u ¿«U .: ,t» > \y < L , Martin Luther King Jr. 1997 P a g e C 12 _ 4 4 » .•s J a n i ARt 15. 1997 • Tm f’oRii xnd O bserver Ray still pleads innocent » i « ing from a coma. His family has said Ray suiters from cirrhosis ot the liver, though he never drank, and that his liver and kidneys are failing. Ray confessed to the 1968 slay­ ing of King in Memphis, although he later recanted and claimed he was set up. James Earl Ray, the assassin of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., was back in a Nashville hospital in fair condition last week, hospital officials said. Ray, 68, returned to Columbia Memorial Hospital in Nashville from a prison hospital where he was moved last week after emerg­ f V » .»• •. " ù . / ^ '. - i . ? / • . - ? Wc saltile Martin Luther King, Jr Tiffany ’s 11 543 NE Killingsw orth Portland, Oregon 9721 I (503) 287-6557 The leaders of the March on Washington meet President Kennedy: (in front) Whitney Young, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rabbi Joachim Prinz, 4. Philip Randolph, President John F. Kennedy, Walter Reuther, and Roy Wilkins. Vice President Lyndon Johnson behind Walter Reuther. MHRC Offers Dynamic Differences Workshop The M etro p o litan Human Rights C om m ission will offer a free diversity training w ork­ shop, "D ynam ic D ifferences," on W ed n esday, January 22 from 12:00 Noon 2:30 pm in the 7th floor conference room of Interim City Hall ( 1400 SW 5th). "D ynam ic D ifferences” ex ­ am ines the theory of o ppres­ sion, addresses the "goodness within all people, and identi­ fies action steps that lead to partnerships with diverse com m unities. P articipants will engage in small group exercises that in­ crease aw areness of prejudice and oppression -- exploring how it feels to be the victim ot o p p re ssio n and id e n tify in g situations of being the oppres­ so r. D y n a m ic D iff e re n c e s workshops are open to the pub­ lic. but are not designed tor m andated training. To r e g is t e r , c a ll L in d a Hunter, 823-5284 (TTY). If you are a person with a d is­ ability who needs accom m o­ dation, please call at least 48 hours in advance. YouthBuilders * McMURPHY'S APPUANCC CCNTCA Praises Dr. Martin by Danny Bell Y ou thB uilders is a p ro ­ gram that encourages young people from the inner cities to take more con­ trol over their lives, by learning basic construction skills while at the same time offering them an opportunity to acquire their high school quivalency diploma. The program is modeled after the first YouthBuilders program es­ tablished in East Harlem, New York in 1978. YouthBuilders began in Port­ land in 1993 when 22 member coali­ tion, consisting of community organi­ zations, government agencies, repre­ sentatives from the private sector, and interested citizens, came together to advocate for YouthBuilders program. After two years of collaboration and intensive p lan n in g in 1995, YouthBuilders became a nonprofit agency. 28 very low-income residents of North/Northeast Portland, ranging in age from 16 to 24 were recruited to participate in the program. These youths do not have their high school diplomas. The project’s curriculum last for 12 months o f full services and a period of 12 months o f follow-up support services. Participan ts are di vided in to crews o f 7people. Crews spend alternating weeks in the class­ room and on the construction sites. Participants are paid a regular sti­ pend and bonuses for excellent per­ formance. Through an arrangement with Port­ land Community College, participants earn college credits as well as receive a full range of GED preparatory and high school course work for class­ room and construction site work. Program participants work at low­ cost housing properties owned by such agencies as Franciscan Enter­ prises, The Portland Community Re­ investment Initiative, Northeast Com­ munity Development Corp., and the is not for everybody and candidates must pass a battery of test to become involved in the program, including alcohol and drug screening. However, according to Michael Cruse, an Urban League diversion counselor, Sales • Service • Parts “/ fe e l it's an excellent pro­ gram. They take a lot o f kids and take them o ff street. It's helping the youth o f North­ east Portland strive to do some­ thing positive with their life. ” Housing Authority of Portland. 4011 NE M.LK Portland, OR 97212 (503) 2880233 JEA N IE’S CLEANERS 5403 N E 42N D A V E N U E • 287-0008 They learn extensive build­ ing trade skills by doing hands on w ork. A nother aspect o f YouthBuilders is its leadership devel­ opment component. Participants are provided with opportunities to de­ velop leadership skills and assume increasing levels o f responsibility for themselves, their families, the program, and the community. Program design includes a partnership between staff and participants in making program and policy decisions. YouthBuilders also stresses com­ munity service. As an Americorps pro­ gram, participants spend extensive time performing volunteer and com­ munity service work. YouthBuilders Luther King, Jr. ■COUPON! ■COUPON Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Speeial *4.00 OFF Drapery Cleaning On Any Dry Cleaning Order Lined & Unlined Any Size 99' A PLEAT O f $12.00 or More Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I---------- --------------------------1 i i L C Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Speeial i JEAN 1R S CLEANERS • Expires 2-29-97 j ■COUPON: SPECIAL SAVINGS to celebrate Martin Luther King Day Why pay premium prices because of credit problems? No-Hassle credit approvals. No application refused! Excellent selection o f nice, clean, new or used cars, trucks and vans. 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