I hi P ortland O bserver • F ebruary 5. 1997 P agi B7 Legislative Administration Committee INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY OFFICERS COMPUTER Information Systems Architech City Of Portland The City of Portland, Bureau of Buildings, requests proposals from consulting firms for technical writing, editing and desk­ top publishing services required to issue a development manual. A complete description of the project, specific requirements and evaluation criteria for the proposal may be obtained from the Bureau of Buildings, Room 930, 1120 S.W. Fifth Ave., Portland, OR. 97204. (503) 823-7886. Proposals shall be received at that office until 5:00 p.m., February 28, 1997. Parent Educator Proposals shall be reviewed by a consultant selection com ­ mittee in accordance with chapter 5.68 of the City Code. Interviews may be held with the highest rated firms. PT for neighrhood early child­ hood program in NE Portland. Some evening & weekend work. $9 - $11/hr. Degree in ECE + 3yrs experience or equivalent. Resume/Appl: Common Bond - 537 SE Al­ der, Portland, OR 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer PO#23621 AlbinaYouth Opportunity School, Inc. TREATMENT SPECIALIST - ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL FTE Treatment position. Ability ( to work with strong-willed youth. Min. 5yrs exp. rq. Mi­ nority exp. and knowl. of PPC format. Must have a can-do attitude. MSW or BA and ex­ perience. Valid ODL reg’d. M ail resum e 3710 N m ississippi, Portland, OR 97447.97227. Salary range $25.00 - $30,000 yr. Health/ Dental/Paid Vacation Request For Proposals An optional pre-proposal meeting will be held to receive questions regarding this request for proposal at 10:00 a.m. February 13, 1997. The meeting will be held at 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Room 930, Portland, OR 97204. Consultants shall be required to conform to the City MBE/ WBE and Equal Employment Opportunity Programs. The City of Portland is committed to increasing contracting, sub­ contracting and employment opportunities for minority and a women owned busines^tes. Consultants are required to evalu­ ate project specifications in endeavoring to maximize use of MBE/WBE firms. Consultants are encouraged to conduct pre-bid conferences and are advised to investigate all poten­ tial sources of MBE/WBE participation, including suppliers of material, services and equipment. Attention is called to Chapter 3.100 of the City of Portland Code relative to certification as an Equal Employment O ppor­ tunity Employer. Detail of EEO certification requirements are available from the Bureau of Purchases, Room 1313, 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR. 97204, (503) 823-6855. Staiflllf^art, Pump Island Attendants Convienience Store Cashiers Expresso Servers Subway Express Workers to Locations in: Northeast, Southeast, Gresham, Tigard & Beaverton Telecommunication Technician $2,753 - $3,347/mo. Closes February 14, 1997 Outreach Specialist This is a half time, regular posi­ tion through June 30, 1997. Continuation depends on fund­ ing. Responsibilities: Tracks and monitors attendance patterns of youth involved in training programs; assists in provid­ ing appropriate problem solv­ ing techniques; coordinates with case managers; provides referrals and resources to positively impact youth stabil­ ity; conducts training and as­ sessment services Requirements: high school di­ ploma or GED; two years' ex­ perience working with eco­ nom ica lly disadvan tag ed youth; knowledge of commu­ nity resources. May require travel in Portland to locations not on public transportation routes. Occasional evening and weekend work. Compensation: $9.15to$10.25 per hour. Medical and dental benefits 50% employer-paid. Closing date: 5 pm Tuesday, February 18, 1997 TPIC Applications are required for all positions and must be received by 5 pm on the closing date. Applications are available at The Private Industry Council, 720 SW Washington St., Suite 250, Portland, Oregon 97205 Tel: (503) 241 -4600; Fax: (503) 241-4622 An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL supplies security for private and public customers. We are currently recruiting for the following positions: Security Officers • Uniforms Provided • C om preh ensive B e n e fits Package • Flexible Daytime/Evenings/ Weekend Hours • Competitive Pay • Regular Merit Increases • Training Provided for Needed Certifications • Hiring preference is given to individuals with disabilities Requirements include: ability to deal with public, professional appearance, good work ethic, and the ability to stand and/or sit for up to 8 hours at a time. Interested? We offer flexible working environment and the ability to train in a rapidly grow­ ing profession. Apply directly to: St. Vincent dePaul Reha­ bilitation Services Human Re­ sources 4867 NE M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Portland, 97211. ST. VINCENT dePAUL STAFFING SERVICES We have state and county jobs to fill now! We have career opportunities for you! DATA ENTRY Data entry personnel needed immediately! Alpha Numeric Minimum 45 wpm Accurate Long term temporary positions. We specialize in hiring people with vision and hearing impairments, back injuries, chronic illness, drug and alcohol recovery, and many other disabling conditions. Apply today: St. Vincent dePaul Staffing Services 232-8807 500 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 240 GROCERY EMPLOYER WASHINGTON COUNTY Call (503)648-8606/TTY (503) 693-4849 for inform ation. C ounty a p p lic a tio n and supp lem ental app lication , forms required. APPLY TO: W ashington County Human i Resources Division 155 N First Avenue, Suite 210 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Women, minorities, and people witn d is a b ilitie s are enoucraged to apply. February 19, 1997 February 28, 1997 February 28, 1997 Salary is $3,512 - $4,713 for all positions. For application information contact Employee Services, Room 140 State Capitol (503) 986- 1373 TTY: (503) 986-1374 Fax: (503) 986-1684 A Legislative Administration Committee application form is required. Bureau of Buildings Development Manual Proposals Due: 5:00p.m. February 28, 1997 Now hiring one full-time con­ tinuing Information Systems Architech to work for the Leg­ islative Administration Com­ mittee. The Architech pro­ vides information technology and comprehensive analysis of advanced application con­ cepts to the participants in the legislative process Salary is $3,512-$4,713 which includes a 15% equity differential. For application information contact Employee Services, Room 140 State Capitol (503) 986- 1373 TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX (503) 986-1684 Dead­ line for application is Febru­ ary 19, 1997. Information Systems Architect Data Architect Project Manager Apply in person at: Texaco Training Center 7433 N Interstate Annex Monday thru Friday, 8am to 3pm (Corner of N Interstate & Lombard Sts.) • • • NE Fremont SE Division Vancouver, WA Nature’s fresh Northwest is more than just a place to work. It’s a place where a diverse group if people comes together each day as a cohesive workplace community. We have a social purpose beyond profit and are committed to supporting our community. We join The Portland Observer in honoring the life and legacy of Martin I .uther King, Jr. on January 20, 1997. We are always looking for energetic staff members, willing to share their ideas to make Nature’s an even better place to work and shop. If you excel at customers service and have grocery, retail, or natural foods product knowledge, we invite you to join our team. We offer competitive wages, gainshare, merchandise discount, health benefits, paid leave, 401 (k ), and growth opportunities. Apply in person at any of our locations or at Nature’s Central Office: Nature’s - Attn. HR 3008 SE Division Portland, OR 97202 Or by Fax (503) 233-4349 An Equal Opportunity Employer Employment When it comes to keeping Oregon healthy, we couldn't care more. • • • SW Corbett SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Beaverton Career Hotline (503) 233-4339 PSqual Opportunity Employer Employment Since 19 4 1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional $3,054 to $4,098 monthly plus benefits. Completed application materials must be r e c e iv e d by F e b ru a ry 2 1 , 1 9 9 7 . Announcement #0C0T7050. Call (503) 9854030 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request application packet. w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthw hile pursuit to you, consider o u r possibilities. (Job # 4 8 I) You will process claims on o u r CAS (Claims Administration System) fo r our Claims Processing D epartm ent specifically determining payment eligibility under contract guidelines. You must processing. Knowledge o f ICD9 and CPT 4 coding is required, as is knowledge o f medical term inology and anatomy. . 7 n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION M ethods and Procedures Analyst (job # 478) You will perform research, analysis, design and implementation o f enhancements to our data processing systems. To qualify, you must have a High School diploma (o r equivalent) and at least tw o years' expenence in claims processing, systems development o r comparable training. Sr. U N IX A d m in is tra to r (Job # 480) You will install, evaluate, administer and support U N IX servers and workstations, as well as develop, standardize and document the configuration, operation and recovery procedures for our C om puter System and Technology Group. To qualify, you must have a degree in C om puter Science. Mathematics o r Information Technology (o r equivalent w ork expenence). You must possess at least six years’ expenence in data processing with at least 4 years’ experience in U N IX System Administration. C o m p u te r O perations Specialist (Job # 5 0 1 2 ) Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon H M O has an immediate opening for a Com puter Operabons Specialist in o u r Information Systems D epartm ent in Salem. To qualify, you must have PC, JCL and operations expenence and knowledge o f change control. HP operations expenence is preferred. Systems P ro g ra m m e r (Job # 5 1 4 5 ) You will perform installation, testing maintenance and tuning o f the MPE/iX operating system for our managed care processing system. To qualify, you must have a college degree (or equivalent w o rk expenence) and a thorough knowledge o f MPE/iX operating systems including a minimum o f three years' expenence in a networked environm ent W e offer competitive salanes and benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w ork environm ent For more information about career opportunities, call our Job In fo rm a tio n Line: I- C 0 0 - 2 1 I- I <17 o r visit o u r w ebsite at h ttp J/w w w .b c b s o .co m . To apply, please place the position number at the to p o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to: B lue Cross B lue Shield o f O re g o n H M O , H u m a n Resources, P. O . Box 1271, P o rtla n d , O R » 7 2 0 7 -I2 7 0 .T D D # (S O I) 225- 4780. W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment Blue Cross M ia QK ía í H of Oregon > * . / 7 T s . o •.(’‘ " 'H k '’ - * * » / : o z Auto Mechanic I M edical Analyst have a High School degree (o r equivalent) and at least six months' expenence in daims ° F Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Is known throughout the nation as a progressive government agency and as a leader in team development and performance measures. ODOT Is responsible for the coordination of transportation programs between and among all governmental organizations within the state. We have immediate opportunities for the following positions: Transportation Development Branch Manager (Principal Executive Manager H) We have an Immediate executive level management opportunity to provide a leadership role In managing Oregon's comprehensive, long range transportation planning process. Headquartered in Salem, this key position will bring together Planning, Policy, Research, Advocacy and Modal functions and integrate these diverse functions Into a cohesive, well-defined branch with shared vision and goals to recommend high level, complex transportation policies that impact a variety of local and statewide public and private entities. Position has responsibility for a multi-million dollar budget with management oversight for approximately 170 employees Qualified candidates will possess: Bachelor's degree (preferably in Public Administration or related field) and 8-10 years progressively responsible experience managing multi-faceted programs, including responsibility for personnel management, budget management, and overall program operations. Management experience in transportation issues required. Ideal candidates will have demonstrated skills in building strong relationships with external constituents. 3 additional years of management experience may substitute for the Bachelor's degree Graduate level coursework in management may be substituted for up to one year of the required experience. Excellent benefits accompany a negotiable annual salary around $76K. To apply, DO NOT SEND A RESUME. Call (5 03 ) 986- 4 3 6 5 to request the recruitment packet (TTY 503-986-3854 for the hearing Impaired). Recruitment closes March 3, 1997. Completed application materials must be received by 5:00 p.m on the close date. (This ad Is a re-print based on an error in job classification, salary and close date printed In last week s ad.] Announcement 40CDT7034. Principal Contributor 1 (Transportation Plan Manager) We are seeking a strong leader for a position in Salem, fou will guide and monitor the implementation of the Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP) and other transportation goals and objectives. The OTP sets policy direction for all forms of transportation, including aviation, highways, mass transit, pipelines, ports, rails and waterways. Requires two years of experience in management AND a Bachelor's degree in Management, Economics. Planning, or a closefy-related field Three additional years of experience may substitute for the degree; OR an advanced degree in Management. Salary » We are seeking two experienced Mechanics for our Motor Pool and Service Station in Salem. Will perform basic preventive maintenance and routine repair work on automobiles, trucks and other motorized equipment used in the field for transportation, hauling, and maintenance purposes. Salary $1,643 to $1,789 a month plus benefits. Completed application materials must be received by February 21, 1997. Announcement #0C0T6459 Call (503) 9864030 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request application packet. For other ODOT opportunities cal our Recruitment JOBUNE at ( 503) 986-3847. OREGON STATE POLICE Communications Systems Analyst 3 The Communications Engineering Section of the Department of Oregon State Police Is recruiting to fill an immediate vacancy. The Communications Systems Analyst 3 is responsible for performing design and engineering analysis over a wide variety of non-routine problems arising in connection with the planning, design, and operation of communication equipment, systems, and related facilities. This non-sworn position Is located in Salem. Minimum qualifications are three years of technical and engineering experience as a telecommunications technician including testing and design; AND a Bachelor's degree with major coursework (30 quarter or 20 semester hours) in electrical engineering or applied physics, or three more years of qualifying experience; AND possession of FCC general Radio Telephone License or equivalent industrial certification. Salary $2.471 to $3.984 monthly. Obtain a State of Oregon application (form PD 100), Announcement No. LE970101 and any required supplement! from a local Oregon Employment Department office OR most state agency personnel offices. Send completed application materials to: Human Resource Services Division, Examination Section. 155 Cottage ST. NE. Salem, OR 973100318. Apply by February 2 4 ,1 9 9 7 at 5:00 p.m. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Landscape Trades Maintenance Worker- Facilities Services One year of experience as a groundskeeper or two years experience In any occupation providing knowledge of horticulture and groundskeeping practices and procedures is required. Major duties Include: installing Irrigation; converting galvanized pipe to PVC pipe; applying pesticides; operating frontend loader, dump truck, leaf sweeper, etc.; working from aerial man-lifts to prune or remove mature trees, and determining monetary value of trees. $1.320 a month. Contact 0SU Department of Human Resources for application materials; 14th ft Jefferson. Corvallis. OR 97331 2132, (541) 737-3103, TTY (800) 735-2900. All application materials must be received by closing date of February 14, 1997. .The so are just some of the currant openings available w ith the State of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complota announcement listings, call the State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Una) (503) 2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 * 7 7 7 7 , TTY (503) 3764672, visit your local Employment Department, or log onto our wab alto at http://w w w .das.state.or.us/Jobs/. The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to ba equal opportunity employers.