Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1996, Page 16, Image 16

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P age B8
O ctober 30, 1996 • Tn» P oru ano O bserver
Washington County
Garlington Center
Behavioral Healthcare
Stores Clerk
Closes November8, 1996
B ank Of N ew port is seeking a
qualified applicants for the
position of O p e ra tio n s O ffic ­
er in Downtown Portland
.. Strong attention to detail and
ability to operate a variety of
office equipment used in re­
tail banking operations to in­
clude teller machines, encod­
ers, CRT terminals, etc
Prior team leader or supervi­
sory experience desirable, as
well as demonstrated effec­
tive training and mentoring
...Demonstrated effective inter­
personal skills to effectively
manage staff
...Completion and/or certifica­
tion in teller or new accounts
certification programs
...Solid understanding of branch
and company services and
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St NE, Salem Or
Come grow with the “ S uper
C o m m u n ity B a n k in g " com ­
panies of West Coast Bancorp
and its Affiliates: Commercial
Bank, V a lle y C om m e rcial
Bank, Bank of Newport, Bank
of V ancouver W est Coast
Trust and West Coast Data
Equal Employment
Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D
U tility W orker I (M etroERC) -
$9.88 - $11 13/hour, full time
(deadline Nov. 11, 1996).
Responsible for clean and
sanitary maintenance of O re­
gon Convention Center facili­
ty. Work primarily done man­
ually, but certain tasks require
use of equipment such as
scrubbers, vacuums, pres­
sure w ashers and carpet
Resumes are not accepted.
Applications available at:
Metro Human Resource Divi­
sion - 600 NE Grand Avenue
Oregon Convention Center -
777 NE Martin Luther King
Jr., Blvd.
The Urban League - 10 N
The Northeast Workforce Cen­
te r-4 1 0 6 N Vancouver Ave If
you wish application materi­
als mailed to you, call (503)
797-1570 Web address: http:/
/ w w w .m u ltn o m a h .lib .o r.u s/
AA/EEO Employer
T e a c h e r/S p e c la l E d u c a tio n
fo r Ikon n iw a “ The V illage
S c h o o l” , a Portland Public
Alternative School
A p p lic a n t
s h o u ld
credentialed, State Certified
Special Education Teacher.
Apply by sending your resume
Ikonniwa “The Village School”
Attention Personnel
4222 NE 12th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
or fax to (503) 288-1712
Deadline Is Novmeber 8, 1996
C o m m e rcial B ank is seeking
qualified applicants for posi­
tion of Loan S e rvicin g C lerk
in Salem.
Must be Self Starter and Team
Oriented with basic math skills
and good verbal and written
communications skills. Some
assignments may require oth­
er basic skills like data entry,
bookkeeping and research
Ability to learn/understand
departmental/functional goals
...PC skills
...Good time management and
basic organization skills
...Ability to work effectively in a
team environment as well as
accomplish work assignments
as directed with a minimum of
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St NE, Salem OR
Come grow with the “Super
Community Banking” com­
panies of West Coast Bancorp
and its Affiliates: Commercial
B ank, V alley C om m e rcial
Bank, Bank of Newport, Bank
of V ancouver W est Coast
Trust and West Coast Data
Equal employment
Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D
W est C oast Data S ervices is
seeking a qualified applicants
for the position of B oo kke ep ­
ing Clerk in Salem.
...P o s s e s s e s fu n d a m e n ta l
knowledge of debit/credit en­
try bookkeeping
...10-Key experience helpful and
strong telephone skills and
etiquette required
..Experience operation on-line
terminal, personal computer
and word processing pro­
grams preferable
.. .Ability to learn and follow writ­
ten Instructions and bank reg­
ulations; Ability to maintain
both alphabetic and numeric
...Desire to function in Self Di­
rected Team environment
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
application or apply at the af­
filiate nearest you and forward
to Human Resources, 702
Church St NE, Salem OR
Come grow with the “Super
Community Banking” com­
panies of West Coast Bancorp
and its Affiliates: Commercial
Bank, V alley C om m e rcial
Bank, Bank of Newport, Bank
of Vancouver
Equal Employment
Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D
Auto Mechanic Shop
Looking for Two
Fast Pace Business.
NE Shop
Good Pay and Benefits
Call 287-2002
Case Manager
Responsible for intake and case
management for adolescent
females In a shelter/evalua-
tlo n p ro g ra m . A p p lic a n ts
should possess skills and
abilities in adolescent devel­
opment; crisis intervention;
residential programming; child
abuse and domestic violence
issues; organizational skills;
written and oral communica­
tion. Helpful to have experi­
ence with State of Oregon
Services to Children and Fam­
ilies. BA+3 or MA in social
services. Related work expe­
rience may be used in place
of deg re e . R e su m e/A p pl:
VOA, 537 SE Alder, Portland,
OR 97214. Attn: Kletzer.
The Oregon State University
Athletic Dept. has an opening
for a full time, 12 month A ca­
d em ic A d v is o r Duties in­
clude supervision of GTA’s/
Tutors, awards & recognition
programs, m aintaining test
files, work with student-ath­
letes in Learning Center/Study
Hall, liaison to coaches, mid­
term grade checks, student-
athlete caseload. Bachelor’s
degree required, Master's pre­
ferred; 1 or 2 years experi­
ence working with students,
providing academic support
and general curriculum ad­
vising, strong communication
skills and experience working
with a diverse population of
s tu d e n ts . C o n ta c t Lynda
W olfenbarger at 541-737-
2547 for further information.
To apply send letter of inter­
est & resume with 3 referenc­
es by November 22, 1996 to:
OSU Athletics, Edie Williams,
103 Gill Coliseum, Corvallis,
OR 97331. OSU is an AA/
EEO employer and is respon­
sive to dual-career needs.
Now Hiring
for the
1997 Legislative Session
1997 Session Positions
Data Communications Tech B
User Support Specialist
Admin Support Specialist 1
Committee Administrator
Judiciary Committee Counsel
Word Processing Specialist
Legislative Session Guide
Counter Clerk
Mail Bill Clerk
Custodian 1
WATS Operator
Clinical Supervisor II needed to supervise case management team
serving adult CMI clients. Experience in program development,
program coordination’s, and staff supervision required. Knowledge
of Assertive Community Treatment model preferred QMHP, and
Masters degree required. Ref# CS-CSS
Senior Telecommunication
Closes November 15, 1996
Senior Community Health
Closes November 15, 1996
Case Manager needed to provide supportive therapy and a full
range of intensive case management services to chronically mental­
ly ill adults from multicultural backgrounds. Minimum 2 years related
experience required. Must be QMHP. Ref #CM-I
Corrections Officer Trainee
Closes November 15, 1996
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
693-4898 fo r inform ation.
County application and sup­
plemental application forms
required. Apply to:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encour­
aged to apply
Performance auditor
Salary: $3,277 - 54,183/month
Recruitment #96-85
The city of Vancouver, Wash­
ington, is seeking qualified
candidates for an immediate
opening for a performance
auditor. Underthe direction of
the City Manager, the perfor­
mance auditor will conduct
operational and performance
audits to evaluate the efficien­
cy, the quality, and the effec­
tiveness of the C ity’s depart­
ments and services. Asateam
member of the city manager's
office, the performance audi­
tor will be responsible for work­
ing collaboratively with depart­
ments to research, analyze
and develop recom m enda­
tions for perform ance im ­
provements, city wide
Application materials are avail­
able at the Citizens Service
Center, fourth floor, 1313 Main
Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
or by calling (360) 696-8419.
Completed application and
supplemental questionnaire
materials must be RECEIVED
on the 4th floor of the Citizens
Service Center, Attn: HRRS
by 5 p.m. Monday, December
2, 1996.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Child and Family Therapist needed full-time. Duites include pro­
viding outpatient services to culturally diverse population of children
age 0-21. Experience with crisis intervention outreach and working
with minority youth & families desirable. Masters degree in a mental
health related field and 2 years clinical experience required. QMHP
required. Ref # CH-CFT
Secretary needed motivated, personable, detail oriented, highly
organized professional with good phone personality and ability to
work independently. Min Qual: typing 60-70 wpm., familiarity with
windows, WP & Excel, two years secretarial experience a must.
Ref# PC-SC
Closing Date: November 8, 1996
I Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume
to: Garlington Center, 911 N. Skidmore Portland, OR 97217 Att:
HR Fax: 249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone call
. please. Contact our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job
Port of Portland
C areer O pportunities Inform ation about career opportunities
with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job
Hotline at (503) 731 -7480. Hearing im paired applicants m ay
call TDD. (503) 731-7485. A pplications for open positions are
available at the Port’s em ploym ent office, located at 700 NE
M ultnom ah, 14th. Fir. O ffice hours are M onday through
Friday, except Holidays, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Port of Portland is an Equal O pportunity Employer.
W h en it comes to
keeping O regon healthy,
we couldn't care more.
Since 19 4 1. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional
w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like wellness
programs, physician-directed care, and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people
understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep
costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a w orthw hile pursuit
to you, consider o u r possibilities.
P r o g r a m m e r A n a ly s t/
S r . P r o g r a m m e r A n a l y s t (job #199)
M e t h o d s a n d P r o c e d u r e s A n a l y s t (Job #149)
M e m b e r s h i p A c c o u n t a n t (job #287)
S e c r e t a r y (Job #359)
W e offer competitive salanes and benefits package. Pre-employment drug screening is
required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment For more information about career
opportunities, call our Job In f o r m a t io n L in e : I - 8 0 0 - 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 7 To apply, place the position
Assist 8 Salespeople for all
sports radio station KFXX.
Must possess good organiza­
tional skills. Proficient in win­
dows ‘95, Excel. Send resume
to Sales M anager, KFXX,
4614 SW Kelly, Portland, OR
97201 EOE.
number at the to p o f your resume o r cover letter and submit to B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld ,
H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , P. O . B o x 1 27 1, P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 7 - I 2 7 0 . T D D # ( 5 0 3 ) 2 5 5 -
6 7 8 0 . W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportunity in all phases o f employm ent
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
For application information call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services,
Room 140 State Capitol Salem OR TTY: (503) 986-1374 Fax: (503)
986-1684. Apply now. Positions close as early as November 1,1996.
Others have no closing date, but employment is scheduled to beqin
early December, 1996.
. 7 n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a
large variety o f careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist In the
following agencies:
7 n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers
Oregon D epartm ent of Transportation (ODOT), is known throughout the
nation as a progressive government agency and as a leader in team
development and performance measures. ODOT is responsible for the
coordination o f tra n sp o rta tio n programs between and am ong all
governm ental organizations w ithin the state. We have im m ediate
opportunities for the following positions:
available statewide. Currently, openings exist in the following agencies:
Appraisal Reviewer
We are seeking applicants for position located in Salem. This position will
review appraisals to ensure that the estimate of ju s t compensation derived
from the appraisal is reasonable and adequately supported; and
establishes the estim ate o f ju s t compensation before an offer can be made
to acquire property for public projects. Requires two years of experience
appraising and negotiating the purchase of real estate for a public or other
body covered by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; AND a Bachelor's degree preferably in Law,
Business Administration, Forestry, Agriculture, Engineering or an allied field;
or three more years o f relevant experience. Salary $2,724
$3,7 25
monthly + benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by
November 12, 1996. Announcement No. OCDT6373. Call (503) 9 8 8 4 0 3 0
(TTY 503-986-3854) to request application packet.
Oregon Department of Transportation (0D0T), is known throughout the nation as a progressive
government agency and as a leader In team development and performance measures. ODOT is
responsible for the coordination of transportation programs between and among all governmental
organizations within the state. We have an Immediate opportunity for the following position:
Senior Geotechnical Design Engineer
We are seeking applicants for position located In Salem, Oregon. Serving as the functional leader of the
Geotechnical Engineering Group, this position develops and finalizes earthwork design recommendations
tor complex projects, prepares and reviews geotechnical reports and provides guidance to staff engineers
Requires a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Transportationrelated Engineering and two years of professional-
level experience in the practice of transportation engineering: OR five years of engineering experience AND
hate an EIT, LSIT. PE or PLS. Two of the five years must have been performing professional-level
engineering duties. Preference may be given to applicants with an advanced degree in Geotechnical
Engineering and/or Professional Engineer registration. Salary $2,724 • $3,725 monthly + benefits.
Completed application materials must tie received by November 15, 1996. Announcement No.
0CDT6365. Call ($03) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 8 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet.
For other OOOT opportunities call our Recruitment JOBUNE at (503) 9 8 8 3 8 4 7 .
Hazardous Materials Technician
Major duties Include collecting chemicals; performing environmental monitoring: responding to
emergencies of a chemical and/or radioactive nature; and delivering hazardous materials to various
campus locations. One year of experience in a laboratory setting, and courses which included laboratory
work; or an equivalent combination of training and experience is required This position minimizes the
hazard of chemical waste by allowing for prompt and efficient processing and record keeping. Salary
$1,437 monthly Contact OSU Department of Human Resources, 14th and Jefferson, Corvallis. OR
97331-2132, (541) 7 37 3 1 0 3 , TTY (800) 7 38 2 9 0 0 , tor application materials. All application materials
must be received by closing date of November 1.1 9 96 .
/b a s e are just some of the current openings available with the State of Oregon. For
C o -C o o rd in a to r, for church-
based after-school program,
on Albina next door to PCC;
half-time; apply by 11/13/96
by calling Zan at 236-0148.
Closes November 8, 1996
Sales Assistant
Full-time Continuinq Positions:
Team Leader needed for the voc. rehab, team duties include clinical
and administrative supervision of team and participating in provision
of community outreach, therapy and case management services to
clients. Minimum of 2 years supervisory experience required. QMHP
required. Ref #VC-TL
additional information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete
announcement listings, call the State Jobllne (Oregonian Inside Une) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 ,
TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 4 8 7 2 , visit your local Employment Department, or log onto our web site at
h ttp ://w w w .d a s .s ta te .o r.u s /jo b s /. The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be
equal opportunity employers.
Senior Right of Way Agent
We are seeking applicants for positions in FmtlamJ, Solum and Roseourg.
Will prepare and manage the preparation of all types of appraisals In order
to establish fair market value of property rights needed for right of way.
maintenance park facilities and other public projects. These positions will
negotiate and manage the acquisition of property needed for projects and
perform relocation activities. Requires two years of experience appraising
and negotiating the purchase o f real estate for a public or other body
covered by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Policies Act o f 1970; AND a Bachelor's degree preferably In Law, Business
Administration. Forestry, Agriculture, Engineering or an allied field; or three
additional years o f relevant experience. Salary $ 2,7 24 $3,725 monthly +
benefits. Completed application materials must be received by November
1 2 ,1 9 9 6 . Announcement No. 0CDT6385 Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 8 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 8
9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet.
Senior Property Agent
o, real estate for a public or other body covered
by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act o f 1970; AND
a B achelor's degree preferably In Law,
Business Administration, Forestry. Agriculture,
Engineering, or an allied fie ld ; or three
additional years o f relevant experience. Salary
$ 2 ,7 2 4 - $ 3 ,7 2 5 m onthly + benefits.
Completed application m aterials m ust be
received by November 8 ,1 9 9 6 . Announcement No 0CDT6384. Call (5 0 3 )
9 8 8 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 3 8 5 4 , to request application packet.
Senior Inspector/Deslgner
We are seeking applicants for position located In Bend. This position is
responsible for ensuring daily contract compliance on major construction
projects and for the complete design and coordination of transportation
facilities. Assists the Sr. Designer in the design o f complex projects.
Requires a Bachelor's degree with m ajor coursew ork in civil or
transportationrelated engineering; OR an Oregon Professional Engineer's
license In civil or transportation (PE); OR an Oregon Professional Land
Surveyor license (PLS); OR an Oregon Englneer-lnTraining certificate (LSIT);
OR three years of engineering experience at the level of an Engineering
Specialist 1 and have passed the Associate Transportation Engineer
m ultiple choice exam ination. (This option Is available fo r Oregon
Department o f Transportation employees only.) Salary $2.1 35 - $ 2 ,9 2 2
monthly + benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by
November 12, 1996. Announcement No. 0CDT6379 Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0
(TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 3 8 5 4 , to request application packet.
For oth e r ODOT o p p o rtu n itie s
(5 03 ) 9 8 8 3 8 4 7 .
Continuous Quality Improvement/
Utilization Review Supervisor
The qualified professional we seek will have an RRA, ART or RN credentials
strengthened by experience providing quality Im provem ent/utillzatlon
review support. In addition to strong verbal, written, interpersonal and
supervisory skills, you will need proven experience In a medical setting
supported by a knowledge of psychiatric documentation requirements,
Ql techniques and spreadsheet/data base applications. Excellent employer
paid benefit package Contact Laura White, Employee Relations at (5 0 3 )
9 4 6 2 8 2 2 for application packet, TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 4 8 2 9 9 6 . Call by Friday:
November 1 ,1 9 9 6 .
Must have at least three m onths custodial experience. Must be able to
perform light to heavy cleaning including lifting, mopping, sweeping,
emptying trash, etc. Will work around mentally ill patients. Must be able to
communicate in English In order to read labels and communicate with
staff/patients. Must pass criminal history check. Excellent benefit package.
$1,2 10 to $ 1 ,5 6 8 monthly Apply at Oregon State Hospital, i m
NE 2nd
Ave., Portland, near Convention Center
These are Just some of the current openings available with the State of
We are seeking applicants for Rlght-of Way position located In Portland. As
team leader, you will be responsible for the scheduling, reviewing and work
coordination o f the Property Management function. This position will assist
In form ulating and Implementing policy and processes and participate In
making technical decisions that affect the Property Management Program.
Requires two years of experience appraising and negotiating the purchase
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon
Application Form and more complete announcement listings, call the
State Jobllne (Oregonian Inside Une) (5 03 ) 2 2 8 5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 , TTY (5 03 )
3 7 8 4 8 7 2 , visit your local Employment Department, or log onto our web
site at http ://w w w .d e s.sta te .o iu e /jo b s /. The State of Oregon end all Its
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
t j - w t j M M W i . 1'.. J , -¿ m
ca ll our R e c ru itm e n t JOBLINE at
B r