T he P ortland O bserver • J a n i ary P age 15. 1997 e n e f it s M a x im iz in g U n e m p lo y m e n t in K i t MOM) A\ Kt I IS TIGER WOODS TRIUMPHS sponsorship deal he received from Nike is beginning to look like a bargain. “It’s a perfect start to the year,” said W o o d s, w ho p ic k e d up $216,(XX) and a Mercedes-Benz for the win that pushed his career earn­ ings to $ 1,006,594. He is by far the fastest ever to crack the $1 million earnings mark. South African Ernie Els was the previous fastest, reaching the mile­ stone in 28 tournaments. The supremely confident young­ ster said he was not surprised to have won so much so quickly. “This is what I set out to do. It’s no surprise if you win when you have the mindset that you're going to win from the start of the week." Only Horton Smith, who won seven times before he was 21, and Gene Sarazen reached three titles at a younger age than the PGA Tour’s latest pheneom. Tiger Woods won the season­ opening Mercedes Championship with a birdie on the first hole of a sudden death playoff with Tom Lehman after rain washed out the final round Sunday. Woods had birdied the last four holes of the third round Saturday to tie Lehman for the lead at 14-under par. But the 18-hole showdown be­ tween the 1996 Rookie of the Year and the 1996 Player of the Year became a one-hole playoff. The 21 -year-old sensation stuck his tee shot within eight inches and tapped in for victory after Lehman had put his tee shot into the lake guarding the green. “1 really wanted to play 18 holes today,” said Lehman, the British Open champion. “I was looking forward to going head to head with Tiger.” Woods now has three titles in just nine starts as a professional and the much-publicized $40 million Some people in every state have collected LU after quitting then jobs But you have to do what a prudent person would do in sim ilar c irc u m sta n c e s, and have legal “good cause," otherw ise, you face a DQ. A good reason to quit is often not good cause. You will be d is­ qualified until you get another jo b is ), earn at least a specified am ount of money, and then lose that job(s) for a non-DQ reason. A full 97 percent of all wage and salary jobs are covered by Ul. The biggest exceptions are: self-em ­ ploym ent, e g., driving a taxi; stu­ dents (and often their spo u ses) who work for their schools (note: afull- time w orker who attends class part- time should be considered an em ­ ployee. not a student); m ost sales­ people on com m ission; people who work for religious organizations; seaso n al em p lo y m en t in som e states; casual labor; and w orkers for extrem ely small firms. If your com pany em ploys four w orkers for at least one day in 20 weeks som etim e during the year, you are generally covered. Some states cover even smaller firms, i.e.. one employee at any time. D om estics who earn at least $ 1.000 in a calendar quarter ($500 in New York state) are covered. A liens w ithout work perm its may not collect HI. You may file an interstate claim RENT YOUR NEXT W ASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS W ith o p tio n to buy. This C o u p o n G o o d T o r $ 1 0 O ff DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION FEE $4° T h e Se. 231-7413 rental Co. w asher 1 6 5 7 S. E. TACOMA ST. Police arrest car jacking suspect At approximately 3:30 a.m., Thurs­ day, January 9,1997, Portland Police O fficers arrested P edro R am on Vasquez, male Hispanic, 22 years old, from NE Portland. He was charged with two counts o f Attempt Murder, one account o f Robbery I, Attempt Kidnap I, PCS Il-Cocaine, and FTA D U II-w arrant from H ood River County. Vasquez hadtakena 1984 Chevrolet Blazer from aN E Portland man at gun point. The victim was parked at the Plaid Pantry store located at 7144 NE Killingsworth when the suspect en­ tered his passenger door and pointed a gun at him. The victim was ordered to drive but chose to jum p out o f the vehicle. The suspect then took the vehicle and drove away. The police were called and spotted the vehicle in the area. A chase ensued, with the suspect firing several shots at the officers with a large caliber handgun. The pursuit ended on the Glisan St. offram pof northbound 1-205 when the B lazer broke do w n. Vasquez was placed into custody and is lodged in the Justice Center jail. Safe Cooking if you move away from your job. and you have left your job for a non-disqualify ing reason Your HI claim will be against the state where you worked 10. If you worked in more than one state, you may often choose which state will be the paying state will be the paying state for your com bined-w age claim. The total num ber of people un­ em ployed in any year is about 2.8 limes as high as that y e a r's average monthly unem ploym ent rate. The faces change very rapidly, while the actual num ber m oves quite slowly. The national black unem ­ ploym ent rate for Nov., 1996 was 10 6 percent. The greatest num ber of layoffs in a year occurs betw een D ecem ­ ber 26 and the second week in January, using the unadjusted num ­ ber of people who file first time (fo r that y e a r) u n em p lo y m en t claims. Claims generally expire after a year, so you have 52 weeks in which to draw all aw arded checks (ex­ cept 39-52 weeks in A rkansas). Unemployed ex-Service people file under their own program, UC'X. Unlike HI (or UC'EE for former fed­ eral employees, and yes, you may often combine federal civilian and private industry wages into one un­ employment claim ),ex-military peo­ ple may file for UC'X in any state, even if they have no address there, then go home to collect UCX from SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG Look For Your Both Massachusetts, where the d ependant' allow ance (lor nine dependant)can raise the weekly max­ imum to $521 and W ashington Stale are good places to file for UCX Both Mass, and Wash, stale give some claim antsupto JOweeksol benefits. If y o u d o n 't h a v e m any dependant, file for UCX in New Jersey, which is m uch more gener­ ous than New York State Pensions are usually deducted from unem ploym ent pay. but if your pension is less than your Ul check, apply! You will probably be DQ it you left your job to retire. Except il the employer initiates the job separa­ tion, i.e . announces that there will be lay offs and asks for volunteers You have a legal right to tile a Ul claim . You may get no money, but you may file your papers Ask for the supervisor if you're turned away, or if a narrow - minded supervisor wants to DQ you 1 here are some funny- but legal -reasons A PPLE PIE A LA ZING 4 2 3/4 1/4 1/3 I 3/4 • Wash your hands thoroughly before and a fter touching raw food. If raw m eats or poultry touch cooking utensils, cutting boards or preparation areas, wash and disinfect before using them again. • W ater and detergent don’t kill bacteria. Sponges and dish­ cloths may even spread germs. Use an a n ti-b acterial cleaner, such as Lysol* A n tib a c te ria l Kitchen Cleaner, the only clean­ er th a t’s EPA-registered to kill both Salm onella, and E coli., another common source of food- borne illness. • Cook meat thoroughly. Turkey should have an internal tempera­ ture of at least 185° F. Never thaw frozen meat at room temperature. Give turkey lots of time to defrost- in the refrigerator. For a free brochure on cooking safety, call 1-800-99LYSOL. c u p s pared, slic e d a p p les c u p s O cean S p r a y 1 F resh or F rozen C ran b erries cu p brow n su g a r cu p su g a r cu p flou r tea sp o o n cin n a m o n c u p c h o p p ed w a ln u ts, o p tio n a l P astry for a 9-in ch tw o c r u st p ie P r e h e a t o v en to 425°. C om b in e all in g r e d ie n ts, e x c e p t p astry, in a m edium m ix in g bow l; m ix w ell. P ou r in to a p a str y -lin e d p ie p late. C over w ith top cru st. S eal e d g e s an d cu t se v e r a l s lits in top cru st. B ake 50 m in u te s or u n til g o ld e n brow n. C over e d g e s w ith foil if th ey b egin to b row n too q u ic k ly . M akes 1 9-inch pie. DOWN TOWN • (503) 236-3727 425 NE Hassalo. Portland. OR MALI. 205 • (503) 254-8460 10428 SE Stark, Portland. OR JANTZEN BEACH • (503) 285-0735 12201 NE Center St., Portland, OR THE DALLES •1541)296-2655 1710 W. 6th Ave . The Dalles. OR HAZEL DELL •(3601 574-0471 7815 NE6th Ave . Vancouver, WA 10412 NE 4th Plain Blvd., Orchards, WA BEAVERTON • (503) 646-7724 8787 SW Scholls Ferry Rd . Beav . OR MILL PLAIN «(360) 696-4917 400 E Mill Plain Blvd . Vancouver. WA TOWN CENTER • (503) 653-9589 IÍ00I SE 82nd Ave , Portland, OR CLACKAMAS • 15031 650-8470 15815 SE 82nd Dr.. Clackamas, OR • • - • ' • tit J V GRESHAM • (503) 666-2262 105 E Burnside Rd . Gresham, OR SALEM - (503)363-3411 1680 Market St SW. Salem. OR ORCHARDS‘ (360) 254-3777 DENNY'S GREEN TEAM RESTAURANTS Is proud to join the Celebration o f Dr. King's Birthday, by offering a purchase o f one entree at regular price and the second entree o f equal value or less for $1.00. Not valid with any other discount offer or coupon from 1/20/97 - 2/28/97 Denny’s is committed to providing the best possible service to all customers regardless of race, creed or national origin. Young Tender Turkey Breast SAFEWAY COUPON O EXPIRES 1 /2 1 /9 7 PLU 8 926 12-Count Large White AA Eggs • With ribs • SAVE up Io 70( lb. • Lucerne • First one with coupon Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide Thoroughly clean all utensils, countertops and your hands whenever you handle raw meat, poultry or fish, on the boo k s to DQ people II you receive a DQ. be sure to get it in writing Note If yo u 're DQed, you can ­ not file another claim , but must either work off your DQ or file an appeal If you have any reason to think you're being given a raw deal, file an appeal' It s free More than 7(X),(XX) people tiled first-time appeals in 1995, and about 30 percent won. If you are DQed, you must sign for the checks you are not receiving while your appeal is underway. And your former boss can tile an appeal against you as well If you believe you were unjustly hassled at the unemployment office, say you filed an appeal two months or more ago and haven't heard if you won or lost, w rite to: Ms Mary Ann Wyrsch, Director, Ul Service, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210. Include your Social Security Num­ ber and a full description of what took place. the state of then initial tiling IT’S A WINTER STOCK-UP (NAPS)—Don’t spoil your holi­ day meals by inviting th a t u n ­ wanted guest—salmonella. Salmonella poisoning can cause an u p se t stom ach, fever and headache and be very serious in children, the ill or the elderly. An estimated 81 million Americans are affected each year, but being care­ ful can keep danger away from your holiday table: •SAVEup to $1.00 In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping At Safeway! I ' Enjoy Extra Savings With The SAFEWAY EXTRA In-Store Savings Guide Available at your Safeway store. A5 ( $ ) other coupon otter. Valid One 1/15/97 thru pet 1/21/97 at your Safeway Stores Limit one item or per coupon coupon customer pet Oregon visit Not valid with any nfhnr rAimnn n r n ttn r Walid 1 /1 *\/Q7 thru 1/01/07 at unnr Hro/inn ^afowau QtflfPC (except Milton-Freewater) and S W Washington stores serving Clark. Wahkiakum. | 000000089265 Cowlitz.’ Clark. counties Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania, and Klickitat Klic COUPON CANNOT BE DOUBLED n n o o o 08926 Texas Ruby s Grapefruit • Great for breakfast • First 10 N obody does it B etter ' for L ess . I ■ I