Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 06, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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N ovember 6, 1996 • T he P orli
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O ne T h a n k sg iv in g evening, N ic k
A sh fo rd , V alerie Sim pson and M aya
A n ge lo u gathered around the piano
as friends do. T h e ir intent was not to
create an album , but to express their
feelings. N ic k sang o f a couple in
lo ve ...”a little bit o f this, a little bit o f
that...” V a le rie hummed an unforget­
table m elody. Soon M aya’s poetry
began to flow and the first song “ I
Rem em ber A l l ” was born
It felt so natural, that other w ords
and m elodies began to fill the room.
A t som e moments, they were o ver­
w helm ed by the music and messages,
so m o v in g and emotional was their
co llabo ration o f talent and ideas.
E ach participant pushed the other
to new heights o f creativity, and the
m usic and poetry flowed as naturally
as love and life itself.
“ It w as a wonderful, spontaneous
moment in m usic, words and poet­
ry,” N ic k A sh fo rd recalls.
M aya remembers, “ We felt the
tingle o f creation, and knew we had
created som ething from the heart,
som ething we had to share...”
“ It ’ s a totally new sound. M aybe
the start o f a new artform ,” says
V a lerie. “ W ith M aya's poetry we
created an album that is w onderful
and different.”
The m usic o f Ashford and Sim pson
and the poetry o f M aya A n gelo u
have discovered each other to be a
perfect match, much like the celebra­
tion o f new love on the title track
“ Been Found” . These gifted perform ­
ers blend their crafts seam lessly in
B e e n fo u n d
F all S p e c ia l
¿flffM N2U
2728 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
Relaxers - S35.00 Reg.-$45.00 Touch-ups only
Barber Cuts - $8.00 Reg. $ 12.00
Colors - $35.00 Reg. $45.00
For Appointment
Walkins Welcome
Coupons Good Mon-Thurs Only
Cannot Be Used With Any Other Discount
10% Off Any Products
the haunting refrains o f “ Where We
C o m e Fro m ,” and the jo y o f “ Keeps
on Getting H igh e r” and “ Made for
M e” . W hile “ What if,” a song about
love in doubt, w ill tug on heartstrings.
“ I Rem em ber A ll” is a com position
o f sensuous love.
N ic k , V alerie and M aya took the
m agic o f that T h a n k sg ivin g night,
shaped it and gave it form. Created in
an atmosphere o f love, friendship
and sharing, the three collaborated
on seven o f the eleven that now make
up an album that could o nly be titled
Be Found.
T h e A u t o b io g r a p h y o f
M is ta c h u c k re p re se n ts a j o u r ­
ney o f the s o u l; a jo u r n e y
through my an ger o v e r the w ay
B la c k m u s ic is treated, and
o v e r how the m u s ic in d u stry
treats its p u b lic .
T h is album could be called
“ M y Assassination Attempt on
B ig W illie .”
The Rise o f B ig W illie , i.e.,
the m ercenary entertainment in­
dustry hotshot, m ack, hustler or
player, is seen as a positive de­
velopment by many. How ever, I
say, think o f B ig W illie as an
updated Stepin Fetchit, or U ncle
Tom B ig checks have alw ays
been made out to N egroes for
singing, dancing, rhym ing, te llin ’
jo kes, acting and pla yin g ball.
The irony is that it’s the biggest,
most h igh -pro file B la c k people
who get made into the most inof­
fensive, least controversial, saf­
est and/or most clow nish projec­
The Auto o f M istachuck lash­
es out at the co-opting o f the
B la c k m usic industry, under the
guise o f “grow th,” “expansion,"
or “ cro sso ve r"; how those in
charge o f the industry should pro­
pel the culture forward, for the
'people, instead o f m erely flo ss­
ing in front o f it.
chapter. A d 2 w ill provide print, T V ,
radio, pu blic relations, and other
m arketing on a pro bono basis.
A d 2 Portland is a non-profit pro-
fessional organization for those aged
32 and under in advertising, public
relations, m arketing, graphic design,
m edia and other com m unications
i r
1 1
Exp. 12/15/96
Salon N2U
1 10% off Product i
N2U Fall
Ashford & Simpson with Maya Angelou
Ad2 Porflancl holds Casino Night fundraiser
A d 2 Portland w ill hold the third
annual C a s in o N ight on Saturday,
N o ve m b er 23 at S p irit M ountain
C a sin o in G rand Ronde, Oregon. T h is
w ill be a night o f fun as those attend­
ing w ill board party busses for the
45-m inute ride to Sp irit M ountain.
T ic k e ts are $23/m em bers and $28/
non-m em bers, with a $5 discount if
payment is received no later than
W ednesday, N ovem ber 13. Payment
is by check o r charge only. T ic k e ts
include the round-trip bus ride from
Portland, beverages on the party bus,
and food in the hospitality suite at
Sp irit M ountain. G a m b lin g funds are
provided by attendees. Fo r more in­
form ation and to reserve your tickets
call the A d 2 H otline at 233-1571 or
m ail yo u r check before N ovem ber
13 to A d 2 C a sin o N igh t, 708 N W
20th # 203, Portland, O regon, 97200.
Proceeds benefit A d 2 Portland
in clu d in g the annual public service
ad cam paign provided free to a local
non-profit. T h is year’s client is the I
H ave A Dream Foundation, Portland
1 1 Exp. 12/15/96
□ i_
Say You Saw It hi The Portland Observer Newspaper
Advertise For Diversity
fields. A d 2 Portland is one o f 18 A d 2
chapters nationally and is a member
o f the Am erican A d ve rtisin g Feder­
Advertise In
^Portlanb (Obsevuer
Call: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
’S * > «s
t n d a » N i9 M ' No',em l’« 8 , i s s .
< U M e S ,e p p ln 9 0 u M " p M e „
The <
Curtis Salgado, Lloyd Jones Struggle, Paulette & Power,
The Leopardskin Revue And, Mike Lindberg?
seti t o
R ®
/ DD/
L low M ail
12nd A venue
I t«2A JW PACl’ tC |HW* 991
»»*•>*»>»«»» CD
ClMCMXCVI New Ime Productions Inc All Riqhts Reserved
M ail 205
U M M I * 4A02
R ose M ovea
» > » » ♦ 4A0A f f i i - a
Okay, SO he S not a musician,
but Mike's a star in his own right, he's leaving office
and we’re singing the blues on his behalf. Join us, one and all, for one big night
with a spotlight on Portland's best blues artists and one heckuva fine city leader
TlliS is 3 party to say goodbye to Mike, who's made an incredible contribution to the
City of Portland and the state, in areas such as human rights, the arts, parks, public
utilities, water conservation, renewable energy, and urban design Mike Lindberg
has made a difference and this is our way to say thank you'
Singing The Blues
(Mike Lindberg's Goodbye Party!)
Montgomery Park
2701 NW Vaughn Street
(Children welcome 'til 9 00pm)
Tidrefj $ J a t
the door or through Ticketmaster.
Now showing a t these theatres.
Dana Dain’s
Music Galore
& Galore Paging
3213 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
I I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
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Cell Phones - No Turn Downs
No Credit Check Call for Details
215 SE 9TH -2 4 1 L U N A
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subject to service charge , opening acts subject to change