f M U kr ÄZäSfcW P age B3 Tm P oru \ nd O ksi rvi r • OcroBi R 23, 1996 (Ulte IJüvthtnb © bseruer e ENTERTAINMENT etteettd ^ncdeuf (Yte 25(6 Linda H ornbuckle. R&B and blues, Friday October 25, 9:30 p.m . Key Largo, 31 N W. 1st Ave., 223-9919 M ichael Allen H a rriso n & Friends. Friday, October 25, 8 p.m. to midnight, Heathman Hotel and Restaurant, 1001 S.W. Broad­ way, 241-4100 L arry N obori T rio. Featuring vocalist Victoria Corrigan, Friday, October 25,6 to 9 p .m , W i llamette Cafe, 4949 S.W. Landing Drive, 225-1068 “T h e re 's a real p a ssio n , em o­ tio n al stren g th and a c e rta in se n ­ su ality in the m usic w e ’ve m ade for o u r first album on Q w est R e c o rd s,” says Dan K uram oto. leader and fo u n d e ro f H iroshim a. “ T h e re ’s a new en erg y , a fre sh ­ n ess. and the kind o f co m m it­ m ent and love fo r m usic that b ro u g h t us to g e th e r in the first p la c e .” W ith seven b est-selling album s to th e ir c re d it, this e x c itin g se v ­ en -m em b er m u lti-c u ltu ra l band has c re a te d a loyal fo llo w in g am ong m usic lovers across the c o u n try . W ith th e re le a s e o f H iro sh im a L .A ., the gro u p is poised to reach au d ien ces w o rld ­ w ide w ith th e ir unique and d is­ tin c tiv e m usic. “ We nam ed this album after the city o f Los A ngeles because th is is w here we have our roots. M ost o f us w ere born and raised here, so we all have a very high stake in this city and its su c c e ss,” says K uram oto. “O ur new album isn ’t ju s t Jap an ese m usic, ja z z or Bad Luck & T rouble. Blues (as you may have guessed), Friday and Saturday, October 25 and 26, 9 p.m.. The Green Room, 2280 N.W Thurman St., 228-6178 Boka M arim ba. High-energy dance music from Zimbabwe, Sat­ urday, O ctober 26, Downtown Dance Cafe, 222 S.W. 4th Ave., 248-0449 Lisa M iller. Saturday,October 26,6 to 8 p.m. (with Marilee I lorde) and 9:30 p.m. (with Billy K. Q uar­ tet), Laurelthirst, 2735 E. Burnside. 232-5511 A kb ar Depriest. Saturday, O c­ tober 26,7 p in .. One o f Port land’s most enduring jazz drummers DePriest revs up with stellar quar tet to feature songs from his latest CD re le a se , C en tral A venue Roots.at the Buckley Center Audi­ torium, University o f Portland, 5000 N. N. Willamette Blvd., $10. Scwckuf, (6c 27(6 Joh n Fresk. Sunday, October 27, 7 :3 0 p.m . to m id n ig h t, Heathman Hotel and Restaurant 1001 S.W. Broadway, 241-4100. A lbcrgaand Bowes. Reed Col­ lege presents the extraordinary husband and wife duo ot pianist Eleanor Alberga and violinist Th­ omas Bowes, calling themselves double exposure. Sunday October 27th, 3 p.m., at the Vollum Lecture Hall, Reed College, free. R&B; it’s a m arriag e th at com es from d iffe re n t c u ltu re s and in flu ­ ences w e ’ve had th a t’s the real b asis for H iro sh im a ’s m u sic.” W ith a c o m m o n m u s ic a l 702 No Doubt Satccictatf (6c 26(6 Five Fingers of Funk, Fred W esley. Saturday, O ctober 26, Berbati’s Pan, 231 S.W. Ankeny St., 248-4579 d u c e d th e a lb u m w ith D an K u ra m o to and g ro u p m em b er K im o C o rn w e ll), e m p h asizes the J a p a n e s e f la v o r o f m u ch o f H iro sh im a ’s m usic, featuring tra ­ d itio n a l in stru m en ts such as the koto and the shakuhachi. I t’s a tune that K uram oto d e sc rib e s as “ a line through to our an c e sto rs, loved ones w ho have gone on, and our h e rita g e .” T he album clo se s with "O ne W orld, ’ a ro u sin g , upbeat p ie c e , fe a tu rin g the ta ik o drum th a t K uram oto notes, “ was in sp ired by o u r p a rtic ip a tio n in every free festiv al in L A over the last 15 years! We w ould find o u rse lv e s p lay in g next to m ariachi bands on one side and funk bands on the other. T he tune is trib u te to the c o -m in g lin g o f m usic that w e ’ve w itn e s s e d th ro u g h th e y e a rs.” th read, the ten cu ts on H iroshim a L A. do in d e e d r e f le c t H iro ­ sh im a 's d iv ersity . The opening cut, “ V oices" (C o-w ritten by June O kida K uram oto, w ho co -pro- • ★ ★ ★ ★ ! EXTRAORDINARY! THIS IS A FILM WITH A FULL MESSAGE FOR THE HEART AND THE MIND I” CNICACO SW TINES. *0M> EMU m , Ti Thursday, October J l, Spm. -9p.m. XWASHIMQTOMD.C. (Opening Day. 2S% markup) Friday. Novanber 1, 10a.m .-9p.m . Sunday. November 3. 10a m 3p.m. Don’t miss the great deals on sports equip­ ment. tools, treasures, linens, housewares, elec­ books and clothing It all benefits financial aid at / knew that / h ad fo u n d m y The Catlin Gabel School. S u p re m e * . " --M ic h a e l Bivins iQ 2 (I to r): K am eelah, Irish a n d L em isha Viva Las Vegas! The city o f bright lights, velveeta crooners, and long- legged showgirls nowj umps onto the scene with a new female trio. Vegas has always been known for forecast­ ing successful new talent, and these young ladies are bound to hit the jackpot. Meet 702, three brilliant new stars lighting up the R&B scene like a Vegas slot machine. Signed to BIV- 10 Records. The girls are a riot o f teenage ener­ gy, and can blow like nobody’s busi­ ness. Taking their name from the Las Vegas zipcode. 702 ism adeupof Irish and Lemisha Grinstead and Kameelah Williams. All have been singing al­ most since they could speak. “The album has something for everyone,” Michael Bivins adds. With such a mixture on their debut album, these ladies are definitely poised and ready for the spot light...No Doubt! r n catiin GABEL C T J SCHOOL T ig ar d C inem as 11626 SW PACIFIC HWV99 225 5555*462? IE X KR LLOYD CINEMAS ,510 NE MWTNOMAH OCT. J I-NO V. J MULTNOMAH COUNTY EXPO CENTER ROSE MOYER E vergreen P arkway 7 8ÎND AVENUE CINEMAS 16501 SE DIVISION 225 5555*4606 18STH A EVERGREEN PKWy 225 5555*4625 fflX 9600 SE 82ND «25 5555*4616 ST. JOHNS ■■ 286 1768 778 8O8O-5 [»TtRfoj CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES Dana Dain’s Music Galore & Galore Paging 3213 NE MLKJr. Blvd. (503)288-9180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , i i Activate Any Pager 25c ' ‘ with purchase of three m onths service at $10.00 per m onth | I____________________________________________________________ I Advertise In (Tlii' fJnvtlaiih Cell Phones - No Turn Downs No Credit Check Call for Details (Dliscruer Call 503-288-0033 Belle's > T o p e s fit C D s New perspectives on an age-old idea W hal are angels? Many people believe in M n t I h c sv l-' o X A H « p P r t S h e ld r a k e h angels, but few can define these enigmatic spirits. Now theologian Matthew Fox and biologist Rupert Sheldrake-pioneers in modern religious thinking and scientific theory-launch a ground-breaking exploration in to the ancient concept o f the angel in The Sales Price - Tapes $9.00 and CD’s $14.00 11:00 A M -7:00 PM 7 Days A Week Release Date Oct. 29th ( MILWAUKIE 3 ŒX http://www.sony.com My Sister Cynthia M. Taylor From Your Babv Brother Gregory GET ON THE BUS ¡ el ®* m NOW PLAYING Saturday. November 2. 10a.m. 6p m “ B hen I heard them sing, Just Turned Forty!! ROLLING STONE. Pitti Tuvtas CATLIN GABEL RUMMAGE SALE OCT. 31—NOV. 3 tronics, toys, pet and garden supplies, furniture, Oh Ny Lordy Guess Who PROVOCATIVE! THIS FILM HAS HUMOR. HEART. PRIDE AND AN INSPIRED CAST." Physics o f Angels (I larperCollins). And in Omens P H Y H IC S INpi«riR|r «h< itcAip. OF A .W E t S WhuK1 «< !•»nm inT «fièri» **.•<•» (503) 240-0557 (Riverhead Books) Harold Bloom reveals how the E-40 Yoyo Ghost Face Killa Mo-Thugs Mobbdeep Belle's Tapes & C D 's 1208 N. Killingsworth Street o f Millennium concept o f angels have always played a central role in Western culture. available at POW ELL’S C IT Y OF BOOKS 1005 W Burnside, downtown Portland • 503-228-4651 PO W ELL’S BO O KS AT C A S C A D E P L A Z A 8775 SW Cascade Avenue, Beaverton • 503-643-3131