Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 29, 1997, Page 10, Image 10

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Omega's kadership c a llsfo r
diaioaue on race relations
In the wake of recent church
bombings of predominantly black
churches in the South, and the rise
of racial tensions throughout the
country, O m ega Psi Phi is calling
on the leaders o f the nation’s Greek
letter organizations to initiate a
dialogue on race relations in A m er­
The Fraternity has also issued a
resolution condem ning the church
bombings and calling tor racial
healing in the nation.
Dr Dorsey C M iller, O m ega’s
Grand Basileus (national presi­
dent), said the nation’s Greek letter
organizations should take the lead­
ership in developing the national
dialogue on race relations.
"There has been an absence of
leadership from the White House on
down to the court house. Racial ten­
sions won't go away simply because
we wish them to,” Miller said.
He said the recent attacks on
affirmative action in employment
and education, im migration poli­
cies and voting rights have helped
fuel the rise in racial tensions.
Miller said he will call in the
leaders of the m ember organiza­
tions o f the National Pan-Hellenic
Council to initiate a series of dis­
cussion on race relations.
"We must come together tor a
frank dialogue about the race prob-
lem in America and devise apian to
resolve this problem,” M iller said.
“Omega Psi Phi has long been in
the forefront of the struggle for
equality and equal rights lor all
Americans. The rights and gains
earned during the Civil Rights
M ovement are now being threat­
ened,” said Miller.
“We cannot stand idly by while
our people sutler setbacks and our
nation faces an internal threat of
racial divisiveness and enmity. We
must not let this problem fester and
grow. We must come together and
seek solutions for the betterment of
all A m ericans,” Miller said.
The Fraternity also recently
adopted resolutions calling lor the
Texaco Oil Corp, and the Avis
Auto Rental Co. to develop affir­
mative action plans.
Omega Psi Phi will ask the lead­
ership of the organizations o f the
National Pan-Hellenic Council to
also join its member in boycotting
those companies if affirmative ac­
tion plans are not developed by
January 3 1, 1997. Texaco recently
implemented a plan that deemed
acceptable by civil rights leaders.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity is an
international civic and social frater­
nity with more than 13(),(XX) mem­
bers throughout the U.S., Europe,
Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on February 13,
1997 for the projects listed below:
MP 94.0 Section of the Mt. Hood Highway in
Hood River County. A.C. Pavement & Oiling.
This project is to be constructed under the
1996 Standard Specifications for Highway Con­
Multnomah: Troutdale Interchange Frontage Roads Sec­
tion of the Columbia River Highway (I-84) in
Multnomah County. 8% DBE goal. DBE sub­
ject to Commercially Useful Function (CUF)
requirements. Traffic Signals. This project is to
be constructed under the 1996 Standard Spec­
ifications for Highway Construction.
Clackamas: MP 53.7-F rog Lake Section of the Mt. Hood &
Warm Springs Highway in Clackamas County
in the vicinity of Mt. Hood. A.C. Pavement &
Oiling. This project is to be constructed under
the 1996 Standard Specifications for Highway
Plans, specifications and bid documents may be obtained in
Room 1, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310.
Plans may be ordered by phone at (503) 986-3720, or
facsimile at (503) 9863224. There is a $20.00 non-refund-
able charge for plans and specifications per project.
Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the
bid opening day. Foradditional information regarding prequal­
ification, please contact Fran Neavoll, Program Section, at
(503) 986-3877.
If yourbusiness is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or W omen Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone
(503) 378-5651.
(Borscht (Belt
The Mittleman Jew ish Com m u­
nity Center Theater will present
"Borscht Belt to Broadway", a cab­
aret-style Broadway revue, from
February 22-March 6, 1997. The
show will be a tribute to Jewish
artists’ contributions to the A m eri­
can Musical Theater. Performance
dates and times are: Saturdays, Feb­
ruary 22 and March I at 8:00 p.m.;
Sunday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m.; and
Thursdays, February 27 and March
6 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $ 12 gen­
eral admission and $10 for seniors
and students. Optional food and li­
bations will be offered. Group rates
are available.
The m usical sm o rg asb o rd ol
“Borscht Belt to Broadway” includes
a “bissel” of Yiddish music hall
favorites, a generous portion ot
Broadway hits, a handlul ol lesser
known Broadway tunes with Jewish
content and a dash of movie music
for spice.
"Borscht Belt to Broadway” is
created and directed hy Mark Steer­
ing. The talented cast includes Ariel
Aver, Costa Columbus, Bryna Davis,
Jan Matthews, James Montgomery,
Jeff Olcnick, Jan Rosenthal, Amy
Shapiro, Camberley Torres, Sandra
W illis, Glen York and many more.
The Mittleman Jewish Com m u­
nity Center is located at 6651 SW
Capitol Hwy. in Portland. Call 244-
0111 for ticket sales and inform a­
cfidomeeomina Celebration
Muslim Name — James X Mu­
hammad, Yoruba Name - Osaze
Bahatu (Peacemaker) Known at
Birth As - James Jahar Perez
James (Osaze ) was born in Tem ­
ple, Texas on April 7, 1942
He was preceded in death by his
mother Lovie Tupper, and leaves to
mourn him
Ten children
(Philip Perez. Ricky Perez, Bob­
by Perez, Sam aiyah Torregano,
Talibah Perez, Ayesha Perez. James
Jahar Perez Jr., Asad Perez of Alas­
ka, Jam eelah Perez and Aqueelah
Seven Siblings
(Lovie Perez, Paul (Poncho)
Lindey, Vietta Lowe, Brad Linsey,
Mark Lindsey, Terez Lindsey and
Angelo Tupper).
(Darlene Beck, Vernon Brazzle,
and Charlene W illiams)
He also leaves a host of family
and friends to mourn him.
£zjrrin(j ¿S&nwty of
Erma Cohen
Sunrise: June 20, 1918 - Sun­
set: January 16, 1997
Erma Cohen, born from the union
of C lifford Releford and Lena
Bratton in Paris, Texas on June
20th. 1918 passed away January
16th, 1997 in Portland, Oregon.
She was employed a, Emanuel
Hospital for thirty-eight years. She
was a member of Adah Chapter #6
Order o f Eastern Star since 1954.
Erma was preceded in death by her
husband Jam es C ohen, retired
Union Pacific Railroad employee
and her grandson J. A nthony
S u rv iv o rs include: b ro th er,
Charles Releford of Los Angeles,
C al; sister, Naomi Dawkins of Dal­
las. Texas; son, Arthur Palmer;
daughter, Bcttye Stitt; three grand­
children; four great-grandchildren;
one great-great-grandchild, one
grand godchild; three great god­
children; several nieces and neph­
ews; and many loving friends
<5// ¿¿ovt/nj bsCnwrp oj
Annette Williams Baker
io n N ovem ber4. 1939; Rc-
to the Lord on January 16,
c h ild re n ; Jo se p h B u rb rid g e .
Donald, Donnell, Damanon, Larry
and Elizabeth Baker with a host of
Baker was a long time resi-
Portland and a member of
( of Safety G od and Christ.
Baker is survived by five
brothers and sisters and six
She will be missed greatly by her
foster mother Peaches Hunter, per-
sonal friend Mr Jimmie Smith and
many others.
Call (503) 288-0033 io advertise in
¿Tin' P o rtla n d (Oh&eviu'v
Request for Proposals
Metro located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, hereby requests
written proposals for the following services.
1) Temporary Services for a Full-Time Landfill Special­
ist, RFP #97R-2-REM. Specialist will be assigned at the
St. Johns Landfill.
Contact: Regional Environmental Management, (503)
797-1650. Proposal Due Date: 3:00PM, W ednesday,
February 5 ,1 9 9 7
Bids and/or proposals must be submitted in sealed enve­
lopes which clearly identify the services as stated in the RFB/
P. That RFB/P represents the most definitive statement
Metro will make and is available at the above address from
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday or by calling the number
identified with the project.
All bids and/or proposals must conform to the RFB/P format,
answer all questions and be complete including the use of
any required forms. Metro may reject any bid and/or propos­
al not in compliance with the prescribed RFB/P requirements
and any or all bids and/or proposals if such action is deemed
in the public interest.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any
person or firm based on race, color, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political
affiliation or marital status.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specif­
ically encourages minority and women-owned businesses
to access and participate in this and all Metro projects,
programs and services.
Advertisement For Bids
Columbia Villa Door Locks Replacement
Job No. M6-0101
Any oblectlons to or comments upon me n r r
t/ons must be submitted In writing. They must be r_e-
reived no later than seven (7) workjng days before the
RFP closing date.
Poposals that are received after the time and date set for the
RFP closing will not be accepted for any reason Proposals
that are delivered to an office other than the identified above
will not be accepted. It is the sole responsibility of the party
submitting the RFP response to ensure that the response is
received at the designated location on or before the dead­
The proposals received will be held confidential until award
or recommendation for award has been approved by the City
Manager. Thereafter, all proposals will be available for
public inspection, unless specifically requested to be kept
confidential (names of firms and total cost figures may not ne
held confidential).
The City will be the sole judge in determining award of
contract and reserves the right to reject all proposals.
The City of Gresham is an Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative
Action employer.
Questions regarding the proposal should be directed to Jay
McCoy, P.E., Transportation Engineer, (503) 618-2686 or
Jeff Shelley, Project Coordinator, (503) 618-2550/Fax: (503)
665-6825, City of Gresham, Department of Environmental
Services 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon
Gregory E. DiLoreto, Director
Department of Environmental Services
Informal Bid/Proposals
Metro located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon
solicits informal bids/proposals for the fo llo w in g g o o d s
services, and projects by the deadline(s) specified below or
no later than one (1) week following this publication.
. Deconstruction & Salvage (Demolition). Two resi­
dence in Clackamas county, including removal of mate-
Contract: Pam Novitzky, Regional Parks & Greenspaces
Deot (503) 797-1916 Bid Due Date: 5:00pm , Tuesday,
February 11 ,1 9 9 7 (DATE EXTENDED) Note: Arrange­
ments can be made to visit properties pnor to bidding.
Design of Replacem ent Fire Sprinkler System for
Metro South Station. W ork will involve designing the
system, participation in the procurement of an installation
contractor, assistance with quality assurance during con­
struction and compilation of final as-built drawings.
Contact: Pete Hillmann, Regional Environmental Servic­
es, (503) 797-1650 Proposal Due Date: 3:00PM,
W ednesday, February 1 9 ,199 7.
All interested parties must contact the project manager(s)
I listed secure all information and documentation necessary,
Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of
Portland (HAP), 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland Oregon
97203, until2:00 p.m., Thursday, February 2 0 ,1997forlabor
and materials for 472 units. Shortly thereafter, bids will be
opened and publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid
a fte rth e h o u rs e tfo ro p e n in g u n tila fte rth e lapse of sixty (60)
days from the bid opening.
The basic work consists of removal and replacem ent of
existing front and rear entry door locks and storage locks at
all dwelling units in Columbia Villa.
Bid Documents are available at the HAP Office noted above.
A $20 (twenty) deposit for one set and $10 (ten) for each
additional set is refundable when docum ents are returned
within 10 days after bid opening.
Attendance of bidders is requested at a pre-bid tour of the
project commencing at the HAP M aintenance office, ad­
dress above, at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 6, 1997.
Sub-Bids Requested
Alberta Park Improvements
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: January 30,1997 2:00 p.m.
tork includes: construction and installation of playground
its, restroom construction, asphalt paving, concrete curbs
and pads, soil preparation and seeding.
P. 0. Box 82399 Portland, OR 97283-0299
(503) 286-8155 Fax# 286-8079 CCB #33578
al opportunity employer and request sub-bids from emerging small businesses,
tadvanlaaed sub-contractors, women and minority business enterprises