. - •. .. • J • hhhmhb 1 1 - » ' ' ' • > - ••; • : ; ‘V - N ^ Y . T v ’ • . , Û * .- P age B2 , : FI hruary 5, 1997 • Tm ’ >» P o r u and O bserver ■ 'h t> ENTERTAINMENT BLACKSTREET: Another Level Thom as Jefferson Thomas Jefferson (A General Motors Mark Of Excellence Presentation): Actor Ossie Davis (right) is the narrator for Thomas Jefferson, a new film by Ken Burns (left) about one o f our nation"s most eloquent presidents. The "General Motors Mark of Excellence Presentation" will be broadcast on PBS Tuesday, Feb. 18, and Wednesday, Feb. 19. 1997 (9:00-10:30 PM, ET, each night). [Check local listing]. Credit: Alvin Levine/General Motor Teddy "Street" Riley, heralded com pose r/p ro d u c e r/s in g e r and leader ol platinum soul supergroup B lackstreet, p o w er-cro o n er and groupco-founderChauncey "Black" Hannibal, and talented new mem­ bers E ric W illia m s and M ark Middleton, take R&B to another Level for '96-and far beyond. Like its title suggests, and introduced by the funkdatied. feel-good lead single "No Diggity” (produced by Riley 1 Jazz Saxophonist Joshua ; Redman to Perform At Lewis & Clark College K 1 I v b Y < (>‘r ^ ) / ( / 7( //e s ////// r/7 / / ( / / / / / / o / / / c/ ( / y / .A V J Â Romance fills the air at Parkmont High s Valentine s Day Dance when (top) faculty chaperones Louanne Johnson (Annie Potts) and Jerome Griffin (Michael Jace) take a quick photo, while (bottom left) new Parkmont student Tracy (Meredith Monroe) and Gusmaro (Greg Serano) share a quiet moment. (Bottom right) meanwhile. Callie (Tamala Jones) and Cornelius (Vicellous Reon Shannon) enjoy a private party at home when Callie's sick daughter forces her to forgo the festivities in "Dangerous Minds," airing Monday. February 10 at 8:00 PM (ET/PT) on ABC. Romance is in the air as the V alentine's Day dance approaches on "Dangerous Minds." The epi­ sode entitled "Everybody Wants It" introduces M eredith M onroe as Tracy Daiken. a new student to the Academy Program who quickly sets her sig h ts on G u sm a ro (G reg Serano). The episode, written by Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider and directed by Michael Lange, airs Monday, February 10 at 8:00 PM (ET/PT) on ABC. C upid's hard work is a qualified success, with a couple of hits and a number of misses. Gusmaro (Serano) is equally attracted to the well-to-do Tracy (Monroe) and looks forward to the upcoming dance, despite his reservations about their different economic and social backgrounds. Louanne (Annie Potts) agrees to chaperone the V alentine’s Dance with Jerome Griffin (Michael Jace) where the evening seems to take an unexpected turn for them. Romantic disappointments begin with Blanca (M ariaCosta), who is unhappy when Gusmaro appears at the dance v. ith Tracy Alvina(LaToyaH ow letO has her hopes dashed when the hand some Andre (Sean Parhm) asks an­ other girl to (he dance. Cornelius’ (Vicellous Reon Shannon) hesita­ tion costs hint a second date with Callie (Tamala Jones), who agrees to go to the dance with another stu­ dent. James (Cedrick Terrell) and Garrity (Jeff CahilDswear off women -- at least momentarily - when they attempt to follow the "Path of the White Crane Warrior." Meanwhile, Louanne's finances force her to take a second job as a waitress, but it’s quickly - and em ­ barrassingly - apparent that her tem­ perament is unsuitable for the job. "Dangerous Minds” is produced by Predawn Productions and Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer produc­ tions in association with Touchstone Television. Executive producers are D on S im p so n and Jerry B ruckheim er, Ronald Bass and Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider. Michael Vittes is co-executive pro­ ducer and William Stewart, and featuring a phat rap intro by Dr. Die), the impressive new Interscope album elevates contemporary urban music, expanding its soulful parameters in the process. "Another Level is a reflection of where Blackstreet has been, where w e're at and where w e’re going." explains Teddy, acclaimed architect of the historic 80s R&B/ hip-hop revolution still globally re­ vered as "New Jack Swing.” 111 Red hot jazz saxophonist Joshua Redman (left) will bring his brand o f passionate jazz, classic ballads and blues to Lewis & Clark College, Saturday, Feb. 22. THE SEARCH FOR SIGNS OF INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE FNIVEItSE Next up at Portland Center Stage is Jane W agner’s effervescent com­ edy The Search of Signs of Intelli­ gent Life in the Universe. The play is running from Feb­ ruary 8 through March 8. in the Intermediate Theatre of the Port­ land Center for the Performing Arts. The 1985 play, originally per­ formed as a one-woman show on Broadway by Lily Tomlin, now fe a tu re s three a c to rs, B etsey Cassall, Sharonlee McLean and Sherryl Ray, playing a variety of roles centering on Trudy, a bag lady who is expecting alien visitors from outer space. As a book, the play has been an international best-seller. The show is d ire c te d by Jacqueline Moscou, who directed last season's From the Mississippi Delta at PCS, with scenic design by Michael C. Smith, costumes by Rose Pederson, lighting by M ichael Holcombe, and sound design by Steven M. Klein. Ticket prices range from $ 11.00- $35.00. For tickets and informa­ tion, please call the box office at (503) 274-6588. MLK TEN NA SHOE’S BRINGS YOU < 7 /^ G%cn THE ATRIUM 2701 N W VAUGHN WHEN: FRIDAY. FEB. 14TH 9 00 PM UNTIL 3:00 AM DRESS CODE: SEMI FORMAL TICKETS: S I5.00 EACH OR $25 0 0 /COUPLE 525.00VIP ROSE CITY SECURITY ENFORCEMENT ________21 AND OLDER ONLY - "THIS IS NOT FOR KIDS!” "21 a u tltn td ERNEST WARREN SR C H A R o e ^ -n a iF î I H o r n ila ttw id f '»<• CXMJMVM T » «■« I _____ 224-TIXX —ISfaWTOK