Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1996, Page 4, Image 4

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P agi A4
O r io n i R 30, 1996
Q uestions and answ ers
about your Social S ecu rity
For Social Security or Supple­
mental Security Income Assistance
telephone I -800-772-12! 3.
For speech A hearing impaired
assistance, call 1-800-325-0778.
Question: I always thought o f So­
cial Security benefits as something
for older people. But my sixteen-
year-old friend said she started get­
ting Social Security benefits because
her father died. Is this true?
Answer: Although it's true that
many Social Security beneficiaries
receive retirement benefits, many oth­
ers get Social Security because they
are disabled; they are a dependent o f
someone who gets Social Security;
or they are a widow, widower, or
child o f someone who has died, like
your friend. So. depending on a'per­
son’s circumstances, a person may
H o llyw o o d
S e n io r C e n te r
be eligible for Social Security at any
age. To get more information about
Social Security, call Social Securi­
ty's toll-free number, 1-800-772-
1213, and ask for the pamphlet, “ So­
cial Security-Basic Facts.”
Question: When you receive So­
cial Security disability benefits, how
often is your case reviewed?
Answer: It depends on the nature
and severity o f your condition and
whether your condition is expected
to improve. I f improvement is ex­
pected, your First review generally
w ill be six to 18 months after the date
you became disabled. I f improve­
ment is possible but cannot be pre­
dicted, your case w ill be reviewed
about once every three years. I f im ­
provement is not expected, your case
w ill be reviewed once every five to
seven years.
Question: W ill Medicare pay for
my pneumonia vaccine? Do I have to
pay the S100 annual deductible first?
Answer: I f the medical provider
giving the vaccine accepts assign­
ment (accepts the medicare approved
amount as payment in full), then there
is no charge to the beneficiary, and
Medicare pays the full amount. I f the
provider does not accept assignment,
then the beneficiary may have to pay
charges in addition to the Medicare
approved amount. Neither the $100
annual deductible nor the 20 percent
coinsurance payment applies to this
Question: I'm 63 years old and
I ’ve been o ff work for the past few
months with some medical problems.
I want to go back to work, but my
doctors say I should retire. I f I apply
for Social Security Benefits now,
w on't my checks be reduced?
Answer: Social Security retire­
ment benefits are reduced five ninths
o f one percent for each month you
receive them before age 65. At age
63, that would be a 13 percent reduc-
S p e c ia l E vents
Tuesday, November 12,10:30
am. Diabetes O ver 60--Are You
At Risk? Come and learn why d i­
agnosing diabetes is critical and
team about today’s new treatments.
Barbara Byrne, MN, RNC, CDE,
C ertified Diabetes Educator from
Providence Diabetes Treatment
Center, w ill be here to help you
with information.
On Tuesday, November 19, at
10:30 am. a representative o f the
Oregon Historical Society w ill
present a one-hour program por­
traying the history o f P ortland
The Slides draw from the Photo­
graphic archive ofthe Oregon His­
torical Society, and starts with the
earliest known photograph o f Port­
land, taken in 18 5 1, and ends in the
early 1960s. To Add To The En­
joyment O f Our Presentation We
Invite Everyone To Bring A Few
O f Their Own Treasured Photos
To Share At The Program. You
may want to stop by with photos
for Mary Ann to photo-copy and
display at HSC during November
to add to our visit to “ Old Port­
land.” Be sure to jo in us.
Volunteers are needed to protect
the rights and dignity o f the elderly
and to advocate for quality long term
care. They w ill serve as Certified
Ombudsmen for the residents o f nurs­
ing homes, residential care facilities,
assisted living facilities, and adult
foster care homes.
The advocates w ill participate in a
nationally-recognized training pro­
gram that covers areas such as the
aging process, communication skills,
meditation, problem-solving skills
and investigations. An orientation
training w ill be held in Portland be­
ginning November 8.
Certified Ombudsmen investigate
complaints and concerns ofthe resi­
dents and then work with the fa cili­
ties to make changes.
“ The volunteers make a tremen­
dous difference in the quality o f life
A group advocating for quality
o f life for our community's elderly
seeks a p p lic a n ts s k ille d in
fundraising, marketing, public re­
lations. accounting, finances, hu­
man resources and the law to serve
on its board o f directors.
I he Special Advocates for El­
ders Foundation requests applicants
be w illin g and able to help develop
the new Foundation's long-range
goals and plans and to oversee im­
plementation. The foundation en­
courages geographic, ethnic, social
and economic diversity in its board.
The Special Advocates for El­
ders Foundation seeks to improve
the quality o f life for elders in our
community. Once up-and-running.
Although fewer aliens are
now eligible for Food Stamps,
certain groups may continue to
receive benefits:
♦ Permanent resident aliens who
were in the m ilitary or whose fami­
lies can show a collective work histo­
ry o f 10 years (40 quarters) when
they paid into the U S. social security
♦ Certain aliens fleeing persecu­
tion who have obtained refugee or
asylee status. They may receive ben­
the new Foundation w ill oversee
the Portland Multnomah Commis­
sion on Aging, the designated advi­
sory board for the Multnomah Coun­
ty Aging Services Division, which
plans and administers a compre­
hensive array o f social services for
elderly and disabled people. The
Foundation w ill also address the
most critical issues facing today’s
growing number o f elders, and di­
rect the housing ombudsman and
Elder Friendly Certification pro­
For more in format ion and a board
member application packet, please
contact the Portland.Multnomah
Commission on Aging at 503/823-
r v tfttn rr m c e m e itiì
Tiana Marie-Louise Marshall
Female; Oct. 14, 1996
61bs. 1 loz„ 20"
Mother: Donna M. Marshall
forthe residents," says Kathy Walter,
Volunteer Recruitment Supervisor.
“ They are well-prepared and effec­
tive—they bring about positive re­
sults in 90% o fth e complaints they
address.” C e rtifie d Ombudsmen
serve sixteen hours a month.
For information about the pro­
gram or learn how to get involved,
contact Kathy Walter at 1-800-522-
New federal Food Stamp laws change
eligibility for Oregon aliens
As a result o f recent federal
welfare reform legislation. Food
Stamp program e lig ib ility require­
ments are tightening for non-citi­
zen aliens receiving benefits in
Oregon. A ll new Food Stamp ap­
plicants are immediately affected
when they reapply after A pril I,
T ill P o m i AND O lis i RVI R
New Foundation
S eeks Board
M em bers
Elder A dvocates needed
efits for up to five years form the
date o f designation.
♦ U S . citizens living with an
alien may continue to get Food
Stamps i f otherwise eligible.
A ll Food Stamp recipients in
Oregon have been notified o f these
changes in the program by the O r­
egon Department o f Human Re­
sources Adult and Family Servic­
es Division.
Amadeo Joesph Hernandez
Male; Oct. 16, 1996
Father: Edwuordo Martinez Hernandez
Mother: Vanessa Lee Jones
71bs,13oz„ 20 1/2"
The Volunteers of America Adopt-A-Family
program is seeking individuals or organizations
to help families served by Volunteers of America
with people or organizations who provide food,
clothing, gifts and toys for the holidays. To adopt
a family in need this holiday season, call 232-3678.
Advertise For Diversity
Advertise In Wljc Jlovthutò (Ohscruer
Call: 503-288-0033
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Thursday, October 31, Sp.m.-9p.m.
(Opening Day. 25% markup)
Friday. November I , 10a m .-9p.m .
Saturday, November 2. 10a.m
tion However, there is no reduction
i f you qualify for disability benefits.
So you should apply for Social Secu­
rity disability benefits at the same
time you apply for Social Security
retirement benefits. The retirement
application can be processed more
quickly than the disability applica­
tion, and the benefit amount initially
w ill be reduced. I f you disability
application is approved, your benefit
amount w ill be increased.
Question: I recently applied for
Supplemental Security Income ben­
efits. I f my claim is approved, am I
also entitled to Medicare benefits?
Answer: Most people who get
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
can also get food stamps and "M e d ­
icaid" assistance. Medicaid, a State
program which is different than medi­
care, helps pay doctor and hospital
bills. For more information about
medicaid, contact your local social
services office.
m m
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