iS ^ w . » • *4 . * • A /tW T he P ortland O bserver • J anuary 15, 1997 S ? Martin Luther King Jr. 1997 P age Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. by B ernice P owell J ackson During last year’s debate on affir­ m ative action, we heard W ard Connerly, who led the battle to end affirmative action in California, in­ voke the name of Martin Luther King, Jr. It w asn't until CoretlaScott King pul the record straight shortly before election day that we heard the truth about what Dr. King believed and called for. Mrs. King reminded Mr. Connerly and others that Dr. King had come to the conclusion that African Ameri­ cans must have some economic ad­ vantages i f they were ever to make up for the 200 years of free labor they provided this nation and the 200 years of in adequate education and oppor­ tunity. Dr. King, she was sure, would have been in favor of affirmative action programs. As we celebrate what would have been Dr King’s 68th birthday, only months after the nation ended its 60 year-old promise to care for indigent women and children, the question we must ask is what would Dr. King say about today's so-called welfare re­ form. Only months after Californians voted to end affirmative action, we must ask what would Dr. King say about today’s so-called equal oppor­ tunity. Only months after the acquit­ tal of Pennsylvania police officers in the death of Johnny Gammago. of a New York police officer in death of Anthony Baez and ariot in Pensacola, PL following the shixiting of a black man by a police officer, the question we must ask is what would Dr. King say about police brutality. And, after the b u t n in g o f 124 A f r ic a n A m e ric a n churches over the past live years, what would Dr. King have to say about the state of race relations in America nearly 30 years after his death. Rather than put words into Dr. King's mouth, perhaps it is best to use his own words -words which his­ tory conveniently has made bland and less prophetic. For example, in his final book. Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community, Dr. King quoted Hyman Bookbinder, assistant direc­ tor of the Of f ice of Economic Oppor­ tunity, who said, “The poor can stop being poor if the rich are willing to become even richer ai a slower rale In a later chapter. Dr. King wrote." The economic highway to power has few entry lanes for Negroes. Nothing so vividly reveals the crushing im­ pact of discrimination and the heri­ tage of exclusion as the limited di­ mensions of Negro business in the most pow erful econom y in the world.” Still later in that same book, he wrote, "The poor are less often dismissed from our conscience to­ day by being branded as interior and incompetent, adding, "We also know that no matter how dynamically the economy develops and expands it does not eliminate all poverty Finally, read these words of Dr King during a series in Canada in 1967 ' The dispossessed ol this na­ tion--the poor, both w hue and negi o- -live m a cruelly unjust society They must organize a revolution against that injustice, not against the lives ol the persons who are their fellow citi­ zens, but against the structures th ro u g h w hich the so c ie ty is lift the load of poverty Dr King’s real dream was of a society free from discrimination and free from poverty and injustice. Il was not some milk-toast, pasteur­ ized. uncritical dream, bui a radical one which challenges us even today What would Dr. King say about the church burnings, about the police brutality, about the end of affirma live action .* I've got my own guesses Bui 1 don't think he would be con gratulatmg us on a job w ell done Celebrate Dr King's birthday by thinking aboul what he would be saying, by reading what he really did say and then by doing something aboul injustices you see around you is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Strength o f Love (Note: l)r. K ing’s sermons, speeches and writings can be found in A Testament o f hope edited by James M. Washington and pub­ lished by Harper San Francisco.) Odyssey to honor Martin Luther King with tribute program “ D ream s o f K ings" to T e le ­ cast on M onday, Jan u ary 20 at 6 :30 p.m . (E T ) In honor o f M artin L uther King Day, O dyssey (form erly the Faith & V alues C h a n n e l) w ill te lecast "D ream s o f K in g s” , a trib u te to Dr. K ing, on M onday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m . (E T ). "D ream s o f K in g s” is a visual and m usical c e le b ra tio n to Dr. M artin L uther K ing. Jr. and how his w ork was form ed out o f his faith com m itm ent. T his h alt-h o u r special b rin g s to g e th e r m usic, dance, docum entary footage f rom the civil rig h ts m ovem ent and ex cerp ts from speeches by M ar­ tin L u th er K ing, Jr. w ith the R es­ urrectio n story to trace the spirit of ju stic e from an cien t tim es to today. "D ream s of K in g s” will be re ­ peated on T u esday, January 21 at 2:00 a.m. (ET). T he program was p ro d u ced e x c lu siv e ly for O dyssey by Trinity C hurch (E pis­ co p al), New York C ity. O d yssey is now a v ailab le in m ore than 28 m illion h o useholds liusic C hloré & GfiLonr Pna 3213 NE MLK. King Jr. Blvd Portland, OR M usic G alore S alutes T he D ream of M artin L uther K ing J r , $100.00 Pager & I Year Service Unlimited Calls n a tio n w id e via c a b le and the P rim estar d ire c t-to -h o m e s a te l­ lite se rv ic e . Il offers a mix of re lig io u s, m o ra l/e th ic a l, values based fam ily -safe program m ing. O d y sse y is jo in tly o w n ed by VLSN M anagem ent C orp., a s u b sidiary o f T e le -C o m m u n ic a tio n s Inc. (T C O M A ). N ICC is a con sortium o f 64 P ro te sta n t. Jew ish, Rom an C a th o lic and E astern O r thodox faith groups and e v a n ­ gelical tra d itio n s V iew er in fo r­ m ation: 8 8 8 -390-7474. W eb site http://w w w .odyssey channel com Walnut Park N E IG H B O R H O O D The Portland Development Commission urges your support of the businesses at the Walnut Park Retail Center. Their success is the community's success. THE ULTIMKT e OF A Hrs. Mon - Sat 9:00 - 7:30 Sun 12-5 As We Celebrate Our 35th Yer Of Service To Our Community, We Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And The Hope He Brought To People! "...the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of all hitman personality... ” D elaunay PDC PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convienience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The Portland Trail Blazers and the Oregon Arena Corporation salute the birthday of a great American hero. 2 8 8 -9 1 8 0 ❖ R E T A IL C E N T E R Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968 BLAZERS. Post (S arden 5139 N. Lombard St. (503) 286-1107 I C 15