J anuary 15, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver P ag i A 2 Editorial Articles Do Not Necessarily Reflect Or Represent The Views Of (Tlje |Jn rtla n b © bseruer >^Si Attention Readers! J Gingrich once again survived a major challenge to his leader­ ship. Please take a minute to send us your comments. W e’re always trying to give you a better paper and we can’t do it without your help. Tell us what you like and what needs improvement... any suggestions are welcomed and appre­ ciated. We take criticism well! Get your powerful pens out NOW and address your letters to: Editor. Reader Re­ sponse, P.O, Box 3137. Portland. OR 97208. (E ljc ^ ¡ .lu r t l a n b By the slimmest of margins (3votes!), Newt was re-elected Speak­ er of the House. And like President Clinton, Gingrich won a plurality victory, with 216 votes, just less than half of the U.S. House. Democratic leaders continue to whisper that Newt’s days are num­ bered, that his ethics problems will soon bring him down the way that similar problems ended the career of Jim Wnght. JacFax is not so sure-we note that Gingrich has had numerous narrow escapes during his career. In­ deed, were Newt a cat, he would be down to the last of his nine lives! (iD b s v r u e r (USPS 959-680) Established in 1970 Charles Washington Publisher & Editor Mark Washington Distribution Manager Gary Ann Taylor Business Manager Sean Cruz Consultant & Editor Portland Observador Danny Bell Advertising Sales Manager Gary Washington Public Relations Consider: ★ Gingrich lost two races for pub­ lic office in the !970s before he final­ ly won his House seat: had he lost a third time, he 'd have been done be fore he even started. ★ Gingrich built a career as a Paul Neuleldt Production & Design Rovonne Black Business Assistant ( 'ontributing Writers: Professor McKinley Burt, Lee Perlman, Eugene Rashad C O A L IT IO N Speaker Gingrish Rockefeller Republican in a right- wing party; as a transplanted Penn­ sylvanian in suburban Georgia: and as the lead GOP attacker against a solid Democratic majority. ★ He barely hung onto his House seat in 1990, defeating the Demo­ crat by less than 1,000 votes: he survived a new redistricting plan, which could have left him with a Democratic district; then, in 1992, he narrowly edged out a fellow Re­ publican in the primary. ★ He won promotion within the GOP Causcus in 1989, winning a party leadership election by only one p e r s p e vote! ★ He lost half his House margin during the last election, leaving him the highest level o f party opposition in recent history. However, he did manage to hang on to the leadership despite party defections, despite Nixonian approval levels, and de­ spite having all his fellow Republi­ cans "morphed" into him during the campaign for slashing medicare and Medicaid, education and the envi­ ronment. ★ In 1996, Newt spent $5.4 million to win re-election, more than any other House candidate ($100,000 spent per percent won!). In short, he has survived narrow escapes before. Newt Gingrich may be wounded--but he is still Speaker of the House. And while JaxFax has certainly differed with the speaker many times, he remains an interest­ ing politician because he refuses to be predictable. In fact, JaxFax would like to con­ gratulate the speaker for setting the right tone in his speech this week. He surprised everyone by seizing the moral offensive, raising critical is­ sues that were largely ignored in last year’s campaigns: race; drugs; igno­ rance; morality; D C He noted that the new Congress looked like Amer­ ica, unlike the first congress twocen- turiesago. His comments were inclu­ sive, not divisive. Reverend Jackson even met with the Speaker for an hour on, to encourage him to follow through on his remarks to take race and ignorance seriously, and to in­ vite him to be a guest on this week’s TV show. If Newt means to take these issues seriously, 1997 could be a very interesting year. c t i v e s We Have Fire, Now Let’s Move On: Conclusion 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 • Fax 503-288-0015 Email: Pdxobserv@aol.com s you probably have gath- ered by now, when I work w ith youths, parents or guardians are involved to a great e xten t. And, clearly, In many cases this is a decided advan­ tage. But in some it is not, most youth being more or less rebel­ lious by nature - though some­ tim es we would not w ant the tw ig bent in the same direction as the tree. Deadline fo r all submitted materials: Articles:Friday, 5:00 pm Ads: Monday, 12:00pm POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes To: Portland Observer. P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Second Class postage paid at Portland, Oregon. Subscriptions: $30.00 per year The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manu­ scripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent ol the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITH-, OU I PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED The Portland Observer—Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publica­ tion- is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. G iven all that, a com m on intergenerational pattern is to be seen among African Americans and call it cultural, genetic or whatever your value system dictates, they are seen tobe the most enthusiastic of innova­ tors, visionaries and inventors. And this obtains from time immemorial as one might surmise after reading two of the books cited in my “Good Reading List” on another page ofthis paper. Reprising my ‘motivation’ theme, “We did it before, we can do it again’, I again have thrown Isaac Newton, and The Great Pyramid into the fray. And never, never letting the youth in my science and mathematics semi­ nars forget that the seminal sources for the great discoveries was a fe­ cund African womb. And why I doc­ ument exactly what people Newton was talking about when he said, “I Addenda on “Mobuto is back” L etter To The E ditor I would like to refer to your article "M obutu is back. What m ust A fric a do'.’” , by Dr. Lenora Fulani which was pro­ duced in connection with a television interview I had with Dr. Eulani. I want to take this opportu­ nity to both correct some fac­ tual errors that were made in the colum n as well as make it clear that a num ber of the statem ents made in the article were Dr. F ulani's opinions and could not be attributed to ei­ ther me or the G overnm ent of Rwanda. First and forem ost, I want your readers to be inform ed that the Rwandese Patriotic- Front is not a government. The Rwandese Patriotic Front is one of the five political par­ ties which constitute the gov­ ernment of National Unity. The United States did not pressure the United Nations Security council to reduce the small peacekeeping force sta­ tioned in Rwanda. The United Nations former S ecretary G eneral B outros B outros-G hali holds the ma­ jo r responsibility for the re- I ust as he has done so many other tim es in his political career, Newt duction of the UN peacekeep­ ing force during the genocide crisis in Rwanda. Rwanda does not provide any political or m ilitary sup­ port to the alliance of the dem ­ ocratic forces for the libera­ tion of Congo, Zaire nor to the c o n s titu tio n a l d e m o c ra c y m o v em en t led by E tien n e Tshisekedi. Rwanda supports and encourages regional m ech­ anism s that can lead to a p o lit­ ical solution to the crisis in Eastern Zaire Hence, the Rwanda govern­ ment has been participating in the major initiatives at the lev­ el of the Heads of States and g o v e rn m e n ts o f the G reat Lakes region. The recent series of m eet­ ings which took place in Ugan­ da and Kenya are some of the exam ples of R w anda's com ­ m itment to the search for a po­ litical and peaceful solution to the problem s of the region. Please accept the assurance of my highest consideration for Dr Fulani P ie rre E m m an u el UBALIJORO Second C ounselor Republique Rwandaise was talking aooui w iic h stood on the shoulders of those who came before me.” So did Mercator and Fibonacci! By Professor Mckinley Burt And I am ever reminding student and parent that we have excellent role models for this type of back­ grounding right in our own commu­ nity. I cite the example of Ms Lulu Stroud Johnson, the single parent who has done such a magnificent job of guiding three over-achieving daughters through the treacherous Portland education maze. But then, this is a family I’ve known for three generations and Black History and motivation have always been their forte Continuing a Straight A pace at the university, we certainly will have some more great black scientists (micro-biology, etc.) I was very proud that one of the girls chose Norman Rillicux, the in­ ventor of the sugar refiner, as the subject for an award winning essay while still in high school He was featured in my book, "Black Inven­ tors of America”, and that reminds me of a painful fact. My popular cable television presentation of “Great African and African Ameri­ can Inventors” no longer appears- ran several times a month - used extensively by schools, students, par­ ents and general public. We are try­ ing to remedy this. I believe I have mentioned the interest white parents, students and teachers are showing in the motiva­ tional value of black inventors. A twelve year-old white student from Gresham won the $25 prize I offered in the 3/27/96 issue of the Portland Observer. The task was to identify a black inventor from Buston, Iowa who invented a “railroad semaphore displayed 'inside the cab' of a loco­ motive.” The device was activated by a minute electrical signal con­ ducted through the rails and the loco­ motive wheels. Having more or less given up on the school system and having indus­ try people saying almost weekly, “Why didn’t you come to us in the first place? Thats what you did in The Dalles to gain the support you needed for that award-winning sci­ ence, math andcommunicationsdem onstration”. Nothing renews your will and determination like having two CEO’s and a plant manager stepping over 'floor files’ and spreading pa- pers on a banquet table in your Al­ berta office/apartment. “We like it and you’ve got a track record! W e’re talking the high end of six figures, here.” I’m building prospecting now, to house a twenty-first century upgrade of my S E. Belmont 1969 operation where the upstairs was devoted to an online education network, including curriculum and terminals in the class­ room -- and that 5000 Sq. ft. base­ ment with working models of power system consoles, telemetry models for remote monitoring of weather instruments, flood and irrigation con­ trols. I even had several examples of the voltage regulators I made for the sixty potlines at the Harvey Alumi­ num plant. “Hands on learning” is my thing A lot of the electronics I used to simulate industrial and even astro­ nomical functions were obtained by cannibalizing coin-operated amuse­ ment devices and pinball machines (interesting little devices). I hauled two van loads of this junk down to Portland from The Dalles. Milt Mar­ tin, the rancher who partly financed my first 1966 operation owned a coin device shop across the street form my house in The Dalles. Well, stu­ dents, parents we will see how it goes this time iic The Myth of Black Self-Destruction by I» Ì JVI ,il a \ l i . I ik R is s k l l he CIA, or as some now call it, the Cocaine Im­ portation Agency's op­ eratives, made cocaine afford­ able and readily attainable to African-American neighborhoods at rates that Crazy Eddie couldn't beat. In turn, it also created a boon industry lor crime, murder and may­ hem, in a manner similar to what the African slave trade did to the econo­ mies of European states. The infu­ sion of drug money has allowed the L. A.-based gangs to spread “crack' cocaine around the nation and pur­ chase expensive weapons ol mass destruction such as Uzi machine guns, Glocks and Street sweepers among others. This all occurred under the Reagan-Bush administrations, al­ though ostensibly it was not U.S. policy. This is by no means a street- level operation. it more so represents a cooperative ol untold billions dol­ lars operating under the authoriza­ tion of an American governmental organization. Many questions abound, particularly if the CIA set up this operation, which was later picked up and supported through the White House via Oliver North. They in­ clude, what other drug running oper­ ations arc there in the African-Amer­ ican community, tor example.’ I d like to know Just in case I buy some Martin Luther King Day is observed on January 20th. American agenda. Where do you stand?" Must be the hue and cry of our people to those seeking oui vote or support of any kind. Each member of the Congressional Black C aucus should be held accountable. At this point, since we know the game, we should at least call for the cards to be placed on the table. One wonders where the melininated parrots sueh as J.C Watts, Armstrong Williams, and others are, who regularly beat down their own people like grinning overseers? They are extremely quiet and asloundingly absent when it comes to eriticizing the system They scream from the rooftops concerning the faults of their brethren and yet scurringly rush to hushed circ les when the system logically reveals, as the government assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noted, that "the logi­ cal conclusion of racism is genocide.” This should be no surprise, but the surprise for many should be the real­ ization that despite the genocidal ten­ dencies of this government, we as the descendants of the Original people, Aethiopians, Ether peoples-meaning spiritual or heavenly are in control of our destiny. We must begin to ask ourselves what we are doing to improve condi­ tions for our children There were brothers and sisters around when we sold out Denmark Vescy. assassinat­ ed M alcolm , M artin, Patrice Lumumba, Mickey Leland, infiltrat­ crack. I’d like to write it oil as a tax break. If we are going to be Iruthlul, we must also acknowledge dial ihe past two presidents werc-or s lid are- CIA operatives. According to an article appearing this past year in the Wash­ ington Post. Bill Clinton was lai Irom a Vietnam war protester, its more likely that he went to study in Ox­ ford, England under a double major, English Literature and spying on his more radical classmates Unfortunately, the question is not about the president, U S. govern­ ment officials, the CIA or the FBI with their annual racist Frcaknic or ‘Good Ole boy’ cookouls. I he ques­ tion is more about us. During the “Blackploitation”’ Films of the 1970’s we knew that the institutions created to protect us were involved in a plan for our genocide. Today "Blackexploitation" artists and other folk act as if believing that govern­ mental agencies are working for our destruction is some wild theory; this when "ain't nothing changed except the weather.” What we must ask is where our leaders and spokespeople stand on the call for an independent investigation into the CIA's connec­ tion to the infusion of crack cocaine and guns into the African-American community?” It's a simple barometer test, which should be extended to all political candidates as part of an African- ed and destroyed the Black Panther Party, whose best services were free health clinics and free breakfast. There were brothers and sisters around when they deported Marcus Garvey, created shams which were supposed to help our children-but didn't, introduced AIDS through genetic warfare, murdered Ron Brown, nearly wiped out the Native Americans, and consistently and dai­ ly through the television and media drill into the minds of the world and our children their alleged inferiority, criminality, and lack ol values com­ pared to the other folks. I ask again, where are those who know? When will those who know remember the courage of their ancestors such as Queen Nzinga who ref used to bow to the enslavers and that of such mod­ ern day warrmrs as Congresswoman Maxine Waters? For many it is the fear of death, yet in many cases the courageless are not in fear of losing their life, but rather a superficial acceptance in society, their jobs and careers. This is the dilemma that our people face, and each individual must make the deter­ mination to stand and simply fight for what’s right. Yet we continue to fail to stand, to fail to fight for what is right and true and then wonder why so many of our children are considered lost-we have some nerve. Well, then again, maybe we don't. PEACE. better SCa 'CShc CSCditor Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor, PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 I 4