'À' g&At 'I .• 'c .’ - •- N *■ * ■ V v ,? - ■ ». P acìi B3 I ni P ortland O bserver » O ctober 30, 1996 ¡Lije 'Portland © bseruer i J ENTERTAINMENT S e t I t O ff "funky fìlk blues diva with ja zz cats facing Northeast evwtfo '^itdruf t£e td i l)an Balmer G ro u p —Friday, November I, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Heathman Hotel, S.W. Broad­ way at Salmon St., 2 4 1 -4100. T erry R obb-Friday and Satur­ day, November I and2 ,Candlelight Cafe, 2032 S.W. 5th Ave., 226- 3538. Nobody’s Business—R&B, Fri­ day and Saturday, November I and 2,7 p.m. to I I p m.. Heathman Pub. 901 S.W. Salmon St., 227-5700. Safrcidcuf (Cic 2 n d Tom G ran t-P ian o , Saturday, November 2, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Heathman Hotel, S.W. Broad­ way at Salmon St.. 241-4100. Stephen Cohen-O riginal eclec­ tic acoustic music, Saturday, No­ vember 2, 7 to 9 p.m., Edgefield Winery', 2126 S.W. Halsey St., Troutdale, 669-8610. Sctttdeuf t&e 3 r d New Line C in e m a ’s new high- stakes a c tio n -d ra m a. Set It O ff, s ta rrin g Ja d a P in k e tte , Q ueen T he Bobs—check out these ver­ bal bards, Sunday, November 3, 8 p.m., at the Aladdin Theater, 3017 S.E. Milwaukie Ave., $14.50 in advance from TicketMaster. L atifah, V ivica’A. Fox, new com ­ er K im b e rly E lise , and B la ir U nderw ood, w ill open in select th eatres a cro ss the country on W ednesday, N ovem ber 6, 1996. S to n y (P in k e tte ), C le o (L a tifa h ), T is e a n ( E lis e ) and Frankie (F o x ) have been through a to to g e th e r w hile grow ing up in the p ro je c ts o f Los A n g e le s. T h e y 'v e been scam m ed by sle a ­ zy em p lo y ers, slam m ed by h e a rt­ le ss b o y f r ie n d s , and s la p p e d around by n e ig h b o rh o o d cops. No m atter how tough the going g o t—when one found h e rse lf in tro u b le, she had three life-lo n g frie n d s b a c k in g her up Now com es the u ltim ate test. A tragic chain o f ev en ts has brought th ese in sep arab le c o m ­ panions c lo se r than im aginable. As one g ra p p le s with the p o ssi­ bility o f losing her only child, the foursom e find th e m se lv e s on the edge o f d e sp e ra tio n . W ith th eir w orld in turm oil and their backs ag ain st the w all, they d e ­ cide to seize th e ir fo rtu n e —lite r­ ally . V irtu a lly o v e rn ig h t, the women spiral into an u n c h a ra c ­ te ristic w orld o f crim e. New Line Cinema presents a Peak Production o f a film by F. Gary Gray, Set It Off. t he film is directed by Gray from screenplay by Takashi Bufford and Kate Lanier. It is pro­ duced by partners Dale Pollock and Oren Koules. Set It O ff is rated “ R” and has a running tim e o f ap p ro x im ately 120 m inutes. DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER M —/ stré ETI spirits. Now theologian Matthew Fox and modern religious thinking and scientific FULLY GUARANTEED into the ancient concept o f the angel in The Physics o f Angels PASSENGER a SNOW TIRES (HarperCollins). And in Omens (503) 283-9437 $10,00 & UP I ’ H Y S T C S HOURS Monday thru friday 9am ti 6pm Saturday 9am to 4pm OF A N G E L S o f Millennium (Riverhead Books) Harold Bloom reveals how the concept o f angels have always played a central role Fall Special @ in Western culture. «sspri N2U available at P O W E L L ’S C I T Y O F B O O K S 1005 W Burnside, downtown Portland • 503-228-4651 POWELL’S BOOKS AT CASCADE PLAZA 8775 SW Cascade Avenue, Beaverton • 503-643-313 1 2728 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Coupons Good Mon-Thurs Only Cannot Be Used With Any Other Discount 10% Off Any Products 1------------------------ 1 Coupon Coupon 1 1 RETAIL-WHOLESALE FREE PARKING CARS • BUSES • RVs Plenty Of 7 0 0 S.E. 122nd Ave Portland, OR 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 angels, but few can define these enigmatic theory-launch a ground-breaking exploration PORTLAND. OREGON »7211 •Discounts do imh apph to special purchase or promtish discounted or marked down items 10/29 thru 11/12/96 \1< >\-l Rl " >•).,m-5 5o,>,n.. s \ | | RDM o o o .im 3p,n s| \ D M I I i * fun - ipm »Si biologist Rupert Sheldrake-pioneers in FLAT REPAIRS & $3.00 & UP BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER S SPECIALS" U IK I l l s M l H O I RS L ‘ o a NEW * USED * NEW CAPS For Appointment Walkins Welcome STARK t fc h e TAXES. MOUNTING 4 BALANCING INGLULEL 503-284-4 Hl / n M « p ” r t S li c I d l a k > Relaxers - S35.OO Reg.-$45.00 Touch-ups only Barber Cuts - $8.00 Reg. $12.00 Colors - $35.00 Reg. $45.00 J < What are angels? Many people believe in Everything in the store* A BIRTHDAY N e w p e r s p e c t iv e s o n a n a g e - o ld id e a 30% OFF RI I Ml H O I RS UJ z o Jo e (BEAN) Keller’s MECCA TEMPLE . 722 E. Burnside 9 :0 0 PM - 2 .0 0 AM MAILER SALE! Mt >\ I HI •> 111.11)1-') 00,10) s \ l l RDM u n o ,mt “ pm s| \ D M |o t» '.im -"p m In concert at the Clinton Street Theater, 2522 S.E. Clinton Saturday, November 9th at 7 p.m. Pickets $8 at the door. For reservations call 771-6893 Wlje |Jn i‘tlaub (Observer O c to b e r 2 9 th r o u g h N o v e m b e r 1 2 ,1 9 9 6 Í & G ood C ompany S a tu r d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 , 1 9 9 6 THE LARGEST, M OST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST J T heresa D emarest 1996 40 This Year Partyll Depot f Singer and songwriter Call (503) 288-0033 To Advertise In fabric IM (featuring: Janis Scroggins (keyboards), Linda Hornbuekle (vocals), Tim Ellis (guitar) and Chata Addy (African percussion) ! N2U Fall Special Exp. 12/15/96 Music Galore & Galore Paging 3213 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. 1 1 Salon N2U 1 1 1 1 10% off Product i 1 1 Exp. 12/15/96 1 Say You Saw It In The Portland Observer Newspaper Dana Dains (503)288-9180 (- ! j Activate Any Pager 25c | | ‘ with purchase o f three m onths service at $10.00 per m onth | 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cell Phones - No Turn Downs No Credit Check Call for Details