Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 06, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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F ui I>() ki land O bserver • N ovember 6, 1996
JJortliîitb (Obstruer
Corporations team up
Schools Can Participate in
Program to Win $5,000 in
School Supplies
Sch o o ls today are increasingly
faced with budget cutbacks-cutbacks
that result in a shortage o f basic sup­
plies students need in the classroom .
T o help lighten the load. Staples, Inc.
has teamed up with N B C and the
National Football League for their
first annual “ Staples C oach o f the
W eek’’ program providin g all ac­
credited K -1 2 schools nationwide
the chance to win a $5,000 Staples
gift certificate.
A w inning sch o o l’s name w ill be
drawn w eekly during the N F L sea­
son beginning N ovem ber 5 and an­
nounced every Sunday during the
N F L on N B C .
The w inning school name w ill be
announced in conjunction with the
"Staples Coach o f the W eek” in which
a panel o fN FL. representatives choose
the best football co ach’s performance
from that w eek’s games. In addition
to the $5,000 Staples gift certificate
being awarded, the school also w ill
win a visit from the head coach o f
their local N F L team.
“ The financial burdens on schools
today are real, and Staples has formed
a unique partnership with N B C and
the N F L to help ease that burden,”
said Thomas G. Sternberg, chairm an
and C E O , Staples, Inc. "W hen Sta­
ples introduced a sim ilar program
two years ago in Massachusetts and
other select markets, we received a
tremendous response from schools.
In total we awarded over $100,000
worth o fscho o l su p p lie s-eve ryth in g
from pens, pencils and paper to soft­
ware, computers and photocopiers.
Local students see D.C.
W hile the political professionals
are go ing over the results o f the
national elections and its impact on
the next four years, 80 La ke O s­
wego and Beaverton high school
students and teachers from three
high schools w ill travel here next
week (N ovem ber 10-16) to learn,
first hand, how Am erican govern­
ment operates.
I he students w ill be participating
in the Close Up Foundation govern­
ment studies program forhigh school
students. The high schools include:
Lake Oswego, and Beaverton and
Aloha both in Beaverton.
D uring their week in Washington,
the students w ill attend seminars with
members ofCongress, and meet with
a representative o f the Washington
press corps, lobbyists, government
officials and political figures to learn
Based on the program ’s impact. Sta­
ples is now ro llin g it out nationally so
more schools have a chance to bene­
Here’s How Area Schools
Can Participate:
A nyone can enter their favorite K -
12 school for a chance to win a Sta­
ples $5,000 gift certificate redeem ­
able either in store or by catalog,
along with a visit by their local N F L
team head coach.
A ll you need to do is print your
name and address, the name o f the
school, and the name o f your local
N F L team on a 3"x5" postcard and
m ail to: “ Staples Coach ofthe W eek”
S w e e p s ta k e s ; P .O . B o x 2 2 4 2 ;
Fram ingham , M A 01702.
Sch o o ls can be entered m ultiple
times, and all entries must be post­
marked by Decem ber 16, 1996
more about the federal process. Tim e
w ill also be allowed to tour the city, to
visit local universities and for cultural
The students w ill be m ixed with
students from other areas ofthe coun­
try in w orkshop groups where they
w ill have daily discussions and activ­
ities on current events and on the
governing process.
"W e offer the students the oppor­
tunity to see W ashington as a liv in g
city by taking them into the buildings
they often see only on television and
then questioning law- and p o licy ­
m akers they may only read about.
Thro ugh the experience we have
found that they return home with an
interest in both national and com m u­
nity affairs. They want to become
in vo lved ,” said Steve Janger, presi­
dent o f the C lo se Up Foundation.
Janger said that one o f the main
go als o f the program is to show the
students that one person can have an
impact on the com m unity.
A teacher from each o f the Ore
gon schools w ill accom pany the stu­
dents not as a chaperone but as a
participant in a program designed
to acquaint them with issues and
newer educational methods.
C lo se U p provides fellow ships
for teachers and for low -incom e
students w hich have been provided
by a C on gressio nal appropriation
and m atching funds from The D a v ­
id and Lu c ile Packard Foundation
The C lose U p Foundation, now
celebrating its 25th anniversary, is a
nonprofit, nonpartisan organization
that provides first hand opportunities
to learn about the democratic process
and the role o f the individual.
le careful with homemade herbs and vegetables in oil
C arol S avonen
G a rlic -in -o il m ixtures, sold in ja rs
in grocery stores, are popular with
the busy cook. But m aking your own
garlic, herbs or hot peppers-in-oil
m ixtures can be hazardous to your
Bacteria that cause botulism can
grow in such m ixtures, acco rdin g to
C aro lyn Raab, food and nutrition
specialist with the O regon State U n i­
versity Extension Service.
It is important to keep food safety
in mind when storing low -acid vege­
tables like garlic, m ushroom s and
ch ili peppers or herbs in o il, Raab
“ These low -acid foods can be a
source o f ‘C lo strid iu m b o tu lism ’
bacteria,” said Raab.
C lostridiu m botulinum produces
a toxin that causes botulism , a cause
offatal food poisoning. Because these
bacteria are found naturally in soil,
water and air, they could be found in
any low -acid food and begin to grow
and produce toxin.
“ C om m ercial g a rlic -in -o il m ix ­
tures are acid ified to prevent bacte­
rial grow th," she said. "M ost o f these
store-bought products can be stored
safely at room temperature. Lo o k
for storage instructions on the la­
Unfortunately, do-it-yourself acid­
ification o f homemade herb or vege-
tables-in-oil m ixtures is risky, be­
cause not enough research has been
conducted to know what levels and
types o f acidity w ill prevent botu­
lism , Raab said.
Raab recommends the follow­
ing hints for safely making and
using herb, vegetables and garlic-
in-oil mixtures:
♦ I f you make homemade vegeta­
bles or garlic-in-oil mixtures, refrig­
erate them and don t keep them any
longer than three weeks. After three
weeks, o f refrigeration, the increased
number o f bacteria will become a
Multnomah, Washington and C la c k a ­
mas counties in O regon and C la rk
County in W ashington. O ve r 2,200
volunteers completed hundreds o f
projects at 106 sites over two days,
providin g 6,600 hours o f free labor
valued at close to $80,000.
“ The volunteers were h igh ly mo-
agent w ith theOSU Extension Ser­
vice offers a safe recipe for garlic,
vegetable or herb flavored oils:
*2-3 heads (bulbs) o f fin ely
chopped garlic, or J cups o f finely
chopped vegetables or combination
o f vegetables and herbs or loosely
packed, coarsely chopped herbs.
* 3 cups o f good quality olive or
other vegetable oil.
Heat the oil over medium heat
until you see a few bubbles rise from
the bottom o f the pan. A dd the fla­
voring ingredients and reduce heat to
low and let steep for two hours. Use
a candy thermometer to regulate tem­
perature, which should be kept around
170 degrees. D o not allow o il to get
too hot or it m ay develop a bitter
After two hours, remove the pan
from the heat and strain the hot o il
and vegetables or g arlic through a
paper coffee filter into a heat-resis­
tant container. Let the o il cool to
room temperature for about 30 m in­
Restrain the o il into clean storage
ja rs with new paper coffee filter.
Fo r more inform ation, contact lo­
cal county o ffices o f the O S U E xten ­
sion Service for inform ation about
nearby Master Food Preserver Pro­
Adopting Babies from China
Multnomah County non-profits
benefit from Day of Caring
The to-do lists o f o ver 50 health
and human care agencies in M ult­
nomah C o u n ty were severely cut
with the help o f hundreds o f vo lu n ­
teers from United W a y ’s D ay o f
C arin g. The annual event matches
v o lu n te er team s w ith hands-on
projects at agency sites throughout
fo o d safety hazard
♦ Remove the vegetables after fla­
voring the oil and the bacteria will
not have a fo o d source fo r growth
♦ Use dried vegetables, garlic or
herbs to flavor oil. These do not
contain enough water to foster bac­
terial growth Driedvegetables, gar­
lic or herbs-in-oil mixtures can be
stored safely at room temperature.
Refrigeration may delay rancidity.
♦ Tomatoes-in-oil mixtures are
safe, as tomatoes are high in acid
and will not foster botulism-causing
bacteria! growth Refrigeration may
delay rancidity
Nellie Oehler, home economic
tivated and required almost no guid­
ance,” says a representative from
The Parry Center for C h ild ren ."
The benefit for volunteers is im ­
mense. A volunteer from Willamette
Industries said the event, “ I liked
w orking for a good cause and the
w ork was badly needed.”
T h e N o rth w e stC h in a C o u n cil w ill
present a sem inar entitled A m e ri­
cans Adopting Babies from China:
Process and Cultural Issues, on Sat­
urday, Novem ber 16 , 1996 from 1:00-
4:00 p.m. in room 212 o f Portland
State U n iv e rsity ’s Shattuck H all.,
1914 S W Park. The program fea­
tures presentations by adoptive Port­
land parents on the procedures and
challenges o f adopting a Chinese
baby, and on larger social and cultur-
al issues. A d m issio n is $ 15 per indi­
vidual, $25 for two people; children
are free. W a lk-in s welcome; prereg­
istration is encouraged because space
m ay be lim ited. T o register or for
more inform ation, ca ll (5 0 3)725-
Adoption o f C hinese babies by
Am erican parents is a grow ing trend
and more babies from C h in a have
been adopted into O regon than the
rest o f the United States combined.
T h is program gives people who are
considering adoption an overview o f
the process and the issues involved.
Adoption agencies who are involved
in C h in a adoptions w ill be on hand.
The C h in a C o u n c il is not an adop­
tion agency. The Northwest C h in a
C o u n cil is a non-profit educational
organization dedicated to increasing
public u n d e rsta n d in go fC h in e se cu l­
ture, contem porary affairs, and busi­
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