Tin: P ortland O hsi rvlr • O ctober 23, 1996 (Tlie |3ortlani> (lf)bserUcr P agi A3 J i BUSINESS BRIEFS Do You Know How to Write A Resume? A workshop entitled Resumes Made Easy willbe presented by Boly/Welch Career Management Services. To take place on Tues­ days October 29, November 19, and 26,1996. The workshops start at 6:00 p.m. and go till 7:30 p.m. Call 452-9999 for information and reservations. Imagine Loving Your Work! A workshop entitled Imagine Loving Your Work' will be pre­ sented by Boly/Welch Career Man­ agement Services. To take place on Saturdays starting October 26, 1996. The workshops start at 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. C all452-9999 for information and reservations. Boost your business with a diverse workforce The W ednesday, October 30, in sta llm e n t o f the B u sin e ss Roundtable o f the Beaverton Area Chamber o f Commerce will fea­ ture M r.Catarino Soto o f Interface Network Inc. with a presentation e n title d “ B o o stin g B u sin e ss T hroug h D iv e rsity .” H eld at M cM enamin's Pub& Restaurant, 2927 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. In Beaverton and starts at 7:00 a m. There is a $2 charge for coffee and a muffin. Call the chamber at 644- 0123 for more information. Stay sharp with weekly sales forum On Thursday, October 31, Bea­ verton area businesses are invited to attend a free sales forum, de­ signed to help salespeople stay focused and motivated. Hosted by Bob Ward o f Bob Ward Auto Sales and Leasing and sponsored by the Beaverton A reaC ham berofC om - merce. The Bob Ward Sales forum is held every Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at the BG Westgate Plaza, 3800 Cedar Hills Blvd., room 155 in Beaverton. Admis­ sion is free with donations accept­ ed for coffee. McCormick’s to host area businesses O n F rid a y , N o v e m b e r I, M corm ick's Fish House and Bar and the Beaverton Area Chamber ofC om m erce will host a network­ ing event for Beaverton area busi­ nesses. Networking begins at 8am at M cCormick’s, 9945 SW Bea­ verton-Hillsdale Hwy, in Beaver­ ton. Admission is free and all area businesses are invited to attend. mance U.S. says child labor declining in Central America Ethical standards that have been widely adopted by U S. garment im­ porters may be helping to reduce child labour in some Central Ameri­ can countries, a Labour Department report concluded on Monday. The department said 36 o f the 45 large U.S. apparel importers it sur­ veyed have adopted codes of con­ duct within the last five years that included bans on the employment o f children younger than 15. At the same time the report found that over the past two years fewer children in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Hondu­ ras were working in shops that make garments destined for the United States. “ Private industry now recognises that it can take steps to make sure boys and girls are not robbed of their childhood,” Labour Secretary Rob­ ert Reich said in a statement. But, he added, “No code is worth the paper it’s printed on without strict enforcement o f its requirements.” The report, the third in a series on international child labour, said many companies have no way o f checking to see if their codes were being fol­ lowed in garment-producing coun­ tries. It also noted that it had to rely on anecdotal information since there were no reliable statistics on child labour. Besides the adoption o f codes o f conduct, the report credited the down- ward trend in child labour on greater public awarenss o f the problem, less reliance on subcontractors in the gar­ ment industries o f exporting coun­ tries and concern by exporters that importers may ban all child-made products. “ Most likely all o f these factors have worked in a mutually reinforc­ ing way to reduce the use o f child labour in the export sector,” the re­ port said. The report was based on the sur­ veys o f garment importers and visits by department officials to 70 apparel plants in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, In­ dia and the Philippines that make clothing for American companies. I hose six countries account for 15 to 20 percent of the nearly $35 billion in garments that the United States imports from 160 countries, accord­ ing to Andrew Samet, who heads the department's Bureau o f Internation­ al l.abour Affairs. Although the report found that child labour was down significantly in the Central American countries, it found that children in the Philippines and India continued to work for sub­ contractors at home, w here work was difficult to detect. “Codes o f conduct are not a pan­ acea,” said the report. “Child labour remains a serious problem, with hun­ dreds o f millions o f working chil­ dren around the world.” A previous report found a sharp drop in child labour in Bangladesh But it also said thousands of those children were dismissed from their jobs with no immediate safety net. "Thus it is possible that in the absence o f government programmes to assist the children, the precipitous dismissal o f child workers can en- usiness Have you been dream ing o f running your own business? The thought o f doing something you really enjoy, setting your own hours and being your own boss can be pretty attractive. But getting started is a big step, requiring a lot o f work and financial preparation. Two publications from Metl.ife and the U .S. Sm all B usiness Administration can help get you ready to take that step. Starting a Business will equip you with the basics o f entrepreneurship. And Running a Business helps you make decisions that can strengthen your business, and make it grow, l or a free copy o f both publications, send your name and address to Business Basics, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. Take the quiz in Starting a Business to see if you have the skills and personality traits you’ll need to be a business success. You'll also learn how to choose the type of China disagrees with U.S. figures C hinese o fficials on M onday voiced disagreement with Sino-U.S. trade figures announced by Wash­ ington last week, saying goods in entrepot and processing trades should not be counted as Chinese exports. "W e have always disagreed with United States’ statistical data,” an official with the Ministry o f Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation said by telephone. The U.S. Commerce Department said last Friday the U.S. trade deficit with China had swelled to $24.25 billion in the first eight m onthsofthis year from $21.8 billion in the same period last year. ImportsofChinese-made items like toys and Christmas decorations had jumped $301.8 million in August while clothing imports were up $86.9 mil­ lion from July, U.S. figures showed. danger, rather than protect them,” it said. The report considered the term child labour to mean work that pre- vented school attendance, rather than light work performed by teens after school or apprenticeships Many Chinese goods had been exported to the U.S. through a third nation or territory, the official said, adding that Washington was wrong to count every item with a made-in- China label as being a direct export from China, the official said. “China’s entrepot and processing trade are reasonable, and cannot be included in C hina’s exports to the United States,” he said. business you want to run, select a lo c a tio n and e v a lu a te y o u r competition. Find out how to get the money you'll need to start your business, and what you must con­ sider legal ly before setting up shop. O nce y o u ’ve gotten started. Running a B usiness helps you decide how to market your product or service, find solid business advi­ sors, and hire and manage loyal employees. Y ou'll also learn basic inform ation about p atents and tradem arks, and find out what special things you'll need to con­ sider if you work from your home, or if your business will be owned and run by family members. When you write for the Business Basics publications, y o u 'll also receive a free copy ofthe Consumer Information Catalog, listing more than 200 free and low-cost federal p u b lic a tio n s on a v a rie ty o f consumer topics. Current Employment In Oregon The Oregon unemployment rate is 5.0%-down 0 .4 from August, com­ pared to the national unemploy­ ment rate of 5.2%-up 0 .1 from August (seasonally adjusted). Oregon’s seasonally adjusted un­ employment ratedeclined four-tenths o f a percentage point to 5.0 percent in September, according to figures released today by the Oregon Em­ ployment Department. Septem ber had the lowest unemployment rate in six months. With the exception o f August 1996, O regon’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has been below the national rate for the past three years. Septem ber's unemployment decrease marks a return to O regon's recent historical patern. “The decrease in the unemploy­ ment rate should not come as a sur­ prise. O regon’s seasonally adjusted employment has increased steadily over the last three months,” said Jef­ frey Dreiling, a Research Analyst with the Employment Department Oregon has added 21,200 jobs since June, compared with 25,100 added during the first six months o f 1996. file monthly survey o f business­ es, conducted by the Employment ' Department, showed 7,200 season­ ally adjusted jobs were added in Sep­ tember. Most industries experienced employment gains North-Northeast Business Association’s Awards Banquet The N orth-N ortheast Business Association will hold its Tenth An­ nual “ E x cellence In B u sin e ss” Awards Banquet on November 6, 1996 at the Red Lion-Lloyd Center Hotel at 1000 NE Multnomah, be­ ginning at 6:00 p.m. six awards will be presented to outstanding business and persons active in the North- Northeast area. The keynote speaker wi 11 be Barut i Artharee, Director o f the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department. Mr. Artharee will ad­ dress the banquet theme, “Teaming Up for Results." Mr. Artharee will highlight the many developments and projects taking place in N-NE Port­ land. I le will specifically address the efforts and accomplishments o f the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Main Street project in progress. Mr. Ken Boddie, KOIN-TV 6 weekend anchor and business report­ er. will serve as Master O f Ceremo­ nies. This event high lights business and community success stories o f North- N ortheast Portland during 1996. Three awards are given in the areas o f Business and Economic Develop­ ment to a small, medium and large business which exempli ties the asso­ ciation’s goals o f creating opportu­ nities and enhancing the quality o f life in the area. A community service award and an effective government award are presented to individuals or groups which have made significant contributions to the community over the past year. Advance registration is encour­ aged. A limited number o f tickets will be available at the door. For information call 284-3093. Were more than a power company. We're pour neighbors, too. that's why its important for us to actively support education, the arts, community and business development and other events that enhance quality of life and enrich the entire community Wall Street in selling mode W eakness in bonds and high tech stocks is dragging down the Dow Jones industrial average. In early-afternoon trading, the Dow was off 33.17 points at 6,057.70, and the Nasdaq composite index was down 18 .15 at 1,2 18.26. Ana­ lysts say technology stocks have had strong moves recently and were overextended. GENERAL BUSINESS MANAGER s L / o m e of the most important energy provided by Pacific Power doesn't travel along utility poles, Arrest in Japan The man at the center o f Japan’s largest financial scandal was ar­ rested today. Yasuo Hamanaka was taken into custody on the same day prosecutors raided his home in sub­ urban Tokyo. Hamanaka alleged­ ly falsified documents while work­ ing as a powerful copper trader at Japan’s Sumitomo Corp. His deals allegedly cost the company $2.6 billion in losses. Health Insurance Still Problem According to a study, insurance coverage and access to affordable care remains a pressing problem for millions o f Americans. One o f three people surveyed reported go­ ing uninsured for at least part o f 1995 flow through power lines or pass through any meter. It's our power to make a difference— something we do year-round by actively supporting programs and special events unique to our community. True, this kind of energy can't illuminate a single light bulb. But over time, it could help our entire community shine. Sheila Holden or Carl Talton, (503) 282-4319 # PACIFIC POW ER A Division of PacifiCorp I I «