WZZ smmì ’ *ÂK ÍI W Ç 3 3S?»k * «. T ? .ÎO s ^ a * ûù ’ .4- Volume XXVI, Number 44 Committed to cultural diversity. '-v October 30, 1996 /The ^ îo rtlan b (JObserUer SECTION ______________ B nm m w n i to a I f n b a r íü A Unique Event A black tie evening o f Indian fine art. music, perform ance and gourm et dining at the H ilton Hotel, Saturday Evening, N o­ vem ber 2. D oors open at 5;3O pm for cocktails and auction preview ; dinner at 7:00. oral auc­ tion begins at 8:00. O ver 75 w orks o f art from the best Indian artists in the country . O ver 25 artists and perform ers attending. C elebrate native foods. Mixed green salad with pine nuts and cranberries; oregon wines, pacific N orthw est salm on, grilled buffalo steak, harvest vegetables, p eartorte in raspberry sauce For Reservations, Call 241-0070. $100 per person. Y our gift helps estab­ lish a prem ier N orthw est Indian Art M ar­ ket in dow ntow n Portland Digestive disorder seminar N ovem ber 20. 1996 — O regon I lealth Sciences U niversity/C asey Eye Institute W hat is that uncom fortable feeling in my stom ach? should I see a doctor? Should I change my diet? G et answ ers to your burning questions and learn how to take control o f tw o com m on and potentially serious digestive disorders, G E R D and ulcers, that plague m ore than 20 m illion am ericans. The A B C ’s o f Com m on diges­ tive D isorders; A cid and B acteria are C ul­ prits, a free sem inar sponsored by O regon H ealth Sciences U niversity, will be led by Dr. Brian Fennerty at the C asey eye Insti­ tute (M cdonald auditorium ) o f the O regon H ealth Sciences U niversity on W ednes­ day, N o v em b er 20, at 7:00 p.m ., Dr. Fennerty will dispel m yths about these com m on problem s and answ er your ques­ tions during and after the event. For more inform ation and to reserve a seat, call 88-A C ID -B U G (1-888-224-3284). New East Portland Police Precinct Seventeen Portland neighborhoods from I Pleasant V alley, bordering G resham , to Cully, south o f the airport, are served by East precinct, those neighbors, police, and | Portland officials will celebrate the op en ­ ing of the East Portland C om m unity Polic­ ing C enteron Saturday, N o v e m b e r9 ,1996, | beginning at 11 am. Tourism Economic Outlook Conference The H ospital and T ourism Program o f | Mt. H ood C om m unity C ollege presents... 8th A nnual O regon Tourism Econom ic O utlook C onference. O regon Recreation: A B alance Betw een G row th & C onversa­ tion T uesday. N ovem ber 5, 1996, 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. at Benson Hotel, M ayfair B all­ room , 309 S.W . Broadw ay, Portland. O r­ egon (located at Broadw ay & O ak) Regis­ tration fee $20. Booth fee $25 SUBM ISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. Kaiser promotes safe trick-or-treating Kaiser Permanente gives away free re­ flective trick or treat bags at Medical offices in North Portland_____________ K eep your youngsters visible and safe w hile trick-or-treating this Halloween by pick­ ing up a free reflective trick-or-treat bag at the C ustom er Service desk o f any K aiser Perm anente m edical office. The H M O is giving aw ay 5,000 o f the 15- inch 11-inch m ylar bags. A safety tipsheet will be given out with each. under age 12; ♦ cross streets only a t intersections; ♦ obey all traffic signals, ♦ don i let children walk in the street Dr. Feldman says costumes can also pose dangers. "M ake sure costum es d o n ’t block a ch ild ’s vision. For example, instead o f w ear­ ing a plastic mask, paint ch ild ren 's faces and give them creative hats or headgear,” she says. “Also, avoid costum es with trailing or long, loose fabric that might present a trip Free screening clinic The Portland Shriners Hospital fo rC h ild ren will hold a free orthopedic and plastic surgery screening clinic on Saturday, N ovem ber 2 from 8 a m. to 2 p.m. in the h o sp ital’s outpatient clinic, 3181 S.W . Sam Jackson Park Road. If accepted for care, children at Shriners H ospital are treated com pletely free o f charge. "L ast year, when we offered this clinic we saw 112 children in six hours,” said Phyllis N ew ton, D irector o f C om m unity O utreach. “ We were stunned that there w ere so many fam ilies who did not know about our free m edical services.” Shriners Hospital accepts children up to 18 who have bone, m uscle or jo in t problem s, or w ho have plastic surgery n e e d s-su c h as for burn scars, cleft lip/palate and facial anom alies. Most patients at Shriners have congenital, life-long problem s as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, m uscular dystrophy or club foot. O ther children suffer accidents and illnesses, such as losing a hand or leg. O ther com m on conditions seen at S hriners include sc o lio sis-c u rv a tu re o f the sp in e -a n d congenital hip dislocation. Because care a, Shriners H ospital is free, there is Oregon Blacks make clear choices At its June 1996 board meeting, the Board o f Directors o f the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs (OA BA), decided to conduct a straw poll on the offices for United States Senator and Second District United States Representative, and on the Ballot M easures that will be on the N ovem ber 5 , 1996 Oregon G eneral Election Ballot. The Straw Poll was conducted at O A B A ’s Septem ber 7, 1996 Third Q uarter M embership Meeting. O A B A m em bers are registered D em o­ c ra ts , R e p u b lic a n s and In d e p e n d e n ts. O A B A does not endorse candidates for political office H ow ever, the Board w ant­ ed to provide an opportunity for O A B A m em bers as wel I as other Black O regon ians to express preferences on the candidates “ T h e b ag s b rig h tly r e f le c t h e a d lig h ts , m a k in g c h ild re n m uch s a fe r in th e d a r k .” sa y s p e d ia tric ia n V irg in ia F eld m a n . M D . w ho p ra c tic e s at K a is e r P e r m a n e n te 's E ast In te rs ta te M e d ic a l O ffic e on N o rth P o rtla n d . R em em bering that a good friend’s daugh­ ter was killed on a residential street one H alloween, Dr. Feldm an offers these tips for parents to help keep children safe. ♦ H ave an adult a cco m p a n y yo u n g sters and ballot m easures. During publicdiscussion at the Third Q uar­ ter M eeting o f OABA. “straw votes” con­ cerning the desirabi I ity o f cand¡dates to be the next Oregon U.S. Senator and the next U.S. Second Congressional District Representa­ tive were taken. The result o f this "straw vote preferences” is reflected below. STRAW VOTE GENERAL ELECTION: United Senator: Straw Vote: Tom B ruggerre G ordon Sm ith Second District U.S. Repr. in Congress: M ike Dugan Bob Smith 100% 0% Straw Vole: 86% 14% alw aysa w aiting listo fsev e ra l hundred names. H ow ev­ er, children seen at a screening clinic generally can begin their car within two months. (The hospital does no, provide em ergency services, such as for broken bones or acute burns). "W e are especially interested in m aking sure we are reaching out to minority and low incom e fam ilies,” Newton said. “ We are making every effort to inform those com m unities that we are available to them by contacting com m unity clinics, distributing flyers in English and Spanish, and w orking through all news media " A Spanish interpreter will be at the clinic, and interpreters for other languages will be provided if requested in advance. Free return T ri-M e, passes will be given to anyone who arrives by bus (#8 from dow n­ town). No appointm ents are needed to be seen at the Screen­ ing Clinic. H ospital surgeons will be on hand to evalu­ ate every child who arrives for care. Generally, Shriners accepts all patients for care if treatment would benefit the child and if treatment at another faci I i ty won Id put a financial burden on the fam i ly. hazard." The surest way to avoid traffic accidents on Halloween is to host a party fo rth e k id so n your block. “That way, children needn’t go house-to-house at night to have fun and co l­ lect treats," advises Dr. Feldman. K aiser Perm anente is a non-profit group practice health m aintenance organization serving the health care needs o f more than 395,000 people in Northwest Oregon and Southw est W ashington Night Stop is back Tri-Met drops off passengers closer to destination at night With the time change and darkness starting earlier in the evening, Tri-M e, reminds passengers about Nigh, Stop. This program allows passengers who are traveling alone to ge, off the bus anywhere along their routes from 8 p.m.-5 a.m. That gets them closer to their destinations, making rides safer and more convenient. To use Night Stop, passengers just tell the driver w here they want to get off the bus. If the driver cannot stop a, the exact spot requested, the driver will find the safest nearby place. Special stops are only offered to passengers getting off the bus. Night Stop does not apply in Fareless Square, because of the large number of buses and passengers in downtown Portland. For more information about riding Tri-M et, including trip­ planning information: call T ri-M e t weekdays from 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. at 238-RIDF, TTY 238-5811, fax 239-3092, http:// ww.tri-met.org/ or modern at 220-1016 and log in as “Tri- Met”. Hispanics, Blacks will vote together Continued from front ▲ c a n s-w h ich include affirm ative action, the right to have a political voice, the right for a w oman to choose, strong support for public education, and family v a lu e s-th e D em ocrat­ ic candidates offer the best choice. Affirmative Action a shared need B lacks and Latinos share an u nderstand­ ing o fdisenfranchisem ent through the histo­ ry o f their sim ilar experiences in this co u n ­ try N o one has been handed a free ride because o f an affirm ative action program . The value o fth o se program s has been to help unfairly disadvantaged people ge, to the starting line, a point w hich the A nglo m ajo r­ ity left a long tim e ago. M any o f the o p p o ­ nents o f affirm ative action do no, w ant to understand that Opponents have common goals The opponents o f affirm ative action and the advocates o f anti-im m igrant measures share com m on goals, which fundam entally deny opportunity to people o f color. They are often the same people who consistently vote to cut funding for public education, who have the opportunity to buy expensive pri­ vate-school educations for their children, like Republican Bill Witt, and have no core com m ittm ent to public education. They are either know ingly or unknow ingly blind to the issue, but they are not blind to the colors o f the people affected. Republican candidate for Senate Gordon Smith recently characterized H ispanic immi­ grants as people who ju m p right o f f the airplane and onto welfare. This erroneous and biased view is shared by many o f the same people who believe that there is no further need for affirm ative action, who b e­ lieve that the typical welfare recipient is a Black or Latino woman who has no desire to work and has children because the state pays her to have them Republican Congessw om an Linda Smith recently referred to a group of A frican-A m er­ ican businessm en a s " c o l o r e d m e n " a n d stat­ ed that the country no longer needs program s that offer opportunities for m inority-ow ned businesses to clim b the ladder. Congress- w oman S m ith -lik e many o f her Republican c o h o rts-b e liev e s that the struggle for equal­ ity and against bigotry and racial prejudice in this country is over. This N ovem ber 5th, Hispanics and Afri­ can-A m ericans across the nation will step forward and m ake their presence known. It is a historic moment. Be sure that all the registered voters in your home, in your place of business, in your church, in your neighbor­ hood ge, to the polls that day It will be a good day to car pool, and a great opportunity to be both a neighbor and a citizen Vote! Vo,ale!