dUÌMÌMì£&*> I * „ _,, P age B ¿Ai F ebruary 5, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver 6 Advertisement For Bid C h e c k ro o m A tte n d a n t (M etroE R C ) - $7.47 - $9.11/ hour, part time (deadline Feb­ ruary 14, 1997). Greets and directs patrons, checks coats, etc., and collects checkroom fees Acts as night reception­ ist for events. Checks in vol­ unteers and paid staff at New Theater Building. Resumes are not accepted. Re­ quired application materials available at: M etro Human Resource Division, 600 NE Grand Avenue; Oregon C on­ vention Center, 777 NE M ar­ tin Luther King Jr., Blvd; the Urban League, 10 N Russell; or the Northeast Workforce Center, 4106 N Vancouver Ave. If you wish application materials mailed to you, call (503) 797-1570. Web address: h t t p : / / w w w .m u ltn o m a h .lib .o r.u s / metro AA/EEO Employer Operations Supervisor Responsibilities include super­ vising bus drivers, overseeing the transit island, and dis­ patching vehicles and drivers. Starting wage $15.26 per hour. Write or call 503-588-2424, ext. 2236 for official District application form and detailed vacancy announcement. Send completed application form to Human Resources Division, Salem Area Mass Transit Dis­ trict, 3140 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97303. Applica­ tions must be received by Dis­ trict by 5:00 p.m. February 21, 1997. An equal opportunity employer. CITY OF WEST LINN Carreer Opportunity Senior Planner Position Lonely? Need to hear a soft voice??? 1-900-467-9292 Ext. 3657, 3658, 3659, 3660 $3.99 per min. , Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U (619) 645-8434 $3,147 - $4,014/mo. (DOQ) The JOB INFORMATION HOTLINE position's current primary fo­ 257-1510 cus is on transportaion plan­ 257-1599 TDD ning, and the continuing de­ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY v e lo p m e n t of C ity ’s EMPLOYER AND DRUG FREE tra n p o rta io n system plan. WORK PLACE Duties also include land use WelderTrainees Hairstylist-Barber planning, development stan­ Training in Oxy-gas, shielded dards review and coordina­ for extrem ely busy salon in prime arc, hard facing and GMA/ N.E. location. Talented, se lf­ tion with regional and state GTA. Full pay and benefits m otivator to join our progres­ p la n n in g o rg a n iz a tio n s . while training. Ages 17-34, sive m ulti-cultural salon. C on­ W orks closely with pulbic high school diplom a grads ta c t V io la W a s h in g to n at works, engineering and pub­ willing to relocate. Call 1 -800- W a v e s H a ir D e sig n . 2 3 2 - lic safety departments. Pre­ 914-8536, Tue-Fri, 8am-4pm. 6263. pares RFP's for a variety of contractual services. Repre­ Sub Bids Requested sents city before various city boards, neighborhood groups and provides staff support to City Council. May supervise University Hospital South - 11B AM Admitting technical and clerical staff. Bid Package: Remodel - All Areas of Work Bachelor's Degree required. Bids Due: February 20 at 2:00pm M aster’s Degree in planning or administration preferred. HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Five(5) years experience in responsible position with su­ OF OREGON pervisory and budgetary re­ sponsibilities. P re - Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 e m p lo ye m e n t d ru g screen 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 re q u ire d Application pack­ We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including ets are available at West Linn disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com. City Hall, 22825 Willamette Drive, West Linn, OR,; or by calling (503) 656-4518 (TDD). Completed application pack­ Employment Opportunity ets must be returned to City Thé Clackamas River District’s of the Mt. Hood National Forest will Hall by 4:30pm, March 3,1997. be filling the following temporary positions forthe 1997 work season: E EO h ttp :// 1) Two (2) Heavy Equipment Operators (WG-5716-10 - $15.35/Hour) w w w .t e le p o r t . c o m m / - 2) tw o (2) Heavy Motor Vehicle Operators (WG-5703-08 - $13 97/Hour) westlinn. Faxed application 3) Three (3) Laborers (WG-3502-03 - $10.31/Hour) packet will be accepted if origi­ nal is post marked timely. As a condition of hire for all these positions, all selected applicants Oregon Health Sciences University Visual Programming System Developer We seek a person for a Faculty Research Assistant position who will be responsible for OPERATIONS porting Forms/3, an existing visual programming system SUPERVISOR currently written in Lisp, to Responsibilities include super­ another language - most likely vising bus drivers, overseeing either C++ or Java -- for get­ the transit island, and dis­ ting the bugs out, and for cre­ patching vehicles and drivers. ating documentation that will Starting wage $ 15.26 per hour. enable external users to in­ Write or call (503) 588-2424 stall and run the system. In ext. 2236 for official District addition, this person will also application form and detailed be involved in writing grant v a c a n c y a n n o u n c e m e n t. proposals and technical pa­ Send completed application pers for submission to jour­ form to Human Resources nals and refereed conferences Division, Salem Area Mass and will serve as a back-up T ra n s it D istrict, 3140 Del system support person forthe Webb Ave. NE, Salem, OR CS research net. 97303. Applications must be A B.S. Degree plus related work received by District by 5:00pm experience is required. Suc­ February 21, 1997. cessful applicants will provide An Equal Opportunity Employer evidence of the following: Lisp programm ing skills; experi­ B ike s h o p sa le s & se rvice ence with object-oriented pro­ m anager at the Community gram m ing; interactive web Cycling Center Immediate application programming skills opening. Equal opportunity (eg: Java, cgi bins, etc.); abil­ employer. Minimum 1 year ity to work welt with graduate bike shop management. Great students; ability to interact well growth opportunity. Mail re­ with potential users of Forms/ sume to 2407 NE Alberta, 3; ability to make effective pre­ Porltand, OR sentations to both internal and external audiences; excellent written communications skills; FirefighterTrainee and ability to take the initiative Program and work independently. Ex­ cellent program m ing skills. Limited openings. Must pass Excellent code documentation p h ysica l. 17-34 w ith high skills. C, C++ and Unix pro­ school diploma. Excellent pay/ gramming skills. benefits. Paid training and re­ Also desirable are familiarity with location expenses. Call 1 -800- v is u a l p ro g ra m m in g la n ­ 914-8536, Tue-Fri, 8am-4pm guages; familiarity with Forms/ 3; experience with Garnet; and Grants Available familiarity with stable user-in­ Self Enhancement, Inc. has a terface toolkits for C++ and I limited amount of funds avail­ or for Java. able for projects involving Af­ the salary is to be $35,000- rican American youth between $40,000 a year, depending the ages of 14-17, within Mult­ upon qualifications. For full nomah County. Youth eligible consideration, apply by Feb­ for services through these ruary 14. The position is avail­ funds should be medium-risk able February 17, but it shall youth; not involved with the remain open until filled. ju ve n ile ju stice system or To apply, send your resume via CSD. Projects should be one e-mail to burnett @ cs.orst.edu time events or activities or a or via U S. mail to series of distinct activities. In­ Visual Program m ing System dividuals, groups, social clubs Search Committee and other organizations are Department of Computer Sci­ eligibleforfunding. Grants will ence ra n ge fro m $ 2 0 0 -$ 2 ,0 0 0 . Oregon State University Deadline for applications are Dearborn 303 April 1,1997. For an applica­ Corvallis, OR 97331 tions or further information, For more information about the please contact Self Enhance­ position you may contact Prof. ment, Inc., 3920 N. Kerby Av­ Burnett at (541 ) 737-2539, or enue, Portland, OR 97227, email Burnett@ cs.orst.edu. (503) 249-1721. OSU is an AA/EEO Employer I MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT must have a valid state drivers license, meet prescribed physical fitness requirements as measured by a Step Test or 1.5 mile run within 10 days of hire, be required to attend a one week basic firefighting training, standards for firefighter survival training and will be required to be available for wildfire assignments of up to 21 days off unit. Selected applicants for the Heavy Equipment and Motor Vehicle Operator positions must have a Certified Drivers License covering at a minimum Combination Vehicles of 54,00 GVW, Air Brakes and Tank Vehicles and will be required to have a drug test. Operators and Motor Vehicle Operators will also be subject to random drug testing upon hire. Normal work week will be four (4) ten (10) hour days, Monday thru Thursday from 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. It is anticipated that some overtime will be available on a voluntary basis. Government housing is available upon request at the Ripplebrook Work Center which is located 26 miles Southeast of Estacada via State Highway 224. Individuals taking advantage of the available housing will need to provide their own food, bedding and personal items and will need money to last approximately four (4) weeks before their first paycheck arrives. All applications must be submitted by February 28, 1997 through the Oregon State Employment Division’s Gresham Office located at 19421 S.E. Stark Street Gresham, Oregon. The U S. Forest Service is a equal opportunity employer that prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, reli­ gion, sec, national origin or age. For additional information on these positions interested applicants can call Don Chase or Jim Tierney at the Estacada Ranger Station at (503) 630-6861. Garlington Center Behavioral Healthcare B ookkeep er needed to process payroll and em ployee benefits. Experience with Ceridian payroll. Peachtree general ledger soft­ ware required. This position requires 2 years bookkeeping experi­ ence or college level accounting. Ref #FN-BK Salary Range: $20,200-$21,817 W ork Location Finance Department 911 N Skidmore Portland, OR 97217 Intake A sse ssm e n t T h erapist experienced in assessm ent and brief treatment of adults. Experience with personality disorders, PTSD, crisis recidivists and CMI population. M inimum 2 years experience required. Group and fam ily modalities a plus. Master degree required. LCSW preferred. Ref #AD-IS Salary Range: OP/C QMHP $23,600 - $25,489 OP/C QMHP w/M aster & licensure $25,200 - $27,217 Case M anager needed to provide supportive therapy and a full range o, case management services to chronically mentally ill cliients in need of intensive services. Minimum 2 years related experience required. QMHP and a Master degree required. Ref #CM-I Alcohol and Drug Specialist needed to serve as case m anager for mentally ill and chemically dependent clients. Duties include providing com m unity outreach, case mnanagement and therapy. Minimum 2 years experience dealing with substance abuse in a mental health setting. QMHP and Masters degree required. Ref #CM-M Salary Range: Cm4 QMHP $23,600 - $25,489 CM5 QMHP w/M aster & Licensure $25,200 - $27,217 S ealed bids fo r the W eniger Hall Repipe project will be received by the O regon State Board of H igher Education until 2:30 PM, local time, February 11, 1997. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on February 12, 1997 at 2:30 PM. local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construc­ tion Contractor’s Board. Additional information may be ob­ tained by contacting Facilities Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694. Sub-Bids Requested OSU Weniger Hall Repipe Corvallis, Oregon Bid Date: February 11, 1997 @ 2:00p.m. S.D. Deacon Enterprises, Inc. CCB# 77875 6443 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. #432 P.0. Box 25392 Portland, Oregon 97298 (503) 297-8791 Fax (503) 297-8997 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and Minority businesses and emerging small business enterprises. Notice To Contractors S.E. Francis Avenue and S.E. 6th Street Improvements CDBG Project No. 5134 Sealed proposals will be received by the D epartm ent of E nvironm ental S ervices at G resham City Hall, 1333 N.W. Eastm an P arkway, G resham , Oregon 97030. until February 13, 1997, 2:00 p.m. local time, at which tim e they will be opened, for the S.E. Francis Avenue And S.E. 6th Street Im provem ents, CDB G Project No. 5134. The major quantities involved are as follows: 2,400 650 1,700 2,700 1,055 500 CY Ton Ton LF SY LF E xcavation A.C. Pavem ent Base Rock Curb and G utter Sidew alk 12" Concrete Storm Pipe C ontractor fo r this w ork shall furnish all labor at current Davis- Bacon wage rates, m aterials and equipm ent and services of all kinds to com plete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Prior to obtaining plans and specifications, contractors m ust be a holder of or purchase ($50) the current City of G resham Public W orks Standards (July 20, 1993) as identified by the D epartm ent of E nvironm ental Services distribution list. Plans and specifications may be exam ined at the office of the D epartm ent of E nvironm ental Services, 1333 N.W. Eastm an Parkway, G resham , O regon. C opies of said plans and sp eci­ fications m ay be obtained upon application to the D epart­ ment of E nvironm ental S ervices and by posting a non- refundable fee of $25 with the D epartm ent of E nvironm ental Services for each set of plans and specifications requested. If plans and specifications are ordered by mail, you must add a $5 processing and m ailing charge. Q uestions concerning this project should be addressed to Jay McCoy, project manager, 618-2686. C ontractors m ust prequalify for construction with the City of G resham , as required by the laws of the State of O regon, before the date of the bid opening. O therwise, their proposal m ay not be given consideration. C ontractors shall obtain a City of Gresham business license prior to com m encing work. The contractor is required to pay a fee to the Bureau of Labor and Industries pursuant to the provision of ORS 279.352 (2) and section 5 (1), ch 5 9 4 ,1 9 9 6 Oregon Laws. This fee is one- tenth of one percent of the price of this contract, but not less than $100 nor more than $5,000, regardless of the contract price. All proposals m ust be subm itted on the regular form s fu r­ nished by the City of G resham , addressed and m ailed or delivered to the D epartm ent of Environm ental S ervices, City of G resham , in a sealed envelope plainly m arked, “Sealed Bid for the S.E. Francis Avenue and S.E. 6th S treet Im prove­ m ents, CDBG Project No. 5134, bearing the nam e and address of the bidder. Each must be accom panied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an am ount not less than ten percent (10% ) of the total bid. A perform ance and paym ent corporate surety bond in the full am ount of the contract shall be required to guarantee faithful perform ance of the term s of the contract at the tim e of contract execution. In determ ining the low est responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, for the purpose of aw arding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid of a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, if any, of the preference given to that bidder in the state in which the bidder resides. Each bid must contain a statem ent as to w hether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. Each bid m ust contain a statem ent by the bidder that the provisions of ORS 279.350 will be com plied with. Each bidder m ust file with his bid an affidavit of non-collusion. The City of G resham reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, w aive inform alities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests of the City. The City of G resham is an equal opportunity em ployer. By O rder O f City Council 1333 N.W.»-Eastman Parkway G resham , O regon 97030 Call (503) 288-0033 to advertise in CLOSING DATE: February 14, 1997 Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume to: Garlington Center, 911 N Skidmore, Porltand, OR 97217 Attn: HR Fax: (503)249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone call please. Conatact our JOB LINE at (503) 727-5947 for additional job opportunities. CL he |J o rtk u th (Obscvncv 4