V S i 1 *•. * a * . : ; j . ? > ¿ x ? * ? > ’ w : •; »t ¿ c -. t o P age B 6 -, J anuary 15, 1997 • T he P ortland O bserver Daryl Lewis Cut, Perm & Curl Specialist Fresh Cuts Gfrett 7 dacpi a, k (503) 240-0557 d 1208 North Klllingsujorth Street Portland, Oregon ■ Birthday Bouquets Grand Openings c A V o s ta fq ic . Phone 335 0263 3350136 Pager 940-7721 JIM SMITH - Owner Licensed - Bonded Church Phone: (503) 247-9503 Home Phone: (503) 285-8047 Music G alore & G alore P aging DAIN JACKS President Stork For Rent We Deliver When You Deliver i/ j ( (503)331-1101 y P.O.Box 11833 { Portland, OR 97211 I BALL©©NS GALORE? Balloons For All O ccassions & Events -D ecorating Service- Delivery Service Available Helium Rental D e s ig n s b y : Edwina Jones M cCoy & D aren M cCoy Special Events By A ppointm ent león D. M c K enzie INSURANCE AGENCY LIFE INSURANCE & FINANCIAL PLANNING 232 S.E. O AK SUITE #107 PO R TLAN D , O R E G O N 97214 NA’IM ’S S h o p ( 5 0 3 )2 8 1 -7 5 9 1 P a g e r 8 1 7 -7 2 7 1 RIGHT Hair Connection F u ll S ervice S alon 4603 N. Williams Ave. Portland. OR 97217 (503) 288-3171 J ourney KENNETH JOHNSON 625 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY tAfai/b Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! (5 0 3 ) 3 3 1 -1 6 5 5 Facial Nail Technician 4067 Northeast Mason, #8 (Mason & M.L.King Blvd.) Portland,Oregon 97211 SUNDAY 6 P.M. PHONE: 503-323-2406 St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR BUY AND SELL “ N obody is B etter than U s .” Broadous Auto Service JAY’S MOWER & CHAINSAW S m a l l E n g in e R e p a ir S h a r p e n in g S pecializing in “ Steam Cleaning, U ndercoating 3213 ML King Jr. Blvd 11516 SE M ill Plain, Suite 2d Portland, O R 97212 Vancouver, W A 98684 (503) 288 -9 18 0 (360) 604-0221 FAX (503) 288-9452 Pager 1-800-320-9438 FAX (360) 699-0784 503/233-9588 8:30 to 5:30 M thru F 9:30 to 3:00 S at & A u to D e ta ilin g ” ,4612 N. Williams Ave. Portland. OR 97217 328 NE Shaver St. 282-9424 2 8 7 -6 6 1 0 Porvtlar.d OR. 97212 Earl's Barber Shop 1724 NE Alberta Portland, OR Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Lynn C. McKinney Estimating Assistant PCLK Construction Services, Inc. B e lle vu e , W A 98015-2868 Telephone: 275 118th A ve nu e S.E., Suite 105 B e lle vu e , W ash in gton 98005 (2 0 6 ) 454 -8 02 0 Fax (20 6)4 5 4 -5 9 0 4 You've Had T he Rest N ow T ry The Best Nelson’s Bar-B-Que Rib and C hicken D inner To Go 728 N.E. Dekum 289-2782