Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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• O ctober 30, 1996
“Made In Oregon” travels to Japan
I welve Oregon secondary wood
products manufacturers from across
the state attended the 1997 Japan
Home Show, in Tokyo, as part o f
W P C C ’ s “ Made In Oregon, U S A "
ing fo r products to support Japan’ s
1.4 m illio n annual housing starts.
WPCC has also been invited to
provide a seminar presentation to
buyers at the Japan Home Show,
• Beal Wood Products, Eugene
• Universal Forest Products. Wood­
• Woodward <V Dickerson, Salem
ers that assists firm s in the area o f
M arket Development, Capital A c ­
cess, Technology and T raining, and
Supply Development.
On Oct. 28 & 29, WPCC w ill be
O riginalIv created as a state agen­
prom otional pavilion.
I his is the second year a group o f
Oregon producers has attended this
show, w ith last year’ s show resulting
w hich w ill focus on the varied capa­
representing Oregon wood proces­
sors at the International T im b e r and
F o re s try C o n fe re n c e in K u a la
cy, WPCC has been a private, non­
p ro fit association since June 1993.
in $700,000 in new sales.
The firm s participated in the O re­
gon Pavilion, a group trade booth
boasting O regon’ s m anufacturing
capabilities in the arena o f value add­
ed wood products.
T h e p a v ilio n fe a tu re d Ray
A tkinson photos o f Mt. Hood sur­
rounded by verdant forests, and the
p a v ilio n 's message focuses on O re­
gon q u a lity and craftsmanship.
The Japan Home Show attracts
over 115,000 buyers annually look­
b ilitie s o f O re g o n ’ s value-added
wood products industry.
Firms participating in the Ore­
gon Pavilion at the Japan Home
Show included:
• American Home Supply, Portland
• B rentw ood M anufacturing,
• Cascade Pacific, Jasper
• Columbia Hardwood & Mould­
in g , Tigard
• Contact Lumber, Portland
• Oregon Dome. Eugene
• Morelock Wood Products, Bend
• Parsons Pine Products, Ashland
• Plymart/Edgewater, Boring
Lumpur, Malaysia.
This program, w hich focuses oh
the expanding Southeast Asian econ­
omies o f Singapore, Hong Kong,
Vietnam , Thailand, and M alaysia
features speakers from around the
w orld.
WPCC has been invited as one o f
only four N orth Am erican speakers
on the program and w ill iflscuss v a l­
ue-added m anufacturing o p portuni­
ties in the Pacific Northwest.
WPCC is an association o f sec­
ondary wood products manufactur-
WPCC was established to devise
strategies to im prove and promote
the com petiti veness o f Oregon ' s sec­
ondary wood products industry the
800 firm s that em ploy more than
20.000 persons in the manufacture o f
m illw o rk , cabinetry, furniture, and
other specialty products.
A seven-member industry board
o f directors is elected by WPCC
membership to staggered two-year
The W PCC has over 100 mem­
bers em ploying more than 8,000 per­
Habitat tor Humanity’s first Earth-Smart home
Earth Smart homes are construct­
ed using e n viro n m e n ta lly-frie n d ly
and recycled m aterials, provided
healthier liv in g and contributing to
rials, w ill prevent the release o fh a rm -
ful vapors.
new path to reduce ru n o ff from the
site to the street and storm drains.
and catsup bottles), exterior latex paint,
concrete and insulation.
♦ T h e paint in the home w ill be
solvent-free, and adhesives and seal­
ants w ill be lo w -to x ic ity .
♦ E x is tin g trees and shrubs w ill
preserved and protected during con­
the e x is tin g house (2 3 2 0 N.
K ilp a tric k , Portland, Oregon), it was
decided to strip the 500 sq. ft. home
to its fram ing and rebuild it to Earth
♦ Com bustion byproducts, includ­
ing carbon m onoxide, carbon d io x ­
ide, nitrogen oxidesand particulates,
w ill be elim inated by the use o f a ll­
electric heating and appliances.
♦ New naturescaping w ill include
rescued plants, native hardy plants
and meadow grasses to provide food
and cover for birds and insects, and
♦ Rejuvenation is generously do­
nating salvaged house parts, such as
interiordoors, cabinet and door hard­
ware, light fixtures and plum bing
fixtures, as appropriate to the house.
Smart standards. A N additional 200
sq. ft. w ill be added, including a new
kitchen and bathroom.
The complete home w ill serve as a
♦ F re s h a irv e n ts in th e liv in g ro o m
and bedroom w indow s w ill a llo w
regulated amounts o f fresh air when
fans operate.
model o f energy and resource e ffi­
c ie n c y fo r fu r th e r c o m m u n ity
hom ebuilding projects.
♦ Residents w ille n jo y c le a n water
w ith d rin kin g water filte r installed on
the kitchen sink and a chlorine filte r
on the shower.
environm ental sustainability.
Given the structural integrity o f
A healthier home
♦ Like all Earth Smart buildings,
this home w ill feature improved in ­
door air q uality by reducing use o f
common indoor a ir pollutants, such
as radon and formaldehyde.
Environmental Responsible
♦ Throughout the d e m olition and
construction process, waste m ateri­
als w ill be m inim ized by recycling
clean wood, metals and concrete and
salvaging reusable lumber.
♦ E n viro n m e n ta lly-frie n d ly floor
coverings, such as non-toxic PET-
type carpets and carpet pads, and
♦ Rooftop rainw ater w ill be d i­
verted in to raised planter beds and
linoleum made o f safe, natural mate­
permeable paving w ill be used fo r a
reduce the amount o f water required
and chemicals introduced into the
♦ A d d itio n a l environm ental mea­
sures include lim itin g the lawn area
and using earth-friendly plastic lu m ­
ber fo r porch decking.
Resource and energy efficiency
♦ C o n s tru c tio n techniques w ill
employ the e ffic ie n t use o f wood by
using the hom e’ s existing exterior
walls, subfloor and roof.
♦ Interior trim w ill be composite
type, instead o f comm only used clear
tight-grain trim cut from mature trees.
When possible, recycled content ma­
terials w ill be used, including: drywall,
carpet( 100%recycled plastic from pop
♦ High efficiency w indow s ( 15%
more e fficie n t than code requires)
out o f I Love Lucy, w ith paste all
over everything and rolls o f paper
tu m b lin g out the w indow . But it can
be expensive to hire so m ebody-up
to $30 a double ro ll— and w allpaper­
ing is easier than you th in k to do
W hat concerns people the most is
the prospect that the glued paper w ill
bond to the w all instantly and irre ­
ve rsib ly as soon as you touch it to the
surface. T h a t’ s what I thought the
first tim e I tried it, and it ’ s to ta lly
W a llpaper sticksw ith wet glue,so
you have at least five minutes to re­
p o sition the paper. This makes it
your way up to larger projects. A
d in in g room ch a ir rail o r a bedroom
accent w all are good places to begin.
Bathrooms and k itchens are the hard­
est w allpapering jobs, because there
are more cuts to make. Be sure to buy
more than enough wal I paper up front,
and that each ro ll has the same lot
number, so that the colors w ill match
To begin, prepare the w a ll surface
to elim inate any im perfections that
could show through. W ith unfinished
sheetrock, paint on a p rim e r first, so
the w allpaper glue doesn't soak into
the sheetrock. I f there are nail holes,
patch them, because paper shows
every id e n tificatio n .
easy to be sure the paper is straight,
and also that it lines up correctly w ith
the previous sheet. It's easy to under­
stand w hy people worry about hang­
When I first moved into my home,
my kitchen w allpaper had huge red
apples going this way and that. I
d id n ’ t know what to do about it, so I
tried painting over it. That w asn’ t
nearly enough to hide those apples
a pencil. Use the level to draw a
vertical guide line on the w all. When
y o u ’ re ready to hang the first sheet,
position the edge along your guide
line. Before you hang, unroll the dry
w allpaper on a table, and use a straight
edge and a sharp razor to cut the first
sheet. Cut the paper a few inches
longer than the height o f your w all,
then trim it at the c e ilin g and base­
board after you" ve glued the paper to
the w all.
Most wallpaper sold these days is
pre-pasted, so there’s no need to apply
paste to the back. Just dip into a wall-
papertray full o f water, remove it, and
wait five minutes before applying to
allow the paper and paste to soften.
When you remove the paper from the
tray, gently fold it over onto itself with
the pasted side o f one halftouching the
pasted side o f each other.
ing w allpaper. When you spend $20
haven't been seen since.
W allpaper activator is a little eas­
ier to use than water, because there’s
less dripping, and you have even
fo r a ro ll, you don’ t want to mess it
It’ s im portant to make sure the
first sheet on each w all is straight,
more tim e to re-position the paper i f
needed. To apply, press the paper to
T ry starting small and w o rk in g
and that’ s easy to do w ith a level and
New Housing on the river
R iver D istricts plans turn to realty
as ground is broken on 550 new
housing units.
A ground breaking ceremony was
the o ffic ia l begining fo r construction
The groundbreaking was on M o n ­
day, O ctober 2 1, at the Project Site,
o f the first 550 units o f new housing
in the R ive r D istrict. C onstruction
w ill take place in three phases w ith
N .W. N a ito Parkway across from the
M c C o rm ic k Pier Apartm ents
Speakers were Howard Shapiro,
this groundbreaking com m em orat­
ing the first tw o phases.
Phase one features a 158-unit rent­
al project developed by G SL Proper­
ties w ith the housing A u th o rity o f
Portland as General Partner. The
apartm ents w ill be a ffo rd a b le to
emcee, H ousing A u th o rity o f Port­
la n d ; M a y o r V e ra K a tz ; S k ip
households earning between 50-60
percent o f median income
Phase two, also developed be GSL,
features 391 units o f housing in clu d ­
ing 337 m ixed-incom e rental units,
20 affordable condom inium s and 36
market-rate condos.
provide significant energy savings.
♦ Drafts, dust and noise w ill be
greatly reduced by using high R-
value insulation and tig h tly air seal­
ing the house.
♦ A smart thermostat w ill provide
precise control o f electric radiant
heating units, for better com fort, safe­
ty, quiet operation and efficiency.
♦ An e fficie n t electric water heat­
er w ill increase safety and reduce
energy use.
♦ A d d itio n a l energy savings w ill
be realized through the use o f low -
flo w showerheads and faucet aera­
tors, an electric kitchen range and
compact fluorescent bulbs.
G rodahl, President and CEO , GSL
Properties; and E. Kay Stepp, Port­
land D evelopm ent Commission.
The R iver D is tric t Plan calls fo r
construction o f over 5,000 new hous­
ing units in the R iver D is tric t overthe
next 20 years The Yards at U nion
Station represents the firs t s ig n ifi­
cant step in meeting those goals.
Make your opinion count.
Remember to vote on November 5th.
the w all w ith a plastic smoother or
foam brush, and brush all the air
bubbles to the edge. D o n ’ t press on
the paper too hard, o r y o u 'II squeeze
out the paste. I fa com er pops up later
on, it ’ s easy to reaffix it w ith a tube o f
w allpaper glue.
a partner do it, and line up the pat­
tern. Then cut, paste and trim
I f yo u 're w allpapering a whole
room, hang your first sheet in an
inconspicuous place, because the first
and last sheets w o n ’t match perfect­
ly. The best place to begin is usually
I f y o u ’d like to try w allpapering
and want to practice first, look fo r
workshops in com m unity centers or
stores that sell wallpaper. T h e y’ ll
take you through the process step-
in the oversight and u n d e rw ritin g o f
single fam ily and m u ltifa m ily bond
the D e p a rtm e n t’ s sin gle fa m ily and
properties p rim a rily through their
participation in the FH A M u ltifa m ­
ily Risk Sharing Program adminis­
tered by the Department o f Housing
and Urban Development.
The A l rating is based on the
fo llo w in g credit factors:
♦ The Department has an experi­
enced s ta ffw ith proven capabilities
are actually whorls ofred "bracts” , or
leaf-like structures, rather than pet­
als. In the Euphorbia family, poinset­
tia has cousins that live in Oregon
including agenus o f inconspicuous
plants called spurges.
Sensitive to day length, the po in ­
settia needs a certain m inim um
amount o f darkness each 24-hour
period to stim ulate blooming. W ith
the shorter fa ll and w inter days in
Oregon, the poinsettia has a natural
tendency to want to bloom in the
fall, when there are about equal
amounts o f dark and light.
However, i f the plants are ex­
posed to lights inside and around
the home, the plants w on't receive
enough darkness to start bloom ing
and c o u ld stay vegetative (n o t
bloom ) through the winter.
starts to develop on the top leaves.
“ This can take quite a w h ile ,"
warned Penhallegon. "In te rru p tin g
the darkness by even a few minutes
may cause failure to b lo o m ."
B ring the plant to ordinary light
alter the bracts show color. Poinset­
tia growers may have better luck i f
the bracts are almost fu lly expanded
before b rin g in g the plant out. Once
the plant has large, colored bracts,
the a rtific ia l light inside a house
w ill not inhibit apoinsettia’ s blooms.
The OSU Extension Service o f­
fers “ Care and H andling o f Poinset­
tias,'' FS 162. I t ’ s available at no
charge from Publications Orders,
Extension and Experim ent Station
Com m unications, O SU , 422 Kerr
A dm in i-stra tio n B u ild in g , C o rva l­
lis, OR 97331-2119; o r from local
county offices o f the OSU Exten­
sion Service.
I f ordering m ultiple copies, en­
close 25 cents for each copy over six.
Furnace Repair
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Certificate o f Insurance, Bond. andC.C.B. registration No. I I 775 I
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No Job Too Big or Too Small
( all Joe Reese for a free quote. Permit required
Joe L. Reese/President
434 N.E. Failing St.
Phone #287-2121 or Cellular #318-7213
a corner above the doorway, because
it ’ s not visible as you w alk into the
ment has been rated A I .
The Department currently has
The general o bligation rating en­
hances their a b ility to provide f i­
nancing fo r m u ltifa m ily housing
Poinsettias are native to tropical
M exico and Central America, where
they grow as shrubs up to at least 10
feet tall. I he large, brilliant red blooms
completely dark area from 5:00 p m .
to 8:00 a m. daily, u n til red colors
Before you cut the second sheet, hold
the paper up against the w a ll, or have
tion rating o f the Oregon Housing
and C om m unity Services Depart­
over $700 m illio n in outstanding
bonds issued to provide housing
related financing fo r Oregon resi­
mer outdoors, they should be back
indoors by now, according to Ross
Penhallegon, horticulture agent w ith
the Oregon State U niversity Exten­
sion Service.
To make a poinsettia bloom in
the early w inter, indoor gardeners
sim ply need to adjust the amount o f
light and darkness to " fo o l" the plant,
said Penhallegon.
Start in late O ctober or early N o­
vember. Place your poinsettias in a
Slide subsequent sheets into place
so the edges meet, but do not overlap.
Moody’s rates
Oregon housing A1
The long-term general obliga­
October is the time to start coax­
ing potted poinsettia plants back into
color and bloom for December.
Ify o u r poinsettias spent the sum­
and doors w ill decrease heat loss and
Hanging wallpaper is easier than you think
Some people are te rrifie d at the
idea o f hanging wallpaper. They have
visions o f mayhem from something
Start now to fool poinsettias
W ith o p tio n to b u y.
This C o u p o n G o o d F o r
$40 P
m u lti- fa m ily bond programs con­
general obligation rating.
♦ T h e D epartm ent’ s fin a n cial
condition is sound, reporting an ad­
justed combined fund balance o f
over $70 m illio n or 10% o f total
bond outstanding, per the most re­
cent audited financial statements
dated June 30, 1995. A ll bond pro­
grams are profitable and have su ffi­
cient liq u id ity to meet ongoing fi­
nancial obligations.
The Department does not have
any bonds outstanding backed sole­
ly by their general obligation.
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