner of Adams
and Baseline, one block west of First Ave.
All bidders must comply with ORS 279.348 - 279.365
relating to prevailing wage rates, and ORS 279.029 relating
to resident or non-resident status. All bidders must be
registered with the Construction Contractors Board, as
required by ORS 701.035.
A sign language interpreter will be present at both hearings. An assistive listening system can
also be made available at both hearings if there is need. Arrangements will be made for any other
accommodation necessary to allow for maximum possible public participation. Please call (503)
648-8661 or (503) 693-4598 (TTY) to request the use of the assistive listening device or make
arrangements for an accommodation.
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis for all of the work.
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the
manner provided in the Division B “Instructions to bidders”
upon the Bid Form provided and accompanied by bid
security. Any and all bids may be rejected for good cause
upon finding that it is in the publ’c interest to do so.
Oregon State Board Of Higher Education
By: Dainel A. Williams, Vice-Pres for Administration Eugene.