Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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P agi C2
io n i R
23, 1996 • T he P ori land O bserver
Through our own eyes
Por nuestros proprios ojos
"H iten / take a picture / fe el like
I am making art. The thing I like
most about photography is that when
I take a picture, / know that no one
else could ever take a picture exact­
ly like it. H hen someone sees one o f
my pictures, I want them to se what
I saw and feel what I felt, but I also
want them to have their own feel­
ings. That, to me, is Ihe most impor­
tant thing about art."
—Nick Long, student.
Amigos de las Americas
Amigos de las A m ericas provides summer service opportunities to
young people who want to get to know another culture and improve living
conditions in Latin America. Meet O cto b er 23 at the Metropolitan
Learning Center, 2033 NW Glisan. For information cal I: 231-9355 or 234-
Hispanic Poetry Conference
Renowned Argentinian poet Juan Gelman heads the cast o f guest poets
from Bolivia, Chile, Cuba. Mexico, Puerto Rico, Peru and the U S . reading
it the U niversity of O regon In te rn a tio n a l Poetry C onference O c to b e r
24-26 in Eugene. Call (541) 346-4039 for information.
“ In a time where life seems in­
creasingly fragile, it is difficult for
anyone to stand tall. We will all be
knocked down Growing up in such
real and underprivileged worlds, it is
inconceivable to imagine finding the
strength that these young adults find
each and every day. The young pho­
tographers in straight shooting face
their world with a sensitivity that, at
many times, seems too perceptive.
They are consciously aware o f the
failures o f our society.
“ Flooding our darkroom s with
clearly seen photographs o f magical
and beautifully truthful images, these
students remind us o f the power o f
photography as an art. It is an art o f
looking at our world. While anyone
can take a picture, only these young
adults could have made these photo­
Only these young adults could have
evoked these dreamlike scenes o f
oppression, or their undying love for
family in a single image. We are all
privileged to learn from their work.
“All o f us involved, the students
and the mentors, had to reach out
towards each other’s worlds. The
understanding and strength gained is
inexplicable. The relationships formed
and photographs created in this pro­
gram are testament to the extreme
value of our society working together.
There is pain, sorrow, and oppression
in our country. There is also self-
confidence, grace and pride amidst it
all. I’he students in Straight Shooting
have taught us this with their insightful
photographs and strength o f spirit. I
thank them all.”— Adam Ogilvie,
Mentor and Coordinator.
"Che" Guevara film shown
I lie Argentinian-born revolutionary's life is reconstructed in the docu-
mentary "The Bolivian Diaries", O cto b er 25 & 26, at 7 & 9 pm, at the
N orthw est Film C en ter. Call 287-9806 for information.
Flamenco Guitarist at Cafe Sol
flam enco guitarists Victor "el Agua"and Stephen Seavey will accom­
pany singer Raphaela de Cadiz and a special guest dancer from 8:00 pm to
10 ft) pm Saturday, Octover 25 at Cafe Sol, 620 SW 9th Ave. Call 243-
2161 for information.
Hispanic Chamber meets
I he H ispanic M etro p o litan C h a m b e r o f C om m erce's monthly lun­
cheon will be held Tuesday, O cto b er 2 9 at The Benson I lotel. Networking
starts at 11: 30. Guest speakers will be Democratic Senate candidate fom
Bruggere and Republican candidate Gordon Smith. Call 281-7079 to
reserve your seat. This event is sponsored by PG & E.
Gloria Rolando, Cuban film director
Afro-Cuban film director Gloria Rolando, head o f the Havana-based
independent film-making group. Imagines del Caribe, will show and
discuss her films "Oggun" and "My footsteps in Baragua" on Wednesday
O c to b e r 30, at 7:30 pm, at the N orthw est Film Studies C enter. Call 287-
9806 for information regarding the showing and reception.
Latina Leadership Summit
f eatured keynote speaker Dr. Lydia Ledesma-Reese will discuss "The
I .at ina Superwoman Syndrome" at the Latina Leadership summit on Friday
N ovem ber I . in Seattle. The event is sponsored by Nordstrom and Image
de Seattle and includes a Coaltition-buiIding Workshop. Anna Maria
Arias. Editor o f Latina Style Magazine is also featured. Registration is $50.
Contact Cecelia Contreras at (206) 553-2899 or Sandra Madrid at (206)
543-0199 for information.
Hispanic orphans need parents
N orthw est A doption Fam ilies A ssociation (NAFA) will provide
information on domestic and international adoption at NAFA's Adoption
l air at the Galleria, 921 SW Morrison, on Saturday. N ovem ber 2. from
10:00 am to 5:00 pm. This event is in support o f National Adoption
Awareness Month. Contact Deborah or Lynn at (503) 222-9661.
Each spring. Straight Shooting
prov ides a small group o f young
people from six counties with ail
opportunity to learn photograph­
ic skills and develop self esteem,
allovvingthem toexploreand find
expression through the use of a
camera. C ontact: Jeff Nunn,
P roject C o o rd in a to r, O regon
Com m ission on C h ild ren an d
Families in Salem (503) 373-1283.
Pre-Columbian art & jewelry exhibit
opens in Portland
An exhibition o f Pre-Columbian art and jewelry from Mexico, Central
and South America will be shown in Portland through November at A bante
Fine A rt, a private art gallery located on the corner o f Second Street and
Yamhill, adjacent to the MAX line. For information, call Rudi Milpacher
al (503)295-2508.
Photographs exhibited at Miracle Theater
Photographs by award-winning photographer Francisco Rangel are on
display in the lobby o f the M iracle T h e a te r, at 525 SF. Stark Street in
Portland. Call 236-7253 for viewing times.
Photo by Marisol De la Rosa, age 12, from Nyssa, in Malheur County.
In our own words
Michoacan copper vessels
A rt of the People is hosting an exhibition o f handmade copper vessels
from Michoacan through the month o f October at 818 SWFirst Street in
Portland. These vessels were each created from solid copper ingots in a
Pre-Columbian method used by the Purepecha Indians for centuries before
Europeans arrived in the Americas. Call (503) 221-0569
En nuestras proprias palabras
What It Is To Be An American
"Chavez" play in final week
Continued from Metro, page B I
"Chavez reflects the folkloric tradition o f Latino theater that arises from
the Miracle plays in Medieval Europe. The message is couched in iconic
symbols and it is both simple and powerful"—Steve Friedman o f the
Metropolitan Human Rights Commission comments. Call 236-7253 for
show nines for the play inspired by Cesar Chavez.
R on W alanda ,
O pportunity S chool
My family is Puerto Rican W eare
American citizens by birth even
though Puerto Rico is not officially a
state. Puerto Ricans have al I the same
privileges o f citizenship as any other
To be an American is to live in this
country knowing that you have the
freedom and power to choose your
government; to be whatever you wanl
to be; to practice your religion and
Oregon Latino Voter Registration
Drive needs volunteers
OLV R E P needs volunteers to help encourage voter participation in the
November 5 general election Cash contributions are welcome, too.
Contact (503) 375-3808 in Salem for more information on how you can
help this statewide effort. S u voto es su voz.
Portland Observador seeks youth writers
I he Portland Observador is seeking essays by young writers for our In
Our Own W ords(En Nuestras Proprias Palabras) feature. We would like
to publish your thoughts, feelings and experiences from a Hispanic
perspective Contact Editor. The Portland Observador. 4747 NF Martin
I uther King Jr. Blvd. Portland OR 9 7 2 11 Please include the name o f the
school you attend and a daytime phone number.
In O u r O w n W o r d s (E n
N uestras P ro p ria s P alab ras)
will be a re g u la r fe a tu re of The
P o rtland O bserv a d o r, offering
to H ispanic youth the o p p o r­
tunity to ex press th e ir thoughts
and feelings— and to describe
th e ir experiences— as a L atino
in a predom inantly Anglo en­
vironm ent. The O b se rv a d o r
en courages o u r young read ers
to subm it their own w riting
and a p h o tograph and we will
try to find space in o u r pages
for you.
Agencies net thousands of fake Levi’s
Agents o f the Mexican govern­
m ent's General Administration of
Customs and the Mexican Institute
o f Industrial Property ( IMPI) have
recently raided an international op­
eration involved in the manufacture
and distribution o f illegal counterfeit
Levi's(R) merchandise.
The raid resulted in the seizure of
7.100 pairs o f counterfeit Levi's(R)
5()I(R) and silverTab(TM ) jeans
from a makeshift warehouse in a
residential area o f Mexico City on
September 27.
In connection with the seizure.
Mexican government officials have
cited the owner of the counterfeit
merchandise, a Mexican citizen, for
trademark and customs violations
under Mexican law Several I I S. cit­
izens are also believed to be involved
Cl 0 accused of trading university funds
M exico's largest university has
accused its chief financial officer o f
playing the stock market with its
The National Autonomous Uni­
versity o f Mexico (UNAM ) said it
had asked Mexican authorities to in­
vestigate the executive, M iguel
Solorzano Albores, who has been
missing for a month.
A UNAM statement said Solor­
zano misused university funds to buy
and sell shares on the stock market
through broker Jose Sanchez. Pizzini.
the jailed former head o f Mexican
your culture freely. That's the reason
why other people come to this coun­
try because o f the opportunity. Peo­
ple just come here with an idea or
dream and they can make it a reality.
But, some people cannot see the
opportunities that this country offers
and what it is to be an American
They don’t realize the opportunity
that this country offers and what it is
to be an American They don't real­
ize the opportunity that's here. They
complain, not know ing what it is to
be persecuted because you don't have
the right to speak freely.
To be an American is to be free.
brokerage Estrategia Bursátil.
The university said it discovered
Solorzano's trades when reviewing
its relationsip with the troubled bro­
kerage, which was taken over by the
government last year after authori­
ties found financial irregularities.
The UNAM said it was not clear
how much money Solorzano may
have bilked the university.
Broker Sanchez Pizzini was ar­
rested in July on charges o f master­
minding a $47 million swindle with
the former treasurer o f the state-run
Mexican Social Security Institute
in the counterfeiting operation but
have not yet been cited pending fur­
ther investigation.
The raid, which netted 6,700 pairs
o f counterfeit Levi’s(R) 501 (R ) and
4 0 0 p a irs o f fake l.e v i’s(R )
silverTab(TM )jeans, represents one
ofthe largest seizures o f bogus Levi's
merchandise this year.
According to Tim O ’Neil, Assis­
tant Regional Director for Brand Pro­
tection at LS&CO.’s San Francisco
world headquarters, the seizure last
Friday demonstrates the increasing
effectiveness o f government agen­
cies around the world in combating
the distribution of counterfeit mer­
“ We consider consumer confi­
dence and trust in the quality o f our
products to be among our most valu-
able assets and we take the job o f
protecting them very seriously,”
O 'N eil said. “The government o f
Mexico has done an impressive job
o f enforcing the trademark and cus­
toms laws that help us protect the
confidence and trust o f the people
who wear our products.”
The individual cited by the Mex­
ican customs and IMPI agents at the
time o f the raid is believed to have
been operating a clandestine manu­
facturing operation in Mexico City
in which workers were producing
garments from their homes. Last
w eek's raid took place at a private
residence in Mexico City where the
counterfeit merchandise had not only
been stored but where it may also
have been produced, according to
LS&CO officials
strikes at
Spain agreed on Monday to ex­
tradite a fugitive banker wanted in
Mexico on $60 million fraud charg­
es and threw another top banker
back into jail, authorities said
A joint statement by Mexico’s At­
torney General’s Office and Foreign
Ministry said Ricardo Javier Armas
Arroyo, formerly chief legal officer
o f Banca Union, had three days to
appeal the extradition ruling.
The banker, arrested in Madrid
in September 1995, is considered
one o f the men closest to Carlos
Cabal Peniche, form er head of
Banca Union, who has been on the
run since 1994, when the bank col­
lapsed amid charges he approved
unsecured loans, the statement said.
Separately, Mexican bank chief
Angel Isidoro Rodriguez Saez was
taken back to jail in Madrid on Mon­
day after a judge revoked a ruling
placing him under house arrest.
Rodriguez Saez looks earned him
the nickname o f “EI Divino” (“The
Divine O ne”) after he became the
youngest financier to buy a bank in
M exico’s privatisation programme.
Saez is also awaiting extradition
proceedings. He was arrested by
Spanish authorities in July while
sailing his yacht. Moon Dance, near
the Spanish island o f Ibiza.
The latest charge he faces is that
his bank, Banpais SA, granted a loan
to a company he owned without go­
ing through proper channels, causing
a loss of about 60 million pesos ($8
million), the Attorney General's Of­
fice and Foreign Ministry said