N ovember 6, 1996 • T he P orh . and O bserver P aoe A4 (Eljc ^ o rtla n b ^wbaeruer Low outdoor lighting is a winner How to dry herbs from the garden I f you haven’t already gathered and dried some herbs from the gar­ all the stems together and suspend c o lo r changes and losses in aroma M alinda W ier N o t long ago, the only light that them upside dow n in a small brown den, n o w 's the time. A c c o rd in g to N e llie O ehler, paper bag o r in old pantyhose. I f the leaves and seeds drop from the stems, and flavor o f the herbs. M icrow aves w o rk great fo r d ry ­ fe ll on y o u r hom e o r yard each evening came from the moon or a home economist w ith the Oregon State U niversity Extension Service, d ryin g herbs is very easy A ll you need is a paper bag, a dehydrator or they w ill be in the bag. A bag also ing small qu a n titiesofherbs in mere minutes Do not d ry more than one cup at a time, she advised. Place the herbs between m icro ­ wave-safe paper towels, and m icro- street light. Now homeowners have a lot more control over ou td o o r lighting. O n e o fth e most popular approach­ es today is low -voltage outdoor I ight- bv keeps the dust, bugs and spiders out Hang herbs upside down in the bag so the o ils w ill flo w into the leaves for more flavor. Cut a few a m icrow ave oven M ost herbs can be dried in the wave on high fo r tw o to four m in ­ utes. Check to see i f the leaves have dried. I f not, reset the tim er fo r a few more seconds. Let the herbs com ­ holes in the paper bag so the moisture can escape Herbs generally take 5 to 10 days to dry in a paper sack, said Oehler. For quicker results, use a dehydra­ open air in a paper bag in a well ventilated area, said Oehler. Select fresh herbs, still green and tender. Lig h tly rinse herbs before dry ing. pletely cool before packaging. " Ify o u dry too large a quantity in the m icrow ave at one tim e it w ill to r or m icrow ave Dehydrators can produce a q u a lity dried herb in 1-3 hours. Be sure not to have the dehy­ The new leaves at the plant’ s tip are usually the most flavorful Some herbs get a bitter taste after they flow er and lose a lot o f their flavor. cook them instead o f d ryin g them ,” said Oehler. “ It is best to let them air dry fo ra little w h ile after the m icro ­ A fte r washing the herbs, cut o f f drator too hot. It is best to dry herbs at 90-100 degrees. I f dried at higher the dead or discolored leaves and temperature it w ill dissipate the herb stems. They can then be tied togeth­ o ils and lose flavor. O ehler does not recommend sun dark place in any container w hich d ryin g because the light w ill cause excludes air, lig h t and moisture. er and hung up to dry. One o f the simplest ways is io tie wave process so that the tempera­ ture and moisture evens out.” Package dry herbs in a cool, dry, to a y e a r Long-term tests are more accurate in p re d ictin g the ye a r-ro u n d your home fo r radon. Radon is a gas that you cannot see, smell o r taste. But it ’ s the sec­ ond leading cause o f lung cancer. Testing is simple and here’ s how. ♦ Any home can have a ra don problem , but testing is a sim ple pre ca u tio n that everybody sh o u ld take ♦ D o -it-y o u rs e lf test k its a re a va ila b le fo r SIO to $25 d o lla rs fro m most hardw are stores a n d oth­ e r re ta il outlets ♦ Choose a re lia b le k it Look f o r the words "Meets ERA Require­ ments " o r "EPA lis te d " on the pack­ age. z u e j i lem a n d help y o u select the rig h t levels in a home ♦ I f a test indicates an elevated solution. ♦ You w ill w ant to get m ore than ra d o n level, alw ays test tw ice before estimate a n d check references when ta kin g action. ♦ P rofessional testing firm s , lis t­ ed by the EPA o r the state can test h irin g a tester. ♦ C ontact the A m erican Lun g A ssociation o f O regon f o r m ore in fo rm a tio n abo u t radon, in c lu d ­ y o u r home f o r you. ♦ Repairs f o r homes w ith h ig h lev­ ing names o f q u a lifie d ra d o n co n ­ els a re no m ore than m any other comm on home repairs a n d w ill not tra c to rs a n d testing firm s . For further in fo rm a tio n on radon change the appearance o f y o u r home A va rie ty o f methods can be used, fr o m sealing cracks in flo o rs and waits, to c h a n g in g theJlow o f a ir into and other in d o or a ir po llu tio n , con­ tact the A m erican Lung A ssocia­ tion o f Oregon at (5 0 3 ) 246-1997 (in the Portland M e tropolitan Area) y o u r home. ♦ Alw ays consult an E P A -q u a li- o r 1 -8 0 0 -L U N G -U S A (throughout Oregon). Free informational seminar for home buyers dozens, outdoor lig h tin g lets you spend more tim e outside. I have a for advice on how to im prove the liv a b ility o f yo u r home. ANNOUNCING MAUDIES BOUTIQUE Grand Opening want. 7 he transform er, w hich plugs into S atu rd ay, N o vem b er 9, 10 a .m .-6 p.m . an outdoor electrical outlet, converts your 120-volt househpold current to 12 volts, a little more than you w ould Plan now to stop in for her grand opening where you will find the latest fashions at very affordable prices. get from a 9 -vo lt radio battery. Y ou can install the whole thing in If you are looking for that perfect church dress, evening attire, pantsuit, jewelry and/or hosiery, Maudie’s Boutique is just for you. voltage lights, each w ith a slig h tly Small to 3XL, she has it or can get it. IGD OPEN HOUSE M a u d ie ’s B outique 5705 NE 36th Ave. Portland, OR Featuring - Scanview, Scitex, Gerber, Barco, Pantone & D K & A Pantone w ill be g iv in g a spe­ (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -1 1 4 0 Open Thursday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m cial presentation fo r end users on Thursday (9am -10:30pm ) that w ill focus on Pantone’ s Hexachrome co lo r technology. Friday 15th - Special seminar - 9:00—Pantone Hexachrome & H i- Fi color. T e ch n o lo g ie s a v a ila b le fo r y o u r re vie w : S ca n vie w —D rum and Flatbed scanners, Imagesetters and pro­ d u c tiv ity software. 1996, 6:30pm . Both classes w ill be conditions. Participants w ill also have G e rb e r—Short run d ig ita l la­ the o p p o rtu n ity to do a loan q u a lifi­ bel p rin tin g systems, pro fita b le Crossland Mortgage w ill present tw o free classes fo r first-tim e home buy­ ers. The first class is on Wednesday, Novem ber 6th, 6:30pm . The second in the One Embassy Center b u ild in g next to W ashington Square. Participants w ill receive a free detailed inform ation package as w ell as learning the basics o f the home­ cation worksheet to evaluate their own financial situation and fin d out class is Thursday N ovem ber 14th, buying process and current market 4817 fo r the N ovem ber 14 seminar. and affordable. P a n to n e —6 and m ore c o lo r p rin tin g is now a reality, learn how it can be done. D K & A —Autom ate im position and elim inate manual stripping. B a rco —Learn how you can use a c o lo r calibrated m o n ito r fo r true what they can afford. C all 2 4 1 -2072 to reserve your seat fo r the N ovem ber 6 seminar o r 497- ing the brightest. See your local lig h tin g specialist o f lights and any length o f w ire you held at C entury 21 C olum bia Realty Julie M a rtin W illia m s and Dee-J Putzier o f Century 2 1 C olum bia Re­ alty along w ith Jerry D ris c o ll o f scape. W hether you add a few lights or When w e’ re at m y house, the outdoor lights make it easy to see w h o ’ s sm il­ I t ’ s attractive, easy and inex­ stakes, so you sim p ly push them into the ground wherever you choose. There are several varieties o f low - f ie d o r sta te -c e rtifie d ra d o n con­ tra c to r They can evaluate the p ro b ­ ♦ Testing ranges fro m a fe w days large extended fa m ily anu we enjoy each other's com pany day o r night pensive. A basic lig h tin g k it (about $70) contains 20 lights, 100 feet o f w ire and a small w e a th e rp ro o f transform ­ er box. But you can get any number no time. The lights are mounted on plastic Tips for radon home testing The Am erican Lun g Association o f Oregon offers ten tips fo r testing ing. d ifferent, but very easy, method o f connecting the power cable. L ig h tin g yo u r fro n t path adds drama and romance to your land­ soft proofing. IR IS —The best line o f dig ita l p ro o fin g devices on the market. Please RSVP w ith B ra d H oyer o r P a u l H ostelley a t 800-826- 1610. i REESE’S OIL, INC. Furnace Repair 7 Day Service/24 Hours Service A To Z C onstruction C o . GENERAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE Certificate o f Insurance, Bond, and C.C.B. registration No. 117751 Remodeling, Complete Roofing Repairing, Plumbing, Electrical, and Dry Wall. Reese’s Yard & Weed Service No Job Too Big or Too Small Call Joe Reese for a free quote. Permit required Joe L. Reese/President 434 N.E. Failing St. Phone #287-2121 or Cellular #318-7213 IT ’S T H E No Need to Drive Across Town • We Honor Competitor's Coupons!. Landlord training workshops The first landlord tra in in g w o rk ­ shop on October 19, 1996 was w e ll- attended and evaluations were posi­ tive. The w orkshop is targeted to ­ ward landlords and property manag­ ers w ith as few as one rental who may need educational and practical sup­ port in their dealings w ith tenants, especially low -incom e tenants. There is a vita l need fo r landlord education to promote com m unica­ tion and awareness o f the issues that face many low -incom e tenants in our com m unity. We stil I have plenty o f space avai I- able fo r the Novem ber 16, 1996 fo r this C ity and C ounty supported e f­ fort to fill the space to capacity. For questions, comments, registration, or any additional inform ation, please call 2 8 2 -1964 between 9am and 2pm. BETW EEN W A N T IN G A HOM E AND O W N IN G A HOME. Q o m fo rt Q u t o Q jep air it I Foreign & Domestic Minor & Major Repairs Factory Trained Technician • 2 Shops Same Location * # # SERVICE SPECIALS » » » TUNE-UP BRAKE SPECIAL SPECIAL