Martin Luther King Jr. 1997 P age C 18 Time Warner to publish MLK works OSU plans tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. by S tephen S wanson A candlelight vig il, film s and a ■peace w alk" throughC orvalhs arc- some o f the highlights o f the M ar­ tin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 97 from January 15-21 at Oregon State University Activities are open to the public and most are free. The university w ill cancel classes on January JO to allow students and staff to jo in the tribute. Lawrence Dark, president and chief executive officer o f the U r­ ban League Breakfast, scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 a m. Monday, January 20, in the u n ive rsity’ s Memorial Union Ballroom. Breakfast tickets w ill be avail­ able at the door on January 20, or at the Memorial Union Business O f­ fice cashier's window through F ri­ day, January 17. Tickets are $6.50 each, or $4.50 for students. Planned activities include: Thursday, January 16,7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ora- tory Contest focusing on K in g ’ s Peaee Breakfast, featuring Law commitment to making a belter hie lor all people. LaSells Stewart Cen­ rence Dark, president and chiel executive o llic e r ol the Urban League ol Portland MU Ballroom Tickets are $6.50, $4.50 for slu ter. Saturday, January IS, All day: Signingof the Martin Luther King, Jr. Pledge Wall in OSU’ s Memorial dents. 1-5 p.m.: “Starpower” , an in­ teractive game simulating a soci­ ety Wealth anil commerce play a major role in a person s success. MU Ballroom Advance registra lion is required. Contact Dona Heyden, OSU College o f Science at interpreter, call by January 16th. Union Concourse Supporters sign the pledge wall to affirm their beliel in non-violent social change, equal ity, justice, freedom and peace Wall w ill stand and signing w ill continue through Friday. January 23. 5 p.m.: Martin Luther King Cel­ ebration. honoring justice through 6:3(1 p.m.. Candlelight Vigil music, drama and dance. MU Ball room. Monday, January 20, All day: Work-a-Thon at various eommu nity organizations. Register ai the Black Cultural Center Volunteers donate services in honor ot King s philosophy that a person s worth is measured by commitment to making a better life for all . Contact the center at 541-737-4372 for information. 7:3» I5th animal OSU MU Quad. Bring your own candles 7p 111 Round Table Discussion Issues important to King w ill be discussed Facilitator is LaVerne Woods. OSU Equal Opportunities Program counselor. Tuesday. January 21, 4 p.m.: The video, “Color of Fear” , w ill be shown anil w ill be lollowed by a discussion led by Larry Roper, OSU vice provost lor Student Affairs. OSU International Forum 15, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver J ani Time Warner Inc. has signed a publishing deal with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’ s fam ily to produce the first complete collection o f the slam c iv il rights leader’ s writings, speeches and sermons. Warner Books, which announced the agreement Wednesday, said the deal was worth m illions o f dollars hut declined to be more specific. The project w ill comprise seven works, including an autobiography o f King compiled from his own words, an Internet site and a CD- ROM. K ing’ s widow. Corelta Scott King, and son Dexter w ill write books There also w ill be a book ol King s sermons and audio recordings ol Ins speeches. "M y book w ill illuminate the joys and sorrows, the highs and lows, triumphs anil tragedies I ve experi­ enced in my journey.' Mrs King said at a news conference announc­ ing the venture. Mrs. King, left with four children to raise when her husband was assas- sinated on April 4. 196K. is founder ol the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in A t­ lanta. In her book, she w ill share revela­ tions about meet ings w ith world lead­ ers like South African President Nelson Mandela and lormer Russian President M ikhail ( iorbachev 1 Jexter King, now head ol the King Center, w ill write about memories ol Ins la­ ther and Ins ow n el torts at social change. Stanford University historian and editor Clayborne Carson w ill cralt Ooh. so how long do you think we ve been in here, Elaine? the King autobiography. The publishing agreement in ­ cludes Intellectual Properties Man­ agement. the Atlanta-based lin n that manages the King estate The King Center, which holds several hundred thousand documents on the civ il rights movement, w ill maintain the copyrights to K in g ’ s words AP N Y-0I-0K-97 I626EST C'opyright 1997 I he Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be pub­ lished. broadcast, rewritten or other wise distributed without prior writ ten authority o f The Associated Press Hopefully long enough to have sweated o ft th a t cheesecake I a te for breakfast HEALING THE ATTITUDE OF AN ENURE NATION IS BEST ACCOMPLISHED ONE ATTITUDE AI A TIME. YOUR ROLE IS SIMPLE - JUST REMEMBER: J T O TOLERATE ANY TYPE OF BIGOTRY IS TO PERPETUATE ALL TYPES OF BIGOTRY. Crazy weight-loss methods just don’t work. Weight Watchers does. I n R emembrance of I) r . M artin L uther K ing , J r . 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