Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 29, 1997, Page 12, Image 12

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    J ani \ ky 29, 1997» T hi P oru and O bsi rvi r
P agi B ö
Project Engineer-(Electrical)-
-Tacoma, Public Utilities--Wa­
te r D iv is io n . $ 4 0 ,0 8 2 to
$48,672 annual salary. Ap­
pointive (non-civil service)
position responsible for eval­
uating well and pump motor
wire-to-waterefficiencies; pre­
paring specifications for a va­
riety of electrical equipment;
and administering related con­
tracts as well as additional
duties. Requires graduation
from a four year college or
university in electrical engi­
neering or related field. Two
to three ye a rs’ experience
desirable but not required. Call
for application materials: (206)
591-5400. Return to: City of
Tacoma, Human Resources
Dept., Attention: Louis Telles,
Tacom a Municipal Building,
747 Market St, Room 1336,
Tacom a, WA 98402-3764.
Q uestions, call (206) 591-
5434. (Louis Telles). Closing
date: Friday, January 10,1997.
Affirmative Action/Equal O p­
portunity Employer
Program Director
Regional vocational training pro­
gram seeks strong manager
to coordinate program adm is­
sions, job placement and gen­
eral office operations. The ide­
al candidate will have 3-5
years hands on managerial
experience in a fast paced
m ulti-task environment, pro­
viding strong leadership and
direction in organizing pro­
grams that serve clients and
communities. Proven experi­
ence in case management,
contract compliance, budget
monitoring, problem solving,
team building and marketing
is necessary. Bachelors de­
gree required. If interested and
qualified, submit a cover letter
of interest and resume to:
Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia
River Hwy.
Troutdale, OR 97060
As an affirmative action employ­
er, we are seeking qualified
minority, female, veteran and
disabled applicants, howev­
er, all qualified applicants will
be considered
Residential remodeling design
and sales position with na­
tio n a lly recognized design/
build contractor. Experience
required. Background in re­
m o d e lin g s a le s re q u ire d .
Knowledge of housing, archi­
tecture, interior design, con­
s tru c tio n , o r c o m b in a tio n
needed. Commissioned posi­
tion with start up base salary.
Health benefits. Job descrip­
tion available on request Neil
Kelly, a fifty year old Portland
company, named one of O re­
gon's top 100 businesses to
work for in 1996 by Oregon
B usiness Magazine. Team
S pence, V P. H um an R e­
sources, Neil Kelly Design-
ers/Remodelers, 804 N Al­
berta St., Portland, OR 97217.
GIS Assistant
Portland based timberland in­
vestm ent m anagement firm is
seeking a part-time (potential­
ly full-time) GIS assistant dur­
ing Spring term (March-June,
1997). Requirem ents include:
three months work experience
in ARC/Info and/or ARCView
(or class equivalent), working
towards a Bachelors Degree
in Forestry, G eography or
Natural Resources, dem on­
strated com puter skills and
good com m unication skills.
Familiarity with the forest prod­
ucts industry is desirable We
are an equal opportunity em ­
ployer. If you are qualified and
interested in working with a
great group of people, and for
a company that believes in
employee development and
training, send resume and
cover letter by February 7,
1997 to Vicki Reber, GIS As­
sistant, One SW Columbia,
S uite 1720, P ortland, OR
Facilities Carpenter
Bring your knowledge & exp. in
remodel finish carpentry to us!
We re a, successful & unique
company producing high qual­
ity & authentic period lighting
fixtures We are progressive,
responsible, & fun! Duties inch
p e rfo rm in g b a sic m a in te ­
nance, carpentry or construc­
tion of woodwork & equipment
in the co. Successful candi­
date will have 3+ yrs exp in
remodel finish carpentry, val­
id driver's license, com bina­
tion of education & exp equiv.
to 12th grade, exc. oral & writ­
ten communication skills. Sal­
ary dependent on exp, full time
w/ exc. benefits pkg. Pre-em­
p lo ym en t drug screen re ­
quired Apply at or send re­
sume to: Rejuvenation Inc.,
Attn: H R Dept., 1100 SE
Grand, Portland OR 97214.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Information Systems
Computer Specialist needed for
NE Mfg. com pany to assist
users in daily operations, in­
stall new applications, trou­
bleshoot software/hardware
problems. Must know Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, MS mail.
Qual. incl. Assoc, degree in
I.S. or related and two years
computer support in MS Of­
fice products. Must be self
m o tiv a te d
w ith
e x c e ll,
commun, skills. Please apply
or send resume & salary his-
tory/requir to 3580 NE Broad­
way, Portland Or 97232 be­
tween the hours of 1 -5 pm, M-
F. We are an Equal O pportu­
nity Employer.
Line Technician
Mortgage Loan
Position requires a minimum of
three years as an Apprentice Washington Mutual Bank has
an opening for a Senior Loan
L in e T e c h n ic ia n and six
Processor who is proficient in
m onths as a groundman or
processing and closing con­
equivalent experience. C om ­
ventional, government, and
pletion of a three-year a p ­
construction loansforourbusy
proved Lineman Apprentice­
Lake O swego Home Loan
ship or training program. V al­
Center. Experience in escrow
id Driver's License with Class
and construction loan closing
"A ” CDL Endorsement. EWEB
procedures an added plus.
requires DOT drug testing pro­
Requires self-motivated indi­
cedures prior to placement.
vidual with strong math apti­
Non-exempt position.
tude, attention to detail and
Position closes Monday, Febru­
excellent inter-personal skills.
ary 10, 1997 5:00 p m.
Minimum of 2 years recent
For an application packet con­
related experience necessary.
tact, Eugene Water & Electric
offer a professional work
Board, P.O. Box 10148, Eu­
and an excellent
gene OR 97440 ATTN: Hu­
com pensation package, in­
man Resources (541) 484-
cluding a monthly base salary
3769 or www.eweb.org.
+ incentive and a generous
EWEB is an equal opportunity
flexible benefits program.
em ployer and is committed to
Resum es are not accepted.
diversity in the work force.
Applications are available at
Washington County
all Washington Mutual Finan­
Accountant II
cial Centers or you my call 1-
800-952-0787 to have one
mailed to you. Mail completed
Closes February 7, 1997
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
6 9 3 -4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n .
County application and sup­
plemental application forms
required. Apply to:
W ashington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encour­
aged to apply.
Attn: Position #9700207
1191 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA 98111
For complete listing of current
ope n in gs, call 1-800-952-
Equal Opportunity Employer
Affordable Housing For Sale
Franciscan Enterprise of Oregon is selling two 3bdrm 2bath homes
at $80,000 each, to families with qualifying income and credit.
There will be an open house February 2, 1997 from 1-3 pm for
viewing the properties which are located at 608-610 NE Killingsworth
Minimum income requirements is $19,200 annually with a $1500
down payment. Maximum income requirements are as follows:
Household size
I f you are interested, contact either Lori or Angela at 232-8807 or stop
by our office at 500 N.E. Multnomah. Sle. 240
C DL with passenger endorsement. W ill be driving a 20 passenger bus
transporting children and parent in the Oregon City area. Hours are
8:30am-1:30pm, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. This assignment
begins immediately and is indefinite. Bi-Lingual is helpful.
We specialize in placing people with all types of disabling conditions.
open till sufficient applications are received. May close at
anytime without notice.
Clerical Assistance
Maintenance Services
Office Assistant l/ll
Vehicle Service Worker II
Alarm Coordinator I
Vancouver Police Dept.
Vehicle Parts Specialist
Maintenance Worker II
Permits Specialist I
Cummunity Development
Utility Maintenance Mechanic
Senior Office Assistant
Neighborhood Coordinator
Application materials are available by calling (360) 696-8419. Fax
(360) 696-8364. Competed application and supplemental question­
naire materials must be Received for consideration
Support Services Supervisor 2
(Administrative Unit Manager -
Right of Way)
r ' -
We are seeking an individual w ith strong
leadership skills for position located in
Salem . W ill provide s u p e rv is io n and
direction to adm inistrative s ta ff in the
Right of Way Section. Requires one year o f
experience as a supervisor o f technical,
office, or support s ta ff which included responsibility for hiring; training;
assigning and reviewing work; doing perform ance appraisals; and
handling disciplinary actions and grievances. Salary $ 1 ,8 6 9 - $ 2 ,5 1 1
following agencies:
monthly + benefits. Com pleted application m a te ria ls m u st be received
by February 14, 1 99 7 . Announcem ent No. 0C D T7031 Call (5 0 3 ) 986-
4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 ) to requ e st a p p lic a tio n packe t.
Oregon D epartm ent of Transportation (ODOT), is known throughout the
nation as a progressive government agency and as a leader in team
development and performance measures. ODOT is responsible for the
coordination o f tra n s p o rta tio n program s between and am ong all
governm ental organizations w ithin the state. We have im m ediate
We optimize opportunities for people with disabling conditions.
The City of Vancouver, Washington
large variety of careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist in the
If you wish to become a certified Security Officer, we can provide you
with the certification you need This job w ill require a criminal back-
i ground check, drug screen, and reference checking. No felonies in the
past 5 years. We w ill pay you $5.5()/hr. to be certified.
is currently accepting applications for the following positions. In
addition to technical competence all qualified candidates must
provide a high level of customer service at all times; project and
maintain a positive image with those contacted in the course of work
and work and act as a team player within area of assignment and in
all interactions with other city departments These positions w ill be
. / n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a
For more information please contact Tamia Murphy at 284-8642.
A p p ly: Mt. St. Joseph Residen­
tial Care, 3060 SE S tark
Street, Portland
We have state and county jobs to fill now!
We have career opportunities for you!
Equal Opportunity Employer
RN, LPN, CNA, Residential
Attendant, Housekeeper,
Foster Care Managers.
Maximum Income
opportunities for the following positions:
Transportation Development Branch Manager
(Principal Executive Manager G)
We have an immediate executive level management opportunity to provide a
leadership role in m anaging O regon's com prehensive, long range
transportation planning process. Headquartered in Salem, this key position
will bring together Planning, Policy, Research, Advocacy and Modal functions
and integrate these diverse functions into a cohesive, well-defined branch
with shared vision and goals to recom m end high level, complex
transportation policies that impact a variety of local and statewide public and
private entities. Position has responsibility for a multi-million dollar budget
with management oversight for approximately 170 employees. Qualified
candidates will possess: Bachelor's degree (preferably in Public
Administration or related field) and 8-10 years progressively responsible
experience managing multi-faceted programs, including responsibility for
personnel m anagem ent, budget m anagem ent, and overall program
operations. Management experience in transportation issues required. Ideal
candidates will have demonstrated skills in building strong relationships with
external constituents. Three additional years of management experience
may substitute for the Bachelor's degree. Graduate level coursework in
management may be substituted for up to one year of the required
experience. Excellent benefits accompany a negotiable annual salary around
$69K. Recruitment closes February 27, 1997. Completed application
materials m ust be received by 5 :0 0 p.m. on the close date. Call (5 03 ) 986-
4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request application packet.
For other ODOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBUNE at (5 0 3 ) 986 -38 47.
Deputy State Fire Marshal
The Office o f State Fire M arshal (0SFM) Division o f the D epartm ent of
Oregon State Police, is recruiting to fill vacant Deputy State Fire Marshal
positions. These non-sworn positio n s are in various locations throughout
Oregon. The Deputy State Fire M arshal, in an assigned district, oversees
the fire prevention program w hich includes public fire safety education,
fire and life safety surveys and inspections, enforcem ent of the Uniform
Fire Code and Oregon Revised S tatutes; and conducts fire cause
investigations in public and private buildings. M inim um qualificatio n s are
three years o f full-tim e experience, or five years o f part-tim e supervisory
experience in fire suppression or fire inspection; AND three years of
experience in fire prevention work and stru ctu ra l fire safety (code
enforcem ent). You m ust also p ossess a current Uniform Fire Code
c e rtificatio n , or be able to obta in one w ithin twelve m onths of
a p p o intm en t. Salary $ 2 ,2 1 7 to $ 3 ,0 0 9 m onthly. To o b ta in an
app licatio n p a cke t, please c o n ta c t A rth u r L. Fennell, (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -3 7 2 0 ,
e x t. 4 7 0 7 , D epartm ent of Oregon S ta te Police, 4 0 0 Public Service
Building, Salem , OR 9 7 3 1 0 -1 3 8 0 . Apply by February 2 6 , 1 99 7 at 5 :0 0
pm. Announcem ent »LE 97 0 08 1 .
/ h e s e are ju s t some of th e c u rre n t openings available w ith th e S tate
of Oregon. For additional inform ation, a copy of th e S tate o f Oregon
A pplication Form and more c o m ple te announcem ent lis tin g s , c a ll the
State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 , TTY
(5 0 3 ) 3 78 -4 6 7 2 , v is it your local Em ploym ent D epartm ent, or log onto
our web site a t h ttp ://w w w .d a s .s ta te .o r.u s /jo b s /. The S ta te of Oregon
W Tien it com es to k ee p in g O r e g o n
healthy, w e couldn 't care m ore.
Since 19 4 1. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to superior
health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while
quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in O regon sounds like a
w orthw hile pursuit to you, consider our possibilities.
Apply today:
St. Vincent dePauI Staffing Services
500 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 240
E x e c u tiv e S e c re ta ry II
M a rk e tin g
A ssociate
M a rk e tin g R e p re s e n ta tiv e
M id -V a lle y /S a le m
The Associate Marketing Representative is responsible for the sale and
(job # 0 1 5 )
You will perform administrative and secretarial duties fo r the Vice
retention o f all lines o f small group business, (i.e.: medical, dental, life, etc.)
President o f Individual Operations/Product Development w ith accuracy
fo r the te rrito ry assigned. This includes developing agent relationships,
and timeliness. You must have a High School diploma and a secretanal
accounts, presenting annual rate renewals and preparing and submitting
degree (or five years o f secretanal expenence in an administrative
all required reports. Qualified applicants should have a degree in
environment). You must be able to type 65 wpm, operate standard office
marketing o r a relevant field, o r equivalent marketing experience
equipment and use a personal computer
S e c re ta ry III
to F in a n c e M a n a g e r
C la im s A nalysts
(9 o pen ing s)
Quality Assurance Change Management
Northwest Natural Gas, a Portland, Oregon-based gas utility, seeks
a strong technical individual to manage and coordinate test cases in
our AS400 Windows '95 PC environment. Excellent facilitation skills
are required in coordinating development processes and testing
tools towards operative use with a team of high-level technical
Progressively responsible experience in the Information Services
field with continued skill building is required. Proven management
and quality assurance testing skills are essential.
We offer an excellent Benefit Package and career advancement.
Please send qualifications/resume, including salary history and
requirements, to:
Northwest Natural Gas
HR; Employment-Req.#97025
220 N.W. Second Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97209
Fax: 503/721-2506
Email-jsl @ gasco.com
and all Its divisions are proud to be equal o pp o rtu n ity em ployers.
(job # 4201)
(job # 024)
You will analyze and enter claims information into our automated Claims
As a team player and in cooperation w ith other Finance departm ent
Administration System (CAS) for our Claims Training D epartm ent You
staff, you will provide secretanal and administrative assistance. Specific
must have a High School degree (o r equivalent), possess a certificate in
duties will include file maintenance, mail and docum ent distnbution plus
Medical Terminology and one year o l expenence working in a doctor's
correspondence and re p o rt typing. This position tequires a High School
office, hospital o r other medical facility
diploma (o r equivalent), proven secretarial skills and PC knowledge.
S e c re ta ry III
P ro v id e r A ffa irs
E x e c u tiv e S e c re ta ry I
In te r n a l A u d it
P a r t-tim e
(Job # 483)
You will perform secretarial support and office management functions
(job # 008)
You will provide secretarial and administrative services to the D irector
to provide efficient operations fo r o u r Provider Relations and
o f Internal Audit o f The Benchmark Group and Blue Cross Blue Shield
Communication office. You must have tw o years o f secretanal
o f Oregon HMO.You must have a High School diploma and tw o years
expenence in an office management position, as well as personal
of secretarial expenence. You must be able to type 65 wpm, operate
computer and business wntmg skills. You must be able to type 60 w pm
standard office equipment and use a personal com puter
and use a calculator and transcription machine
W e offer competitive salanes and benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required, and we support a smoke-free w o rk environm ent
For m ore information about career opportunities, call our Job I n fo r m a t io n L in e: I - 8 0 0 - 2 3 1 - 16 17 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite a t
h t tp ://w w w .b c b s o .c o m . To apply, please place the position number at the top o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to B lu e C ro s s B lu e
S h ie ld o f O r e g o n H M O , H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , P O . B o x 1 2 7 1 , P o rtla n d , O R » 7 2 0 7 - 1 2 7 0 ,T D D # ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -6 7 8 0 . W e are strongly
com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment.
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
oí Oregon
An Equal Opportunity Employer/drug-free, smoke-free workplace