Martin Luther King Jr. 1997 P age CS C-TRAN J ani 15» 1997* Ini P okii \ nd _O bserver Employment O pportunities . A Lot More Than E3us Prwers Operations O p e r a t io n s S u p e r v is o r S p e c ia l S e rv ic e s D is p a t c h e r C u s t o m e r A s s is ta n c e R e p r e s e n ta tiv e Finance and A d m in istra tio n O f f ic e A s s is ta n t P e r s o n n e l T e c h n ic ia n F in a n c e T e c h n ic ia n Development P r o je c t M a n a g e r Maintenance C o m m u t e T r ip R e d u c t io n P la n n e r M e c h a n ic T r a n s it P la n n e r F a c ilitie s M a in t e n a n c e W o r k e r V e h ic le S e rv ic e W o r k e r Community R elations P u b lic I n f o r m a t i o n S p e c ia lis t M a r k e tin g C o o r d in a to r C o m m u n ity O u tre a c h C o o r d in a to r C-TRAN is committed to a diverse work' force, is an equal opportunity employer and is guided by an Affirmative Action Program. For a current listing of C-TRAN employment opportunities please call the C-TRAN job information line at 696 4494 ext. 460 or visit our web site at (the above is a sample listing of jobs at C-TRAN but is not a current job openings list). Rosa Parks, flanked by her attorney and a deputy, on her way to the ja il TR4N P.O. Box 2529 Vancouver, WA 98668-2529 696-4494 TDD: 695-2760 S e rv in g t h e P u b lic T r a n s p o r t a tio n N e e d s o f C la rk C o u n ty FR E E R e p o rt R ev eals “ 9 New W ays To B eat T he H igh C ost O f C o lleg e.” Mi Self-Enhancement Inc. Call 1-8OO-771-7O53, anytime 24/day to get your FREE copy of the report colleges hope you never see! “Life Has Options ” “AU progress is precarious and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem” Special Bonus- The first 25 callers will receive a FREE gift worth $150. Hurry, don't miss out on this limited offer! -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Self-Enhancement will be celebrating moving into its new facility at 3920 N. Kerby. February 22, 1997 Mark Holman was recruited by the League for Unisys Corp. Holman first learned of the League’s services at a job fair in Northeast Portland. Get the training and support you need to find a good job. Perhaps your last job was cut in company downsizing. Or you can’t seem to get the training you need for the job you really want. Or maybe you’re new to town. That’s when you need to take advantage of every available opportunity. The Employment Services Department of the Urban League of Portland helps people find jobs. Hundreds of people of color, women and others have taken advantage of the League's services to find employment in the Portland metro area. Some of these services include referrals and recruitments, basic and occupational skills training, and workshops in interviewing, resume writing and job retention. In addition, annual job fairs bring in dozens of employers with current job openings, attracting thousands of potential recruits. The League’s Employment Services Department serves a wide range of individuals, from those having previous education and job credentials to those in need of new skills to help them succeed in today’s work force. For more information, call 280-2630. Through the League's Summer Youth Employment Program, inner-city youth are paid to do free yard work for low-income seniors. The program is entirely funded by local companies. i Urban League of Portland This ad sponsored by Fred Mayer 1