O ctober 30, 1996 • T he P ori land O hsi kvi r P agi B2 W7CC Theater to premier new To be fu tty abive musicai by b e a i playwright M JCC Theater A rtis tic D irector M ark Steering’ s o riginal musical. In Small Doses, w ill be presented at the M ittlem an Jewish C om m unity Cen­ ter from N ovem ber 2 -1 7th. Steering wrote the book, music and lyrics for In Small Doses and w ill be directing this premiere production In Small Doses is about three over­ com m itted roommates; Randy: A Jewish, gay opera singer (M atthew C lark), TJ: a type “ A ” playw right w ith w rite r’ s block (S ally Eames), and Sabrina: a struggling A frica n - A m e ric a n a c tre ss (D o rc e ia M cC ullough). D uring a particularly hectic week, th e ir extraordinary sets o f parents show up unexpectedly for the weekend The parents show up unexpectedly fo r the weekend. The parental units include; a Jewish/Bud- d h is t m om (Jan R o senthal), an overachieving gay dad (Costa C o­ lum bus) w ith his n u rtu rin g lo ve r (M a u ry Evans), and an overprotec- tive, conservative A frican-A m erican couple (M a ry Davis and Fie Wash). T h ro w in Sabrina's p o litic a l activist boyfriend (M a rtin W augh) w ho is w hite and tw ice her age, and y o u ’ ve got a show that is chock fu ll o fc o m ic situations, but also deals w ith p o i­ gnant issues o f our time. In Small Doses transcends age, race and gen­ der as it explores the p itfa lls o f overcom m ittm ent, acceptance o f d i­ versity and universal challenge o f fa m ily relationships O rig in a lly from upstate New Y ork. Steering graduated from Ithaca C o l­ lege w ith a degree in Perform ing and Expressive A rts As MJCC Theater artistic d ire cto r he is in c h a rg e o f four m ajor productions per year, as w ell as theaterclasses and camps. In A p ril M a rk was selected as one o f ihe composers in the Com poseULibret- tist Studio given by the New M usic- Theater Ensemble o f St Paul, M N This was a national residency pro­ gram (lo c a lly sponsored by the Port­ land Opera) where five composers and five librettists were teamed up in various com binations to w rite tw en­ ty -fiv e new songs. In Small Doses plays at 8:00 pm on Saturdays, Novem ber 2 ,9 and 16; Sundays, Novem ber 3 and 10 at 2:00 pm and Novem ber 17 at 7:00 pm; and at 8:00 pm on Thursdays, N o­ vember 7 and 14 at 8 pm. T ickets are $12, general admission available. In Small Doses is presented in conjunc­ tion w ith the 1996 Jewish Book Fes­ tival. The M ittlem an Jewish C om m uni­ ty Center is located at 6 6 5 1 SW C apitol H wy. in Portland. C all 244- 0111 fo r inform ation. R eligious educators and Catho­ lic school teachers from throughout W estern Oregon w ill gather a, M arist H igh School in Eugene for the Archdiocesan Catechetical Con­ ference. The Conference w ill take place on Friday, N ovem ber I , and Satur­ day, N ovem ber 2, 1996, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day. The theme fo r this year’ s confer­ ence is “ L ife in Christ: To Be F ully A liv e ." The Keynote address w ill be given by Archbishop Francis E. George, O .M I The conference is intended for C atholic school teachers. Directors o f R eligious Education and those w o rkin g in the catechetical m inis­ try: coordinators, teachers, board members, parents, and youth m in ­ isters, p ro vid in g them w ith an op­ p ortunity fo r both personal faith enrichment and professional devel­ opment. Nineteen workshops are ‘M argaret Steinfels combattes schobar series The C atholic Scholar series on the Church in the T h ird M ille n n iu m w ill conclude w ith presentations by M argaret O ’ Brien Steinfels on Sun­ day, Novem ber 10 at St. M a ry ’ s C a th e d ra l,P o rtla n d (N .W . 18thand Couch Streets) and on M onday, N ovem ber 11 at St. M a ry ’ s Church, Eugene (1062 Charnelton Street). The lecture begins at 8:00 p.m. both evenings Ms. Steinfels w ill discuss “ T he C a th o lic C o n trib u tio n to Am erican Intellectual L ife .” The C atholic Scholar series has taken place du rin g 1996 as part o f the 150th A nniversary o f the A rc h d io ­ cese o f Portland M argaret O ’ B rien Steinfels is the E d ito r o f C om m onweal, an indepen­ dent b iw eekly jo u rn a l o f p o litic a l, re lig io u s and literary o p inion pub­ lished by C atholic lay people. The magazine was founded in 1924. Bom in Chicago, IL ., in 1941, Steinfels graduated from Loyola U n ive rsity in C hicago w ith a Bachelor o f Science degree in 1963. She com plete a M as­ ter o f A rts in Am erican H isto ry at N ew Y o rk U n ive rsity in 1971. She also studied art and film history at C o lu m b ia U niversity, and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. M a rg a re t S teinfels has w ritte n extensively on such subjects as ch ild care, fa m ily issues, bioethics, re li­ gion and p o litics, foreign po licy, and national affairs. She has served as d ire cto r o f publications at the Na­ tional Pastoral L ife Center and editor o f Church magazine, served as exec­ utive editor and business manager o f C h ristia n ity & C risis, e d ito r o f the Hastings Center Report, and social science editor at Basic Books. Her reviews and articles have appeared in several nationally prom inent pub­ lications including the N a tio n a lly prom inent publications including the N ational C atholic Reporter, the New Y o rk Tim es Book Review, The Los A ngeles T im es, T he N e w Y o rk Tim es, N ew R epublic, O rigins, and Psychology Today Ms. Steinfels lecture in Portland w ill be preceded by a concert pre­ sented by The Chamber Ensemble o f The Portland Youth Philhamonic has delighted audiences w ith musical skill. For this concert, at St. M ary's Cathedral, Huw Edwards w ill direct a select ensemble from the orchestra. The concert w ill begin at 7:00 p.m., and is sponsored by the A rch ­ diocese o f Portland as part o f its Y oung A rtist series. L ike the C atholic Scholar series, the Young A rtist series is being held in celebration o f the sesqui- centennial anniversary o f the A rch ­ diocese. Both the concert and the lecture series are open to the public and are free charge. More, signs o f hope Even amidst the turbulence o f the cities—the lack o f jobs, the increase o f drugs, the ready a v a ila b ility o f guns, the high rate o f teenage preg­ nancy , the grow ing drop-out rate, the rising number o f people w ith H IV and A ID S , the bankruptcy o f urban school systems, the disproportionate number o f toxic waste dumps, the number o f abandoned home and fac­ tories, the high crime and the lo o m ­ ing welfare repeal cuts—there are signs o f hope Often these signs o f hope are faith based Here are tw o such stories The Covenant Churches Associa­ tion began when four Toledo pastors came together to tackle the problem s o f the city around them. These fo u r pastors reached across denomination­ al lines to w ork together fo r the heal­ ing o f their com m unity. Six months later they have started a credit union, a foster home and adoption program and have begun plans fo r programs to address the m yriad problems faced by their congregation The vision o f Rev. Robert C u lp o f First Church o f God, Rev. Duane Tisdale o f Friendship Baptist Church, Rev. Rudolph M cK issick o f U nited Missionary' Baptist Church and Rev. Edward C ook o fN e w L ife Church o f God in Christ includes arts, educa­ tion. counseling and even street w it­ nessing to restore the com m unity to safety and cooperation. Rick M artinez, campus pastor at W arner P acific College, has extended an invitation to neighbors and friends o f the college to “jo in w ith us fo r our weekly student body chapel services " These services are held from 10:30 Chapel services during O ctober, according to M artinez, w ill be on the to Romania last summer to help w ith repair o f an orphanage w ill bring a report on their experiences, N ovem ber 7. Don Doe, A rizona pastor, WPC alumnus, and member o f the college's Board o f Trustees, w ill speak November 14 M artinez w ill speak N ovem ber 2 1. H oliday themes w ill h ig h lig h t the final three chapel services o f the Fall semester A service o f T hanksgiving w ill be held N ovem ber 26, follow ed December 2 w ith a Christmas drama presentation and December 5 w ith the traditional chapel service o f Christmas music. at the door on a space a vai lable basis. Transportation w ill be available, i f needed Bus service from the north w ill leave from St. A nthony parish in Tigard, C hrist the K in g parish in M ilw a u kie , and St. Joseph parish in Salem. Bus service from the south w ill leave from Sacred Heart parish in M edford, St. Anne parish in Grants Pass, and St. Joseph parish in Roseburg. The cost o f the Conference is $5.00. There is no additional charge fo r bus service, but pre-registration is required. Registration form s are available from the Archdiocesan Catechetical Conference, O ffice o f R e lig io u s E d u c a tio n , 2 8 3 8 E. B u rn sid e Street, P o rtla n d , OR 97214-1895. For inform ation call (503) 233-8304. Daniels Memorial Church of God In Christ will be celebrating Pastor Harry B. Daniels Jr. & Wife Church appreciation service Sunday, November 3, 1996 at 3:30 p.m. There will be a dynamic guest speaker, local churches & choirs from around the City of Portland in attendance. We at Daniels Memorial extend a free open invitation to you the public to come out and be a part of this wonderful praise and worship time in the Lord. Church is located at 1234 NE Killingsowrth St (on the comer of 13th & Killingsowrth) 1226 N.E. Ainsworth For quality care at reasonable prices please call or come by. Any questions please call 284-3721. C b b itu a r y VANN & VANN Henry Bryant January 20, 1916 - October 7, 1996 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Place o f birth: Wesson, M ississippi. Came to Portland 55 years ago. Occupation: He was m older at a foundry fo r several years, and also had his own scrap metal business fo r over 25 years. Survivors: L u c ille Bryant W ife. Portland, OR Floyd Bryant Son, Chicago, III. Henry Bryant Son, Portland, OR John Bryant Son, Portland, OR “Where Courtesy is a Tradition” 503/281-2836 Newly remodeled & landscaped Privately owned & operated since 1954 Jaycess Bryant Daughter, Portland, OR M ary Bryant Daughter, Seattle, W A Rosetta Bryant Daughter, Portland, OR D orothy Bryant Daughter, Portland. OR A nita Bryant Daughter. Portland, OR Rite Bryant Daughter, Portland, OR Green "B u d ” Bryant Brother, Flora, M ississippi J.W. Bryant Brother, Brookhaven, M ississippi Jessiebell C ulver Sister, L ittle Rock, C a lifo rn ia Kellybea Thomas Sister, Weed, Cal. Two licensed funeral directors and embalmers Female Attendant C leodis D. Vann Jr., M o rticia n 5211 N. W illia m s Avenue Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 17 Lou M ary W hittaker Sister, Portland, OR G randchildren 25 Great G randchildren 5 Interment is Rose City Cemetery. Cox Funeral Home 2736 N.E. Rodney, Portland, Oregon (503) 281-4891 Abdul M. Hasan 3 8 5 5 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.O. Box 5 67 Beaverton, OR 3 70 75 “Before You Must Make a Decision” Inspect the B eautiful C ox Funeral Chapel to 11:15 am in M cG uire A u d ito riu m . Dates are shown below. general topic o f ’S piritual W a rfa re " Professor D avid M arkle, October 24, and Professor Steve Lewis, O ctober 31. N ovem ber's theme w ill be “ L ife in the S p irit". The WPC team that wen, Early registration is strongly en- no later than October 19. Lateregistrationswill be accepted (Philippians 4:1, Rejoice in the Lord always) violence and abuse counseling pro­ gram. ‘Warner ‘Pacific College lists f a l l chape! schedule H orning Edgar, “ R econciliation” by M a ry Eagle and Father M ich a e l M aslow sky, STD, and “ M o ra lity o f A ction/S ocial Justice” by Rob Justus and Sister Janet Ryan, SNJM . couraged and should be postmarked D o n ’t miss out on your blessing T h e ir jo in t w o rk includes w o rkin g w ith fathers, a voter education and com m unity organization effort, eco­ nom ic empowerment programs to ­ gether w ith A frica n Am erican busi­ nesses and consumers, a foster care and adoption program fo r A frica n Am erican children and a domestic T he W in d s o r V illa g e U n ite d M ethodist Church in Houston has taken a diffe re n t approach to w o rk ­ ing w ith its com m unity. U nder the leadership o f its pastor. Rev. K irb yjo n C a ld w e ll, a form er businessman and W harton business school graduate, W in d so r V illa g e has developed a 104,000 square foot business center called the Power Center A form er abandoned K -M a rt store located near the church, the Power C enter houses a bank branch, the Houston C om m unity College w hich offers com puter tra in in g and busi­ ness classes, a federal n utrition pro­ gram fo r women and infants, a health c lin ic , a pharmacy, a 1,900 seat ban­ quet fa c ility and a private grade school founded by the church. In a ddition, most o f the o ffic e suites have been rented out to business- people. Good things are happening in c it­ ies across the nation We cannot give up hope and all o f us must help nurture seeds. scheduled, and each w ill involve tw o presenters. One presenter w ill give the theo­ logical aspect and the other presenter w ill give concrete suggestions for the practical application o f the mate­ rial. Mass w ill be offered at the C on­ ference on both days. The Catechetical Conference is being sponsored by the O ffices o f R eligious Education, Y outh M in is ­ try Formation and the Department o f C atholic Schools. A m ong the many workshops be­ ing presented are: “ Human D ig n ity ” by A bbot Peter Eberle, OSB, and Sister Rita Rae Schneider, RSM, “ The Teachings o f C h rist” by B ro th e r Robert Rodrigues, O F M , and Natalie Insurance-Funded Prearranged-Funeral Programs • • • • • M.G. Insurance Services Group-Life Group-Medical and Health Group-Disability Annuities Abdul M. Hasan Advance Planning Counsler Res. (503) 286-8671 Pager (503) 818-7138 Toll Free (800) 526-9608 Fax (503) 646-5855 Planning your funeral is our first consideration. Equipped to serve all religions, races, veterans and fraternal organizations. Jerome Tanner Funeral D irector