. -o * ■ .-N t ' ' • * • • • • « t ■ . - ••-------- - • * * < < •r *. ▼ .._:U«X-Xf world history I2S1 ¿3 4 I’ w ith M e r r ill L y n c h and can be re a c h e d a t (5 0 3 )6 9 9 -7 2 0 1 o r Chronicl s e lf as a free man ” G iv e ’ em hell r 8 M aurice V a ld ivie so is a V ice Pres­ ident Senior Financial Consultant Both West and Boggs are being charged w ith: Buy for a grownup, give to a child. , o t Philadelphia, has become the ow n- , er/operator o f the new M c D o n a ld ’ s Restaurant located at 13459 N W. C o rnell Road in Portland. H o llis has been and ow ner/opera- on how we can re a listica lly and re­ sponsibly begin to address the huge problem facing our own Social Secu­ rity system. w ill spin, weave and finish warps, » Douglas L. H o llis III, previously retirem ent plan Each sought the help and inclusion o f the private markets. There are some valuable lessons to be learned here in the U nited States The most ambitious account of the human experience Hollis Becomes Area’s «4 home decor items 4, banks H bird houses IL puppets IL pillows JL teas/mustards oro Newest McDonald’s s c O B C Owner/Operator D o u g la s L. H o llis III manner in addressing the loom ing problem facing its p u b lic ly financed yarns, cloth, prints o r other fabrics made o f cotton, w o o l, etc. Concord has the o n ly cotton m ill in the w orld owned, conducted and operated by the Negro race. O ther colored men throughout the south w ill star, s im i­ lar in stitu tio n s." (P. 482-485) Police Arrest Tanning Salon Owners For Marijuana Growing Members o f the Portland Police M arijuana Task Force arrested tw o subjects last night fo r g ro w in g m ar­ ijuana in their homes. Arrested were Continued from page B3 lo c a tio n s . JL btxiks IL hazelnut brittle < clay-mation clay < K A IS E R P E R M A N E N T E