Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1996, Page 8, Image 8

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    P ag e B?
O ctober 23, 1996 • Tm P o r ii . a n d O bserver
P o lic e A c a a
Protesters arrested at Pac West building
On W ednesday, O cto b e r 16,
1996, at 8:45 in the m orning, Cen­
tral Precinct u n ifo rm o ffice rs were
contacted by security officers at the
Pac West B u ild in g , 1211 SW 5th
Avenue, regarding unwanted pro­
testers, both inside the b u ild in g ,
and a pair o f protesters who were
rappelling dow n the east side o f the
b u ilding and attem pting to hang a
protest banner on the building.
The protesters claim ed to be w ith
the Rainforest A c tio n N etw ork and
were reportedly protesting against
the M isubishi Company
Inside the b u ild in g , near the ele­
vators that access the 16th through
30th floors, o ffice rs found three
individuals, tw o females and one
male, who had secured themselves
to two, fifty -fiv e gallon drums fille d
w ith solid concrete. The drums had
reportedly been brought into the
b u ild in g by protestors dressed as
delivery people, who had concealed
the drums in large cardboard boxes.
On the 25th flo o r, office rs found
a female who had assisted the tw o
males w ho were ra p p e llin g down
the side o f the building.
A g ro u p o fa p p ro x im a te ly 30 to 35
people, reportedly w ith the protest­
ors that were inside, and rappelling
down the b u ild in g , were on the east
side o f the Pac Wes, B uilding.
In order to secure the Pac West
B u ild in g , all available Central Pre­
cinct and T ra ffle D iv is io n personnel,
in clu d in g the comm ander o f Central
Precinct were required. TocoverC'en-
tral Precinct, personnel front the oth­
er four precincts had to be rede­
A t approxim ately 9:30 a.m., the
female who had assisted the tw o sub­
jects w ho had rappelled and were
suspended on the side o f the b u ild ­
ing, was taken into custody w ithout
incident , at approximately 10:30 a.m..
the three in d ivid u a ls who had se­
cured themselves to the concrete fi I led
barrels were freed and taken into
custody w ith o u t incident. A t approx­
im ately 11:30 a m ., the tw o subjects
who had rappe I led par, way down the
b u ild in g , clim bed back up to the ro o f
and were taken into custody w ithout
A ll six individuals were transport­
ed to the Justice Center where they
were processed, cited to appear in
court, and released
A ll six people taken in to custody
claim to be from Portland, Oregon
Arrested and charged were: Jeanne
M arie Patton. 28 years o f age, o f
3524 SE42nd Avenue, charged with
T h ird Degree C rim in a l M ischief.
M elissa Lynn S helly, 20 years o f
age, o f 7626 SE Clay Street, charged
w ith Second Degree Trespass. K yle
D onald Madsen, 27 years o f age, o f
7626 SF. C lay Street, charged w ith
Second Degree Trespass. Patti Frost
Jones, 42 years o f age, o f 630 SE
34th Avenue, charged w ith Second
Degree Trespass. W illia m M ichael
G rover, 30 years o f age, o f 2548 SE
A nkeny Street, charged w ith Sec­
ond Degree C rim in a l M isch ie f, and
Second Degree Trespass.
A nthony C raig M itchel 1,22 years
o f age, o f 7626 SE C lay Street,
charged w ith Second Degree C rim ­
inal M isch ie f, and Second Degree
A total o f th irty -fo u r (3 4 ) Police
Bureau personnel and fourteen (1 4 )
Fire Bureau personnel had to be
called in on this one incident.
Crime Stoppers: Wanted Subject
scene on foot, and is s till at large.
C rim e Stoppers, in cooperation
w ith the Lake Oswego Police de­
partment, is asking fo r your help in
locating and apprehending Dwayne
A d d itio n a l warrants are on file
charging Kennedy w ith Parole V i­
olation, B urglary, and P ublic Inde­
Michael Kennedy.
Felony arrest warrants are on
Dwayne M ichael Kennedy is de­
scribed as a 26-year-old w hite male,
w ith a b irth date o f July 4, 1970.
K ennedy stands 6 ’ 0 0 " ta ll, and
weighs 170 pounds w ith light brown
hairand brown eyes. He is know n to
tile in Clackamas C ounty, charg­
ing Kennedy w ith Escape, Assault,
Kidnap, Reckless Endangering, and
Failure to Perform the Duties o f a
D river at the Scene o f an Accident.
The charges stem from an incident
which occurred in Lake Oswego on
M ay 17, 1996.
D u rin g the in cid e n t, o ffic e rs
from the Clackamas C ounty Sher­
iff’ s O ffice and the Lake Oswego
Police Department were attem pt­
ing to arrest Kennedy after spott i ng
him in a m otor vehicle. In an e ffo rt
D w ayne M ic h a e l K e n n e d y
to escape, K ennedy in te n tio n a lly
rammed his truck into a police car,
in ju rin g the o ffice r. Kennedy fled the
frequent the area o f dow ntow n Port­
C rim e Stoppers is o ffe rin g a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 fo r in fo rm a ­
tion. reported to C rim e Stoppers,
w hich leads to an arrest in this case,
o r any unsolved felony crim e, and
you can rem ain anonymous. C all
C rim e stoppers at (503) 823-H E LP .
SE Ash Street Homicide
A s h , o ffic e r s fo u n d the b o d y o f
an N a tiv e -A m e ric a n m ale w h o
tation ju st p rio r to the shooting
patched to the area o f SE 3rd A v e ­
nue, between SE A nkeny Street
and SE Ash Street, on a report o f
a p peared to have d ie d fro m a
gunshot w ound.
A cco rd in g to investigators, the
deceased, w ho is as o f yet s till uni­
shots being fired.
In the stre e t, at SE 3 rd and
d e ntified, and one other individual
apparently had some sort o f co n fro n ­
A t this stage o f their investiga­
tion, investigators are s till c o m p il­
ing info rm a tio n on the other in d i­
vidual involved.
N o arrests have been made and
the investigation is continuing.
On Thursday, O ctober 17,1996,
at 7:19 in the evening. Southeast
Precinct U n ifo rm O fficers were dis­
RSVP names volunteer of the year
Connie Hanner, W oodland, has
been named 1996 V olunteer o f the
Year, and Fort V ancouver National
provide support, and helping victim s
through the crim inal justice process.
She is also an advocate advisor fo r
Others nominated fo r volunteers
o f the year include Lora A llre d ,
M argaret A ndring, the late B ill
H istoric Site cited as the V olunteer
Station o f the Y ear by the Retired
other volunteers in the program. A
longtime Vancouver resident, Hanner
C atlin, P hyllis Dale, Ernie Dyer,
Jim Gould, M ary Harris, H arold
and S enior V o lu n te e r Program
(RSVP). The awards are named for
the late Gus Bacharach, a longtim e
RSVP member and activist.
Hanner was nominated by the
Y W C A o f C la rk C ounty fo r her
w ork w ith the Sexual Assault Pro­
gram, fo r her “ exceptional dedica­
tion and com m itm ent to clients and
to the program ." Her w o rk includes
giving support to rape victim s, tak­
ing phone calls through the night to
recently moved to W oodland
A s the Station o f the Year, Fort
Vancouver was honored fo r its 130-
H ilm er, Lavern K im b a ll, Donna
Jean L a m o re u x , P h y llis M c ­
C o rm ic k , L o is N o rd s tro m and
mernber Volunteers in the Park Pro­
gram (V IP ). Am ong those are 15
RSVP volunteers w ho contributed
Helen Rector.
The awards were made at a rec­
ognition luncheon Saturday, O cto­
over 1,500 hours in 1996 and whose
ber 5.
RSVP is sponsored in the C lark
assignments range from historic gar­
dening, blacksinithing and interpre­
County area by the V ancou ver Parks
tation fo r park visitors, to adm inis­
tra tive and maintenance tasks and
and Recreation Department. For ad­
d itio n al inform ation, call B obbi
special events work
Casanova, director, at 6 9 6 -8 2 2 1.
Counsel addresses invalidity issue
A fte r review ing the O ctober I
decision by the Southwest Wash­
ington G row th Management Board,
and after consulting w ith the out­
side counsel o f Foster, Pepper and
Shefelman, as w e ll as meeting w ith
the C lark C ounty Board o f C o m ­
missioners, county counsel Rich
Low ry has determined the fo llo w ­
The in v a lid ity determ inations by
growth board that pertain to the
Forest, A g ricu ltu ra l and Rural Es-
tate D istricts affect o n ly the process­
ing ofdevelopm ent applications filed
tober I deadline, and fo llo w e d by a
complete development application
after 3:02 p.m. on O ctober I, 1996.
filed in a tim ely manner after O cto ­
Therefore, all completed develop­
ment applications file d before that
tim e and date are vested and w ill be
processed by the county. The county
w ill also process perm its fo r con­
struction w ith in a plat recorded w ith ­
in the p rio r five years.
Some applications may be pro­
cessed after October I , however A
pre-application filed before the O c­
ber I, may still be processed. Pro­
cessing may occur i f the applica­
tion is substantially the same as the
project outlined in the pre-applica­
Developm ent a pplications in ­
clude all land use and construction
proposals, other than plum bing and
mechanical code perm its and per­
mits fo r models or repairs.
More Meals On Wheels for seniors
The meals on wheels program
w ho are unable to leave home w ith ­
The Meals on Wheels program
for Clark C ounty is lo o kin g fo r se­
niors in need o f assistance.
out assistance.
Meals are delivered by volunteers.
Special diets are accommodated.
Donations and food stamps are ac­
is administered by the Vancouver
Parks and Recreation Department.
For questions or to sign up fo r
Meals on wheels provides n u tri­
tio n a lly b a la n c e d m e a ls fo r
homebound people 60 and older
this service call Senior Inform ation
and Assistance, 360-696-8144.
Sole surviving member
of General’s staff to deliver lecture
H. M e rrill Pasco, a mem ber o f
future generations.
General George C. M a rsh a ll’ s per­
sonal staff, w ill d e live r V ancou­
ver’ s eighth annual M arshall Lec­
ture on Friday, N ov. 8 from 11:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Pasco is a retired lawyer from
Richm ond, V A . He was a Colonel in
the U.S. A rm y. D uring w o rld W ar II
he served Z5s Secretary o f the W ar
General M arshall was a W o rld
War ll-e ra hero who commanded
Vancouver Barracks from 1936-
38 He is best remembered as the
mastermind o f the reconstruction
plan fo r w a r-to rn Europe after
W orld W ar II.
sonally assisted General M arshall.
The M a rsh a ll’ s lecture focuses
on preserving General M a rsh a ll’ s
legacy o f courage, leadership, de­
cency and dedication to duty fo r
Departm ent General S ta ff and per­
For his A rm y service w ith Gener­
al M arshall, Pasco was awarded the
A rm y ’ s distinguished Service Medal
and was made an H onorary O ffic e r
o f the m ilita ry d ivisio n o f the Order
o f the B ritish Empire.
When he was appointed Secretary
o fth e W ar Department General S ta ff
in 1945, he was promoted to the rank
o f C olonel at the age o f 29.
Colonel Pasco was graduated
w ith academic d istinction from the
V irg in ia M ilita ry Institute and the
U n iversity o fV irg in ia Law School,
where he was a member o f the
editorial board o fth e V irg in ia Law
He and his w ife, Carrington, have
four children and 14 grandchildren,
and reside in Richmond, V A .
Tickets to the lecture are sold
through the Vancouver Chamber
o f Commerce by table (350) or
in d ivid u a lly ($20).
Seating is by reservation only.
C all 694-2588 fo r ticket inform a­
Police Department Reorganization
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Vancouver C h ie f o f Police Doug
Maas is announcing prelim inary re­
organization and reassignments o f
command staff. C h ie f Maas state that
“ the swiftness o f these changes is
required due to the tremendous de­
mands immediately facing the de­
partment.” These demands include
preparing fo r major annexations, in i­
tiating com m unity policing, the need
for internal improvements and de­
veloping interlocal partnerships.
Steel studded tires w ill be chew­
ing up a little less pavement starting
Novem ber 1. T h a t’s when new state
law goes into effect banning the sale
o f steel studded tires in Oregon. The
sale o f lighter studs made o f a lu m i­
num o r polym er plastic is allow ed.
Past studies showed steel studded
tires cause about $10 m illio n to $15
m illio n in road damage each year.
Recent analysis pushed that damage
figure higher.
“ W e ’ re lo o kin g at around $42
m illio n damage a year to Oregon
roads," said O D O T deputy D irector
Ken Husby. "T h a t’ s about three times
as much as o rig in a lly thought.”
Make your opinion count.
Remember to vote on November 5th.
♦ Flattening the organization to
increase command s ta ffs span o f
control and assigned responsibil ities.
♦ S trengthening internal opera­
tions management so that the C h ie f
can focus on b u ild in g com m unity
and interlocal partnerships.
♦ D e v e lo p in g the capabilities o f
command staff.
♦ Developing Lieutenants as Pre­
cinct Commanders, responsible for
geographic areas o f the city.
♦ Strengthening organizational
planning, performance analysis and
financial capabilities.
♦ D eveloping structure fo r lia i­
son w ith other ju risd ictio n s.
The reorganization includes cre­
ation o f a Deputy C h ie f position.
T h is fig u re is a p re lim in a ry esti­
mate based on a statistical model
used p rio r to a new study now in
progress. Those results are expected
by the end o f the year. The law, past
tw o years ago, gave retailers a cush­
ion to reduce their steel stud invento­
ry and phase in the lig h tw e ig h t studs.
A c c o r d in g to
R ic h a rd C.
abled dealers to reduce their in vento-
ry and bring in the lightw eight studs.”
I he German-and-French-manu-
factured studs are quieter, and are
reported to reduce road damage by
up to 50 percent. This figure comes
from a controlled study conducted
recently in Finland and Sweden. Also,
the new studs are 50 percent lighter
Nordness, executive d ire cto r o f the
than the steel studs and w ill cost con­
N orthw est T ire Dealers Association,
sumers only a couple o f dollars more.
Studded tires are legal from N o­
vember I to A p ril 30. They are used
based in K ennewick, Washington,
Oregon dealers are stocked w ith the
new lightw eight studs.
“ Oregon tire dealers should be
ready fo r this com ing w in te r,” said
Nordness. The tw o-year cushion en-
on about 20 percent o f all vehicles in
Oregon. This figure represents about
40 percent east o f the Cascades and
about 15 percent to the west.
Emerald Awards anquet
men at our 6th Emerald Awards Ban­
quet, Friday, N ovem ber 8, 1996, at
These principles included:
♦ Developing immediate capabil­
ity to initiate Community Policing.
New law takes bite
out of steel-studded tires
A lpha Kappa A lpha S orority, Inc.,
Zeta Sigma Chapter, w ill be honor­
ing outstanding A frica n Am erican
C h ie f Maas outlined the p rin ci­
ples that guided his reorganization.
Shenanigan’ s on the W 'illam ette.
4575 N. Channel Avenue, Portland,
beginning at 6:30 p.m. T his year’ s
honorees are: Gerald McFadden, Paul
K n a u ls . A a ro n W a lk e r, L e o n
M cK enzie, M ichael Jordan, Dapo
Sobomehin, Charles Moose
A lpha Kappa A lpha S orority. Inc.
is the oldest sorority founded by and
fo r black women in the United States,
I ables are available at a cost o f
$300.00(ten guests per table). A lpha
founded at Howard U niversity, in
Kappa Alpha is a n o n-profit organi­
1908. Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter,
w hich has given forty-one years o f
service in Portland, uses this p ro ­
zation w ith a 501(cX 7) status. We
w ill be glad to provide our Federal
E m p lo ye r Id e n tific a tio n N u m b e r
gram as one o f i t ’ s endeavors to
provide scholarships funds to de­
serving women who are enrolled in a
fo u r year col lege program and to pay
upon receipt o t your confirm ation.
We w ould like to thank you for
helping us keep this project viable.
tribute to men, in o u r com m unity,
w ho have and are m aking a s ig n ifi­
cant co ntribution
Sincerely—The Emeralds Awards
Committee, Pamela Gaines, Bobbie
Nunn, Sandra Brame, Lorraine Hood-
Jack, President