* • » P age », ■ »■ V i > ???♦;.. B6 O ctober .*.» » ¿V. « 30, 1996 « T m r« w y # ~ P ori ia n d O bserver B ô S JiJÏS Ç ^/W ^ , UNJONzAVENtlE< frO K te V c O M P A N Y ; PEDOOON I Po'tland Oregon 97211 W IN E FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASSIONS The Friendly Tavern 1801 NE Alberta Portland, Ore 97211 ()« ner Joseph Benjamin “ OUR G OAL IS YOUR SATISFACTION" (503) 2 8 8 -2 4 4 8 5 4 3 6 N .E . 3 O T H • P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 9 7 2 1 I < PACIFIC ISLANDS FOODS INC. NA 'IM ’5 Ser »k r» (Se Make« a( «m J oe ’ s P lace Storm D o o n and W m d o n l Phone 249-5886 L f^a u e ttz i ON TAI’ OR IN BOTTLES & LORRAINE H l AVINKA Woman Owned □ C . B . 8 . C . E N T E R P R IS E S SERVED HERE AH Types ot Auto. Plate and Window Glass 4Z09 N E MLK Jr Blvd Phone 288-8768 I ce C old BEER 7 AZTEC PLASTERING Pacific Island Specialty 3203 NE SCHUYLER G r o c e r ie s , S p ic e s , F re s h P r o d u c e H a ir Connection ™ W PORTLAND, OR 97212 G o at & Lamb M eat Half A G oat G o at Cubes l till Service Salon 4603 N. W illia m s Ave. Portland, O R 97217 (503) 777 2845 BONDED.LCND.INSD UBI# 116-285 TRENT ETHERLY - GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1 4 6 3 N .E . K il l i n g s w o r t h P o r tla n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 1 1 (5 0 3 ) 288-3171 PHILLY CAFE 445 N.E. Ml I INGSWORTH 288-9367 Fish & Chips * Terriyaki Chicken & Beef *" Hamburgers M O N D A Y - S A T U R D A Y , 8 :3» a m . - 9 :» » p .m . Birthday Bouquets Grand Openings Corporate Functions KBW Video Productions Q uality V ideo P roduction Services W e S pecialize in W eddings, C orporate T raining Tapes, Sem inars, S porting Events "W e C an C ater to Y our N ee ds” KEVIN W H ITE P. O. Box 11941 Portland, OR 97211 INTERIOR EXTERIOR DESIGNING ENGINEERS OF DRIVIT PH 2 8 2 -2 8 3 1 Stork For Rent We Deliver When You Deliver Voice Mail P ager (503) 948-8739 Fax (503) 287-4444 (503)331-1101 P.O.Box 11833 7 Portland. OR 97211 \. / £ , fe/ BALLOONS GALORE! Balloons For All O ccassions & Events -D ecorating Service- 'y C D elivery Service Available H elium Rental D e s ig n s b y : Edw ina Jo ne s M cC oy & D aren M cCoy Special Events By A ppointm ent \ / S U N D A Y , 8 :3 » a .in . - 6 :»» p .m . león D. M c K enzie insurance agency Totem Pole Tavern F a m i l y - o w n e d s in c e 1 9 6 5 ¿ ^ V o s t c iiq ic Cz Hair Design LIFE INSURANCES FINANCIAL PLANNING O S a t u r d a y N i g h t is L a d i e s ' N i g h t D a r t a n d P o o l L e a g u e s n o w f o r m in g Dannella Bietson Rosa Washington Stylists Leisure Cun Technicians 7TTÎ J k Topes Belle's & CDs ' Hair Salon Lunita Refrew (503)460-9414 H LIFELINE (503) £40-0557 hi 1208 North Killlngsujorth Street J ' Portland, Oregon 2324 N. E. A lb e rta Portland, OR 97211 GOOD BIBLE TEACHING • GOOD GOSPEL PREACHING • SOUL STIRRING SINGING • OUTSTANDING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 232 S.E. OAK SUITE #107 PO R TLAN D , O R E G O N 97214 3 3 2 4 N . E . K illin g s w o r th 3939 MLK Portland. OR 97211 282-2006 Credit Problems □ J) J J ourney Call (503) 235-7555 TheJt A Ji uto A DVANTAgE I AUTO BROKER P ortland, O R 97214 C O M M U N IT Y Rev. Robert L. Weaver Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! P a s to r S U N D A Y 6 P.M. Church Phone: (503) 288-9783 Home Phone: (503) 285-8047 Need a Good Car? You have a stable income. □ You have a down payment. □ Your problems are behind you. (Bankruptcy & collection problems - no problem) 910 East B urnside CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1463-B N.E. Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon 97211 503/233-9588 (5 03) 331-1655 P H O N E : 5 0 3 -3 2 3 -2 4 0 6 S t. S t e p h e n ’s - C o r n e r S . W . 1 3 t h & C l a y - P o r t la n d , O R Tacos Birria Pastor Lengua C abeza “ Mi Ranchita” B rtos FOOD TO GO • CALL: Birria (503)331-1774 (503)661-7710 Pastor 2839 N.E. Alberta Street 18727 Southwest Burnside Cabeza Portland, OR 97211 Gresham, OR 97030 Pollo P o lo T am ales Aguas F escás Facial Nail Technician 4067 Northeast Mason, #8 (Mason & M .L.K ing Blvd.) Portland,Oregon 97211 Pollo P uerco GREGORY). KI)EK INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING NETWORK ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE MONEY CONCEPTS FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRE 4370 N.E. HALSEY STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON 97213 TELEPHONE: (503) 287-1165 FAX: (503) 287-1 168 A ll Securities through Money Concepts Capital Corp Member NASD/SIPC 1208 I I S. Highway One. North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 Tel: (407)627-0700